You end up stranded on a foreign planet. You need to build a rocket so you can go home, but unfortunately you have to build a whole manufacturing facility to do that. As if this wasn't hard enough, the inhabitants of the planet are environmentalist assholes and will do anything in their power to stop you.
A guy just wants to leave his home country and see the world, but his dad won't let him. Even when he gets past his dad, he still can't quite make it. It's in the blood.
Upon being released from prison, you thrust yourself directly into the local religions and governments until everyone can agree that you're the rebirth of divinity, at which point you doom the game world to death by giant fucking meteor by poking a large heart with really specific silverware.
Kid gets sick of being told to clean his room and runs away from home, but it's more difficult than he anticipates. In desperation, he reaches out to his estranged relatives for help, which just makes his dad even more mad.
you land on an alien planet, burn down trees, pollute the air, exterminate the native wildlife, drain the land of all natural resources, pave it all over with concrete, put some fish on a rocket, do not elaborate, leave
Teams Fight over Rocks. Rarely they play a form of soccer or against robots. Some characters throw suspiciously colored fluids on other players. There are cosmetics
You're an alien frog archaeologist that launches themself into space in a rocket jerry-rigged out of wood and ancient alien goat-person tech. After dying repeatedly in several excruciating and brutal ways you learn to embrace death.
Guys, I have the best idea - guys! I hav- Guys! Best Idea! - I have the best idea ever! Guys! Listen! We'll put 64 huge rockets on a tiny pod and then forget to add parachutes. Brilliant.
Incompetent engineer arrives to work late, botches an experiment, and ends up ripping a hole in the universe to a world full of "creatures". He then mercilessly murders the scared creatures while sabotaging efforts by security forces, and an elderly man in a suit, to resolve the situation.
You're supposed to be looking for your kidnapped son, but that's kinda hard in a post-apocalyptic wasteland. Might as well just do whatever you want and hopefully run into him ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
You pull animal-like creatures from their natural habitats to make them fight each other in a way that they somehow consent, in a franchise that systematically weeds out the good ideas from each game while retaining the bad ones.
You wake up in a quarrantine zone. Despite having no medical qualifications, you need to cure a global pandemic before you are permitted to leave.
If you manage to succeed, your reward is your life saved and then more debt than you can hope to repay in a thousand lifetimes when you leave quarrantine.
Person and person and person don't like other person. The person and person and person work Make other person no have place. Make big word. Person big word person big word other person big word other person.
Make big mad. Many time. Person say big word person. Some person make no person. Make finish person and person and person big no happy, maybe big happy. Make big finish.
You're a disenfranchised spacefaring race perpetually performing an, ultimately, menial task in an extremely hostile and dangerous environment. You only exist to create wealth for the company, at the expense of your health and wellbeing. Personal relationships are fleeting as you only interact with strangers you are randomly teamed up with to complete a job at which the company has neither adequately trained or equipped you to do well. Climbing the social ladder in your community is a function of finding ways to more efficiently extract resources from a ripe planet unable to sufficiently defend itself from your advanced technology.
I don't think I followed your prompt, but I got carried a way.
Just trying to live my life and get with big tiddied Cleopatra. Gandhi comes over and cock blocks me with nukes. That's all right though, my Giant Death Robot is teabagging Delhi right now while I launch a satellite. - Abe Lincoln
A girl relies in old emails, social media posts and obsolete sites to understand the reality of the world and avoid murderbots' attempts to destroy everybody.
There is a box. It's a very old box. It might have a thing in it. Everyone tells you to not open it. The game tells you to not open it. You probably opened it on your first playthrough.
Go spelunking and become immune to nearly all forms of damage, only to step on a drop of funny pink liquid, get turned into a sheep, get set on fire and die.
Alien crashes on planet and murders the native population in order to build contraptions that pull rocks out of the ground and cooks and smashes them together
You get stranded on an alien planet and in the process of trying to get home you get distracted with destroying the planets resources and native population
In a world full of robots you live your live in the wilds until your stepdad gets killed and all of a sudden all these religious tribes around you want you to save humanity.
