I was going to say that's actually a G K Chesterton quote, but it turns out it's more complicated than that. Neil Gaiman himself said it was from Chesterton (when quoting it at the start of Coraline), but he wrote it from memory and didn't double check, so the original is worded differently. At least, that's how my quick googling claims the paraphrase happened. The misquote is pithier than the original so... is it now a Gaiman quote, even though it originates as an attempted Chesterton quote?
As far as I can tell, the passage he was thinking of was:
Fairy tales do not give the child his first idea of bogey. What fairy tales give the child is his first clear idea of the possible defeat of bogey. The baby has known the dragon intimately ever since he had an imagination. What the fairy tale provides for him is a St. George to kill the dragon.
Interestingly, on Gaiman and attribution, he came out with a graphic novel, The Books of Magic, with a main character very similar to Harry Potter. This was 7 years prior to Rowlings publishing the first book. His response to that similarity was equally charitable, chalking it to creators tapping into the same unconscious material. Dude seems to have integrity. I could see another person grousing at the parallels between the two.
Interesting. When I was around 4 years old I suffered from debilitating nightmares to the point of refusing to go to sleep. Coincidentally, this was also when I came into contact with my first games (Amiga 500 at the time, I'm ancient) and somehow that "taught" my mind that you can fight back against the baddies and win. Never suffered from nightmares ever after that point.
This quote always goes hand in hand with that one for me.
Since it is so likely that (children) will meet cruel enemies, let them at least have heard of brave knights and heroic courage. Otherwise you are making their destiny not brighter but darker.
At first I thought a simple find replace would work but then G man would be spouting all sorts of trash. We'd have to inject actual stories from a webscrape. or just ban the word Jk Rowling in the settings idk
My ghetto-rasied white sister-in-law that loves Motown & has worn cornrows, would quite literally beat her into a pulp for saying something this stupid within her reach.
And yes mouthy bigots deserve their ass beat, but go ahead & show the rest of us how you are so "progressive" that you stand up for the absolute worse of humanity.
Maybe, but I doubt it would really do anything for her. She's actually not a bad person, but her upbringing means she's not the least bit concerned about going to jail after whipping a bad person's ass.
She seems like the type that would accuse such people of faking it to get special treatment, because they don't look "black" enough. The right-wing media in Australia were pushing that line for a while (and probably still are).
Now that is a complicated question. There is a "one drop" narrative that extreme supremacists have... but someone who doesn't look black claiming blackness would definitely get a side eye from a chunk of the black community where even lighter skinned black folks are made aware of the privileges of shade and tone...
So probably both yes and no or the principle of Mu depending on circumstance?
The real answer is it depends on what box they check when they fill out forms. Presuming they don't check the "choose not to answer" box. Then there's simply no way of knowing.
It makes me think of the awful time when Australian news became obsessed with "shirtfronted". Shit like this makes a little piece of my brain die every time I remember it.
She wasn't so vocal previously; maybe she was the same kind of person back then too, but it wasn't evident since people were judging her solely based on her work.
Oh I've no doubt that she's always harbored these views. More that if she'd just kept her mouth shut, she'd still be mostly adored. Like there'd still be some people looking at her with a critical lens, but most wouldn't care.
People will probably study this phenomenon for a long time to come, but people become wildly fanatical when a person in power shares their bigoted views and people in power can't seem to resist turning it up to 11 because those types of fans make you feel like an absolute god.
Maybe from her POV being famous for writing the books became mundane, but all these people suddenly treating her like she's a sociopolitical genius probably hits that reward button so well she just can't stop taking another hit.
...implying that she believes in Blood Quantum as well. Yikes.
Trans people, PoC... she was having a go at disabled people in her last book as well. I think maybe trolling has an addictive component and they have to reach further and further to get the same adrenaline hit.
Blood quantum laws were originally laws made by colonizers in the US deciding who got to be Indigenous based on the percentage of "Indian blood" they have - colonial era Australia did the same thing to Aboriginal people. Slavery-era classifications like "octaroon" are another example.
I was using it more broadly here to mean the essentialist belief that ethnicity is dna-based.
She's so close to getting it, that gender is as much of a bullshit category as race is.
Frustrating to see someone understanding partially but not making the final leap to connect it.
If they're both social constructs, why can't she do what she's saying? We acknowledge the material difference when it comes to skin pigment but not the differences between male and female bodies. It's very weird. People can live how they want as far as I'm concerned, but the logic is clearly not consistent.
