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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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you can set your watch to it
  • You can ask him, if you’d like…

    Let me just pull out my Ouija board, though I've never been the best with it...

    The working theory is that he was part of Project 2025, and felt betrayed (as all of Trump’s former supporters have been) when he disavowed himself of involvement in it (as he pretty much had to since it was terrorism).

    A 20 year old community college student was "part of" Project 2025? In what context do you mean here?

    Like I said, I suspect the 20 year old community college student that had voted as a Republican in exactly one election and made exactly one small donation to a Democrat PAC was probably not stewed into a murderous rage against the presidential candidate that is the de facto cult leader of the party he was registered as for political reasons.

    Supposedly his final social media post was a message on Steam reading: "July 13th will be my debut, watch how it goes" That feels much more like chasing notoriety than a political manifesto.

  • you can set your watch to it
  • Then why target Trump? Surely he wrote some kind of something about his goal there? I doubt he thought killing Trump would trigger the meteoric rise of a "true" conservative leader who would mobilize the right under Trump's martyrdom and that no one would notice his political affiliation in the process.

  • you can set your watch to it
  • If you’d like something to be excited about consider how much psychological damage losing an election to a woman of color will do to not just trump, but Bannon and miller.

    Hell, there's a part of my cold, cold heart that will be warmed to know that Hillary Clinton might live to see a woman become POTUS, and that woman will not be a Clinton.

  • you can set your watch to it
  • I know right, not only should everyone vote blue no matter who, we should also consider whoever the party apparatus decides is worthy of the office above question or criticism (sometimes chosen with the veneer of caring about the electorate, but not this time [or they would have pushed Biden to drop out much sooner so there could be meaningful primaries], and never more than a veneer [unpledged delegates mean that the party favored candidate only needs like 30% of the vote to get a majority of delegates for any given state - see 2016 Democrat primary in WV for an example of this]).

  • you can set your watch to it
  • even after discovering the shooter was a devout Republican.

    Was he? He'd voted in what, one election as a registered Republican and made one tiny donation to ActBlue. I doubt he was a terribly devout anything politically. I suspect once more about him becomes public it's going to be about fame seeking.rather than a political message. After all his name is going to be in the history books, and would have been there more prominently if he'd landed the shot.

  • Kamala Harris Launches Presidential Bid: ‘My Intention Is to Earn and Win This Nomination’
  • She doesn't have to worry about people turned off by Biden in general to win the nomination. She doesn't need to care about voters at all to win the nomination, she just has to appeal to a handful of DNC operatives because the primary is over.

    Assuming the Biden can't simply reassign his delegates to Harris that is - in which case she's essentially already won the nomination before she even started running.

    Now the election on the other hand...the election also isn't particularly about what she has to offer. The election is all about Trump. People are either voting for Trump or not-Trump, and the vast majority of not-Trump voters aren't all that concerned with what form not-Trump takes so long as it isn't Trump. It's entirely a matter of turnout.

    I'm more curious whether she'll go for a milquetoast generic moderate Democrat or a progressive well to her left - if nothing else it will say something about what she sees as her bigger weakness. I'd put odds on a white guy either way to appease the lesser racists (aka the same reason Biden was Obama's VP).

  • Kamala Harris Launches Presidential Bid: ‘My Intention Is to Earn and Win This Nomination’
  • I mean, that is essentially how Biden ended up as VP.

    And aside from the racial angle how Pence ended up as VP - a milquetoast, boring standard politician type to counterbalance Trump's lunacy, someone hypothetically to be the adult in the room.

  • Kamala Harris Launches Presidential Bid: ‘My Intention Is to Earn and Win This Nomination’
  • Huh, didn't know her birthday offhand. So she'll be 35 by Jan 20, 2025? And she of course is a natural born US citizen who has lived in the US for the requisite number of years.

    Normally POTUS candidates pick VPs that in their minds shore up their perceived weak spots among voters to make them overall more electable. So who do you think Harris would do worst with and why would AOC draw that demographic in?

