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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Mossy Feathers (They/Them)


Posts 23
Comments 1.7K
For all the summer endurers (July 1, 1909)
  • The comics you're seeing here are mostly cherry-picked. I think the best way I've seen someone put it is that he's sort-of a the personification of the social contract.

    While I wouldn't describe Everett as actually being a bigot (I don't think he actually has any beliefs except that the social contract must be followed), his fanatical adherence to the social contract means his behavior can swing wildly between being bigoted and being extremely progressive (sometimes progressive even for today). You just aren't seeing the cartoons where he complains to his wife about her behavior (and finds out his wife can be just as aggressive, if not more so), or complains about how characters (who are now recognized as painfully offensive racial stereotypes) aren't pulling their weight.

    I don't think there's anything wrong with enjoying the comic for its progressive moments so long as you acknowledge that Everett is a product of his time and enforces the beliefs of the time.

  • For all the summer endurers (July 1, 1909)
  • The other dude is experiencing the same heat.

    Yes he is, doesn't mean it wasn't kinda rude.

    Also burning someone with a cigar for around something rude, implied or direct, is super fucked up

    Welcome to the Outbursts of Everett True, where we gather around and call a cartoon character "based" because his violent, unhinged outbursts (usually) align with our own beliefs. It sure is fucked up and completely over-the-top, but that's normal for this strip.

  • For all the summer endurers (July 1, 1909)
  • That's actually kind of a weirdly difficult question to answer because the first man's question is hella loaded. The way his question is phrased implies that Everett was recently complaining about being too cold. Furthermore, the way the question is directed at Everett vaguely implies that Everett's implied warm wishes somehow caused the stifling heat. As such, it's a bit of a dick move to ask someone a question phrased like that. Sometimes people do it jokingly (presumably the man was intending to be teasing), however Everett's infamously short fuse got immediately triggered by the stifling heat.

  • Valve gives developers some big reasons to add a demo on Steam
  • Nice! This is particularly useful for games when the demo has different content than the final game (it's not very common, but sometimes devs treat demos more like teasers and/or prequels and have different content in them than the actual game).

  • Chemists of Lemmy, how accurate is this likability table?
  • Why? Bismuth is pretty harmless from what I can find. It's not great but it's way better than lead (which it replaced in a lot of applications). Based on what I read, bismuth probably wouldn't hurt you if you gave it a lick.

    Are you thinking of benzene?

  • ‘It makes no sense,’ Toronto building had to tell its residents to stop throwing feces at electrical workers
  • I'm guessing the shit flingers might be people who are so brain-rotted they believe the workers are installing 5g brainwave controllers or something. I can't imagine anger alone would compel someone to literally throw their shit at someone else; the act of literally throwing shit seems too desperate for someone who's just angry and nothing else.

  • Leaving and trans internet spaces in general.
  • I can't believe that piece of shit actually got what they wanted. They were advocating for gatekeeping the LGBT community and for some godforsaken reason, they were the victim? Does this person unironically have botted alt accounts? They're such a shitty, garbage person and yet Link was the one who got fucked. I was honestly extremely surprised by people's reactions. It was so obvious people were getting manipulated and made fools by a troll, and yet everyone bent over backwards for them.

  • [optimum] Razer's new keyboard is basically cheating.
  • Nope, I just kinda automatically got into the habit of releasing one key when pressing the other. I never really paid attention to it, but I'm almost certain some games allow it.

    Something someone in the comments pointed out btw, is that you could probably get a similar result by binding "left strafe" to "a" and then "right strafe" to "shift+a".

  • Big publishers ‘eject too soon’ from live service titles, says Warframe boss. “It comes out, doesn’t work and they throw it away”
  • What's this now? Last time I played was probably in 2019 because the pile of shit was growing faster than I could farm it, and I got burned out because I was starting to miss out on stuff. Normal gear got put aside for prime gear when new primes dropped, which got set aside for event stuff when new events dropped, and there was enough event stuff that I started missing prime versions of my favorite frames and weapons. Last thing I remember was they had just started doing Nightwave stuff. I did some of that and then got upset because I missed a prime frame or two before they got vaulted, got discouraged and quit.

    (Tbh I find it kinda amusing that DE is the one calling other devs out; yes, warframe has been an extremely successful "live-service" game (remember when they used to call it an MMO?); however, based on my past experience it seems like Warframe is (or was) at it's breaking point in terms of having too much to do due to time-gated content).

  • MFW I've been (rule)ed in.

    (picture by NCS_artist)



    Edit: I was trying to make a joke about how her new fondness for the number "34" was because "haha funny sex rule number" aka "rule34".