Keep going, keep going. I wanna see how far you can go before people stop defending you. I wanna see how much you can get away with and where the line is. I wanna see how much bigotry society is willing to tolerate for the sake of Harry Potter. I want to watch you (metaphorically) hang yourself with your own rope. I want the chaos, I want the spectacle, and I want your followers to wake up and see you for who you really are, or else for you to drag them down with you.
Wow I thought she was perhaps subtle about her hatred, and that's why she isn't universally rejected yet, but apparently that's not the case:
Calling a man a man is not 'bullying' or 'punching down.' Crossdressing straight men are currently one of the most pandered-to demographics in existence, and women are under no obligation to applaud the people caricaturing us.
— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) May 12, 2024
She must have once had a long term relationship with a guy with a crossdressing kink but he kept it secret from her. She eventually found out and it ended their relationship and she is bitter about it. So now she’s expanding her bitterness towards any trans woman, which, as far as I can tell – I haven’t looked into it, is an entirely different thing. Metaphorically, her ex used to cheat on her by playing golf, so no she hates all sports that involve hitting balls.
Pun not intended.
Thankfully I’ve always been somewhat off center, so I was always upfront
I have not met a single Harry Potterfan in my generation or previous who have anything good to say about Rowling. Most people who loved the series still love it and don't give a shit what derailed in the mind of the person who made it.
It's one of the more profound Death of the Author moments in modern media. And I think it's great, take away her only claim to fame,adopt it and let the fans run wild with it, I'm sure her money alone will make her endlessly happy for the rest of her life.
Death of the Author doesn’t really work when the author is still alive, profiting off the work, and gets to decide which new projects get an official stamp of approval. Plus, she’s absolutely delusional enough to believe that her continued royalties off the franchise justify her views and that people must secretly agree with her.
There’s enough other great works out there to put your time and effort into building an expanded world around, if that’s your thing, written by authors who are far kinder and more talented than Rowling. Might I suggest Ursula LeGuin or Terry Pratchett for some light and enjoyable fantasy?
i love the trio and most of the cast from the movies so much.
i love darren criss and everyone in starkid
i love pottercast, mugglenet, and leaky.
jk rowling though? i honestly don't care i used to like it when i had twitter and she would do the wands up in may for the battle of hogwarts but even then it became clear that she didn't care
i don't just read hp though. i also love chris colfers land of stories and so many other book series since then (i have a lot more on goodreads i just can't list them all)
Honestly race is a social construct formed initially out of ethnicity in a very similar way to gender being a social construct formed initially out of sex. I don’t think most people would be offended by someone whose cultural behavior matched that of a race not normally associated with their ethnicity, as long as it was genuine and not done simply to appropriate another culture.
Like, if a white kid is raised around a lot of Jamaican immigrants, falls in love with reggae, and becomes a Canadian reggae sensation, we aren’t gonna say that he’s black (because he isn’t), but we also aren’t gonna say that Snow is appropriating Jamaican culture.
I guess it could be an interesting question for a more open future society, whether “trans-racial” identity could eventually be something we could identify and accept.
But of course TERFy bitch J.K. Rowling isn’t asking this question in good faith, she’s trying to be edgy and punch down, like she’s constantly doing these days. So, no J.K. Rowling. Fuck off.
I'm white but grew up in Latin America. Nobody cares if I act Latino in Latin American contexts but if I do with a bunch of white people who don't know me it can be weird. Also there's the whole "racially self deprecating latino humor" area that I just kinda try to steer out of generally because nope...
I get that. White people carry so much guilt that we sort of knee-jerk about racial stuff.
I remember in high school I was talking about one of my co-workers, whom I described as “Mexican.” I was told by some of my well-meaning but extremely white classmates, “Don’t call him that, that’s offensive. You should say Hispanic. You don’t know where he’s from.”
I said, “Yes I do. His name is Juan, he’s from Mexico, and he’s Mexican. I know that because I talk to him. He was a police officer there, and decided to get out when he was shot three times. He came to the US and he works in a kitchen here.”
There is an episode of 30 Rock where Tina Fey’s character asks Selma Hayek’s character (the character is Puerto Rican) what she should call her. She says, “A Puerto Rican.”
Tina Fey’s character says, “I know you can say that, but what do I say?”
