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FlyingSquid Flying Squid
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A terrifying hurricane is brewing in the Atlantic
  • Dude... all I can say is that if two massive trees fall down right outside your house in the middle of a bunch of high wind and lightning and thunder and hail and torrential rain and are anything less than terrified, you are a hell of a lot braver than I am.

  • It's not all that broad. And I look forward to their indignance.
  • Men's tank tops never feel loose enough to me. I like tank tops women wear with spaghetti straps, but I don't think I'd like my look if I wore them.

  • It's not all that broad. And I look forward to their indignance.
  • It is basically impossible at this point to know. Elon loves giving people who give him shit blue check marks because he thinks it's an insult to them.

  • Do animals have emotions like us?
  • I wasn't suggesting a leaf feels pain or that it would be the leaf that would have some definition of pain and suffering if it were ripped from the stem. It would be the rest of the plant.

    So why are you bringing up a part that, when separated from the whole, no longer has that capacity in any living thing?

  • things you can only do with boys
  • Only someone who knows nothing about external female anatomy thinks "nards" could possibly be a gender neutral term. But do tell me what plural parts of her genitalia that would show up in a typical naked baby photo would count as "nards."

    Believe it or not, I don't have a single photo of my daughter's ovaries or fallopian tubes. They're way too far up inside her for a camera to capture.

  • Byron Bay is to be stripped of its nudist beach – and naturists blame ‘conservative creep’
  • I'm sorry, I thought humor reached Australia a long time ago. Apparently not.

  • A terrifying hurricane is brewing in the Atlantic
  • Category 1 hurricane speed is 74-95 mph according to my search.

    I just lived through a relatively short, non-hurricane thunderstorm with winds measured a little above 80 mph.

    Here's where I wrote about what it did at my home alone.

    Believe me, it was terrifying.

  • Do animals have emotions like us?
  • Specific knowledge? My whole point here is that there isn't enough knowledge. Why do I need specific knowledge to say "this field is changing by the day and we keep learning plants are able to do all sorts of things we thought you needed a nervous system for, so it is not inconceivable that plants feel pain?"

    You do know that I have never made the claim that plants definitely do feel pain, right? I never even claimed that they feel pain the same way an animal does. I even suggested that what they would feel could be described as pain even though it wasn't the sort of thing we would anthropogenically think of as pain because we do not have good definitions for the concept of pain or the concept of suffering.

    I'm not sure why I need to repeat myself like this when I made all of this clear in my initial post.

  • things you can only do with boys
  • I was so confused by their comment that I totally misread it. Not only are they saying that most people wouldn't change a baby's diaper in public, but that it isn't necessary sometimes. Like there's always a place to do it discreetly when they've just had an explosion?

  • Do animals have emotions like us?
  • You are asking me to sum up the entire science of plant cognition in such a brief window that I might as well have Wikipedia do it for me.

  • things you can only do with boys
  • It's amazing that you got this far into the conversation and, despite my repeated mention of a daughter, you think my baby had testicles. And I never suggested she was anything but cisgendered, so I'm really not sure how you missed that. But based on the rest of your silly question, I have a few guesses.

  • Not even one mainstream scientist?
  • I can handle insane Facebook. Quora is a whole other level of crazy I don't want to touch.

  • A terrifying hurricane is brewing in the Atlantic
  • I know. I read the article. I was just making fun of the headline, which implies that there's a non-terrifying kind of hurricane.

  • Do animals have emotions like us?
  • Damaged plants can send out signals to other plants, and chemicals to repel what is damaging them (to the specific area where the damage is being done) and repair their damage. Some plants will avoid growing towards areas that they have been unable to thrive in before.

    You still seem to be talking about things from a purely human perspective. Dogs will damage their feet and not even let you know sometimes. They will get a piece of glass in their foot and they won't stop walking on them or try to do anything about it until they literally can't do anything about it. My dog tore her CCL and the only reason we knew anything was wrong was that she wasn't limping and then she was a few moments later. She didn't make a sound, she didn't react with any sort of signal that indicated that she was aware serious damage had been done to her, she just was unable to use that leg. Are you going to argue that she felt no pain?

  • A terrifying hurricane is brewing in the Atlantic
  • As opposed to the ones which are merely extremely scary?

  • Do animals have emotions like us?
  • But trees or mosses or whatever do none of this. A tree will keep trying to grow towards a fence that damages branches in a storm, a tree never starves itself to death making thicker bark after teens carve lovehearts into it, a tree doesn’t stop reproducing after 3 droughts kill all its children and so on. Leaves might change colour in response to periods of high or low sunlight but these changes are like tanning, they don’t modify anything about how the tree trees.

    I don't know why any of this means that our nebulous definitions of 'pain' and 'suffering' cannot apply to plants.

    If I stub my toe, it doesn't modify anything about how I human. But it hurts.

