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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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What isn't illegal but should be?
  • Its so mad that we have such a literal example of exactly what happens, due to prohibition, yet society refuses to see like for like. The mafia simply used the exact same routes to smuggle heroin. They didn't disappear or die out, due to alcohol prohibition ending. They got into bed with the CIA, under operation gladio. What they did with crack wasn't the first or the biggest example.

    Like you said, you can't people abusing substances. They remain illegal because somewhere some very powerful people are making too much money from them remaining so.

  • What isn't illegal but should be?
  • I want to live in a world where "stop cutting bits of babies dicks off" doesn't require any further explanation.

    "No, actually, its you who needs to justify cutting bits of babies dicks off. Not the other way round. Unless its hair, nails or connected to the mum, the default position is actually not to cut bits of the baby off."

  • Canadians are using Facebook less as a source of news
  • Its good that people aren't using Facebook for news but theres a different problem with things like Google, reddit or even here in a way. So, I'm not saying I'm above it but I'm just old enough to remember before everyone was on the internet. I'm sure theres others here too.

    Say you had a friend called dave and he was someone kept coming up wild and ridiculous ideas and believing them. So much so that one day, dave decided that Tuesdays weren't real. He said it was actually just one long Monday and its a government conspiracy to make us sleep longer.

    Now, back in the d, if he tried to float these ideas with other people at work, home or the pub, he would be told that he was wrong and to go away, in no uncertain terms. He might evem check with experts in the field at Universities, for example, and they would tell him the same thing. Although, probably more politely.

    Now days, dave will just go Google and he's not going to type "are Tuesdays real?", like a sucker. No, dave already knows they're not real, with a deranged certainty. Instead, he types "Tuesdays aren't real" which neatly takes him to There he meets like minded people and is invited sign up to donate and visit their sister site Dave had always been skeptical of Wednesday too. So he sighed up to both immediately.

    Being particularly ignorant and outspoken, dave quickly rises through the ranks, eventually taking charge. Once there, he uses the money people have donated to start a political party which draws the attention of the local news, hoping to make fun of them for some easy ratings.

    Hoeever, the clip of daves unhinged rant on the news goes viral which actually end up attracting 10s of 000s of people that never would have heard of them otherwise. The party then becomes self funding and snowballs as businesses see the productivity boost they could have through being able to deny people sleep and the outrage traffic that, in turn, generates.

    Finally, dave takes power and dooms us all to an eternal Monday.

    The 90s and the early 00s had their problems but they also could be magical. You could save the whole world through simple phrases like "fuck off dave you doughnut. Tuesdays are real."

  • Banks are bracing for consumers to stop paying off their credit cards, delinquency rates hit 12-year high
  • Its not just honest defaulting they have to deal with. What most people aren't made aware of is that when banks etc. lend money to people, the bank creates that money right there and then. Just like typing it into an excel sheet and pressing enter. Through this, private banks create 80% of the money in our system: not the national bank who make the rest which includes all the physical money.

    Essentially, we've given private banks the licence to print our money and no one seems to think that there might be a problem with that idea.

    So, much like the financial crash, there's no reason not to suspect this is going to have a huge element of banks just creating loads of money for themselves to use.

    Those that aren't unable to pay off loans are running out of money too but aren't taking out new loans to buy new things. So, there's no new credit lines being made, in which these things can be lost, a bit like in a ponzi scheme but in reverse. Its also one of the reasons inflation (too much money chasing too few things) is so high. Covid was the perfect time to do it, due to all the loans being issued (money being created). You don't hide a needle in a haystack. You hide it in a giant pile of needles.

    Paying back to loans and paying tax actaullt destroys money too. So, another reason we have too much money is not taxing the rich fairly but tbats another story. Governments create money and then takes tax. What isn't destroyed is the deficit.

  • Chicken wings advertised as 'boneless' can have bones, Ohio Supreme Court decides
  • I don't know why but it reminds me of an American friend I had who couldn't beleive we didn't have limits on the amount maggots/maggots eggs allowed in fruit juice.

    They refused to drink any fruit juice here until it had to be explained to them that the reason that there's no acceptable limit on maggots/maggots eggs in our fruit juice is because ANY amount of maggot is over the acceptable amount.

    Not their fault of course. We only know what we're used to.

  • Trump Demands Changes for Next Debate, Prompting Claims He’s “Afraid” to Debate Kamala Harris
  • Any specific examples of these bad things? I agree that its not you, its the cult that are the problem but I have to check.

    I get that. I'm just saying the double standard is kind of wild. I mean, its not like anyone ever would come out and say "yeah, our candidate (much like the other candidate) was too old for this job 10 years ago. Hes lost it. Dont vote for him." Thats not been the nature of politics for the past 100 years.