It's my understanding that black Latinos feel the same way that you do. People look at you like you're crazy when you call Sammy Davis, Jr. Latino despite that he always made sure everyone knew he was Puerto Rican. He used to regularly call himself “the only black, Puerto Rican, one-eyed, Jewish entertainer in the world.”
Edit: Apparently, Sammy was actually Afro-Cuban, but he called himself Puerto Rican because he was worried about anti-Cuban sentiment. TIL.
Or to make it more modern for the kids today- telling a lot of people that Zoe Saldana is Latina doesn't click with them because she's black. Even if you tell them her parents were from Cuba. Even though her last name is fucking Saldana.
Sorry, but the entire "cultural appropriation" thing is utter bullshit. It's made up rules (social construct, anyone?) just to be able to be better than thou.
Honestly race is a social construct formed
No, it's not. There are such things as different races and ancestries. I don't gaf what rave you are, but I get pissed once you start behaving better than thou.
This "cultural appropriation" fad is godawful and needs to go. Live and Let live. Saying that somebody can't do something because they're from the wrong culture and if not it's worng think is the exact behavior that you're supposed to root out. You're doing the exact thing as the old boomers, just on the other side!
I practice kyokushin karate, as Japanese (and a bit Korean) as it gets. I have a kyokushin kanji tattooed on my arm. I'm also a gasp white male, oh noes! Cultural appropriation! Just that, you know, I had my shodan exam taken by Shigeru Tabata himself, who is -surprise- Japanese, and who WANTS me to use parts of his culture, he is actively promoting it.
Most (just, all) people don't mind when others use parts of their culture, that is what cultures do, they change, mix, and evolve over time. Mexicans don't give a crap that Americans wear sombreros on Cinco de mayo, they will sell you those sombreros to being with and love it that you love that part of the culture!
In come the university students who know better than everyone else about their own culture to now tell you that you're abusing Mexican culture!
Just. Shut. Up. Already.
Live and Let live, stop searching for and making up evil monsters, just let people be Happy.
And yes, you calling jk Rowling a terf bitch shows that you're not writing this is good faith, you're just trying to be edgy and punch down.
I’m not sure why you’re angry at me. I never accused anyone of cultural appropriation, merely described a situation where no rational person would. I also generally think the concept is overly policed on the internet and often bullshit. I have argued for years that culture is meant to be shared. I’m a singer, and I do not hesitate to sing songs from cultures outside my own, and indeed I try to find the right way to express that song as much like the other cultures would as I can.
Like everything else in life, though, this is not black and white. There is such a thing as cultural appropriation, and it is when cultures are belittled and not treated with respect. Participating in a culture is fine. Making your team mascot “Chief Wahoo” is not.
No, it's not. There are such things as different races and ancestries.
I recommend you look into this more. Here is just one example from a quick Google search. What we mean when we talk about race is not nearly as black-and-white (pun intended) as we think, genetically speaking, and is largely something we decide as a society. Thus, a social construct. Like gender. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t have meaning or value, just that it isn’t something unchanging. Like, for example, how Irish and Italians weren’t considered “White” and now are. Or how complicated things can get within some Hispanic communities with regard to skin color.
And yes, you calling jk Rowling a terf bitch shows that you're not writing this is good faith, you're just trying to be edgy and punch down.
I’m not sure it’s possible for me to punch down at a billionaire, least of all by calling out her blatant transphobia. I’m also not sure how taking swings at her means I’m not writing in good faith. I suspect you’re just upset and I’m not entirely sure why. Take a deep breath, my friend.
Some famous people REALLY shouldn't have a Twitter account: Trump would have stayed a tacky real estate developer/reality TV host, Musk would have stayed a tech visionary, and Jo would have stayed a beloved children's book author.
Is there any way to like, disassociate being a Harry Potter fan to whatever embarrassing nonsense her X Formerly Known as Twitter accounting is spouting?
Yep. I despise her opinions since I've heard/read them, but reading HP still is a treasured child memory and I pick them up again every few years. But I'm never buying anything that contributes to her wealth and I'm not going to rate the books positevely on goodreads or whatever.
I surely makes no difference to her, but it allows me to feel okay about it.
I feel the same way about Roald Dahl. He was a virulent antisemite, meaning that he would have hated me, but I can't give up those books I grew up with.
But at least I'm not giving him money directly if I buy one of his books.
harry potter kept me a live when i was in the closest before i transitioned. i made a lot of online friends through pottercast, leaky, and starkid so i still love reading it. i don't care about the new stuff (fantastic beasts was ruined when they stopped making it about newtina) and i don't buy any new books or anything.
