And has been so for over a decade at least, probably two
Oh hells no
.exe to execute is (probably one of) the worst ideas Microsoft has come up with and has caused endless misery for people.
If you're talking about a single package to install then there are various solutions for that that are better. There are the apt and rpm packages, Sudo apt install packagename installs everything automatically, or I can do that from a app store if I'm a newbie.
For apps that want a wider net, they can use flatpaks
Anyone complaining that installing software in Linux is always complicated hasn't installed software on Linux. Yeah I'm a power user but to me it's factors faster and easier to do this stuff on Linux than on Windows
Yeah, Linux has many ways to get stuff done, that is because many different people want and get their own way. I don't see this as necessarily bad. With the three ways described above, you can cover pretty much everything
I agree that noone should have to get into a console to get your system or app working but please note that this same shit happens on windows too, just way more bizarre. The amount of times I saw "modify this registry entry with this UUID code" is crazy, while on Linux it's "run this command or modify that text file". I still prefer the latter
Agreed here, KDE could use some work too on that part
Still though, I'll take a funky multi monitor setup over anything windows anytime a day
Apple never was, and never will be not an evil company so why the surprise? Of course they do.
Restrict Google from doing the country altogether.
Have phones switch to some open non Google platform
Fuck google, microsoft, apple, they're all evil at this point
I'm sure pretty much all of them are innocent
I'm sure that by random chance a few of them may be gang members, but that's what happens if you pick up a random group of people. Most will be perfectly fine and nice people, a few will be bad.
That does leave the thousands others that are innocent and are now being put in terrorist jail cells. Well, cells designed for terrorists anyway, a good amount of the prisoners in Guantanamo Bay were innocent too yet spent decades there
What a fucking shit show is the US
Good thing Mexico sent more military to the border to guard it, it'll be overrun by people trying to get vaccines in a normal country
Oh yeah, I too hate Hitler only because of Schindlers list. I grew up in Europe in the 80s and there is absolutely no other reason than that movie why we should hate him, really! The guy could do no wrong, he even loved dogs! Hell, he even painted! Bos Ross paints too, why would you hate Bob Ross? Don't hate Hitler, he's like Bob Ross!
I feel like I need to shower and apologize to Bob after writing this.
Because Elmo musk out it there, I presume? He is, after all, a neo nazi and he loves pointing at nazi stuff sooooo...
Well Elmo musk can't sell his Tesla anymore now that people have realized they're shit and well, you know, the Nazi thing, so now that he is the dictator or the US, how better to give himself some money by telling the government to buy Tesla's?
They can say all they want that this was from before, I'm not buying it
I feel that this sub has lost its power.
Ever since Trump got into power, there is so much insanity going on that these posts seen outright sane in comparison.
Its like reading the onion, its really not that interesting and funny anymore now that reality has surpassed it
It will be many more.
Trump likely will die within the next few years, he is a fat Cheeto turd with a heart that pumps more McDonald's grease than blood.
What do you think will happen? It will be a complete shit show with people jumping into the power vacuum, I'm seriously assuming a lot of em will have, shall we say, accidents, or suïcide themselves with three gun shots to the back of their heads.
Either way, whoever is left will take over and I guarantee you, he will not organize elections.
How about YAY!?
We need more smaller brands, not less bigger brands. It ALWAYS without exception leads to a destination where consumers get screwed.
I celebrate this failure, let them compete and let more smaller brands pop up, please
Eh, no, still hard no.
Just because one evil becomes a bigger evil that doesn't mean we should just use the other evil
Trump really loves tianmen square, no?
Every year there are big celebrations, it's always fun on that square, so many colors of red....
Yeah better get it now, it'll be gone soon too
So what you're trying to say is that that single guy justifies any of this? Or are you trying to say that all Indian citizens behave like that guy?
What ARE you trying to say here?
What Debian based distro with systemd and KDE but without snap could be recommended for use in offices, companies?
Its going to be interesting to see how I can degoogle my phone
I've already stopped using search nearly a decade ago, I only still had a storage subscription (and with that, YouTube premium) which I just now stopped.
The only service I'm still interested in is YouTube because of the content, the rest can die in a fire, I'm going full self hosting
YouTube has revance, right?
What's the best non Google OS for a phone? I have a OnePlus 12
Yeah Google, wait, wait, I'm leaving already, I've already stopped my storage subscription, but gimme a second pleaase, stop pushing me away that hard!
