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Cowbee Cowbee

Actually, this town has more than enough room for the two of us

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What would you like to change about Lemmy culture?
  • Jerboa is maintained by Lemmy devs.

  • What would you like to change about Lemmy culture?
  • Unfortunately, that's for Reddit currently. Using Lemmy over Reddit is a non-normie choice already.

  • What would you like to change about Lemmy culture?
  • Well... I think public private partnerships are the way to go with profit sharing and workers being a part of the decision making process. I also think a lot of industries should be handled by the government or have a government company that is strictly non-profit. People should also have the choice of a free Internet connection if they don't want to pay for high speeds and public transportation should be free and good. Social housing should be built in massive quantities and nimbyism should not outweigh the benefits of the people.

    This is what I am talking about, actually. You're currently talking about what you want, without analysis of how to get there. That's why Marxism is incompatible with Social Democracy. Marxists don't believe you can simply vote that into existence in a system where Capitalists have.all of the power.

    Taxing negative effects on people via pollution should be taxed out of existence. Natural resources should be state-owned and work for the benefit of the people. Compaign donations should be illegal and loopholes should be closed.

    Lots of shoulds without discussing how to get there.

    These are all policies that are Marxism inspired but they still keep the capitalist element and a market economy. I think a market economy can be good but really needs a firm hand to guide it so it doesn't fuck everything up.

    It's not really Marxist inspired, though. It erases all analysis of Capitalism, all philosophical aspects, and all of the revolutionary aspects of it. Social safery nets are good, but that's not necessarily borne from Marxism. Simply thinking a market economy can be good is already far off of Marxism.

    I believe that this area of policies should be explored more and instead of just saying "Marxism is best" then think about what an economy with 70%-90% collectively owned would look like.

    I think this is ultimately born from a lack of engagement with Marx's works, really, though I could be wrong. What have you read from Marx?

  • The US is Politically to the Right of [Other] Democracies
  • I'm sure there's been hundreds of studies on it, but it seems so obvious to anyone who knows any history that I don't feel like looking them up.

    So, vibes, again.

  • What would you like to change about Lemmy culture?
  • They usually aren't angry, in my experience.

  • The US is Politically to the Right of [Other] Democracies
  • That seems like pseudoscience to me.

  • The US is Politically to the Right of [Other] Democracies
  • It's still vibes-based, the post-office having a manage doesn't mean the system is tyrannical. How power is structured matters too.

  • The US is Politically to the Right of [Other] Democracies
  • At all, to any degree? Don't think that's possible, but it certainly happened to a far lesser extent in AES countries.

  • What would you like to change about Lemmy culture?
  • The reality is that these comments actually do work because this site is covered with bots

    Is it actually? I haven't noticed that.

  • What would you like to change about Lemmy culture?
  • You may, or your instance may not be federated with them. You can browse it anonymously or make an account that is federated with them if you want to see it.

  • What would you like to change about Lemmy culture?
  • Solarpunk isn't an ideology though, it's an aesthetic that can be molded depending on the views of those using it. I never said good people can't use solarpunk to push a good message, I said there's nothing stopping people from using Solarpunk to spread a bad message.

  • What would you like to change about Lemmy culture?
  • As an in between social dem and Marxism

    I think that's the source of most of your problems, really. There isn't really a coherent ideology that can be described in that manner, Marxists don't believe the state can be reformed into Socialism and Social Democrats don't think Socialism is necessary.

    I feel like generally people here are pretty cool with most opinions but leans left significantly. There is still, hexbear and lemmygrad that is very toxic and an echo chamber.

    Pretty much every instance can be described as an "echo chamber." is right-leaning and is dominated by Liberals, for example. Hexbear is anti-sectarian, meaning Marxists and Anarchists are allowed, just not liberalism. As for toxicity, I find Hexbear to be one of the least toxic, especially when compared to

    All in all, Lemmyis definitely going to continue to be predominantly leftists unless instances outright defederate from Marxists, like does, hence the current right-wing leaning.

  • What would you like to change about Lemmy culture?
  • This will likely be an unpopular opinion here, but if you thought reddit was politically opinionated, holy hell Lemmy is 1000 times worse.

    That's largely because few people choose Lemmy over Reddit for practical reasons, the real underlying reasons are generally political and ideological differences with Reddit.

    I'm left leaning myself, but the majority of the posters here make me look like a moderate.

