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My Windows Computer Just Doesn't Feel Like Mine Anymore
  • The "1000 and 1 Microsoft sucker lament" genre again.

    One would think in a "technology" community people would be sharing mostly articles about some cool-working things, and news would be something supplementary.

    I know that I haven't submitted a single post here, but just WTF.

  • Shit libertarians say.
  • Homeschooling is technically the opposite of fascist approach. As in "state being in charge" vs "parents being in charge".

    That said, some parents are just too dumb to allow them full control over their child's education. Just in my case it was their "try harder" attitude about school, while something like homeschooling would work much better.

    Imagine an autistic adult who never dropped the imitation and missed on most good things in life, trying to impose the same onto their autistic child who at least understands that imitation takes too much energy and isn't worth shit (and is seen right through by NT people anyway), thinking that their fake smiles, stupid loud nonsense talk and even fake hobbies (as in those they know nothing about, but talk a lot in public) don't look that, and also being scared shitless of the very idea of going to a therapist ("I'm/you're NORMAL", this is common in ex-USSR though), and, finally, actively sabotaging any idea to isolate their stupidity and ignorance to them. That would be my dad.

    Other than personal examples, there are good and bad parents and there are good and bad schools and there are good and bad education systems.

    Parents generally don't groom their children to become cannon fodder, some education systems do ; parents generally don't want their children to be fooled by politicians, and education systems are directly influenced by those politicians ; parents generally care for their own children to have some successes, while for Prussian-style school systems it's normal that some are just discarded, if the majority becomes good drones.

  • The US will pay Moderna $176 million to develop an mRNA pandemic bird flu vaccine
  • If between two variants in a decision there's a huge difference in incomes for someone, that someone will find a way to make the deciding party interested in that difference.

    Which is why good guys should introduce good things slowly and carefully, the way bad guys introduce bad things (unless they are too powerful to care).

  • 'There Are No Kings in America': Biden Blasts Supreme Court, Issues Dire Warning After Immunity Ruling
  • TBF to fight a government that went rogue in our time you'll need a whole lot more than knowing how to shoot a rifle.

    Field medicine. Chemistry. How to build underground shelters against airstrikes. How to make mortars and mortar shots in garage with commonly available tooling. Using FPV drones, of course. Using (and possibly making) AT shots. Maybe simple (Katyusha-level) artillery manufacturing. Making mines.

    That's just some of the manufacturing knowledge you'll need, it's much more.

    Communications - something easy to get wrong.

    Then - tactics and teamwork, of course. It's a lot to learn and requires lots of training.

    Logistics. Something which doesn't seem as hard as the rest, while in fact the hardest.

    And I'm just mentioning things, one can write a book for every one of them.

  • 'There Are No Kings in America': Biden Blasts Supreme Court, Issues Dire Warning After Immunity Ruling
  • They are free to interpret it this way just as you are your way.

    It would be weird for a new polity, result of a winning rebellion against lawful government, and definitely against its laws (some people think one can rebel not breaking any laws, apparently, claiming there are legal and illegal rebellions), to not have this in mind frankly.

    And from the context of the second amendment we know that back then it was interpreted exactly as a militia that can fight against federal military.

    One can argue in theory that this doesn't mean individual gun rights, just that states should have their own armies (national guard). One can't argue that it's not intended for rebellion, because it very openly was.

  • 'There Are No Kings in America': Biden Blasts Supreme Court, Issues Dire Warning After Immunity Ruling
  • We used to, and that’s how we pressured politicians into the New Deal, but organized labor has been dismantled since then.

    It's the downside of very rapid economic and social development in USA as compared to France since then. When things are changing so fast, some you just lose, maybe don't even think you need them anymore, and have to build them again.

    EDIT: And most of the planet is less conscious than the French for this matter.

  • On the Internet, what is a dead giveaway that someone is actually a kid?
  • When it's not E2EE, maybe they are right. What's the point of encrypting something that gets decrypted midway by an organization with hundreds of employees, many of them with access, not even talking about law enforcement and accidental criminals.

    EDIT: I mean, illusion of security may be sometimes worse that lack of that little security which comes with it. Everything is complex.

  • Casual reminder
  • because of their deep and abiding fear of the Evil Russian Backed KDP party (god damn, everything old really is new again)

    You missed the moment where NSDAP and German communists kinda had intersecting constituencies, as in "angry young people with nothing good to do".

    Many stormtroopers were members of both at different points of their, eh, path.

    And then, what really kicked off martial law was the Reichstagg fire,

    Which was almost certainly a false flag operation by Nazis.

    Liberals, Conservatives, and Fascists all united under a single banner in their staunch hatred of German Communism.

    Such parallels always suck. They didn't really have liberals in the Weimar republic. It was all conservatives, monarchists, nationalists, and some fishy social-democrats. And it was kinda authoritarian at every point.

    This was decades after German military police and Freikorps paramilitary groups under Hindenburg crushed the Spartacus League during the 1919 strike wave. The leaders of the movement - Rosa Luxemburg, Karl Liebknecht, and Franz Mehring - were executed by the police and the organizations disbanded under threat of further imprisonment/execution.

    Yep. You might consider that such a republic shouldn't be so readily compared to the US.

    I'm not saying future is cool.

  • Casual reminder
  • These fit under "state-level scams".

    EDIT: Still, while I wasn't going to compliment them or something, it can be a valid strategy for survival to use anything to accumulate some operational power ; I can see a few nations (not all of them have recognized states) on the map for which it may be necessary to survive in the following decade. But Nazis didn't have to take such risks, it was ideological for them that theft and robbery are better than honest work.

  • Casual reminder
  • They've also ran a few state-level scams and Ponzi schemes to have the funds for that military and other spending.

    Their business model was - step 1, cheat to have money, step 2, use money to rearm, step 3, conquer and loot, thus get funds that way, step 4 probably would be to force some peace, then rearm, then rinse and repeat, but they didn't manage to capture a few strategic areas they needed in time. So they had fuel shortages, food shortages, and ultimately lost.

  • Casual reminder
  • What do you expect, people think Hitler was good for most Germans and restored economy and made trains run on time, and the defeat part oh well. Because that's what movies show. And that's because for commies Hitler was just a variation of the west, probably less capricious, while for the west Hitler was bad, but good against commies. So both would show Nazis as being better than their opponent.