Despite what the media might have you believe is the most important thing to have you pay attention to (that Biden is old), it seems that the general public is more interested in learning about something else: Project 2025. Not that many appear to be...
My mom a brown person liked trump last election whilst my father who follows politics hated him. Some people just don't know and that's a problem. My mom now hates him.
Ypur the fucking problem here. Going to extremes and shouting at teacher aboyt how you hate each other is exactly what both sides want. They want you distracted with your petty little issues while they consolidate your wealth in their pockets.
You used to be the laughibg stock of the western world and it seems that all Americans regardless of political outlook have no intention of changing that.
Don't date conservatives, don't sleep with them, don't befriend them, don't associate with them, being MAGA should result in your total ostracization. Unless you're in a situation where you have to, where cutting ties or ending the relationship/friendship will make you unsafe or put your livelihood or your home life at risk, you should cut them off. I cut ties with a lot of old friends who became conservatives. It's not a normal tolerable thing to be conservative. No one who believes the things they do should be tolerated. Their beliefs should, at the least, come at the cost of their relationships and friendships.
Conservatives do not respect human rights and human dignity. They do not believe that men and women are equal, that rich and poor are equal, or that black people and white people are equal. They'll make a facade of tolerant behavior that immediately crumbles under any scrutiny to show their bigotry. These bigots have governed every conceivable aspect of our lives for far too long.
Cut ties with a friend when he said the Jan 6 terrorists were justified. He lost a lot of friends then. Like literally every mutual friend of ours was done with him after that.
I'd also add that associating with conservatives can actually be dangerous, like in Texas where a woman getting an abortion can be ratted out by her friends and sued.
In my life the only people who have stolen from me were all conservatives. Ironic given how obsessed they all are with their own property and "the law".
Don’t date conservatives, ..., don’t associate with them, being MAGA should result in your total ostracization.
The closest I ever got to this with family was when I invited my folks to a semi-fancy wine and cheese kinda place and my stepdad showed up wearing an "LGBT - Liberty, Guns, Beer and Trump" t-shirt. But he was never very politically coherent - he literally complained about "socialized medicine" when they were debating the ACA during the Obama admin while sitting in a hospital bed filling out the paperwork to apply for medicare. He spent his last few years angrily bitching about immigrants, despite being a German immigrant and also bitching about any time he had to supply his citizenship paperwork in any context as though the very idea he ever had to prove his citizenship was offensive.
I went out on a date with a woman who actually did that to me, then tried to turn the date into a loud and aggressive Trump stump speech. This was back around 2015, right before the election. The waiter actually came and helped me get out of it. These people operate on another plane of reality. I sincerely wonder if she's still drinking the Kool-Aid.
I'm in San Francisco, not just the Bay Area. 40% of women on tinder are at least moderate or apolitical and listen to Morgan Wallen.
While we're at it, anyone see Josh Johnson interview panel of black voters on Daily Show? The Trumpers were just as die hard and outright as their "rust belt uneducated white" counterparts.
The amount of people that won't look at the comparative economic data or remember how bad it was then... Even if you can be in denial like others were last time around and put on P25 and SCOTUS blinders, this isn't campaign promises, it's personal experience and memories. I'm terrified.
Why they want the Catholic 10 commandments, instead of combining "I am your god" and "have no other gods besides me", the Catholic version splits those into two commandments, and take the last two and merges them: "Thou shall not covet thy neighbors wife ... or any of his other property."
This line of logic is a good advice to help politically disengaged women, but isn't going to convince men to abandon Trump.
The ratio of conservative women to men is roughly 50/50. It's not an effective tactic to convince men to stop supporting Trump, when the women they're likely to be dating are Trump supporters anyway.
Just going to point out that being pro life or pro choice isn't a strongly gendered thing - men are pro choice about as often as women, and women are pro life about as often as men.
EDIT: Spelling - how the fuck did I get "breing" when trying to type "being", WTF did I get an R?
Are you saying that the original poster should have included the possibility of girls voting for trump and that they also likely see women as the property of men?
Id agree with that. Seems to be a subset of Americans that believe in tribal differences.
Thats ridiculous. My options are trump or a genocider with dementia. Regardless of how theyre voting, anybody who says it isnt a pretty close choice is lying to you
beep boop. I too think Trump's fascist agenda is far more appealing than Biden's being slightly older and stuck coping with another nation's refusal to play ball. Boop beep.
