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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Prove youre an OG, State your distro couz
  • Ubuntu actually. I hated Ubuntu for a long time, until there was a game which only ran on Ubuntu. And now, after installing it, I'm actually pretty impressed and like it a lot. Yaru is a very good-looking theme, and the customizations Ubuntu made to stock GNOME are actually pretty logical (like adding windows buttons). It has among the best documentation and package support in the whole Linux universe. I'm a guy who likes to tinker, but for whom it is more important that the PC runs well, and I haven't encountered a single problem with Ubuntu yet - no kernel panic, no weird Bluetooth stuff, no apps which don't run for some reason,...

    Everything just works. And that makes me happy. So Ubuntu it is.

  • I mean it.
  • Absolutely. I think for me it really comes down to where you serve. I come from a city in Germany where notoriously a few people died on accident just after being released from the police station (wink wink). I think in this case, all the cops who worked on this station are complicit in murder, they should be in prison and they shouldn't be cops. But that doesn't mean that a police officer who works in a different part of the country has anything to do with the police people in my city. I think this argument can lead to some really problematic conclusions very quickly.

  • My first ascension!

    Gosh, I'm so happy. Admittedly it was an amazing run - I found plate armor in the sewers and upgraded them into oblivion. Still, the feeling of happiness when I realized I arrived at the top was really nice.

    Especially the learning curve of the game. Every time I try, I get a bit better. A few weeks ago I died at the Dwarfen City, and now I'm good enough to come back to the top. The experience of working on your skill and getting better is just really amazing, and I love how the game is hard, but doesnt feel punishing.

    Overall, I'm proud of my great Warrior :)

    Autismus Diagnose Anlaufstellen Deutschland
  • Ich habe meine Diagnose vor einem Jahr in Schwarzenberg bekommen. Es ist ein kleines Kaff tief in Sachsen, habe aber ein Jahr von Anfrage bis Diagnosestellung gebraucht. Außerdem ist es eine echt schöne Gegend zum Ausflug - falls Du noch nicht das Erzgebirge gesehen hast, ist das eine echt tolle Möglichkeit. Der Therapeut, der das anbietet, macht es auch schon seit einigen Jahren und hat es mit einem Verein kombiniert. Deshalb warme Empfehlung, da mal anzufragen!

  • World-first tooth-regrowing drug will be given to humans in September

    The world's first human trial of a drug that can regenerate teeth will begin in a few months, less than a year on from news of its success in animals. This paves the way for the medicine to be commercially available as early as 2030.

    World-first tooth-regrowing drug will be given to humans in September

    That is such a weird coincidence

    I've rarely seen such weird coincidences on Reddi's front page as this one.

    Appreciation post for Plasma 6 - My current experience with the Fedora 40 beta
  • Thank you - I'll try it out again. I had exactly the same feeling about KDE5 - too fractured, too inconsistent, too many weird options. GNOME just was more polished in that regard. But your post makes me hopeful that KDE 6 fixes these things :)

    Overall I'm just happy that Linux has multiple competing DEs which often inspire each other and give great new design ideas. As long as we have GNOME, KDE, Cinnamon, Budgie, Pantheon etc., I will be happy. I have learned lots of things in regards to my design preferences (and about quality of design in general), and I'm glad knowing that I can switch DEs anytime. RIP for Windows/Mac users who don't have thus luxury.

  • Rishi Sunak announcing national service plans
  • Yes, exactly - it is the idea of "well, you can gain life experience and serve for the state". However, it is (rightfully IMO) criticized as just a cheap way of gaining labor forces. I think that German culture is generally more connected with respecting authorities, rules etc., so this attitude of " you need to return something to the community who raised you up" is still prevalent.

