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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Maybe we should all be calling him Terry.
  • Tbh, didn't click into either of your links here, but enough to state the following...

    Gonna leave this here. ["I'm a professional liar, and you, personally, are stupid for listening to anything I say"]

    Tangentially, the same author, ["Buy my book, I'm now going to tell you the truth"]

  • Maybe we should all be calling him Terry.
  • All shit-sloshing gutters eventually end at the RNC. It's like the famous section of that classic poem from the old gop poet, No-wokeius Bartholomew Pussyhound III:

    "Give me your washed up, your publicly disgraced and purposefully-undereducated, your convicted masses yearning to molest underage boys in churches and motels while wearing flag shirts... I'm gonna scare those goofy fuckers into giving me money by talking almost exclusively in acronyms that they don't understand, but are terrified of!"

  • What fresh hell is this?
  • There just needs to be a law that these pop ups have to contain a clear, recent, full color, high definition headshot of the CEO/President of the company that profits from this.

  • Twitch restores former President Trump’s Twitch account
  • "I hate Trump and his actions as much as anyone here, but..."

    Of course, this is the traditional phrasing used by us fellow legitimate, absolutely genuine, haters of fascism and their associated ideals - We just can't stop qualifying it, we can't help ourselves...

    "Women should have equal rights, but..."

    *"Love who you love, marry who you want, but..."

    "I'm definitely not racist, but..."

    "I support a person's right to choose what they do with their pregnancy, but..."

    "The Nazis were out of line, but..."

    "UH, SEE... Now look what YOU made me do!!!"

    Will anyone else in this thread commit to stepping up and adding absolutely nothing to this conversation, in this person's place, if they do leave Lemmy? Who's going to do their part?

  • Trump Blows a Kiss as Hulk Hogan Rips His Shirt Onstage in Surreal RNC Scene
  • You keep seeing peter thiels name here, right... Weird, huh.

    j.d. vance is thiel's longtime lap puppy and trump's new VP pick after trying to have the old one publicly executed.

    thiel is also at PayPal with elon. peter is like the "cool senior" at high school with the upturned collar when elon musk is a freshman. Thiel says to elon one day, "hey Elmo, carry my books to class." elon enthusiastically complies and while his hands are full, thiel takes all of the blood emeralds out of elon's pockets, pantses him in front of his crush, and then says, "now say thank you daddy, for letting my little weiner see the sunshine, Elmo" elon complies, pants around his ankles, and then thiel pushes elon over, and drives away with his crush, as they both laugh at elon. Elon then says to himself, "Man, that guy is so cool." Right as vance is confined as VP pick, Elmo (who said earlier this year that he wouldn't donate to either trump or biden) just started "donating" $45 million dollars a month to trump in perpetuity.

    Are you starting to see who's in charge?

    You should learn more about potential shadow president thiel.

  • 'We're close to the end': Biden world braces for the possibility that the president steps aside
  • Once again, it offered a sharp contrast with former President Donald Trump, who, even after his brush with death on Saturday, will appear at a raucous coronation at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee on Thursday night.

    Lick boots harder, you complicit oligarch fucks.

  • What is wrong with the Trivago guy's mouth?


    Do companies store facial and voice recognition data from the thousands of hours of zoom/teams calls that their employees use?

    I heard a person call into a show the other day, voice only, and talk about some poor working conditions at a factory. Made me think about how it would probably be so easy for nefarious bosses to be able to identify that person through voice recognition SW with all of the data that comes from us looking directly into cameras and speaking clearly in modern workplace meetings.

    Do "anonymous" callers need to start using voice modulation software for these kinds of calls in the modern world?


    If Reddit had a soul/conscience, I think it was us, and we're all on Lemmy now...

    As a little background, I didn't actively use Reddit for months following the blackout. I still barely stop in over there and if I do I'm never logged in our contributing to the communities there (where I was previously a daily poster/commenter).

    Just bringing up a point that I'm not sure I'd seen anyone discussing directly over here; the general sentiment and quality of posted information on Reddit has become tangibly worse in multiple ways (I think coinciding with this group, us, leaving).

    Now don't get me wrong, Reddit sucked in many ways and for long before the migrations to Lemmy, but there is a noticeable difference in a few key areas:

    1. Less skepticism in replies

    2. Less sourcing of information in posts and replies

    3. Less counter positions expressed generally

    4. If there is a decent reply, you have to scroll much further down to find it

    5. Less plain labeling of obvious bullshit

    Many of us used to introduce counter viewpoints or clarifying information into posts, with sources. That functionally worked as a roadblock to stall the quickly building momentum of disinformation/misinformation. Those roadblocks often feel absent over there now, IMO.

    Not saying we hold a responsibility to go back there or that we were saving lives before, but the difference is very apparent to me - Have you seen it? Any examples?

    Youtube Snapz

    Have you noticed, in "Watch Later" playlist YouTube no longer remembers position in playlist when you complete or exit a video?

    This was on the roku app on a TV, haven't explored other platforms yet.

    I'm assuming this is to disable the ability for users to quickly start, back/exit and restart a video until an ad doesn't play. Eternally user hostile, enshitification bullshit.


    What's the worst scam you've fallen for (or gotten close to falling for)?


    Is it known that some of the streaming services with advertising artificially reduce their ad length after the holidays?

    Assuming to artificially secure people with new memberships through their first 4-6 weeks to establish a habit through the first billing cycle. Is this a known thing?


    Who got notably rich from each major, historical tragedy?

    Through the great depression...

    When 9/11 happened...

    The 2008 housing crash...


    On a smaller scale, when the Titanic sank, I'm assuming someone inevitably got rich from the aftermath somehow?

    Who are the people/groups that make up history's must successful parasites? Who "came out on top" in each instance of historical human suffering?


    WR was a questionable 1st round pick anyway, but with hindsight, which of the 1st round WR block would you have taken?

    The rest of them all look good, but Addison just looks like a professional ball player out the gate.


    Any brochachos from the Reddit sub regularly on Lemmy these days?


    Are any of the DNA testing companies trustworthy?

    So obviously we're all on Lemmy for a complicated combination of reasons, but we all likely share some common ground, namely...

    • need for privacy
    • need to own/control/access the data we produce
    • healthy skepticism about the trustworthiness of for-profit corporations, in general

    So if we don't want meta to know even innocuous things; like how many times/when we message our grandma, and we don't google to know when we're searching for remedies to a rash, and we don't want reddit to... Well we just don't want reddit - we don't want them to profit from or weaponize that data against us in a myriad ways.

    We also don't want them artificially removing features and creating tiered layers of service/value hidden behind a paywall (I understand this is very present in the some of the commercially available DNA services).

    So that brings me to DNA testing services. Since they started to emerge in the mainstream they were immediately an interesting, exciting novelty and I also knew it was data I wouldn't feel safe trusting with a for-profit org - with broken systems like law enforcement and health insurers on speed dial and just salivating for the goodies they collect.

    So all that considered, any groups that provide this type of service that you do trust/use, and why?


    Can't remember name of an old Android app... help!

    Hey all, I used to use a to do app and can't remember name, it was very distinct though, please help!

    • visual aesthetic was of an IRL open paper journal (distinct touch: out had a coffee stain on upper corner of the paper)
    • extremely simple, text input on lines and a checkbox to complete (animation of pen crossing by hand would play IIRC)
    • only option besides complete/delete was to move to "tomorrow". Then when you flipped the page (animation) you'd see the next day's tasks.
    • only looked at today and tomorrow in favor of simplicity
    • For some reason, I want to think it was just called "today" or "tomorrow".

    Any ideas?