You attack a tree, then make tools to attack things even better. You need to now attack dirt and then stone to make better tools. After that, you can attack more stone in hopes of finding valuables. When you find blue thing, you can attack solid cola, and make a rectangle, then curse it by lighting it on fire. Now you agree in hell. You should be proud of yourself. Now you can attack fires with your tools, or if you collected snowballs before, you can also torture them. When they die, you pull out their penis, break them to make fire-thing. Then kill living magmas, and then extract their magma that was inside them, and make it into magma balls. After that, you can kill tall black people, and collect their balls. Then you can merge the fiery-things, the magma balls, and the black people's balls to make some eyeballs. You can then throw the eyeballs (one at a time), and follow them until they fall down where you stand. Then you can start attacking dirt and stone again, until you get into an underground house. Find a room that has a rectangle made from the eyeball's material, go there, and put the remaining eyeballs there, but look out for gray bugs! Now you get to the void on a floating solic cola, then use the stone you attacked to go to another floating thing that is made of solid pee. You should see big dragon. If you made bows, you can start shooting, and when big dragon is down, you can also attack it with a sword. But beware! Big dragon can also fuck you over, and shoot you out of the void into space. If you managed to destroy big dragon, at the center of the pee island, you should see cola spawn inside solid cola. Just jump in there, and you beat the game!
“Hey Siri, how much meat can you get off an adult male moose?”
“Moose can be processed for over 200 kilograms of meat.”
“WELL THIS IS FUCKING BULLS-oh no the pretty, scary lights are back.”
One armed topless homosexual tricks gullible mass murderer with a shape changing laser sword into freeing him from super sleep meanwhile robin williams impersonator fools an entire religious group into believing he is not one of them somehow hiding his space wizard powers from all the other space wizards before basically killing them all.
I just, like, want to like, grow my plants in peace, man.. and like, totally be one with nature on the edge of town, and like..give these really awesome crystals to this cute chick with blue hair who totally, like, picks up the cosmic vibe of them.
A group of teenagers who hate loud music die. Then they eat a bunch of food and meet/become god. Also maybe they become better people or something? IDK, I'm still trying to influence fashion to min/max my stats.
A group comprised of individual avant-garde artists who are also amateur athletes each travel around a city collecting art supplies while listening to broadcasts so they can create several colourful palimpsests without getting beaten or shot.
Your mom dies, your brother runs away so now your dad spends all his time looking for him, and your village gets overtaken by fascists, oh and you're like 12. Somehow it's your job to save the world though.
An endless conveyor belt of new recruits get lasered in the face, squeezed by snakes, shocked by electric batons, and mind controlled while trying to save their home from the ayylmaos.
They also frequently have Sears photoshoots taken of their squads to plaster around the game as propaganda.
(answer: click my profile and see the only community I mod. Then join us!)
Virgin man dismantles mafia fighting over a tiny ass piece of land. He beats up everyone (sometimes with a rpg) without killing anyone ever while doing random bullshit like racing toy cars on the side and helping people around the city.
Also he crosses paths with a less kind one eyed man who runs a brothel.
Fight for scraps and die. Die 5 more times from getting beat with a rock. Fight for more scraps and get small base. Lose all scrap in base from asshole clan. Beat head against wall in frustration. Oh and die some more and do it all again tomorrow.
Spikey hair man, a stuffed animal friend, a meow meow best animal friend, a cigarette smoking space uncle, black gun arm man, big boobie bestie, christian pink girl, thieving ninja girl, and emo vampire-esque goth daddy re-enact Armageddon and also fight long white hair man with mommy issues. Also a dirty old man with floating crystals, no legs, and the ability to fly gives you advice.
Participate in dream therapy and fall asleep and follow a doctor's voice as you have your mind broken over and over by optical illusions until you wake up and then cry irl at the ending speech.
You kinda play with reincarnations of Adam and Eve but original Eve was kind of Adam's mom. Current Adam has a lot of trauma he tries to shut away with different personalities but then the ghost of his previous incarnation takes over his father's body to try to push the traumatized personality out. Eventually you discover a kid on a lab who comes to life in your presence and she tells you it was an even older incarnation of Adam who created her artificially based on Eve because nobody could have natural kids anymore at that time but that didn't really wipe humans out either.
And all through the game some sort of AI with the personality of some very old folks had been spying on you through your save files.
In the end current Adam and Eve fall out of the sky naked but inside a giant robot, with all your friends watching you from a distance because they can't fly since your actions made every other giant robot stop working, except for yours.