    We had the media running back to back reels about Biden age but virtually nothing on the sexual assault he lost a libel case over denying, the now unsealed rape allegations, the russian oligarchs buying up his properties at 10× market rate or his extensive relationship with epstien which are all far bigger issues.

  • can we be all rich together?
  • It also doesn't account for corporate price gouging or the fact that the only reason people go hungry in the world is because letting them starve is more profitable than feeding them even the leftovers and about-to-go-off.

    As well as what you said, theres also no reason not the presume the number could be much lower too.

  • Trump Demands Changes for Next Debate, Prompting Claims He’s “Afraid” to Debate Kamala Harris
  • Okay, so, I'll tryagain, what bad things that "they" say about Trump are true, if nearly all of it is lies?

    People who don't want to vote for trump have been fucked over for decades too. So, it can't be that. If true, it must be something else.

    You say that yet most data-driven white collar workers, like yourself, don't vote for trump. So, that doesn't make any sense. You've just presumed yourself to be superior and to know better than everyone else, despite the data.

    In fact, its my own data driven career and analysis of the numbers and not the wild declarations of a 72 year old fellow that made me beleive what is said about trump and not the other way round.

    Its bizzare that you focus of the grain of sand that is Biden maybe, possibly, somewhere, sometime, being called the very unquantifiable and relative term of "sharpe" and not the metric fuck tonnes of lies told in favour of trump that are believed without question by his cult. Even stranger still is that you expect the other side to play with a completely, 100% straight bat when their opponent has literally tried to overthrow Americam democracy and doesn't care if their guy is a racist paedophile rapist wholl tell every lie under the sun if they think it will help them. I'm not even saying that he 100% is or isn't. I'm saying they wouldn't care and would follow him anyway.

    That's what falling for propaganda and being cult-like looks like.

  • The US is Politically to the Right of [Other] Democracies
  • I know its just a meme and I think you're right to point it out but I feel bad for laughing.

    In the UK, as one example, its default unlawful to work more than 45 hours a week. You have to choose to sign this away. Refusal to agree can't be used as a reason to fire you or choose not to hire you, unless its like the police or army or something.

    The UK is worse in different places and has this too. So, its not about being superior or any of that BS. But the US is full on, mask-off, you are cattle and the mega rich are your ranchers. You can't even just simply move to a different country to escape paying for gargantuan corporate benefits. They own you and they don't care if you know it.

  • Trump Demands Changes for Next Debate, Prompting Claims He’s “Afraid” to Debate Kamala Harris
  • So, just to be clear, its everyone else in the world who's wrong and susceptible to propaganda and your little cult whos correct?

    Don't get me wrong, I'm sure you've been groomed into knee-jerk dismissing anything bad anyone ever says about trump as propaganda, before you've even had a chance to consciously think about it. However, that's not the same as your wild and baseless dismissals being the right thing to do. It just means that you have been conditioned to ignore the evidence of your eyes and ears.

    What makes you immune to this "propaganda" that all those who fall for it lack? Which bad bits are true then, if its only "nearly all of it" that's wrong.

  • Trump Demands Changes for Next Debate, Prompting Claims He’s “Afraid” to Debate Kamala Harris
  • He's infamous. That's not the same as famous. He's infamous for being wold class at being slimy, racist and immoral but, despite this, still managing to have a cult of brain dead sycophants who worship his every action.

    The reason people say trump is bad and repelling is Trumps own actions and words. The difference is that those people that find him to be exactly that haven't been groomed into rejecting the evidence of their eyes and ears.

  • Trump Demands Changes for Next Debate, Prompting Claims He’s “Afraid” to Debate Kamala Harris
  • If a university beleives you have contributed a significant level of research / furthered a field of study to a certain point, then they can offer an honorary doctorate. Its like saying you've done the equivalent of a PhD thesis but didn't do the PhD student part.

  • Anon is an anthropologist
  • I'm not sure where you looked. Its one of the main points of chapter 27.

    I never said that wealth didn't contribute to it. I said the difference in wealth doesn't come close to explaining the difference in the length of time it took to industrialise.

    It would be flat out wrong to claim that capitalism caused itself, in much the same way that I can't claim to have given birth to myself. Even if we can get past the contradiction in terms, it developed out of merchantilism, not feudalism.

    My whole point, since the off, has been that the difference was the ability of French people to resist industrialisation and not wealth. Again, I'm not sure how you missed that.

    But the working class could only fight capitalism once capitalism had developed to the point of creating a working class.

    Are you trying to tell me that all the people at the bottom of the social order who didn't like how it was at the time didn't exist until Marx wrote them into being?