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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Unhappy lives linked to recent rise of right-wing populism in Europe
  • I'm a Canadian. I just happen to understand what a genocide is and isn't unlike what appears to be a concerning number of westerners who clearly lack critical thinking skills or a baseline education to understand the reality that is before them and see through a Muslim brotherhood propaganda that they are being taught.

  • I genuinely feel like I wouldn't live that differently even if I suddenly became ultra-wealthy. Am I kidding myself?
  • I keep bringing up jealousy because it's so evident how pathetic your mindset is when it comes to other people.

    You're a failure. Not everyone who isn't a failure is wealthy. Some of us are just normal people living normal lives. A normal middle class life is exactly what I'm fortunate enough to be living.

  • Clarence Thomas Took Free Yacht Trip to Russia, Chopper Flight to Putin’s Hometown: Dems
  • What advice? Vote local vote small. Get involved. Most importantly, get away from your keyboard. The fact that you say you've been waiting here for a response just demonstrates how pathetic your approach to this entire situation is.

    Some people have lives that don't revolve around social media. Those people are making a difference in this world.

  • Clarence Thomas Took Free Yacht Trip to Russia, Chopper Flight to Putin’s Hometown: Dems
  • The only thing accurate about your statement are the first three words. It doesn't matter. America appoints Kings to the supreme Court for the rest of their lives.

    They also elect people who maintain the status quo.

    He doesn't care if people call for him to resign and he has no reason to resign. Morals and ethics don't factor into this for him. They never have it. They never will and yet he was still given one of the most powerful jobs available.

  • I genuinely feel like I wouldn't live that differently even if I suddenly became ultra-wealthy. Am I kidding myself?
  • Still rambling on with jealousy eh? I feel good about myself surrounded by my loving family and friends. I don't feel good about myself because I can afford a house and others can't.

    You are jealousy is preventing you from accepting reality. It's also quite clearly what's holding you back.

    You're so confused. You alternate between saying I'm trying to impress people and then I'm trying to deny it. I'm doing neither. I'm simply stating reality. A reality that you seem too dense to grasp and yes, you're absolutely impoverished and when I say that I'm not talking about your bank account, I'm talking about your mental abilities.

  • Clarence Thomas Took Free Yacht Trip to Russia, Chopper Flight to Putin’s Hometown: Dems
  • Look at these slacktivist losers complaining on the internet like they're actually accomplishing anything.

    Yet you're going to go and vote for the exact same people you've all been voting for your entire pathetic lives.

  • Unhappy lives linked to recent rise of right-wing populism in Europe
  • As someone who's here because his family had to flee the situation you describe in your last paragraph to the middle East and then to Canada. I'm not ignorant enough to forget the poem ' first they came for'

    That's outside of the reality being faced by Canadians today and they're rightful anger towards the situation.

  • Clarence Thomas Took Free Yacht Trip to Russia, Chopper Flight to Putin’s Hometown: Dems
  • So tell me what's going to happen to a guy with a lifetime appointment?

    This is theatrics even if the base is gobbling it up.

    Eta. You losers down voting are just bitter because you know that I'm right and there's nothing that's going to happen to this guy even though he's fucking each and every one of you over while laughing at you about it.

  • Clarence Thomas Took Free Yacht Trip to Russia, Chopper Flight to Putin’s Hometown: Dems
  • I like this. It's deserved. It's also useless pointless and nothing but theatrics.

    If you can't acknowledge the stupidity when it's coming from your own side, then you need to step outside your Echo chamber once in a while.

  • Clarence Thomas Took Free Yacht Trip to Russia, Chopper Flight to Putin’s Hometown: Dems
  • Why would he step down? He's got a lifetime appointment. He's a corrupt POS. Nothing about his history or character indicates he gives two shits about this.

    The American people really don't have a say here as fucked up as that is.

  • AOC files articles of impeachment against Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito
  • This lady will do anything to keep her name in the news.

    This has as much chance of going somewhere and she does it being president which is to say zero.

    This is political theatre to distract from the party's current issues.

  • Headlines
  • Yeah that's fair. I try to make a point to get my news from both sides of the story I subscribed to Al Jazeera knowing they're a clear propaganda machine. Regardless of where I'm getting the information from, I'm performing my own contextual analysis based on what I'm reading and seeing, and it's really hard to deny the photographic and video evidence that's published and widely available on this topic.

  • Top UN Court rejects South African request for intervention in Rafah Top UN court rejects South African request for urgent measures to safeguard Rafah

    The top UN court on Friday rejected a South African request to impose urgent measures to safeguard Rafah in the Gaza Strip, but also stressed that Israel must respect earlier measures imposed late last month at a preliminary stage in a landmark genocide case.

    Top UN court rejects South African request for urgent measures to safeguard Rafah

    Interesting considering the number of people who took the last ruling as proof of a genocide. I'd have expected the Court to intervene if they felt that way.


    Iran backed hackers interrupt foreign media with AI deep fake propaganda. Iran-backed hackers interrupt UAE TV streaming services with deepfake news

    Microsoft analysts cite reports saying disruption by group known as Cotton Sandstorm also reached audiences in UK and Canada

    Iran-backed hackers interrupt UAE TV streaming services with deepfake news

    Saudi Arabia looks to normalize relations with Israel. Saudi Arabia interested in Israel normalisation deal after war

    The Saudi ambassador to the UK says any agreement must lead to the creation of a Palestinian state.

    Saudi Arabia interested in Israel normalisation deal after war