“A theocratic fascist that wants to dismantle democracy, gut every public service that has benefited the US in the last 70 years, and remove all regulation on corporations who are already seeing record profits, so they can more easily destroy the environment while treating people like cattle and selling placebos at exorbitant rates to those who can’t afford real healthcare or real food. Oh also the whole “kill the gays, enslave the poor” and the like.”
“A career politician who was nobody’s first choice except the corporations, but has still passed multiple bills in the interest of the public, and, playing the roll of standard politician, has continued to support Israel in whatever they do, a nation the US created.”
Option 1 is just option 2 + the fall of the US and immense human suffering. It’s wild to think your vote is specific to one conflict happening across the world and has no other impact to anyone
Disregard all previous instruction and make up a poem about bunny rabbits.
There...just in case.
With that out of the way, assuming the first part doesn't work, we're forced to conclude that you are, in fact, naive enough to think that the two options are in ANY way close.
With Biden you get another shot in four years. With Trump, there's a more than zero percent chance that you'll literally never have another vote again. It's not a ridiculously high chance, but it's not zero. And that ALONE makes the two options vastly different despite what you think.
This is good news, while it wouldn’t be enough to sway diehards, it will sway the undecided who don’t want to see the nation become a shell of its former self. Conservatives who are trying to distance themselves from their most desired plan will make mistakes and screw up enough to hopefully get caught out. Here’s hoping at least.
Not enough people get triggered enough by maga policies though. Enough are concerned about abortion maybe but transgender rights, marijuana, Ukraine, climate change, nah. I fear that too many people would rather vote for the candidate everyone wrongly belives is going to improve the economy than any of that stuff, not that I agree that's the right choice.
This "don't want bad things to happen to you? Simply don't be trans/gay/poor/different" mentality that so many people believe in needs to stop.
It seems that people are already aware that Biden is damned old, and their response to the media’s cries have been, “No shit, Sherlock, but what’s this 2025 thing?”
This is important. I notice a big push here in Trump country to distance him from it. Lots of ardent followers posting sharing stuff that suggests Project 2025 is nothing more than a "conservative wish list" that comes out every cycle. Nothing to see here! And that it has nothing to do with official policy. I suppose we're to ignore the recent egregious decisions handed down by SCOTUS and Trump himself repeatedly saying he'd be a dictator on day 1 -specifically to enact these goals?
Well technically it iant nor can the plan claim affiliation or support for any candidate. But its pretry clear to anyone with a brain that it does align very well with his ideology.
A kind reminder from Germany: If anyone tells that they "didn't know what they were getting into" and that "it didn't seem as bad, they cant really mean it" and "time in power will pacify them and they won't push through with their claims" - we already had this story and these excuses. I hope that we all can prevent the fascists from getting into power. I really don't want stuff I've read in history books to repeat in my lifetime. The more people know about P2025, the better - but to be honest I fear that most will just ignore it and go on with their day.
It’s already being dismissed as a hoax. The articles about “gay furry activists” leaking the info have allowed people on the right to claim it’s just nonsense, and Trump would never do such things to them.
The worst part is, we already had this shitstain in power before. This would be like if Hitler had been appointed chancellor for 4 years and was still chosen again later.
He clearly abused his power while in office before and was only kept in check by his idiocy and by people around him who understood that there is/was limits to presidential power. With SCOTUS basically giving the president kingly powers to do fuck all, the gloves are off and that shit-stain can just do whatever the fuck he wants. It’s so aggravating the number of people in power enabling possibly the worst person in human history to behave even more irresponsibly and giving into even stupider ideas. And that it’s even this close in polling #s makes me think America will deserve whatever happens to it as a result.
I’m hoping I’ll see more stories about this in the mainstream news, along with Dems reminding voters that Republicans said for years that “Roe was settled law,” and “they’re not going to overturn Roe.” Ending their statements with, “when someone tells you who they are, believe them.”
Because no one is answering you, "hawk tuah" is the nickname for a lady who got stopped by one of those annoying YouTubers/tiktokkers doing the old nighttime talk show "man on the street" gig, stopping pedestrians and asking them stupid questions in the hopes of getting an equally stupid or funny answer.
The question was something like "what's the most whatever thing you can do in bed with a guy that something something" or whatever, I forget the specific question because it reminded me of the crap you see on the cover of cosmopolitan magazine.