    The majority of Lemmy users (outside of liberal instances like are leftists of some sort, ie Marxists or Anarchists. Lemmy's federated structure and FOSS nature make it appealing to anticapitalists, and the lead devs are Marxists.

    There are even times when the rhetoric I see is approaching the level of toxicity I see from right-wing internet goers.

    Kinda? People with strong beliefs strongly challenge different beliefs.

    Fewer political in general is what I want, but it would be nice to see some actual diversity of opinions. Echo chambers are good for absolutely no one.

    You're not going to find a place devoid of politics unless you make an instance banning all talk, and even then people will dance around the subject. Everything is political.

    As for "echo-chambers," I actually disagree. As a Marxist, I have far more productive conversations with other Marxists about Marxism than I do with liberals. Diverse thoughts don't necessarily mean productive conversations.

  • What would you like to change about Lemmy culture?
  • I doubt The Black Panthers knew school lunches and child care were going to be the traction they needed when they started theirs.

    Incorrect, the Black Panther Party was Marxist-Leninist and was attempting to build up a vanguard party, and a part of that theory is building up dual power and parallel structures to fold the public in and garner support.

  • What would you like to change about Lemmy culture?
  • I've picked up Conquest of Bread by Peter Kropotkin at the request of a comrade at our mutual aid organization.

    The Bread Book is pretty good, but Anarchism and Other Essays by Emma Goldman would probably be better when it comes to actual Praxis.

    I also wouldn't discount Marxism either. Anarchism is appealing to new leftists, but there are many misconceptions about Marxism I see in Anarchist circles, like the idea of Communism not having a Government. Marx wasn't an Anarchist, he advocated for central planning and a government run by the people, but without the previous elements of Capitalist society he called the "state," ie Private Property Rights and Capitalist policing.

    But I still don't think you understand that Solarpunk is a point of intersection to extend a post scarcity, environmental sustainability and social justice to people that are less aware of these concepts.

    It's a vibe, and an aesthetic. People fans of the aesthetic can also push methods of theory and praxis, but as it stands it is generally describing an ideal, without the structures or actions necessary to get there. Marxism and Anarchism both have those answers, Solarpunk by itself does not, which is why I am saying it is vulnerable to bad actors.

  • What would you like to change about Lemmy culture?
  • is generally pretty happy until a liberal walks in.

  • The US is Politically to the Right of [Other] Democracies
  • As I said, The powerful will always seek to exploit the labor of the masses, under any economic system. It appears to be fundamental to human nature.

    This is pseudoscience.

  • Protestation
  • Cuba is a great example of where socialism shines. The government is small enough and the culture is contiguous enough that it's a take good option there. Good call.

    Thank you.

    What one was the USSR led to what now is Russia - many States being away and associating to greater degrees with the west, and corruption spreading like a plague. Not that the US is doing well on that front right now, but it has lasted slightly longer than the USSR without becoming total shitshow. We're getting there, though.

    The USSR beat the current Russian Federation on nearly every quality of life metric until recently. The RF is not a consequence of the USSR, but of the killing of the USSR. The USSR, like Cuba, was good for the vast majority of citizens.

    Capitalism can, with a discontiguous culture, 'hold it together' longer than socialism can in a similar situation before shitting the bed - particularly when there are options for some socialistic services present.

    Actually ahistorical, the USSR was far more resiliant in times of crisis. The USSR didn't collapse, so much as it was killed from within. It had issues, all states do, but it was not in a time of crisis.

    PRC isn't precisely a shining example of socialism, but is doing a great job of adopting a lot of ideas from capitalism. If any nation sorts out the balance of socialism and capitalism via praxis, it will be the PRC. Their human rights record isn't great, though, and really doesn't seem any better than western counterparts. I can accept that the PRC is a power, but I don't think it truly fits socialism, regardless of its roots.

    The PRC is a transitional Socialist economy. It has a very large public sector, and though it is no longer Maoist, it is still Socialist overall. You may wish to read China Has Billionaires.

  • What would you like to change about Lemmy culture?
  • I've not been aware of ecofascist cooping the movement. But I imagine the vegan mods would sus that out quickly ๐Ÿ˜œ

    Not saying the Solarpunk community on Lemmy definitely has it, but it is a problem with the "movement" itself overall, like all aesthetic-movements do.

    I suppose my point is that a movement doesn't have to know everything about itself to be effective and while anecdotal; I've learned a lot about communism/socialism and mutual aid from solarpunk spaces.

    That's a good thing! I would still try to learn and read Theory outside of a solarpunk context though.

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