Despite what the media might have you believe is the most important thing to have you pay attention to (that Biden is old), it seems that the general public is more interested in learning about something else: Project 2025. Not that many appear to be...
I suspect it's a good thing. Conservatives don't search for things that discredit their views. And I doubt their media is playing this up as anything that deserves attention. It's probably mentioned as a thing to be ignored. I have no factual basis for my suspicions. I could be completely wrong.
my conservative friends and family from the garbage can i grew up in very much like this sort of thing, and probably see it as a justification to vote for sexual dingus trump.
im hoping it will force more democrat voters to go outside.
Conservatives don’t search for things that discredit their view.
I think you're right here but I think we can all be very much like that. Using trump and conservatives as a reference to what we all do, no one Googles "is trump bad." No, we already know the answer to what we think about that. Instead, we google something like "trump is the best" which (along with our personalised algorithm, designed to tell us what we want to hear so we keep engaged) tells us all about how trump is the best.
I think one thing that might help anyone who wants to de-program trumpers, along with the parts that are their own fault, they genuinely are victims of the algorithm they're trapped in. I mean, we all are but right wingers, being right wingers, rarely have the self awareness needed to adjust for it. Theyre amongst the groups most disenfranchised and exploited by these things. It doesn't absolve them of blame but, imo, its more complicated than a lot of people make out.
Good thing. Despite how it sometimes feels, most Americans aren't hateful pieces of shit and don't support this crap. It's just hard to get them to go out and vote.