  • See This Red Area? This Is *Sand*
  • Districting lines have nothing to do with Senate elections - senators are whole state affairs. Districting lines only affect two things at the federal level - House elections and presidential electors in two particular states that grant one elector based on the results within each House district and two based on overall state vote.

  • Still Got It
  • Hey now, if the Democrats win the presidency and a veto proof majority in both houses then they'll do something and then take that proposal and compromise it with the right.

    Anything less than the presidency and veto proof majorities in both houses and they'll get nothing done at all.

  • Illinois sheriff's deputy charged with murder in fatal shooting of woman who called 911
  • He shot a woman for no good reason. That's enough. People care more when bad things happen to women.

    It's why black folks being a larger share of people shot by police than their share of population is definitely racist but no one bats an eye at more than 95% of folks shot by police being men.

  • Vote out the career politicians who don't really give a shit about you
  • Biden is just as likely to win/lose as Kamala is, as is Bernie, and so on.

    Thanks to ballot access deadlines in several key states, this just isn't the case. It's Biden or Trump unless one of them dies in the meantime. If you tried to field Kamala as a replacement against a living Biden, you'd end up with a number of electors under faithless elector laws required to vote for Biden despite him having stepped down to make way for Kamala, possibly enough to trigger a one vote per state decision.

    I’m still of the opinion that Trump has gone way too far and there will be so many people coming out to vote against him, that he’s essentially running against himself.

    You aren't wrong about him essentially running against himself. It's entirely about whether or not people who would vote against Trump actually go out and vote for Biden (or his replacement should he die) in sufficient numbers.

    But it's nearly always the GOP running against themselves, turnout is basically what decides US presidential elections. It's just writ lager with Trump.

  • Biden says it’s ‘time to outlaw’ AR-15 after Trump assassination attempt
  • It's also the most common rifle in the US, which is why it keeps showing up in various shootings that get media attention. They're not super great rifles for any application, but they're good for just about anything and designed to be modular so you can swap parts around if you need to.

    That probably cost him a few votes, since he is now openly one of those gun grabbers who hates the 2nd amendment that the GOP claims all Dems are as a scare tactic.

  • The only way we lose is if we stand divided.
  • It's not, but it's also not something you're going to change by voting for Biden, Trump, some candidate with no chance of winning or no one at all. Because every road leads to the US continuing to support Israel.

  • The only way we lose is if we stand divided.
  • and the other makes any criticism whatsoever of Israel legally antisemitic hate speech which again is largely going to affect leftist orgs but will also allow the board of education to strip funding and accreditation from colleges that allow pro-Palestinian protests.

    Reading this bil...

    This is the definition of antisemitism the bill adopts:

    Since the bill applies this definition to title VI, it would apply to any organization receiving federal funds subject to title VI.

    Doesn't count all criticism of Israel, you just can't question it's right to self determination, the validity or potential racism of a Jewish ethnostate, or levy any criticism that wouldn't be leveled at literally any other nation in the same scenario. You also probably couldn't speak Ill of AIPAC since that could be deemed demonizing Jews as collective.

    Can't strip college accreditation, could strip federal funding - basically they'd be stuck operating under the same kind of restraints a college that doesn't want to follow title IX does.

    I find it deeply amusing though that most of the people upset about this one would have been strongly in support of it prior to 10/7/23 as a move to fight white supremacy and neo-Nazis. If it was passed back then and been turned on students now it would have been a real "be careful what you wish for" moment.

  • The only way we lose is if we stand divided.
  • Every election is going to be a "last chance" election until there's another GOP win. Then either they were right, the Dems will learn and pivot to another tactic or they'll lose several more times because losing the last chance and still having another "last chance" right on schedule makes you look especially dishonest.

  • The only way we lose is if we stand divided.
  • Biden's position on Israel/Gaza isn't good, but it's entirely expected. Israel is the only real US ally in the Middle East, which means the US is going to side with Israel pretty much regardless of what Israel does for strategic reasons if nothing else. The odds we'd do anything more severe than asking nicely if they'd maybe tone it down a bit while still giving them everything they want is functionally zero.

    And that's not really going to change regardless of who is president.