  • Still saying sweet things to each other after all these years...
  • People say that sort of thing all the time when not from the U.S.

  • We finally got a chance to put up my Father's Day present: Tree faces!




    This tree face was on the other side of the yard.


    We just lost two trees in the backyard because of a huge storm, so this feels like a good way to let our trees in the front yard know we still care.

    12 Tasmania Is Hiring for a 'Wombat Walker' and Other Odd Jobs

    The Australian island state is trying to drum up tourism during the Southern Hemisphere's winter

    Tasmania Is Hiring for a 'Wombat Walker' and Other Odd Jobs

    Sorry, my teenage daughter has already claimed the wombat walker job, but you guys can have any of the others.

    ObscureMedia Flying Squid

    The Skin Of Our Teeth by Thornton Wilder - PBS American Playhouse (1983) - With Jeffrey Combs The Skin Of Our Teeth by Thornton Wilder (Re-Mastered) : Thornton Wilder : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

    Thornton Wilder's Pulitzer Prize-winning play brings to life the fate and foibles of the celebrated Antrobus family--a bold and brassy embodiment of Wilder's...

    The Skin Of Our Teeth by Thornton Wilder (Re-Mastered) : Thornton Wilder : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

    This is one of my all-time favorite plays and this is a terrific production of it too.

    It's a very weird, but very entertaining play that is a satire on American culture and religion, but about a family that lives through various ages of human history as if they were contemporary or near-contemporary.

    > While the Antrobus family remains constant throughout the play, the three acts do not form a continuous narrative. The first act takes place during an impending ice age; in the second act the family circumstances have changed as George becomes president of the Fraternal Order of Mammals (apparent references to Sodom and Gomorrah but also to the Roaring Twenties), while the end of the world approaches a second time; the third act opens with Maggie and Gladys emerging from a bunker at the end of a seven-year-long war.

    I'm almost certain that The Flintstones was inspired by Act I of this play, but I don't want to suggest that it's in any way like The Flintstones other than both being "modern stone-age families."

    Microblog Memes Flying Squid

    It's not all that broad. And I look forward to their indignance.

    Political Memes Flying Squid

    Holy voting choices!


    Here's how my wonderful week has gone...

    Tuesday, a massive storm blew through town, turning the entire area into a disaster and an emergency was declared. This happened to our trees. The light-colored house is the neighbor's house that one of the trees hit.



    (To be fair, we were luckier than some, like people whose cars got destroyed or their windows shattered and so on.)

    The power went out and was out almost the entire day the next day. My wife and daughter were at an amusement park, but I was home to work on house stuff, make sure the dogs weren't too stressed, and get cleanup estimates from tree companies. The temperature was above 90F/32C most of the day. Not only was the internet out, obviously, but I had one bar of cell signal and data only went through about a quarter of the time. I had a power bank that kept my phone charged through the night and I did go to a cafe for a short while, along with the library for about an hour, just to cool off and have some decent internet.

    The power came on that night, around 10 pm.

    The next day we agreed to one of the estimates I got. It was $3200. We paid because we had no choice. At least it's the neighbor's responsibility to fix the fence since that part of the fence is theirs (although I had to put up a temporary blockade to stop our dogs from escaping) and their insurance is going to cover the damage where the tree hit their house. No one's insurance around here covers the tree cleanup though. That's an "act of god."

    Yesterday, we came home after visiting my mom in another town to the power being out again for hours. Flickering on and off sometimes. Thankfully, the house wasn't ridiculously hot.

    This morning, we woke up to find out that a water main broke and the whole area is under an order to boil water for at least three minutes before using it for any sort of food or drink.

    On top of all of that, it was my birthday this week and the day started with my wife and daughter getting into a massive fight because my daughter suddenly didn't want to go on a birthday family trip for me (she's a teenager). And the fun part of that is that I'm so exhausted from health issues that I really just wanted to relax on my birthday and I was only doing the trip because my wife really wanted me to enjoy it and I didn't want to disappoint her because she worries about me enough.

    But at least I was able to put $200 towards my massive bill from the Mayo Clinic. The $200 birthday present I got from my mom.

    Hooray me.

    InsanePeopleFacebook Flying Squid

    Not even one mainstream scientist?

    They are correct though. There is no evidence that chimps walked out of Africa. For two reasons:

    1. They can't walk for that length of time because we're the ones who walk everywhere, they hang out in trees.

    2. No one ever said they did.

    I'm wondering if this person has ever even seen a chimp, to be honest.

    InsanePeopleFacebook Flying Squid


    Political Memes Flying Squid


    Microblog Memes Flying Squid

    Happily ever after.

    InsanePeopleFacebook Flying Squid

    Clean your artifacts with OxyClean!

    Political Memes Flying Squid

    Challenge accpted.