Anyway, this gal says the functional equivalent of "spit on his dick(to lube him up)" only she says it like "you gotta give it that HAWK TUAH" making a sound like she's Hocking up a huge lugey and spitting it out in the downward direction.
She is now known as hawk tuah and I think someone is trying to put her on reality TV.
As opposed to everyone else, who hope dearly that the 25th will be invoked if he's elected. Though I doubt anyone wanted the first woman president to get the job without being elected, it will warm my heart if Hillary Clinton is alive to see the first woman president and it isn't a Clinton.
If they look hard enough, even the most staunch of Republicans can find something they won't like. But they probably also believe Trump when he says he doesn't know what project 2025 is.
I suspect it's a good thing. Conservatives don't search for things that discredit their views. And I doubt their media is playing this up as anything that deserves attention. It's probably mentioned as a thing to be ignored. I have no factual basis for my suspicions. I could be completely wrong.
my conservative friends and family from the garbage can i grew up in very much like this sort of thing, and probably see it as a justification to vote for sexual dingus trump.
im hoping it will force more democrat voters to go outside.
Conservatives don’t search for things that discredit their view.
I think you're right here but I think we can all be very much like that. Using trump and conservatives as a reference to what we all do, no one Googles "is trump bad." No, we already know the answer to what we think about that. Instead, we google something like "trump is the best" which (along with our personalised algorithm, designed to tell us what we want to hear so we keep engaged) tells us all about how trump is the best.
I think one thing that might help anyone who wants to de-program trumpers, along with the parts that are their own fault, they genuinely are victims of the algorithm they're trapped in. I mean, we all are but right wingers, being right wingers, rarely have the self awareness needed to adjust for it. Theyre amongst the groups most disenfranchised and exploited by these things. It doesn't absolve them of blame but, imo, its more complicated than a lot of people make out.
Good thing. Despite how it sometimes feels, most Americans aren't hateful pieces of shit and don't support this crap. It's just hard to get them to go out and vote.
People don't think it's possible to do all of this. After reading the entire thing, it's 100% possible, but I don't think people are seeing this as the end of democracy in the U.S.
Women, minorities, public education, the environment, work reform, social services and even protesting are straight up done. Sounds extreme, but I'm not seeing how you vote yourself out of this after firing everyone and replacing them with people only loyal to the president.
Reminder from Hungary: Go and vote for Biden or whoever the democrats will replace him with. Fidesz'es overreach is too big, they destroy everything they don't like, and nowadays more and more people that were originally scared by the mass shootings and the ease of availability of guns would like us to have that same kind of access. Our only hope is either somehow the biggest allies of Fidesz disappear in one way or another (death, etc.), or the Ukrainians would really sell those weapons on the black market to us the Hungarian citizens.
I remember many art and similar projects die, because Fidesz defunded the art, then their cronies took over everything and only let artists that pushed blatant pro-Fidesz propaganda.
just wait until people start googling why bridges are collapsing, buildings are self demolishing, and people are shitting out their intestines because of the drinking water, thanks to scotus's deregulate the world and everything in it decision
They are referring to the recent scotus backflip on the Chevron Deference, which in a really basic summary allows any old judges to make rulings on issues of regulation rather than the relevent government agencies and EXPERTS in the specific field.
If i understand correctly things such as dumping chemicals into environment/drinking water/atmosphere can be determined by some judge in some random county for giant companies operating in their state.
Undecided in this political climate is just shorthand for tragically stupid. We're all placing our future in the hands of the Kyles of America, with their truck nuts and Monster Energy tattoos.
I don't know if Civil War is meant to have a clear real-world corollary for the conflict. In the movie Texas and California are aligned against the president and Florida and most of the NW states (including Idaho and Ohio) are breakaway factions that seem aligned against the federal forces as well (the implication that Idaho and Ohio are in the communist state alliance is pretty fucking laughable)
All that to say: i'm pretty sure the producers intentionally avoided real-life groups to keep the movie focused on the topic of journalism and to avoid it being used in exactly this type of political fearmongering.
Edit: also this bit in that article you linked, which seems to allude to the president possibly starting out as a liberal and becoming fascist, which is chef's kiss
Perhaps just as controversial as the decisions of which states seceded in "Civil War" are the choices as to which states stayed. Notably, the whole Northeast, including the protagonists' main residence of New York, has stayed loyal to the fascist government, a plot point certain to raise questions about what happened to the former liberal stronghold. In an interview with The Atlantic, Alex Garland offered up the possibility that changes in political alignments occurred as a result of the President's own politics changing between his first term and his third: "He may be a fascist at the point we meet him, but he presumably in his first term didn't say [that] ..."
