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grrgyle grrgyle
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"Suffering builds character". anarcho-primitivists, probably
  • I may sneer at the commodification of livable designs, but I guess I see your point... We've gone way beyond the scope of this comic, using a single word as a launching point to talking about leveraging hype machines for good.

    Would you care to give an example? I have a hard time picturing this kind of thing as sincere, because it's usually the tip of the spear in a cynical marketing campaign to divest people of their money.

  • "Suffering builds character". anarcho-primitivists, probably
  • Begone, prescriptivist!

    Hahaha jk, but I agree in part. For the other part, though, I think there is a partial duty to a communicator to realise how words will be interpreted, and use the word as they know it will be understood. Or else they should do some work to explain their meaning.

    For instance, in the comic, the word "technological" could be removed altogether, and the meaning is only clearer for it.

  • Writing Club - July 2024
  • For my part, I set out to draw a fairly detailed map of the part of the fictional world that my story takes place. Here's what I came up with:

    A map of two mountain ranges with orange at their tops, paths going into them from the left, and out at the right, leading to an outpost, and further still some buildings labelled "Bunks." (Please DM me if you would like more detail)

    I'm pretty happy with it, but it still feels like just an outline/draft/unfinished. But maybe it's enough for now. Does this image make sense to anyone else? I imagine it's pretty vague if your brain isn't loaded up with all the context I've been soaking in for the past year (!!!).

    My second goal was to connect two scenes together, which I didn't even start on. But I have a good reason (lol)! Previously, I was working this material into a WIP Twine game, but since reading about the "Snowflake" method of writing, I realised I don't even have an outline - which has been making the writing of these Twine game scenes harder than it has to be (because I essentially have to invent motivations on the spot to puppet my characters around).

    So I'm doing a slight pivot. I'm going to write this story as a short story first, then maybe adapt it into a Twine game. I'm hoping to use the Snowflake method to my full advantage this way (yes, you guessed correctly, I do like structure hahaha).

    So my goal for this month is to finish my short story outline: characters, plot/events, worldbuilding (enough for the story anyway), beginning, conflict(s), and end.

    Good luck, me!

  • ✍️ Writing grrgyle

    Writing Club - July 2024

    Welcome to the inaugural writing club update! This is a brand new writing club, first proposed here. I have some ideas about what I want from this club, but where we go from here is open ended.

    So feel free to start new posts or spinoffs in between my monthly posts, as long as they jive with the rules in our gracious host community's sidebar, you have my full support. :)

    On to the whole point of this club! The following brave things set to text concrete goals for themselves (linked beside their names, just below). If you'd like to join their number, simply say so in the comments, along with your goal for this month. Okay, here are the stars of our show: 👏👏👏👏


    You don't have to share any of the actual material you've worked on unless you want to (you could even use our local Etherpad to share writing stuff - for example).

    Here are some questions to start you off. I'm genuinely interested in your answers, but don't feel you need to follow my script. This is just a prompt:

    • How do you think you did on your goal(s)?
    • What would you like to accomplish for our next check-in in August?
    • Is there a part of your project that you'd especially like feedback on?
    • Is there anything about this writing club you'd like us to do differently?

    No stress if you didn't accomplish everything you set out to (I fell short and I'm still here hehe). I would love to hear your updates no matter how things went!

    I'll share my own progress in a comment below. What I'm hoping from this step is that we treat this as part check-in, and part conversation. This is your chance to really dig into each others' projects (and if someone has done so for you, maybe it would be nice to return the favour and take an interest in their own project? ;))

  • It's just too bad the industrial revolution lead to capitalism overdrive. That would have been a great historical inflection point to switch over to socialism. I mean people tried, but they got murdered.

  • Now we know how much it costs to make a $2,800 Dior bag
  • Yeah you can play with the numbers, and it all depends on the economic context.

  • "Suffering builds character". anarcho-primitivists, probably
  • Sure, but that's not how most people read the term. Going back to my point about how I both dis/agree with this because of how vague it is.

  • You have 3 wishes
  • I love your username. Is it meant to be a naughty bilingual pun?

  • Earth is such a huge illusion.
  • Yeah like who wants to see something giants built or like study the ruins to find out everything we can about a race of giants and where they came and what their society and biology are like if they still exist, snorrrre 😴 give me huge monuments to humanities anxiety over our inability to escape death built by humans who were mostly unpaid! Now that's exciting!

  • You have 3 wishes
  • POV you're about to encounter a little ol' Fate Worse Than Death

  • John Deere lays off hundreds of employees, after a $10B profit year
  • Me furiously taking post-apocalyptic worldbuilding notes from your comment 🫨🫨🫨

  • John Deere lays off hundreds of employees, after a $10B profit year
  • Me, imitating the pose of a thoughtful looking person I saw in a magazine: have we tried AI the line? Like make AI do the line, and me have more money? Need more money for AI implement line AI money make?

  • You have 3 wishes
  • Also if the genie is a thinking agent or even just capable of detecting an infinite loop this falls apart.

  • Why don't you?
  • Bounce this (does elaborate football move, succeeding on the third attempt) ha (visibly out of breath)

  • Why don't you?
  • Rofl

  • Just watched 'I Saw the TV Glow'
  • I don't think you need to spoiler that - that's good Intel to know going in!

  • "Suffering builds character". anarcho-primitivists, probably
  • I both agree and disagree, because this comic is dangerously vague.

    A good example is electric cars. It would be great if everyone switched to electric cars, but it would be even better if we built a city that didn't treat pedestrians, cyclists, and public commuters as second class.

    The difference being the latter doesn't let private equity make fat returns.

    And yes ofc we can both.

  • Now we know how much it costs to make a $2,800 Dior bag
  • I think it works for slightly more expensive things too. Like absent any noticeable difference we would assume that a $5 hotdog was better than a $2 hotdog.

    You may be thinking of Veblen goods, which are marked up to such a degree that the high price point is the point of the purchase. It makes the product more exclusive.

  • If you could create a new religion, what would you include to make it wholesome, interesting and helpful for the world?
  • Not completely safe there with Buddhism:

    I don't have anything to back this up, but I wonder if there's a strong correlation between a religion being minority in a region and how "peaceful" it is, because my suspicion is that majority/power of any kind will always come at the risk of attracting chuds or corrupting the fearful into protecting themselves by attacking others. Literally "others" I guess.

    Pet hypothesis just held up by vibes though so

  • ✍️ Writing grrgyle

    Writing Club

    I've never been in a writing club but I'm interested in trying to get one going. Would anyone else be interested in giving it a go? I don't have to lead it, but will do so if no one else wants to.

    What I'm picturing:

    • Monthly check-in cadence
    • Everyone sets a personal goal, and then talks about how they did the previous month
    • No pressure other than what you want to take on to motivate you
    • Maybe some "assignments" in the vein of a creative writing class
    • I volunteer to send members reminder DMs to motivate them :)

    I was thinking I'd just start with this post - come up with a goal for myself to accomplish by end of June, and then check back sometime in the first week of July. If that sounds interesting to you, feel free to join in and comment with your goal, and any details you want to add.

    PS Also very open to writing club discussion meta. I'm new to this so wide open to suggestios, comments, critique, etc.



    @JacobCoffinWrites - goal @grrgyl - goal @hazeebabee - goal @Pip - goal


    Getting up today after failing yesterday

    Screenshot of Mario Kart for SNES with text reading "give up?" And two choices shown: "yes" and "no." The option "no" is selected. Luigi is also pictured on the lower half of the screen.
