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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Is it normal for men to be propositioned by swingers, and what makes a man an attractive candidate to swinger couples?
  • Normal, but not common.

    You're probably hot and cool.

    I've asked people to join threesomes before, and I ask hot and cool people with style.

    I also suspect that if you're above average in looks to the point that not only are you aware of it but people have regularly commented on it, you're probably smoking hot or at least attractive with great style.


  • Researchers discover battery-free technology which harvests power from radio and Wi-Fi signals for low-powered devices
  • In no way is this a discovery.

    This is what crystal diode radios are from the '40s.

    Some guy built one in Japan, it's basically just a thousand transceivers in a box hooked up to a USB port harvesting radio/wifi signals.

    Here's a guy using them to make light:

    It's super cool, but not a discovery.

  • VPNs still work well in China, for those who were wondering.
  • Oh cool. Specifically, Astrill and proton worked fine as of April, although it would be smart to get the programs on at least one device or have the apks on file before they head over there because it's difficult to download them from within the Chinese net.

    If necessary, there's VPN they can search for on Baidu called green VPN; that one will at least sporadically work and allow your friend to download their choice of more robust options.

  • Story time! What's something that happened to you or someone in your life that still makes you giggle?
  • Easily could have been.

    "is believed to be due to repetitive minor trauma, called microtrauma"

    Haha, like clapping because it's time for a sushi buffet.

    Hahaha, I'm laughing again about it now, The sense of relief I felt after I realized that I had a chest pain and I had been maniacally clapping for the past several months was overwhelming, hahaha

  • TIL there are fidget guns for children

    So that,'s a bummer.

    Fidget spinners I knew about. Fidget guns I did not.

    hashtag babies need guns too.



    very Animorphs excerpt from a different book by a different author(spoiler-free)

    Disclaimer: lt's a fairly late plot point in this not unpopular book, so I'm changing the character name so that you don't recognize it if you happen upon the book one day.

    It's Morphin' Time:

    "...she realized she was flying. For a moment, human thought and hawk instinct clashed, and her wings flapped frantically. She dropped like a stone. Derry forced herself to let go, to let the unfamiliar senses guide her, and her wings made the correct angle and she caught the wind again.

    She thought she had the trick of it now. One had to exercise enough control to keep one’s memory and purpose, but had to give the hawk enough rein to control the body. She made a slow circle to face toward the palace, watching the ground rush by below in impossibly fine detail and trying not to think about what her wings were doing.

    Derry had not taken this form lightly.

    A few powerful strokes of her wings took her higher and she flew toward the palace, astonished again at the power and strength of such a small body.

    She had risen above and almost overshot the palace before she caught herself and turned back. It was no wonder human sorcerers lost themselves when they changed shape. If her sense of urgency hadn’t been so strong, it would have been easy to play on these wind currents until she forgot who she was."


    Mulling Over Morphs #46 - The Deception

    More ramping up.


    The nuclear option.

    Another amazing book.


    Marcy and Bubbs by Kawacy Marcelline and Bubblegum (by Kawacy) - Sopuli

    Artist: Kawacy | pixiv [] | deviantart [] | danbooru []

    Marcelline and Bubblegum (by Kawacy) - Sopuli

    does anyone use a modern screen-foldable phone as their regular phone?

    I haven't met anyone yet who does and I haven't read any good endorsements about foldable phones but I keep seeing advertisement for foldable phones.



    Mulling Over Morphs #45 - The Revelation

    The beginning of the end,

    what an insane series.


    Marco abandons Nora to the yeerks to make things simpler for his biological mom and dad to get back together.

    It's real dark. Cold blooded.

    They boil a yeerk pool.

    Tobias forced to explain how torture changes someone, since he's been through it.

    There's so much foreshadowing and a lot a bit of of murder, man this was an exciting, desperate tale.

    I love this whole last run, they capture the shock of Marco revealing himself so well.

    If you aren't going to reread the whole series, you will not regret rereading this one.


    The Gang

    Getting Ready to Save the Woorrrld

    by cordspaghetti


    TIL the writers of "Take me Out to the Ball Game" had never seen a baseball game The “Take Me Out to the Ball Game” songwriters had never seen a baseball game.

    The idea for the song came to the writer not while he was sitting in the stands, but instead, of all places, on the New York City subway.

    The “Take Me Out to the Ball Game” songwriters had never seen a baseball game.

    Do any of you shave your eyebrows when your cats die?

    Apparently the Egyptians used to do this.

    The mourning period is over after your eyebrows grow back


    is newpipe still working for other people?

    Update! Newpipe is working again after an uninstall and reinstall just now!


    I've been using newpipe for 3 years and it's never failed completely like this.

    It's been a few days now that zero videos work and newpipe hasn't released an update or anything on their blog.

    Cleared cache. Uninstalled reinstalled, reset phone, no difference.

    Is new pipe still working for other people? I have an uninstalled reinstalled


    Animal Morphers! We have a little spot on canvas '24 at 380, 308






    Mulling Over Morphs #44 - The Unexpected

    Scary opening for a minute when nobody is answering Cassie and she thinks she's all alone on the mission.



    Definitely written in 2000, a massive firefight erupts in an airport that everybody just shrugs off and things keep going normally instead of the entire place locking down, and planes in a baggage are left unsecured, just a regular transit station instead of a Homeland security nightmare.

    Also, the most exciting opening for Cassie in a long time, that turns into one of the most consistently exciting adventures, with Cassie alone.

