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Kory Kory
Posts 74
Comments 287
Games that stuck with you
  • For me its Subnautica because the progression works so well. I've tried lots of survival games and sandbox games with similar progression afterwards, but none of them had the same impact on me. It's also because of the genre - Sci-fi on an alien planet, discovering what actually happened, and all that baked into some real satisfying gaming loop. Also, without spoilers, the end sequence always makes me emotional, regardless of how many times I've played it. It just speaks to me on a personal level.

  • Microsoft really wants Local accounts gone after it erases its guide on how to create them
  • You might misunderstand how their "ratings" work - they simply collect all reports and when people had trouble with the game before, and gave a negative or "tinkering required" rating, it will show in the overall stats.

  • Microsoft really wants Local accounts gone after it erases its guide on how to create them
  • Depends on what you are playing, but gaming in Linux has come a long way. Some games won't work due to companies not enabling their (rootkit) "anti-cheats" for Linux, but other than that, there's more and more games that simply work by the day. Check out to get an idea of what's working at the moment.

  • What is your favourite game with native Linux port?
  • 😂 Well, at the beginning I was a bit lost and a friend played with me for like half an hour and then I knew the basics. After that you look things up that you want to know more about, but it's not necessary to have the wiki open all the time. The game actually has a quite clear progression and hints on first playthrough.

  • What is your favourite game with native Linux port?
  • Highly recommend. I have finished so many worlds with and without mods and I still return to it once in a while.

  • So what's your take on Season 5 of DRG? Do you like it or dislike it?
  • I'm not too impressed so far. The drillevator mission is ok with 3, really annoying with 5 crystals to find. A better indicator as to where to find them exactly would be nice, sometimes you dig like one meter next to them and simply can't find them.

    Lost 2 escort missions due to people not knowing the new mechanic and not listening to ingame advice. That's a lot of time going to waste.

    The core stone is ok on some classes, others really struggle with the mobs cause they are tough to kill. I also realised that most people don't know what to do still, so it will get better with time.

    Getting a lot of disconnects since this season, yesterday right on the way to extraction - yet another real waste of time that gets really offputting. Yes, I could host every single mission myself, but if everybody does that, there's not much coop left.

  • [Epic] Freshly Frosted
  • I heard that in Homer Simpson's voice.

  • Favourite patient modern game?
  • Subnautica

  • ONLYOFFICE 8.1 released
  • I really liked it, I had the Flatpak version installed, but when opening larger text documents (with 20+ pages) it took forever to open them, so I stopped using it.

  • Why openSUSE?
  • I'm also interested in openSUSE, but what held me back from Tumbleweed was the statement on their Wiki: "If you don't know how to compile your own additional kernel modules and you don't wish to learn or keep a very close eye on what is being updated, please don't use Tumbleweed." (

    But here people say it "just works" and it's a great distro. I'm torn :), I'd like to try it, but I'm not sure I wanna follow all updates all the time to make sure it runs fine.

  • A little forest build I think came out well
  • Really cozy, I love it!

  • NOYB urges 11 DPAs to immediately stop Meta's abuse of personal data for AI
  • Thank you, this is great. I will keep it in mind next time I post something about NOYB.

  • NOYB: 11 Beschwerden gegen Metas Datenmissbrauch fĂŒr KI 11 Beschwerden gegen Metas Datenmissbrauch fĂŒr KI

    noyb fordert 11 nationale Datenschutzbehörden auf, Metas rechtswidrige Nutzung persönlicher Daten fĂŒr undefinierte „KI-Technologie“ zu stoppen

    11 Beschwerden gegen Metas Datenmissbrauch fĂŒr KI
    Distro suggestions for grandparents?
  • I had some issues with an old HP Laptop not so long ago because it uses some weird Wifi that needs Bluetooth enabled and it was a hassle to get it working. In Mint it simply worked out of the box, so I stuck with it on that device. Mint with Cinnamon is also very similar looking to Windows and should provide a smooth transition for your grandparents.

  • Key misinformation “superspreaders” on Twitter: Older women
  • What a stupid headline.

    "So who are these people? They're a bit more likely to be female. While both the comparison groups were roughly evenly split between male and female, the superspreaders were 60 percent female. They're also older, on average 58 years old, nearly 20 years older than the sample as a whole."

  • Tips on distro for gaming
  • One important part for gaming is the graphics card - I cannot comment on that particular one, but I would recommend searching it like "nvidia rtx 4070 + linux" so you can find advice and recommendations. You could also hop over to, select that card and see what most people are running. Or there is this page, where you find lots of info about whats being recommended.

    Nvidia used to be problematic with Linux, but I also have an older Nvidia card and haven't run into any problems (yet). Also there's lots of new development in that area, I'm sure it's gonna be ok. Also some distros offer preinstalled Nvidia drivers that you simply select in a driver manager - that for example is the case for Linux Mint.

    Keep at it, you got this and there's so many people and resources online to help. Best of luck!

  • Free Games Kory

    [Epic] Circus Electrique

    1 EuGH-GA: Meta muss Werbedaten von Nutzern "minimieren"

    Heute hat der Generalanwalt seine SchlussantrÀge in der Rechtssache C-446/21 veröffentlicht. Hier ist die erste Reaktion von noyb

    EuGH-GA: Meta muss Werbedaten von Nutzern "minimieren"
    4 AG at CJEU: Facebook must "minimize" personal data for ads in EU

    Today, the attorney general published his opinion in the case C-446/21. Here is noyb's first reaction.

    AG at CJEU: Facebook must "minimize" personal data for ads in EU
    0 Statement on EDPB "Pay or Okay" Opinion

    First Update on the EDPB's "pay or okay" opinion on larger platforms.

    Statement on EDPB "Pay or Okay" Opinion
    4 "Pay or Okay" erklĂ€rt: Wie dich Websites zwingen, fĂŒr Datenschutz zu bezahlen

    Wie funktionieren Bezahl- oder Einwilligungssysteme und was sind die Probleme? Max Schrems erklÀrt das alles in diesem ErklÀrvideo

    "Pay or Okay" erklĂ€rt: Wie dich Websites zwingen, fĂŒr Datenschutz zu bezahlen
    Free Games Kory

    [Epic] Islets

    Free Games Kory

    [Epic] The Bridge

    Free Games Kory

    [Epic] Deus Ex - Mankind Divided

    Free Games Kory

    [Epic] Astro Duel 2


    Reddit Will License Its Data to Train LLMs, So We Made a Firefox Extension That Lets You Replace Your Comments With Any (Non-Copyrighted) Text The Luddite

    An anticapitalist technology blog. Embrace the technology that liberates us. Smash that which does not.

    I know there are other ways of accomplishing that, but this might be a convenient way of doing it. I'm wondering though if Reddit is still reverting these changes?

    Free Games Kory

    [Epic] Aerial_Knight's Never Yield

    Free Games Kory

    [Indiegala] Where's my helmet?

    Free Games Kory

    [Epic] Super Meat Boy Forever


    Borderlands players - what is your opinion about the new movie trailer? Piped

    An alternative privacy-friendly YouTube frontend which is efficient by design.


    Apologies that this is not a pure gaming question, but I'd really like to hear people's opinion on the Borderlands movie trailer and especially from people who have played the games. That's why I'm asking here, I hope that's ok.

    82 Deep Rock Galactic - Year Six Anniversary Event preview - Steam News

    The 'Six Years in Orbit' Anniversary Celebrations kick off on February 28th. Rumors suggest a new armor set is coming. Get a sneak peek here!

    Deep Rock Galactic - Year Six Anniversary Event preview - Steam News

    I really like the non-FOMO-part with the amor!
