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southsamurai southsamurai
Posts 107
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"Amongst their weaponry are such diverse elements as—" "Not NOW, Mr. Data."
  • Ummmmm, why is this post personally attacking me?

  • Armed to deter cops
  • And that's how you properly fuck, fuck, fuck the police.

  • [Opinion] Biden Must Resign
  • You underestimate the blind loyalty of identity politics among democrats. The fact that Republicans are the party better known for it, there are democrats that are equally dedicated to voting blue, no matter who the candidate is, and there are plenty of others in the party that genuinely see Biden as a good president.

    It's the folks that aren't invested in the two party default that voice dissent to the choice. You obviously aren't, and I know I'm not. But the reality is that those of us on the left are still stuck voting against a candidate like trump rather than having a real choice. But we are a minority, and we're stuck with the reality that a change in presidency or candidacy at this point is disastrous on its own.

  • [Opinion] Biden Must Resign
  • Plenty good enough. There's absolutely no need to waste effort on a crap idea.

    It isn't a weighty matter, it's a bullshit push to disrupt things leading up to the election.

    Listen, I kinda hate Biden. He was a meh VP and he's been a meh president imo. Better than the only realistic alternative last go-round, and still the only realistic opposition to the Republican party. This late in the game, changing candidates is a horrible idea. It's not worthy of debate, so my "horse shit" stands.

    I'm kinda surprised the Atlantic published this crap even as an opinion piece. It makes zero sense for a sitting president to resign at the end of their term while for reelection. It's just dumb.

  • This Classic John Carpenter Picture Is The Greatest B-Movie Ever Made [Big Trouble in Little China]
  • Iirc it was originally about being the B reel, a secondary movie of a double feature. That came with a lower budget and thus less quality.

    Think pretty much any Roger Corman movie lol. Mind you, Corman was brilliant with the budgets he had, they stand the test of time imo.

    But the term has shifted to encompass anything cheesy (which big trouble is for sure), low budget, or even indie movies sometimes.

    The budget wasn't really lacking, something close to 20 mil. And it certainly had a good cast with an experienced and marketable lead. Though Cameron has said the effects budget was bare bones, which does show despite them being effective.

    It was a bit of a bomb in theaters, but was massively loved in home video where it didn't have to compete with other films as much.

    And, despite it not being a B film by the original definition, it actively drew inspiration from B movies, particularly some of the kung-fu genre and horror.

    It's in my personal top twenty, even over some of the other movies released around the same time, including Aliens. It's definitely my favourite Kurt Russell movie and character, even over Snake Plissken or his more serious stuff. Dude just chewed all the scenery and owned it.

  • Google Messages might auto-update your MMS chats to RCS (APK teardown)
  • Bold of them to assume I'll use their shitty app

  • I don't even know why I both with Reddit anymore
  • I mean, did you intend to dead name them? If not, did you correct yourself?

    Because if you did it intentionally, you're an asshole. If you did it by mistake because you brain farted, but didn't correct it, you're an asshole. You did use the right names here, so I ain't mad. But let me frame things for you.

    If you went through the effort of changing what people call you from your first name to your middle name, anyone refusing to switch would be an asshole. Doing it if you were struggling with something major related to that name would make them a giant asshole.

    IDGAF who it is, if they aren't picking a name just to fuck with people, you fucking call them what they want to be called, period. Anything else is just douchebaggery.

    Now, when you add in that dead naming trans people can be an act of aggressive verbal attack to trans people as a whole, the person doing so isn't just an asshole, they're a bigoted asshole.

    Is that who you want to be? The person that fucks with people just trying their best to live a free and happy life? If that is who you want to be, I have to warn you that reddit is not the only place online you'll end up barred from. And there are people that will treat you poorly because of being an asshole. Actions have consequences, and words can be a form of action. While I support your freedom to say what you want within the framework of general legality regarding incitement, that doesn't mean anyone has to accept that kind of thing and let you spew nastiness.

    So, take the ban like an adult. Accept that you fucked up enough for the community, and use that in the future to really think about the subject and decide who you want to be.

  • Telegram says it has 'about 30 engineers'; security experts say that's a red flag
  • Furries are the ones that have escaped the matrix via their fursona

  • Why do you still hate Windows?
  • It isn't hate. It's disgust.

    But it's everything. The intrusion, the quasi monopoly, the shitty anti,consumer choices, all of it.

    Since either Linux or win 7 do almost everything I need, I'll never use anything higher than win 7

  • Why don't "pro-life" protestors ever seem to know where to protest?
  • Nah, not all of them.

    There's a lot of them that are convinced that they're right because God said so. They're batshit, but they really believe, and that's more dangerous

  • I wince every time I hear a younger person refer to it as "the late 1900s"
  • It has been longer in this century for me than the years I was alive in the previous one. Fuck, I'm old too.

  • McCoy: $%@#$!
  • I have one question: EXPLOSIONS?!