    Since 2011 the service was not enforced anymore (but not abolished - in German it's called "ausgesetzt"), but now there is a debate again to reintroduce it in light of the war. I personally am highly skeptical of it, for the exact reasons you outlined. A year ago I have went through the process of refusing to serve in the military in a defense case. We have something here called Kriegsdienstverweigerung: you can refuse to be drafted and serve under arms if it is incompatible with your conscience. I am glad to have went through the process, but I wouldn't have done so if I were younger; in fact, I probably would've been absolutely okay with serving in the military. So instead of training people to shoot, I advocate for providing opportunities for people to learn medicine and science and stuff and leave war to professional soldiers, who aren't 18- or 19 year old enscripted boys. It is also widely known that lots of guys cheated their way out of serving (e.g. drinking a lot the evening prior, so they make a bad impression on the recruiting officer), so the system was weird anyways. So I think the current debate is between "Russia and China are a threat, we need to get ready to fight, let's pump up our military production" and "War is no option, our infrastructure is in a state of disrepair, we need to invest into schools and hospitals instead of arms, and drafting teenagers can't be the solution of the problem".

  • Rishi Sunak announcing national service plans
  • I think we have a different view in Europe on it - Germany had a model of national military service until 2011 (with the option of civil service), the Nordic model includes military service etc. So it isn't completely unimaginable - we just have a different view on the topic.

  • Nonconsensual AI porn is hated on the left and right. Can Congress act on it?
  • I think it is an interesting question: why should something be forbidden if it doesn't directly harm anyone?

    In my opinion, it comes down to people feeling unsafe because this kind of media is consumed by other people for (sexual) pleasure. A lot of people in our society had experience with sexual abuse and rape - especially for women the numbers are extremely high. If media with this kind of content is consumed by people for sexual gratification, it may make victims of rape feel very unsafe.

    Maybe I can bring an analogy from my own life to clarify my point. I love wearing skirts regularly, most of them are mini skirts. I would feel very unsafe if I would know that one of my friends watches videos of upskirting, even if they are created by an AI. For me, that means that I won't feel safe around them. Of course you can say "well, but why are you scared of them; they aren't filming under your skirt, right?" And while I agree, I had my fair experience with catcalling: too many people in society don't respect my right to wear skirt the way I want them. If I would know a friend watches this kind of content, I would doubt if I can really be safe with them.

    I think it isn't unplausible to assume that for a person who has been sexually abused, knowing that some people enjoy this kind of content would make them feel very unsafe. In case of porn, this usually is media we consume privately and don't share with others. So no - while I don't think the act of watching AI porn per se is harming anyone, the consequences for victims of rape absolutely do.

    I hope this makes sense.

  • My first victory!

    Just forgot I need to walk back out for the ultimate victory...


    What are things considered romantic, to be avoided in a relationship?

    My partner and I just had a talk about it. Basically, she celebrated her birthday today. I was on her party, and it was fun, but I left after around 2 hours to get home and relax a bit. After I arrived, a friend of mine texted me and asked me if I wanted to go to a lake and see the sunset. I agreed, we went to the lake and went swimming in it; it was really nice. Later, after arriving at my partners, she talked with me that it hurts her that I went out with someone else on her birthday, doing a romantically coded activity.

    To be honest, I realize that I don't have a single clue what is coded as a romantically coded activity. For me, this was something completely okay and appropriate, because it is for me clearly a friend-thing; but my partner explained to me that the combination of going out with another person on her birthday and going to a sea, which is a secluded place, just heavily connotates it in a romantic way.

    I understand that what I've done here wasn't right, and that I have responsibility here. Even though I didn't want to hurt my partner, it is still my responsibility to inform myself here on romantically conmotated things you shouldn't do in a partnership. So, dear people of Lemmy, what does constitute a romantic moment?

    Edit: I've left out some information which seems to be important for the whole picture . I've copied it out of my comment and adding it here:


    Me and my gf got together in August of last year, so basically 8 months ago; we were friends for half a year before that. She got cheated on in her long distance relationship before.

    The friend who invited me to the sea I actually know for almost as long as my partner, from the beginning of Uni. She had a breakup from a three-year old relationship a few months ago, and I was there to support her. I didn't clarify before though if she was okay with me cuddling with people or not; I assumed it was with her, because it was okay in her LDR before - which was wrong of me. I overstepped the boundaries of my partner here.