But the problem with that is if she doesn't say some stupid shit to piss people off, she won't be in the news. And could you IMAGINE no longer being relevant enough to hold on to that attention? It's horrid.
That's not to say that she doesn't genuinely hold her shitty views, but she can't just shut the fuck up because then she wouldn't get any attention anymore, especially after pissing off a large portion of her core audience.
She likes slytherins. And her favoritest slytherin of all spent decades bullying children to the point that Neville was more afraid of him than the death eaters that tortured his parents into insanity.
Going out on a limb here but I think it's because of the portrayal of the house elves. A subjugated people who everyone said was better off in slavery, and the notion of emancipating them is ridiculed. Some people write it off as a coincidence, but there sure is a lot of these coincidences, like how the entire wizarding world's economy is run by hook-nosed evil creatures, that even conspired with the dark lord for their own gains.
Quick someone SLAM JK Rowling for saying more idiotic nonsense. We need more celebrities SLAMMED as soon as possible. Some politicians too, keep on SLAMMING folks!
For some people, it's damn near impossible.
We all put our foot in our mouths sometimes, but it used to be in private. Now the spectacle can reach every corner of social media.
In this environment of always being in the vicinity of a hot mic, to put one's hoof in mouth over and over and over again, sounds like a compulsion, a new manifestation of addiction disease, and always with the classic dumb person approach and stance of "I'm the cleverest one in the room".
Just a few off the top of my head in no particular order, Donald Trump, Kim Kardashian, Logan Paul, Charlie Sheen, Paris Hilton, Elon Musk, Kanye West, Joe Exotic, etc., etc., etc. 🙃
So, lemme get this straight JK, I can't be a woman despite intense dysphoria that didn't go away until I pumped my body full of hormones and literally inverted the look and function of one of my major organs... But you can be black, because you watched Sanford & Son that one time?
OK. I hate to "defend" a terf but I don't think that's her point. JK doesn't want to be black. She doesn't think she should be allowed to change her race and she knows that most people agree with that. She thinks it's an uno reverse card to go "ha! so how come you're allowed to change your gender then?" as if race and gender are the exact same thing.
Reposting this from one of last times she did something insanely TERF-y. (2 months ago) It really feels like she's desperately trying to convince herself.
It's sad that she's likely repressing a LOT of gender dysphoria, but just doubles down on the bigotry and hate. Fuck JK Umbridge.
All direct quotes:
I believe I could have been persuaded to turn myself into the son my father had openly said he’d have preferred.
As I didn’t have a realistic possibility of becoming a man back in the 1980s, it had to be books and music that got me through.
I remember how mentally sexless I felt in youth.
Fortunately for me, I found my own sense of otherness, and my ambivalence about being a woman...
It's beginning to look like everyone has them, they just cause problems when their native environment is so toxic that they're forced to try to burrow their way out.
For some reason they're rebooting the HP series into a show. I thought maybe it was a way to update some bits and distance themselves from Rowling, then they hired her as producer. Wtf is even the point?? If anything she's gonna make it more racist
What's weird is prior to the meltdown over trans people she was obnoxiously progressive. Constantly retconning characters via tweets to make them more inclusive, when it has absolutely nothing to do with the story being told.
I have no problem at all with Dumpledore being gay and Hermione being black. I think including marginalized people in story telling is fantastic.
But that's absolutely not how these characters were written. She just kinda said that's the way it was and left it at that. Because the characters weren't originally written with that in mind it added no context, and brought nothing to light about these characters that night have been missed. That's not inclusivity. It's pandering. And she just would not stop doing it.
Sometimes people are assigned progressive by social expectations and start playing that role without really thinking about it. She tried to write an apolitical generic kids book, and everybody's white, fat people are evil, and bankers are big nosed goblins. Then other people read it and started pointing things out, but she couldn't detect any of this herself so when she tried to be inclusive she just added Ching Chong the asian and a minstrel slave race. Need to make someone black, I said Hermione has ugly frizzy hair so I guess it's her. Need a gay, make it the asexual grandpa so it's not gross. Eventually something comes along that cracks their assumption that they must be progressive and they come out as right wing on Twitter.
Not sure if you know this or not but black Hermione wasn't a canon claim like Dumbledore. People were criticizing the casting of a play and she was defending the actress, saying "Hermione can be a black woman with my absolute blessing and enthusiasm."
