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dojan Dojan

Software developer by day, insomniac by night.

Posts 2
Comments 2.1K
Cursed with two legs
  • I had to reread that sentence several times because I kept reading it as “asparagus” instead of “Pegasus.”

  • One of the heads of garlic I grew turned out to be just one solid clove
  • Jag är inte helt säker på att det är samma sak, heller. Min mor odlade en hel del olika grejer, och jag minns specifikt en hel del lökar och kål från Kina.

  • One of the heads of garlic I grew turned out to be just one solid clove
  • Ah cool! I only recalled the name "Kinesisk luftlök" but I wasn't sure if it was the same thing. Thanks for the link.

  • Historically Black frat Alpha Phi Alpha moves to ban trans members
  • Nope. That’s just people living their identities. You and I don’t get to decide who they are.

  • The Air BnB market is very competitive
  • Good ideas marred by a flawed execution.

  • One of the heads of garlic I grew turned out to be just one solid clove
  • There's a particular variety of Chinese garlic that grows as a singular bulb. It originates in the Yunnan province, I think. I remember my mother growing it back when I was a child. It's really nice!

  • By endorsing Trump, Elon Musk is gambling with Tesla’s future
  • Mars was a year away in what, 2019? At this point I've lost track of all the things he can do now, or that's just a year away, yet still somehow hasn't materialised. It's almost like he's an immoral, fraudulent grifter. Makes sense he'd endorse another of his kind. Birds of a feather, xitter together.

  • Historically Black frat Alpha Phi Alpha moves to ban trans members
  • What are you even talking about? Men don't identify as women.

  • Staffers Were Told Biden Was Leaving Race In Email Telling Them to Check X
  • I don't get it, either. The White House has a website, which is certainly a place they could announce it. Further, there's nothing stopping the government from hosting their own Mastodon instance, specifically for communications like that. Using X seems like an endorsement of the platform, and the person currently calling the shots.

  • It hasn't gone away.
  • Scary part about vaccinations for me, well there's two scary parts; they knock me out for a day. I get fever and everything. Then there's also the fact that you have to go out to a clinic to get it, at least where I live. I've some social phobias, and the fact that you're heading to a clinic among people where anyone could be a carrier also doesn't help.

  • Trump isn’t held to any standard. That’s the thing. No one has any great expectations of Trump. His campaign should have been over when he mocked a reporter’s disability, but it wasn’t.

  • It hasn't gone away.
  • I know two people who ended up disabled from Covid, and it screwed my heart. I hope you and your wife won’t suffer any long term effects.

  • Day 2 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots
  • Ah. I’ve had a lot of fun in Sea of Thieves. It was hella fun on launch, albeit quite unfortunately lacking in content. I’ve heard it’s gotten much better since, basically a different game altogether now.

  • Take Two warns investors that review bombings can hurt profits
  • That’s literally the point, though. There are some easy steps to avoid it too.

    • Make sure your product is finished when you charge full price on release
    • Don’t remove features that were previously present
    • Don’t add invasive software
    • Don’t add arbitrary requirements that you’re not upfront with
  • An Algorithm Told Police She Was Safe. Then Her Husband Killed Her.
  • Reading stuff like this makes me sick. All is not well with the world.

  • An Algorithm Told Police She Was Safe. Then Her Husband Killed Her.
  • Advocates: take survivors of abuse seriously.
    Society: Let's have computers tell us what to do!

    I mean I guess the risk of repeated murder-suicide is pretty low...

  • Firefox CTO Responds On Collecting User Advertisement Data
  • Yes, it is shitty. But if you at all care about privacy you should be monitoring your software anyway.

    That's only the case because privacy isn't the default, and it should be. Privacy is something that's been taken from us. I think people that don't want to learn or care much about privacy are still entitled to it.

  • Firefox CTO Responds On Collecting User Advertisement Data
  • You're probably right, and that's precisely the point. They're wasting time and resources on something no one wants.

  • Firefox CTO Responds On Collecting User Advertisement Data
  • We’ve been collaborating with Meta on this, because any successful mechanism will need to be actually useful to advertisers, and designing something that Mozilla and Meta are simultaneously happy with is a good indicator we’ve hit the mark.

    Oh, truly? Facebook happy with something that somehow respects people's privacy and integrity? Perhaps instead it just shows that Mozilla is slipping. Because they have been, and at this rate it seems like they won't stop. Sad to see.

    There is a toggle to turn it off because some people object to advertising irrespective of the privacy properties, and we support people configuring their browser however they choose.

    That's not good enough. If this thing needs to be present, the option should be there to toggle on, not off. I don't opt-in to privacy in my bathroom or bedroom, the privacy is mine by default. I don't have to announce to the world that I don't want it peeking in.

  • He looks better in my sweater than I do


    Any thoughts on the new mount? Personally I love it! It reminds me so much of the Sulyvahn's Beast enemies in Dark Souls 3.

    Who's a good boy?
