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sirico Destide

I'm a computer janitor that sometimes streams trying to learn dev

Posts 227
Comments 1.2K
UK General Election voting megathread
  • Cons looking at 130ish seats let the blood games begin!

  • UK General Election voting megathread
  • I want wall-to-wall Schadenfreude streams of each Tory's last day, walking out of Westminster bonus points if Steve Bray is the dj

  • Babe, wake up. Polls are open. Go and vote.
  • As the name would imply, the banks had to legally close. It took over pretty much every singular holiday like may day for example

  • Aeropress has easily become my favourite way to brew coffee ☕
  • Best lightweight coffee maker. The rubber goes after a time but you can buy replacements

  • Props to my bro Luigi
  • Good job green Mario

  • Did you lock your front door when you left home today?
  • Yeah did you unplug the hairdryer?

  • Zelenskyy challenges Trump to reveal plans for quick end to war
  • Zelenskyy cannot comprehend the genuis of Trump this man made an invisible wall round the whole of the US.

  • Farage says he is part of ‘similar phenomenon’ to Andrew Tate among young men
  • "a man is judged by the company he keeps" or cucks for in this case

  • Babe, wake up. Polls are open. Go and vote.
  • Wish poll days were bank holidays, gotta dodge politics at work all day thank god for the unifying presence that is Count Binface

  • Remember when planes and hospitals had smoking sections? (Probably a lot of you do not).
  • The packs cost more and you got less in them so a 20 pack would have 17

  • Linux Mint help
  • Reboot and get into your system's boot drive selector f11 or del, usually make sure you're booting off the right partion.

    I would try and get into recovery mode (shift I think) if you can access the boot menu of mint under advanced>recovery

  • Has anyone else noticed a similar trend to shy tories and secret pro-brexit voters in the public interviews

    I've been watching several YouTube videos featuring interviews with people from various constituencies, and there's a common theme among those voting for Reform. They often say, "I can't vote Tory, and I won't vote Labour, so I have no choice but to vote Reform."

    This sentiment gives me a strong sense of déjà vu, reminiscent of the confidence among Remainers before Brexit and the optimism of the left in 2015.

    Is it possible we could be heading towards a dark timeline with a Tory-Reform coalition?

    Farage says posting far-right song was ‘mistake’
  • That bloody ch4 actor up to hijnks again!

  • If you've ever been attacked by a Canadian Goose, you understand
  • move slowly, maintain eye contact, stay silent, Klingons cannot understand this logic

  • Mmmmm doughnuts
  • Thank godness we can recreate worm brains in software

  • Street Fighter Movie Finally Has A Solid Release Date | Retro Dodo
  • "Have you seen the 1994 film with Jean-Claude Van Damme and Kylie Minogue? How do you think this new film will compare?" Nothing can compare to such a high bar not even the anime that released around the same time

  • Atari digs up 39 more retro classics for 50th anniversary game compilation | TechSpot
  • " Full 39-game line-up yet" Can't wait to see the sheer kilobytes of games

  • So many Mods for old games got updates this month, here's a list for Ubisoft's shame

    I started this as a comment on this post

    Then I thought, let's just pop them all into a thread.

    For some reason this year, all the major mod teams have been producing gold for games going back to the 90s, proving that if you let people mod, your game will never die. With the Steam game sale on, you can get a lot of game for not much money

    -------------------------------------------- #Mod name:Falcon BMS 4.37.4

    Mod page: YouTube link:

    OG Game:Falcon 4.0

    OG game release date:1 Jan, 1998

    ------------------------------------------- #Mod name:Real RTCW 5.0

    Mod page:

    YouTube link:

    OG Game:Return to Castle Wolfenstein

    OG game release date:20 Nov 2001


    #Mod name:Project Reality 1.8

    Mod page:

    YouTube link:

    OG Game:Battlefield 2

    OG game release date:21 June 2005

    ----------------------------------------- #Mod name:Project Diablo 2

    Mod page:

    YouTube link:

    OG Game:Diablo 2

    OG game release date:28 Jun 2000


    Labour Party launch manifesto


    Just finished Spiderman Miles Morales

    Just finished it on the pc having everything on high it looked so pretty. It was the perfect two weekend game about half as big as the first one introducing some more mechanics and leaning into stealth which became the most fun way for me to dispatch most the combat encounters.

    It really only started falling apart at the end


    As usual with these games I'd done all the side missions with the aim of doing a ending run in one session. Map looked complete but no got to do one more for uncle Aaron.

    The whole ending section of the game was just needlessly padded out from the museum section nice cameo though, to the final battle with the Tinkerer outstaying it's welcome after about the fifth time she yonks Miles into the air to the very end watching him crawl to the reactor for something that should have just been a cut scene.

    Found Phins arc kinda meh all rushed at the end. Thought it would have been a lot better if she just trusted Miles and died trying to stop the reactor.

    The game was a great noodle game I really like Miles as a character well worth it if you want a big game feel in a small package

    1 Hackney shooting: Girl, 9, critical after four shot in Dalston

    The "innocent victim" was among four people hurt in a shooting outside an east London restaurant.

    Hackney shooting: Girl, 9, critical after four shot in Dalston

    UK petition of "Require videogame publishers to keep games they have sold in a working state" just got thrown back to the Government

    I just received this email saying that the response "did not respond directly to the request of the petition"

    You recently signed the petition “Require videogame publishers to keep games they have sold in a working state”:

    The Petitions Committee (the group of MPs who oversee the petitions system) has considered the Government’s response to this petition. They felt the response did not respond directly to the request of the petition. They have therefore asked the Government to provide a revised response.

    When the Committee receives a revised response from the Government, we will publish this and share it with you.

    Thanks, The Petitions team UK Government and Parliament


    I just wanted some insights from other fathers...

    We're currently looking to start a family, so I thought I'd hit up YT for some advice as a male and the priority skew is mental. The most important thing is having a boy, apparently. Not tips for being supportive, how to help your partner, how to deal with anxieties about money and time.

    Bonus feed


    Dad's of Lemmy could you share some good advice for someone just starting a family please :D


    Why is the /s necessary here as well?

    One of my most hated things in the dying days of Reddit is people having to put the /s because of all the mass down voting from users that didn't get a post was a joke.

    When I came here it seemed that wasn't the case but I've noticed over the last month a lot of users using it or having -28 points for an off the cuff comment.

    I might be just be a bit too bothered by the need to use it.