Loads of problems with Jellyfin
So I've been trying to use Jellyfin for a long, LONG time now, and I've never really been able to use it remotely reliable.
I can go on for a long time about all the problems I've faced, lets just say that after years I can still not use it to watch something with the family because there is always something not working, I could start about hardware decoding having worked for a while and then suddenly without explanation no longer working, but lets start with subtitles...
I just want to have subtitles actually load without having to sacrifice a goat to whatever god is out there to have subtitles work. What is the problem that subtitles just 99% of the time don't work?
Worse, sometimes they work while watching a show, and a jellyfin update comes by and, you guessed it, subtitles no longer work for that show, even though they work for some other movies, sometimes...
I am a software engineer, I do loads of devops, I can find my way around, but jellyfin is just... I dunno what to do anymore. Is there a reliable alternative, perhaps, that actually just works?
I've long given up on the dream that I could have something similar to netflix for all my movies and shows that aren't on netflix, where I can scrub with images, for example, I just want to be able to watch a show with the family with subtitles without fiddling for 30 minutes to try and get it to work.
Current setup is google-tv with 0.17.9 client, and the latest docker server. Shows seem to have okay subtitles on web client, but on google-tv, every time I select a subtitle, I get a "subtitles loading" message, and then 10-20 seconds later a "failed to load subtitles" message.
change: option to not exit media posts with a click on the media
This is super annoying, as I try to pinch gesture zoom in on an image, and I'll go out of the media back to the list again instead.
I'd like to click to already zoom in somewhat, making punch zoom even easier
If I want to get out, I'll press the back button on my phone, or the back button of connect
Trump shot
The former president is expected to survive, two law enforcement officials said. The shooter and one spectator from the rally are dead, and another spectator is in serious condition.

so I'm back with Netflix and Amazon...
So I'm back with Netflix and Amazon. I'm kind of done with jellyfin at this point. I've been recommending it to everyone and honestly I'm not sure that I still would.
Jellyfin as a product simply doesn't work. There, I said it.
For a media system I'd hope for the basics to be able to play a movie or show with subtitles, selecting audio channels, and scrubbing and it to remember where I was left. I wouldn't even need posters and all that, I'd get my own subtitles, etc.
I have multiple TVs, but let's go with the old one with a chrome cast. I use my Android phone to cast a show episode. Scrubbing sometimes works. it works better than before because before it would just break everything to the point of the app requiring a reinstall. At least that's fixed now but scrubbing still is SLOW, 10 seconds ahead takes 20-30 seconds to do. Worse though, it borks up subtitles by leaving the subtitles that were there when you started scrubbing, and places the new ones on top of that. The only way out is to exit casting completely, kill the app, restart all from scratch. Obviously JF doesn't continue where I stopped (seriously, requests on that timeframe were made, it can't be that hard to register that, can it?) and so I need to scrub again which, you know, borks up subtitles. So I'll start just from the beginning, I can rewatch the same 5 minutes twice but it annoys the hell out of my wife.
Then, subtitles is a mess. The above, but also switching subtitles will cause similar issues. Don't touch anything when having subtitles!
Then: it's slow. It's godunholy slow. I have a 16 core and Rhyzen 5 cpu, 64gb men @3200mhz, 1tb M2 Samsung Evo 989 pro, and ~60tb over 3 exos drives. An AMD rx7800 XT finishes up the config. It's not the best of the best, but my system, u believe, ranks in the higher ranks of jellyfin installations
Jellyfin cannot play a movie or show without stuttering at least a few times, flat out freezing for minutes during shows, especially in the second episode for that day... If I run transmission in parallel, it just freezes up so much that it's undoable.
Logs don't indicate any major issue, I saw a freeze and had all logs on tail and literally saw no messages whatsoever during that freeze. System utilization was near zero.
Wife isnt tolerating jellyfin anymore and now I have Netflix and Amazon accounts again.
I understand it's open source software, you do what you can, but right now it simply isn't a system that is for the general public. It can be used by nerds like me who have the patience to deal with all the issues.
Edit: Really? 17 downvotes? I'm trying to tell you that the thing doesn't work and that I've spent plenty of time trying to fix it, reading docs, posting questions, nothing has fixed anything so far but can't have people talk about that, or what's wrong?
Welcome back!
Happy to see that fuckcars is one of the first Reddit communities to appear on Lemmy for me!