    The friend in question kissed me at the neck while I was at hers. I talked with her about it and let her know that I wasn't okay with it, to which she reacted quite hurt. She then told me that we shouldn't be friends, but two weeks ago she collapsed at Uni and I brought her home. Now we are meeting again.

    While I'm writing this down, I'm actually starting to notice that there are a lot of other factors playing in why my partner is upset here. She has been cheated on in the past, which definitely leads her to feel uncomfortable about my actions, even though I obviously don't want to cheat. I broke a societally unwritten rule of not meeting people in romantically coded settings on your partners birthday. And I overstepped the boundary of my partner before by cuddling with the friend without my partners consent.



    How do you work with the social life in college and not feel worth less than others?

    Hey y'all,

    I'm a 19 year old psychology student in college (with the goal of becoming a therapist) and have been diagnosed last summer with autism (low support needs).

    I think the fact that so many of my peers go to parties, drink and have fun, while it is too overstimulating for me, feels really bad. I can't go to a party without earplugs, beer tastes awful to me (and coffee as well - way too intense for my taste), as soon as there's blood in a movie I feel unconformable, and it just feels that everyone is able to do thing easily which for me are a real struggle.

    I'm in a relationship, and my gf seems to be able to do all these things easier than me. Asides from the fact that she also has better grades than me, I just feel resentment and sadness that people around me seem to better than me in so many aspects. Of course we should focus on our strengths, and that we shouldn't compare ourselves to others. But in the end I still feel resentment that people around me are just able to do so many more things than me, and that things considered normal in our society are a struggle, if not outright impossible, for autistic people.

    So I'd love some input on how y'all cope with the reality of not being able to participate in social life to the same extent as other people.



    Hungry boiss

    They just want a snackie snack :)


    Bauernproteste in Leipzig

    Die gesamte Stadt steht still, die zentrale Haltestelle (Augustusplatz) wird teilweise nicht bedient - nur eine Hälfte fährt noch, und wer weiß wie stabil. Der gesamte Innenstadtring steht still. Ich habe Leipzig noch nie in einem solchen Zustand gesehen. Wie sieht es bei Euch in der Region so aus?


    Someone just loves getting dirty

    And then you always want to crawl into my bed and cuddle. Theo, you are adorable, but why do you ALWAYS need to get dirty before coming home 🥲


    When you are very confused what is going on

    I love you, Theo.

    Also he is the biggest potato this world has ever seen ;)


    What is the nicest memory you have while playing?

    I'll start :)

    I still clearly remember one particular incident. It was my first playthrough, where I didn't know what to do at all, and I've been pretty battered down. I arrived in Pelagiad while the sun was settling behind the horizon, really exhausted and close to getting killed. But just the feeling of finally going around the corner and seeing the tavern, knowing I'll be safe there, was an amazing feeling of relier. I'll hold it with me forever, and I don't think any other game managed to implement it in such a way.

    What are your memories?


    Until where should we judge the actions of other people - and from when do we leave it as freedom of action?

    I think this question resulted from me having an argument with my gf. We want to go to a holiday trip, and she wanted to book a hotel via We then got into a discussion, because repeatedly ignored privacy concerns and is conciously acting illegally in regards to privacy laws of the EU (for those of you who can read German, this link from a German privacy investigator explains it fairly well. In my opinion, supporting companies which consciously breach laws is unethical, because they willingly ignore the well-being of their customers for own gains. However, in this case it was probably unfair to gf to judge her for using this platform, as the negative impact done by her using is not enough to justify this as a morally wrong action on her end.

    My question is where you draw the line what to ethically judge. What if (hypothetically) would support slavery and willingly sacrificed children to earn more money for their shareholders? What if they were very interested in animal abuse and liked Nazis? In this case I think I'd be completely justified to judge my gf for her using this platform, as she would then directly support inhumane and unethical practices.

    Most of life, however, resolves in a grey area between "this is absolutely morally okay" and "this is terrible, anyone who supports this is a monster". And so I think your opinions on the topic of an ethical line would be highly appreciated.
