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LaunchesKayaks LaunchesKayaks
Posts 110
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Firefly species may blink out as US seeks to list it as endangered for first time
  • I remember there were so many around when I was a kid. I barely see any of them now. It's honestly one of the most depressing things

  • lil jumper
  • Omg that makes me so happy. I love my spoders. I moved into my house 2 years ago and so far, I've had 5 different spiders. One male and four females. They all die eventually, but I love watching them grow.

  • lil jumper
  • I love jumping spiders. I have 3 females living in my house right now and they're the best. I love coming across them in my daily life.

  • I finally have a job where my bosses and coworkers understand what chronic illness is

    I've been chronically ill my whole life. My job was very accommodating while I searched for actual answers. This is the first job I've had where I can actually take time to care for myself without getting in trouble.

    Anyway, I finally got an answer to what my illness is after desperately searching for 20 years. I have lupus, specifically SLE. I always suspected it, but rheumatologists never took me seriously until now. I have to make a 2 hour trip, one way, to see my doctor, but it's worth it.

    I sat down with my boss after getting my diagnosis and discussed how the disease could potentially impact my life and working ability. I discussed every important aspect of it so my boss and I are on the same page. He was so supportive and kind and I cried because it is so amazing to be supported like that in the workplace.

    I truly hope the rest of you can find/have an employer like mine.

    Sometimes, it's backwards
  • I'm IT and my cousin is software. I had to teach him basic computer maintenance...

  • I made this old, fat girl exercise yesterday. Got this glamour shot of her
  • Nobody is entirely sure. At least 20, but I think she's closer to 30

  • As School Threats Proliferate, More Than 700 Students Are Arrested
  • The kids at my school didn't get away with it because social media and all that shit. This was also in 2014-2015, so tracking down whodunnit was exceptionally easy lol

  • I made this old, fat girl exercise yesterday. Got this glamour shot of her

    She was upset with me at first because she just wanted to graze. Then she got into it when she started trotting around lol

    As School Threats Proliferate, More Than 700 Students Are Arrested
  • In senior year, my school district had 30+ bomb threats in one year. Every time we'd hear the loudspeaker ring, we'd just start grabbing our shit. They stopped telling people about them after a while because evacuating the kids once a week was a shitshow. Every threat was linked to a handful of kids who wanted attention or wanted to get out of tests/homework. I was out sick on the day the feds showed up and started arresting kids.

  • What keeps you going every day?
  • My pets. They deserve the best. They're all so spoiled.

  • Eternal fire
  • Me when I'm in the sun for 30 seconds

  • "Oh you're so lucky, I wish I could spend so much time in bed"
  • Just got diagnosed with lupus and now I have to explain to people that I have to take extreme precautions when out and about because the sun can fuck me up super bad.

  • I'm pet-sitting this lil girl
  • That's an idea lol. The only birds that don't like me are parrots. Ducks and chickens are fine

  • I'm pet-sitting this lil girl

    She doesn't like me very much

    Amazon tells employees to return to office five days a week
  • Haven't used Amazon in two years. I don't even have an account anymore. Doesn't stop them from sending me emails 3x/day to sign up again. I try to shop local, but I do have to go to shitty corp stores for some stuff.

  • Does anyone else here have lupus? Just got diagnosed and I am really scared/upset

    I got a diagnosis today after trying to figure out what's wrong with me for twenty years. My grandmother died at a relatively young age of lupus complications and she had to end her whole career at 36 because she was so sick. I'm 27, and I am terrified I'm going to end up like her. Her quality of life was absolutely awful for the entire time I knew her. I don't want that for myself.


    My beagle boi Radar had such a fun time outside yesterday.


    Has anyone here gotten multiplayer modded Minecraft to work over a VPN?

    My friend and I want to play modded Minecraft together. We used to use Hamachi when we both had windows machines. Now Hamachi just isn't working. We can connect and communicate on the LAN we made, but I can't connect to the direct connection. There aren't any error messages that help. It just says it couldn't connect. I have a steamdeck and my friend has a Windows desktop. I've done research about it and I am thoroughly lost on what to do. We want to try to do this for free or hella cheap.

    Has anyone here encountered this issue and found a workaround or anything?


    Has anyone here gotten modded, multiplayer Minecraft to work over VPN on the Steamdeck?

    My friend and I want to play modded Minecraft together. We used to use Hamachi when we both had windows machines. Now Hamachi just isn't working. We can connect on the LAN we made, but I can't connect to the direct connection. There aren't any error messages that help. It just says it couldn't connect. I have a steamdeck and my friend has a Windows desktop.

    I've done research about it and I am thoroughly lost on what to do. We want to try to do this for free or hella cheap.

    Has anyone here encountered this issue and found a workaround or anything?


    This girl bucked me off the saddle yesterday, but we're still besties

    She isn't even close to be fully broken and I knew the risks going into it lol. I got back on after she threw me and we finished the session on a good note. Getting more protective gear to prevent injuries like the ones I'm currently dealing with, since I expect to be thrown again during the training process.


    What brands/styles/types of protective gear do you like for activities that are dangerous?

    Got thrown out of the saddle by a horse today and got mildly fucked up. I want to invest in more protective gear than just a helmet but there's so many options. I want elbow pads and wrist guards definitely because of the bad scrapes and sprains I got. And maybe some kind of vest to protect me from any gut punches the horn of the saddle will give me if the horse tries to throw me again. My stomach has some nice big bruises from the horn.


    This silly guy is who I ride for my riding lessons.

    He's always trying to see my phone. Gives off "you got any games on your phone?" energy. He splashes me when I give him water and tries to steal the end of the hose. He also demands pets as soon as I enter the barn.


    another horse I hang out with. she gives me loads of attitude.

    She gets offended when I make her listen to me, but we're still buds. She gets excited to see me because she knows I take her outside to graze when I'm there lol


    I hang out with horses a few times a week. I don't own this girl, but we're still besties.


    Gypsy Vanner


    should I sue my former employer for unlawful termination?

    Getting therapy for the emotional damage from being unlawfully fired from a job almost two years ago.

    There's 3 months left in the statute of limitations. My therapist really thinks I should go after my former employer for this shit.

    Idk if I should. I am employed at an amazing place rn and can't really afford time off, but I also want justice for myself and anyone else who got the same treatment I did.

    What do y'all think?


    What should I paint as murals in my house?

    Considering painting several murals over time. In my bedroom, my home office, and my dining room.

    I'm kinda okay at art and love to paint. I'm better at abstract or cartoony shit.


    What is your favorite video online?

    Just watched my sick pet duck have a seizure and die while swimming, so I'm really fucked up mentally and want to get my mind off of it.


    Where can someone post original writing works for others to read?

    Want to write a novel-length story and I want to post it somewhere as I write for others to see and enjoy and critique. Idk where to post it though.

    Any suggestions would be appreciated!


    Steamdeck - computers in game have flickering screens

    Unsure of what settings to adjust to fix it. It's bothering my eyes pretty bad. Also, people on screens in game are moving in slow motion, but that's not an issue for my eyes. Got the Steamdeck 2 days ago, so it's brand new.


    Today's On-Hold Doodle

    Spent so long waiting for end-users to be ready for me to fix their shit lmao


    Radar is the side-eye king

    Asked him very politely to move so I could sit and he gave me this look.
