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Cheems Cheems
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Firefly species may blink out as US seeks to list it as endangered for first time
  • I honestly don't remember the last time I did see one

  • Nosferatu 2024 by Robert Eggers
  • I'd watch this

  • banana for rule 😔

  • Trump calls for prosecution of Google over search results he says favor Harris
  • Has there been a single time that it has been?

  • New York City Mayor Eric Adams indicted in federal corruption investigation
  • "I've seen several people say it on truth and Twitter!"

  • 2007 f150 Not Starting
  • I had tried everything I could think of and ended up taking it to a shop.

    They ended up fixing it in a day.

    The issue? The grounding wire was corroded.

  • Elon Musk’s popularity plummets to 6% among Democrats, poll finds
  • They bought a Tesla and now feel like they have to defend their decision

  • Musk’s plan to axe X's block button is a real win for stalkers and abusers.
  • Taylor Swift blocked him and he can't have that

  • Vance mocked for saying eggs cost $4 — while standing in front of a dozen for $2.99
  • Are the some that say that on Twitter? Or Truth perhaps?

  • California governor signs law banning all plastic shopping bags at grocery stores.
  • That sounds like a problem that you're inflicting on yourself then.

  • I love England rule
  • I like lovecraft. But he's definitely a piece of shit

  • 2007 f150 Not Starting
  • I think at this time I'll swap out the sparks. Just as I've already done so much. Coils will be on my list though.

  • 2007 f150 Not Starting
  • have you already checked the spark plugs?

    No! But I did check some of the fuel injectors with my volt meter and all the ones I checked seemed fine so I kinda nixed the injector theory and moved into spark plugs, just got back from the store with a new set.

    There's no corrosion or visible damage on the battery terminals right?

    Battery is brand spanking new as of two months ago. And also running as expected with the volt meter.

    difficulty starting could be the fuel injectors, but they don't usually all fail from one day to the next, that's usually more of a build up over time.

    I definitely agree on that one, I just was lost after the fuel pump fiasco

    If I understand your circumstances, one day the truck just stopped starting normally.

    is that correct?

    Very much so

    does it sound normal trying to turn over or is it stumbling over itself?

    It sounds perfect aside from the not actually starting thing.

  • 2007 f150 Not Starting
  • Fuel pump is changed. Truck is not starting, I've read that possibly it's the fuel injectors.


  • 2007 f150 Not Starting

    Truck gets power and attempts to turn over.

    Which made me think it wasn't the starter or battery.

    Looking things up online it pointed me to the fuel pump.

    I went through and did the whole diagnostics with checking that. Including checking the fuses and relay.

    I found a video saying the fuel pump control module could be messed up, and it looked pretty rusted out so I changed that. But it didn't fix the issue.

    So I going back to the fuel pump diagnostics of the fuel pump, it said to turn the accessory on with the key and you should hear the fuel pump kick on if you put your ear to the gas cap. I did but I honestly don't know what I'm supposed to be hearing.

    I'll probably go ahead and replace it, but is there anything else that I should be checking or what?

    Welding Cheems

    Mig welding gas

    I'm just getting into welding, and I'm going to try and learn mig.

    Truthfully, I haven't even attempted it yet. I've just been gathering the necessary material and this weekend I thought I had everything I needed.

    Unfortunately, me being the ignorant person I am, I got an inert gas tank from a 3rd party and swapped it at my local airgas for a 100% argon tank.

    Most of you probably see the problem. I haven't used any of the gas yet, and I'm hoping to be able to swap it back for the blend and pay the difference. However, if I'm unable to I wanna try and come up with some alternative options.

    Option 1: I work at a brewery and was hoping our gas supplier would be willing to swap it, but I'm not sure on that.

    Option 2: I'm trying to see if a gas blender is feasible, as I already own a CO2 tank. And perhaps I could use the argon tank later for tig welding and get a CO2 tank that isn't beverage grade and be all dandy in that regard.

    Option 3: Just buy another tank, I like this option the least as they aren't cheap and that means the argon tank just sits there and collects dust.

    Option 4: Just learn how to tig welding first.

    What would you do in this scenario?

    Welding Cheems

    If you were getting into welding today, what welder would you get?

    I have very little experience and I'm looking to get a welder of my own.

    What welder would you get and why? It can be any of the types, but try to back up why you'd pick that one.


    My favorite old ladysitting on her couch


    Could I ask you to critique this build?

    I haven't built a PC in quite a few years, but I kinda like how this one is turning out.

    I don't want any rgb.

    Use case is going to be gaming, model rendering, upscaling, and photo editing.

    I was thinking about going to an i9.

    The Brewery Cheems

    Foamy beer after tap cleaning

    Our tap lines are quite long. I typically do a recirculating cycle of pbc and then an acid cycle.

    Is there anything I can do afterwards to fix this issue?


    My work space for the day


    Derek Chauvin Is Stabbed in Federal Prison, Minnesota Attorney General Says

    The Brewery Cheems

    Let's talk wages.

    Whomever is comfortable with it, feel free to use a throwaway

    How long have you been in the industry?

    How long have you worked at the current facility you work at?

    What's your current position?

    What's your average yearly take away?


    Osmc and Bluetooth Xbox controller

    I installed osmc in onto my raspberry pi 4 in order to easily have a portable movie player station.

    I know you can buy a remote that works with osmc but I was hoping to get my Xbox controller synced up with it via Bluetooth. At first I was having tons of issues getting it to even connect (my phone did easy enough.) I figured out that it didn't autoreconnect to the Wi-Fi network I had connected it to last time I used it, when I reconnected it the controller was able to sync with it no problem. Anywho I'm at the point where it's connected via Bluetooth, but the buttons do nothing.

    Is there something I'm missing?

    Edit: I installed Libreelec and it seems to work great.

    The Brewery Cheems

    Do/have you worked at a brewery that archived production beers?

    So the brewery I work at, each time we can, we set aside a 6pk for just Incase someone has a complaint about something (carb is off, it was super foamy, I dunno whatever). So far it's only happened once, a Belgian beer that had been sitting on a shelf for way too long, that used diastatic yeast, got way way over carbed. We also use them to revisit seasonals to reassess if we want to change them at all.

    Other then that we have a large pile of beer that just doesn't stop accumulating.

    At what point in time would you deem it acceptable to throw out? 6 months? 8 months? A year? Longer?


    Hole in the wall restaurants in Dublin recommendation

    I'm visiting Ireland in January, and for the first night I wanna book a hotel in Dublin and walk somewhere for dinner. All the recommendations I find on Google are for fancy restaurants that serve Italian, authentic Chinese or what have you. But I'd really like a hole in the wall local restaurant that serves local cuisine. And I'd like to base the hotel off where whatever I decide.

    So what's your favorite local restaurant in Dublin?


    I got togo food from a dive bar and the paper pattern soaked into the bread


    My newest family member


    The newest family member.


    This soon to be mama


    This large spider hanging outside of my window

    What kind of spider is this?


    What is one show you wish wouldn't have gotten cancelled when it did?

    Thank you all for the show recommendations


    Does it seem as though the myrmidon hit box is obsurdly large?

    I took few screenshots but apparently you can't include your cursor in screenshots. Test it for yourself though, the hit box is gigantic

    The Brewery Cheems

    A guide to milling grain Best Grind Setting for Grains - Brewer's Friend

    It pays to listen to your grist, it can tell you a lot about your brew day before you ever mash in, if you look and listen to what it is telling you. Do not underestimate the importance of a good crush and the pitfalls of a bad crush on brew day. Your brewing efficiency

    Best Grind Setting for Grains - Brewer's Friend