  • Dynamic Duo incoming.
  • Jesus, if you knew how many times my he's best friend's halfling fought from the back of my half orc NPC, well, I guess you'd not really be surprised, but maybe slightly amused?

    They also did fastball specials.

    It was cheesy as hell at times, but fun

  • AI-Powered Ammo Vending Machine Selling Bullets at Tuscaloosa Grocery Store
  • Almost makes sense during hunting season, but why the hell would anyone pay the jacked up prices otherwise? It isn't like they're going to be keeping really obscure rounds in. It'll be the most common stuff, and that's way less expensive online now. And they'd have to price comparatively with dedicated firearms shops, sporting goods, and shooting ranges. I don't think they'll get quantity discounts.

    Man, I'm lazy as hell when it comes to real world shopping, and there's no way I'd use something like that unless the prices were the same or lower than our local shop, and I was in a real hurry. Since I'm never in a hurry to buy ammo, I don't see myself going for it at all.

  • What lessons should have been learned and implemented from the rise of Hitler and the Nazis in their ascension to power to prevent a recurrence of similar actors and ideological campaigns in future?
  • That the only good Nazi is a dead Nazi.

    Every single one of them should have been executed. Might not have prevented the return entirely, but it would have made it harder, and perhaps made the newer ones less certain of their reception.

  • Diabolical, by Destruction

    Somehow, I had never seen the video for the song.

    It is, however, unforgettable.


    Texas Toast Chainsaw Massacre, I Wanna Pet Your Dog

    Metal as fuck, and quite good manners


    Destruction, No Kings - No Masters

    Thrash in your face!


    Black Sun, Drown in Sin

    I think my face is melting now


    Mushroomhead, Fall in Line

    Pretty fucking dope


    Slaughter to Prevail, live @ inkcarceration 2023

    This is why I hate not being able to do shows any more. I miss this kind of energy and sheer immersive brutality.

    Connect A Song southsamurai

    N.W.A, Fuck the Police

    Because burning the prison down is only part of the story

    Connect A Song southsamurai

    Boozoo Chavis, Going to the Country

    He's going to the country of Louisiana to get a mojo hand, a voodoo magic working.


    Slash w/ Demi Lovato, Papa was a Rolling Stone

    This may be the sickest cover of the decade. There's so much funk in there that the room you're in will stank. Just bloody amazing track.


    Kittie, Vultures

    Nothing to say about perfection


    Chili ala Patrick

    Patrick is the cousin I cook vegan food for. This is his favorite.

    2 tablespoons olive oil. 1 medium onion, diced large. 1 clove garlic minced- or 1/2 to 1 tsp garlic powder. 1 or 2 bell peppers, red, yellow, orange or (ugh) green. 1 large or 2 medium zuchini. 1 (15-oz) bag frozen prediced butternut squash 2 tbsp chili powder. 1tsp cumin. 1tsp black pepper. 1 heaping tsp paprika, smoked being a plus. 1 (16-oz) can kidney beans, drained. 1 can black beans, drained. 2 cans tomato sauce. 1 cup fresh cilantro leaves, or parsley if cilantro is soap to you. 1 medium jalapeño pepper, seeded and finely diced, or 1/2 can adobo.

    In 6 qt pot, add oil. Sweat onions until tender. Add garlic if using minced and cook until fragrant. Add zucchini and saute until zucchini is barely tender. Add seasonings , squash, beans, and. simmer 15–20 minutes, stirring occasionally, or until hot. Ready to serve. However, this can be done in a crock pot for up to about 2 hours if necessary for other food prep.

    Best served in bread bowls, but you definitely want some good crusty bread, or some corn bread to go with if you serve in regular bowls.


    This can be done as non vegan, but even as a meat eater, this stuff is better without. The textures of the butternut and zucchini disappear when I've tried adding chicken.

    The recipe is modified from an old Publix recipe that I can't find online currently. The original is pretty amazing on its own, but I've tweaked it for my cousin over the years, and he says he prefers this version, so that's what I went with. I do have the original saved in my recipe manager app if anyone wants that; it uses more frozen veggies, and is missing some of the seasonings.


    Saxon, Witches of Salem

    Like a great wine :)

    Connect A Song southsamurai

    Four Horsemen, Metallica

    They're drawing nearer to the other four horsemen post

    Connect A Song southsamurai

    Lily Allen, Fuck You

    Because this is an awesome fucking song, and this fucking chain of songs fucks.


    Skindred, If I Could

    Been debating about posting this for a while because it's at the very edge of metal, moreso than their usual stuff. But gods damn, it's just a great fucking track, and sometimes barely metal is metal enough, imo.


    Filth, Cement Shoes

    Lyrically dubious, but that fucking intro is beast.

    Connect A Song southsamurai

    Depeche Mode, Waiting for the Night

    Waiting for something is the connection with the Linkin Park post


    ERSEDU, Black Garden

    Not anything new, but one of those bands I never remember how much I like them until I run across them the next time and seem to keep forgetting to get any of their stuff. Maybe this will make me remember lol.