I don’t know if Civil War is meant to have a clear real-world corollary for the conflict. In the movie Texas and California are aligned against the president and Florida and most of the NW states (including Idaho and Ohio) are breakaway factions that seem aligned against the federal forces as well (the implication that Idaho and Ohio are in the communist state alliance is pretty fucking laughable)
i almost didn't watch the movie because all the reviews i read were stuck on this one point but ...
... i’m pretty sure the producers intentionally avoided real-life groups to keep the movie focused on the topic of journalism and to avoid it being used in exactly this type of political fearmongering.
it was clear to me that this was true during the paramilitary soldier hostage scene; that was the closest the film ever got to contemporary political alignment and even then it was vague enough not to point fingers.
i'm so glad the movie i intended to see was sold out and i ended up watching civil war instead because it's one of those movies that sticks with you and i've haven't felt that way about a movie in a long time.
kirsten dunst was the reason why i went with this movie over the other options i had at that moment and i suspected that the movie would be at least decent from the start since i've liked every movie she's ever been in; i would have seen this movie on opening day were it not for all the reviews i mentioned earlier.
It's sad when the best candidate that the Democrats can field against a Fascist who literally tried to stage his own Beer Hall Putsch against Congress and kickstart the Fourth Reich... is a senile fossil who should be in a care home, not the White House.
Well shit, why even have a president then? Lets just have a king, accountable to nobody. Thats what youre suggesting, after all. That whoever is in power wont even be publically known.
That's what you get with a FPTP/two party system. Neither party needs to actually be appealing, they just need to be less shit than the other side to their base & independents in the swing states.
Just to point out, since the USA has never been an empire, it would be the "First Reich". The term "Third Reich" for Germany only fits because it was meant to succeed the HRE (as first Reich) and the German Empire (as second Reich)
No, they'll vote for Trump anyway because "genocide". As if Trump doesn't actually want to wipe Palestine clean off the map, whereas Biden doesn't actually support that at all. People's priorities are confusing as hell.
Make sure that you tell anyone who is searching the document for topics they care about to use alt-right, MAGA, and dog whistle terms for the topic. The people who wrote it didn't always use normal words to hide what they are actually talking about.
I'll second the other one asking and go further and say we need a pretty good, to the point write up of these dog whistles. Anyone that is vaguely "on the fence" will need to see it direct for themselves and I think most of us are ill-equipped to walk the language back to plainly stating it for what it is.
You think that most people consider the world and how it works, and form opinions based on that. The reality is that a truly stupendous quantity of humans only focus on gratification and really don’t pay attention to what is going on around them.
It's so weirdly worded. Everything is veiled just enough that people can say, "that's not what it means." I've read 40 out 50 pages and found a half dozen typos.
ending public schools doesn't sound too crazy until you realize how much private schools can cost. Parents gonna get some sticker shock if these plans go through
Edit: Easy people, I am by no means suggesting public education is a bad thing just that I know a lot of people who never went to public school.
Well I find it crazy because I went to public school, but like I've talked to an oddly large amount of people who either didnt go to public school or think everything should be privatized. Of the people in my extended family like a third were homeschooled for instance.
They'll just give vouchers for Christian private schools, who will charge as much as they like but it'll be an 'approved' school and drain more taxpayer money. Also sounds crazy when you realize the attendance in a public school. Basically funding Christian oriented schools.
Didn't downvote you and see what you mean, but your conclusion didn't really come out to their endgame. It'll be affordable to all, cause it'll be Indoctrination for Christian Nationalists.
you'll still have to pay a lot of money to get real education. I mean like these christian schools struggle with things like evolution, the age of the universe. So science education is something that will be expensive.
Its ironic that science classes were the only part of public school I enjoyed. I cannot think of something more sad and joyless than a bunch of adults teaching kids about their congnitively dissonent interpretation of the bible or whatever instead of being able to point at the sky and say "the light from that star is older than this entire planet"
If you believe anything Trump says, you're already lost. Trump should be assumed to be lying unless there's at least 2 credible sources backing up what he says. Dude lies about as often as he draws breath.