    Question about federation with a certain instance after a recent ban.

    Hey, I recently received a 14-day ban from for this comment:


    While I suppose it wasn't the nicest thing I could have said, here's what bothers me. They cited rule 1 as the ban reason. Now,'s news community doesn't have its own rules section, so I was left to assume that they were applying the instance-wide "rule 1" which was, "no bigotry".

    No Bigotry.

    Apparently calling someone a tankie and a redfash accelerationist is bigotry? Are they seriously trying to equate being a tankie with being trans, gay, black and/or native american? Seriously? That's incredibly bigoted and offensive; and that's ignoring the fact that the common tankie idols like Stalin, Putin, Xi Jinping and Kim Jong-un are deeply intertwined with things like nationalism, ethnic superiority, queerphobia and the like.

    Meanwhile, their modlog shows that they've dealt with multiple instances of actual queerphobic bigotry by removing the comment while also letting the user go.

    Do we really want to be associated with bigots like that?

    The thing that sucks is that there are communities I genuinely enjoy on, however getting banned for bigotry after calling someone a tankie and redfash accelerationist while actual bigots are allowed to keep hanging out on is like a slap to the face.

    I'm honestly considering leaving Lemmy and social media at this point. It seems like my two choices are corporate-owned black-box algorithms populated by soft-spoken bigots and pissed-off centrists looking for an axe to grind, and FOSS-based federated platforms where you still have to tolerate bigotry because there apparently aren't enough users and interesting content otherwise.

    Inb4 I start getting harassed by admins or something.


    Receipts (click links for images)


    (Community ban)

    (Instance ban)

    (No rules for

    (Rules for

    (Transphobia let off with a slap on the wrist)

    (Queerphobia let off with a slap on the wrist)


    MFW it's dark outside and I'm hungry and kinda cold and lonely and I just wanna come in for snacks and blankets but the human doesn't let me in. (rule)


    Edit for people who are curious: it's not Photoshop, it's a troodontid mask made by Archesuchus for their "Weird Birds" series. Here's what it looks like under normal lighting conditions.

    Not gonna lie, I really, really want one. But fursuit heads are expensive (I'm assuming the cost would be similar since that's basically what it is) and I don't have the skill or tools to make one myself. :c


    Jerbel rule


    ÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖ (rule)


    Imagine Jerma (rule)ing over humanity.


    Je(rule)amy $19.95


    Jeremiah Elbe(rule)son






    Rule of the lake

    Description: A giant snake lady sits in a lake. A man stands next to the edge of the lake and asks, "O snake of the lake, what is your wisdom?"

    The snake replies, "Osamu Tezuka, the inventory of manga and anime, created old-school furry icons like Kimba and Bagi and had a secret collection of erotic furry art that he made which was only found after his death; so weebs are really just a human-focused offshoot of furries.


    (Rule)ing eclipse conspiracies be like


    Swords into ploughshares rule

    26 A retro search engine Wiby - Search Engine for the Classic Web

    Wiby is a search engine for older style pages, lightweight and based on a subject of interest. Building a web more reminiscent of the early internet.

    Hit "surprise me!" and see where it takes you.

    The site is a curated search engine that indexes web 1.0 sites (and some web 1.0-styled sites) submitted by users.




    Good thrift stores?

    Hey, are there any good thrift stores in Dallas/Plano area that tend to have stuff like instruments, electronics and/or tech equipment (ideally older stuff)?

    On a side note, is anyone familiar with Liberty Tech Computer World? It's a warehouse in an industrial area in Garland, and I was hoping it might be a place like Computer Reset since it's (supposedly) in a big warehouse, however I've been unable to find any websites associated with it. I haven't tried calling yet, but I was curious if anyone else knew anything about it.


    Dorohedoro rule(s)


    Mojave and Nyx sleepin' in.

    Usually they come downstairs to listen to music with me while I eat breakfast. However, sometimes they want to sleep in.


    Today I learned about the Judge Rotenberg Educational Center

    This is a """school""" that makes "pray away the gay" camps look like lovely vacation experiences. They primarily cater to families with neurodivergent kids under the guise of helping them learn how to function in a neurotypical society. They use methods like GEDs to administer electric shocks when students "act up", long-term restraints (which the students have to carry with them in case they have to be "conditioned"), solitary confinement, sensory deprivation and food deprivation. I'd highly recommend reading the entire article, especially the parts about behavioral modification, controversies, litigation, and work culture. It's so much worse than you can imagine. I wanted to quote parts of the article to highlight how bad it is, but I would be copying and pasting half the article.

    This place is still in operation.