You're an outlaw who steals the pets of other people and must recruit them to stop a corrupt mayor and his army of evil Power Rangers from setting up animal abuse factories.
you make people eat things they hate and they kill each other over boulders in the visible vicinity. sometimes the higher power tries its best to kill them, other times you get 36 milk.
@rcmaehl A guy wakes up from coma and stumbles around aimlessly, doing trivial favours for people along the way. Oh he also collects seeds for some reason.
You command one or several cities and gangs of creatures (some of them beasts, some presumably sentient), lead by a person who's armor and sword somehow makes the other creatures in his group stronger. These gangs capture other cities and fight other gangs, but they're very civil - they let each take their turn at it.
You're undead, and use magic and guns to fight aliens and gods in defence of a big ball. The big bad is made of ghosts (but not the kind you're friends with).
You know all those books and literary analysis you had to do in Englidh class that you hated? Yeah what if we made a game about those guys? Oh and don't worry, we got guys from all over the globe, so we're going to make you relive that pain regardless if you're from Spain or Korea. Oh you liked that part of class? Good news! We made Rodion Raskinolov an anime waifu!
Alternatively: solving a centuries long race war in the only way we know how - with 13 year olds and 90's themed warfare! It's not a child soldier if the military doesn't know about it! We swear this is deadly serious we gave the kid a FN P90
Five soldiers of specialized anti terrorism forces battle against some other five soldiers of those same forces, to defuse a bomb. But for some reason all of these operators are from the same countries and task forces and should actually work together. Also the servers of this game are shit.
You wake up in a strange place with some other random people. There’s something spooky there with you. You need to become fix things to open a door and escape. There’s way more squatting and flashlights than necessary.
Child with jaundice is possessed and kills an entire race. Unless you decide to flirt with them, in which case you get to save said race and also get a new mommy.
Also there's lore or something? I'm not sure since all the puns distracted me.
Boss fights, with long animation locks, to get RNG loot drops to fight harder bosses, with some non boss fight content sprinkled in every now and again.
I built a nice home here with my industrious underlings helping me build my dream lair. If it wasn't for these god damned intruders who call themselves "Heroes" who want to evict me.
Time witch steals back her powers to become a god but is defeated by the now human and unsuperpowered protagonist who is given a bin of nuclear batteries from the white house by the president of the United States.
Trying to build a rocket with the help of cartoon characters who have no idea what they're doing, and then watching in horror as your creations explode spectacularly due to your lack of engineering skills.
Many 30-somethings endure commute home only to fire up a game where they disregard others on track, brake way too late, force impossible overtakes only to loose control of their car moments later.
Man punch fat man punch green man punch army man punch punching man punch mask man punch blonde man punch upside-down lady punch HUGE man punch stretchy man punch eyepatch man punch cape man.
Dude goes to the park for a bit, his friend brings him a sandwich. They talk about the future, and immediately get genocided. 80 hours later, the dude kills god
Your mentor's dismemberment grants you an unexpected promotion. You then become friends with his combat equipment and kill an up and coming bloodsports organiser's friends and colleagues.
a shipwrecked amnesiac plays harmonica, does long haul trucking, donates to science, and fights organized crime with the help of a hot rod he found on the beach and some teenagers named after seasonings.
You can do anything. Even be a carpenter. I hear there's a city somewhere with tons of farms in the middle of the ocean. So you can farm under guard protection how op is that.
Experience the challenges of living with a terminal illness in a futuristic crime-ridden neoliberal metropolitan city, where solely you are responsible of saving yourself. Pull yourself out by your bootstraps and become a rising star in its criminal underworld.
A powerful being mentally tortures an orphaned girl through isolation and deadly "games" with dangerous machinery. Later, she begins hearing the voice of a mental illness, and through its advice manages to behead the orchestrator.
My recent favorite here. This one might be a stumper for people trying to solve it.
You get shot for getting too handsy, especially with the sensitive fat guy. Or just looking at the art. Or, hell, when someone asks you to get them a drink from the bar. But then you get to try to shoot people for returning the wrong book. So it's all good.
You are the only successful rescue party to land alive, you collect a random assortment of tools to go kill a man who got exiled because he threw worms in a hole.
I am on so many drugs and I I cannot deal with these foul-mouthed meth head children. Also I'm a communist and my partner is tired of all the weird shit I say.
You know all those government conspiracies the tin tops are spewing? ITS ALL TRUE! And you are a robot that dont know he's a robot. Another conspiracy within a conspiracy!