    Non stop action.

    The Australian outback is such a good setting for an adventure. I'd like to read a longer version of a story like this.

    Actually there was that popular YA series "tomorrow when the war began", that was a great series.


    Borderlands 2 improved on everything I liked from B1

    TLDR: I loved Borderlands two and I'm going to start a replay with a different character, which i almost never do.

    I had fun with Borderlands 1, but was basically pushing through by the end trying not to fall asleep.

    B2, on the other hand, I was very engaged in the entire ride through, although it seemed well balanced and the game ended when it should, even including the side quests.

    Improvements -

    The writing! I think I heard a reference to Anthony Burch writing in Borderlands 2 from hey ass. Whatcha playing episode, and he got some award?

    Experience tiers, which I didn't initially like because it wasn't explained, but basically the quests are more important than farming enemies for experience, so you get much more engaged with the stories because you're following quests instead of trying to kill enough boring enemies in the same way to get high enough of a level to destroy future enemies.

    In any case, the writing that I did like in Borderlands 1, was perfect in 2. Not too long, always funny, always engaging, every character very well defined, which brings me to my next point:

    The voice acting was hilarious and perfect, again, very well defined and idiosyncratic for every character, just so much fun to listen to. Every time handsome Jack pops up. It's fun to listen to him be an a******.

    The quests were so much more satisfying. At the end of the first game, I was basically just following marker to marker without caring what anybody said or what was written down just tapping through to the next wavepoint until the quest was finished.

    In Borderlands 2, Even if I accidentally clicked through the introduction to the quest, I would go back and make sure to read because I know that the paragraph introducing and explaining the quest is funny and that the quest is going to be rescuing lab experiments and I have to find a particular valve or putting together a treasure map with a weird lure, rather than just find the bigger bad guy punch him to death.

    Driving was huge - I was not into driving in Borderlands 1 and got really bored and irritated every time I had to drive. I felt like the aiming system was complete dog s***, and it was just not very fun to drive around in general, like the handling was terrible.

    I loved driving around the Borderlands too and was actively bummed out whenever. I didn't get a car, but it made perfect sense and they used the car just enough so that the game wasn't too easy. But you could still boost and race around however you wanted, or chase down a beer van. So much fun driving, such a huge improvement from the first game.

    Larger levels with more interesting landscapes in them, each level felt much more unique than the entire The first game to me, like each area had its own style to a degree I hadn't seen before.

    I can't remember a single place from the first game, but I'm going to remember the different style of the underground bug. Bunker and the dust and all these other places that had an impact on the personality of the game.

    Lastly, art is more efficient, not as many bold lines emphasizing the comic book quality, which is carried through more by the personality of the game instead of by the specific art.


    Mulling Over Morphs #43 - The Test

    Blech, always hate it when anyone has to morph a taxxon.

    Also hate being confronted with tobias' torturer.

    Probably not as much as Tobias does, though.

    Great inside cover!


    Mulling Over Morphs #42 - The Journey

    Is this one a "yikes" for everybody?

    Maybe they just needed a break from a book every month for five years.


    Marco's heart exploding, or being exploded, is pretty harrowing, but the helmacrons combined with the trope theme is impossible not to roll my eyes at.

    I still like the animorphs themselves within the story and I like Marco's initiative, but this book is odd and somewhat unsatisfying.

    Maybe they needed some breathing room to get ready for the final run.


    YSK the full scope of the recent US presidential immunity decision

    TLDR: there are no qualifying limitations on presidential immunity

    Not only does any US president now have complete immunity from "official" actions(with zero qualifying restrictions or definitions), but if those actions are deemed "unofiicial", no jury is legally allowed to witness the evidence in any way since that would interfere with the now infinitely broad "official" presidential prerogatives.

    Furthermore, if an unofficial atrocity is decided on during an official act, like the president during the daily presidential briefing ordering the army to execute the US transexual population, the subsequent ordered executions will be considered legally official presidential acts since the recorded decision occurred during a presidential duty.

    There are probably other horrors I haven't considered yet.

    Then again, absolute immunity is absolute immunity, so I don't know how much threat recognition matters here.

    If the US president can order an action, that action can be legally and officially carried out.

    Not constitutionally, since the Constitution specifically holds any elected politician subject to the law, but legally and officially according to the supreme court, who has assumed higher power then the US Constitution to unconstitutionally allege that the US President is absolutely immune from all legal restrictions and consequences.


    What's your favorite fun t-shirt?

    I have one from a band called Massie that says "you work hard, I'll be sexy".

    Makes me laugh every time.

    I also have a t-shirt with a purple teddy bear under a paragraph of text telling a nihilist horror story in broken english about that teddy bear as if he were a real person.

    Both winners.


    I think this is hilarious, but I don't have Instagram so I can't look at the hi-res version of this picture. can someone reply with the hi-res picture? thanks!

    It's here:


    Mulling Over Morphs #41 - The Familiar

    I owned most of these books and this was one of the ones I reread the most because of how poetic so many difficult personal struggles and fears are faced and worked through so rapid fire, it's pretty overwhelming without being trite.

    This book ends perfectly,


    the simple act of asking Cassie if she was okay when he didn't ask her like he should have the day before.

    Juke Box - share music Varyk

    The singing, dancing, the colors, I cannot more heartily recommend any song or music video - Lido Pimienta - ESO Que TU Haces

    This is one of my favorite songs and videos.