Imo the worst of the canon claims is that wizards would shit themselves and then apparate it away instead of developing toilets.
What’s weird is prior to the meltdown over trans people she was obnoxiously progressive
Sooo... just your bog-standard liberal "progressive" that jumped onto the fascism train as soon as the status quo was threatened in a way she doesn't approve of?
Sometimes I think we need a Freaky Friday sort of thing to happen. Can she just wake up as a black trans woman tomorrow, just for a few days? Walk in their shoes?
I think if you disparage a group of people, it would be helpful to live as one for awhile. So there should be a greater chance of rolling that.
Other than that, straight up randomizing would probably work ok (since everything is a pyramid most at the top would be trading down economically), and you need to acquire enough knowledge when transfered to know what the daily life is - where to go for work or school, familiarity with the situation you are in, the basics of your job. It's a lesson not a punishment, right?
It's such a bad faith comparison to make about trans people.
One's race oftentimes comes with a slew of cultural background, and misappropriation of that isn't cool.
Gender meanwhile is just a societal constrict built of the typical characteristics of the sexes - if you don't line up with the one given to you at birth, then there's no reason why you shouldn't be able to identify with what you do line up with.
Nah, I'm not with you. Gender also comes with cultural background, and physical characteristics, very much like race. And yes, if you feel deeply aligned with black culture as a white born person, fuckin go for it. Besides, we are all listening to blues and rock n hip hop — all "black music" — so what's the problem? Am I only allowed to listen to Tchaikovsky if I'm Russian? The whole set of mental gymnastics can go fuck itself, all cultures and races influenced each other for all of history. Is anybody mad about Thai people opening cannabis dispensaries and wearing Cookies merch & baseball hats? No, go ahead and "appropriate" whatever you want from me
identify with what you do line up with
Or don't, I don't give a fuck, this doesn't really affect my life. Wanna get surgery to look like a goat with some neat horns? Sweet, good luck
Ok let's do the honest hard questions. Should mtf ppl be allowed to do all female sports? No, probably not, it's generally not fair. Should ftm be allowed to do all male sports? Sure. Should bathrooms just be all gender bathrooms? Yeah, probably fine, maybe add some panic buttons. Should people under 18 be allowed to get a sex change? Only if they parents sign off on it, they are the legal guardians. Maybe it'll feel like a mistake later, maybe not, but the family is in the best position to decide. Are microplasics fucking up hormones in pretty much all living things? EPA says yes, and that's a concern
This is the problem with social media. The dumbest opinions get spread not because they have a good point or even advance the discussion, but because they're dumb and we like to look at dumb opinions for entertainment value.
If by "social media" you mean platforms encouraging teaming together and ape behavior, then certainly yes.
It's the modern replacement of 30s' propaganda. We didn't notice a revolution in propaganda and censorship and crowd control. These platforms are it.
People flocked to these without considering that our instincts were developing without such mechanisms in place. That means you shouldn't be careful on them just as you are with telephone calls from unfamiliar people or newspaper ads, but that plus careful as with a HV cable inside a slaughtering block.
Geez, lady, just LET IT GO. You're not going to win this argument. You can't turn things around by powering through... you're just going to charge off a cliff. (Also, your films with Eddie Redmayne in them suck. Stop making those.)
It's a shame that JK Rowling keeps getting paid for that manuscript she stole from Hatsune Miku and then put a bunch of Pro-Slavery and Anti-Semitism into...
She's right to compare them. Both are assigned to you based on some physical and social characteristics and can predetermine your life to an extreme degree.
Ethnicity and gender are very similar in their core, in the way they exist as a social construct, or "collective hallucination" as I like to call it.
What's she's wrong at is thinking either is an immutable biological fact.
I always thought she sucked as an author, then she showed her ugly personality, she's got nothing.
I read the first book when it came out and thought it felt like if you asked a group of teenagers to come up with a wizard story in 5 minutes and they spout out a bunch of ideas that come from previous cartoons and movies and mixed it together. But I gave it a pass, it's a kids book and I was like 20 and things get rehashed over time.
Harry Potter is what current generation AI would come up given other wizard stories as input.
If you’ve read Harry Potter at any age older than 12 you’re not a serious person.
Whenever I meet an adult who says they’re into Harry P. I’ll secretly judge them and avoid them.
The same applies to adult MCU aficionados.
So please stop giving her waaay more attention than her silly scribblings for half-wits make her deserve