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salarua salarua



Posts 116
Comments 137
<marquee> is going to change everything
  • never doubt the elegance of good semantic HTML and a few lines of classless CSS

  • Second Canadian scientist alleges brain illness investigation was shut down

    Exclusive: Prof Samuel Weiss said in leaked email that government halted efforts to tackle mystery illness

    Second Canadian scientist alleges brain illness investigation was shut down

    The effect of safety attire on perceptions of cyclist dehumanisation (open access)


    Increasing the uptake of active, carbon neutral forms of transport is indicated for both population health and environmental conservation. Efforts to increase cycling uptake are hindered by negative attitudes towards cyclists. Recent research from Australia has found that many people consider cyclists to be less than fully human. There is currently a lack of empirical evidence that explains these dehumanising perceptions. Most people who ride bicycles in Australia wear safety helmets as required by mandatory helmet laws. We hypothesised that people wearing bicycle helmets are perceived as less human compared to people without helmets due to reduced visibility of eyes and hair. We tested this hypothesis through a survey (n = 563) comprised of two-paired alternate forced choice questions to identify which image of a cyclist respondents consider to be less human. We then analysed the results using a Bradley-Terry probability model. We found images of cyclists wearing helmets or safety vests to have a higher probability of being selected as less human compared to images of cyclists wearing no safety equipment. The results have implications for research on cyclist dehumanisation and its mitigation.

    taking us back half a century
  • the Republican Party checks off almost all of these.

    • powerful and continuing nationalism: MAGA and America First
    • disdain for human rights: the ongoing trans genocide and their support for the Palestinian genocide
    • identification of enemies as an unifying cause: the "woke" fearmongering
    • supremacy of the military: Trump has waffled between praising the military and calling them "losers", so not quite yet
    • rampant sexism: reinforcement of traditional gender roles and the "tradwife" movement
    • controlled mass media: inside their sphere, yeah. Fox News, Newsmax, and OAN breathlessly hang on to every word Republican figures say
    • obsession with national security: bOrdEr WAlL!
    • religion and government intertwined: anti-abortion policies universally have religious justifications for them, plus several Republicans have said (and seem to sincerely believe) that Trump was ordained by Jesus
    • corporate power protected: corporate tax cuts and the withering of regulatory agencies under Republican leadership
    • labor power suppressed: the logical corollary to the above
    • disdain for intellectuals and the arts: distrust of experts and scientific endeavors
    • obsession with crime and punishment: running on being "hard on crime"
    • rampant cronyism and corruption: Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito's undeclared trips from Republican donors are likely just the tip of the iceberg
    • fraudulent elections: not yet, and hopefully never 🤞
  • What's the dumbest blockbuster movie you have seen that somehow received high praise?
  • Aquaman. the visual effects were ridiculous, the characters were one-dimensional, the soundtrack was...something, and the overall tone was that of a testosterone firehose to the face. i said the eight deadly words about halfway through, and i was thoroughly bored out of my mind despite action scene after action scene after action scene...the only reason why i didn't just get up and leave was because i was watching with a group

  • Trump Rails Against Broken Rally Teleprompters, Threatens to Stiff Contractors
  • he's gonna stiff the contractors? great, now all his teleprompters are going to be broken

  • no really how do we fix this?
  • butlerian jihad?

  • xaitax/TotalRecall: This tool extracts and displays data from the Recall feature in Windows 11, providing an easy way to access information about your PC's activity snapshots.
  • IIUC it wouldn’t be able to be automatically started then, right? I mean I guess you could drag it to startup but it would need the password to start. From a security minded perspective that’s good, but from a user perspective kind of sucks.

    that's true, but since this is a record of everything you've ever done, i feel this is the irreducible minimum for security. a separate password prompt would signal to the less technically-minded users that this is Serious

    Always forced to foreground makes it even less convenient and kind of odd.

    this is a design pattern i borrowed from Linux (my OS of choice). modern Linux apps require your explicit permission to run in the background, so most of them don't even bother with running in the background at all. that said, i suppose it can run in the background, as long as the status indicator is sufficiently noticeable, but you'd have to go into the settings and flip that switch yourself

    I don’t see this functionality as being useful if you have to remember to turn it on.

    i imagine that it would become a habit, or you'd set it to run on startup. my use case would be turning it on for specific tasks like research or shopping, where you might only later remember that that one thing you saw was actually really valuable

    I figure the cryptfs could be a bitlocker volume with a different key than the base C drives key to get similar protection. In theory it could also be based on the C drives bitlocker for a less secure, but still hardware level secured middle ground.

    can a user-installed app do that?

  • xaitax/TotalRecall: This tool extracts and displays data from the Recall feature in Windows 11, providing an easy way to access information about your PC's activity snapshots.
  • if i were designing a recall program, here's how i would do it: it would take a screenshot every five seconds, OCR it, then run it through local quantized image recognition and word association neural networks, and then toss everything into a CryFS vault. when launching the recall program, you have to provide the password to unlock the vault so it can read and write to it. it can only run in the foreground (so you have to keep the window open for it to run, no closing it and forgetting about it) and it will display a status indicator in your system tray that provides a menu to pause or stop recording. afterwards, you can mark any text or region of the screen for redaction, and it'll redact it across all screenshots and delete it from the database; you can delete individual screenshots or entire periods of time; and there will be an easily accessible self-destruct option that shreds the database (i.e. overwriting it with random garbage 21 times before deleting it off the disk). this is all offline and the application will not request network access

    i'm just making this up on the fly, so there are absolutely security and privacy considerations I absolutely forgot about, but this is the bare minimum i would like to see

  • xaitax/TotalRecall: This tool extracts and displays data from the Recall feature in Windows 11, providing an easy way to access information about your PC's activity snapshots.
  • browser data is a potential liability, sure, but you have tools to manage it. you can delete pages or entire websites, you can use private windows, you can purge history older than 6 months or something like that, and at least a few browsers have a "forget" button that wipes out the last two hours of history. similar deals with cookies and other data, and we've collectively decided the benefit of having browser data is worth the risk.

    not so here. Recall is a record of everything you've ever done on your PC. you can't selectively delete things like you can with browser history, the app and website exclusion is only as good as whatever Recall is using to detect apps and websites, and you can't redact sensitive info after the fact. people are generally okay with browser history and data because they know they have fine-grained controls to manage it, controls Recall doesn't have

  • xaitax/TotalRecall: This tool extracts and displays data from the Recall feature in Windows 11, providing an easy way to access information about your PC's activity snapshots.
  • the screenshots and text are just sitting in the appdata folder, which requires no special permission to access

  • xaitax/TotalRecall: This tool extracts and displays data from the Recall feature in Windows 11, providing an easy way to access information about your PC's activity snapshots. GitHub - xaitax/TotalRecall: This tool extracts and displays data from the Recall feature in Windows 11, providing an easy way to access information about your PC's activity snapshots.

    This tool extracts and displays data from the Recall feature in Windows 11, providing an easy way to access information about your PC's activity snapshots. - xaitax/TotalRecall

    GitHub - xaitax/TotalRecall: This tool extracts and displays data from the Recall feature in Windows 11, providing an easy way to access information about your PC's activity snapshots.

    this rootless Python script rips Windows Recall's screenshots and SQLite database of OCRed text and allows you to search them.

    New unit of measurement
  • anything but the metric system

  • Top Canadian scientist alleges in leaked emails he was barred from studying mystery brain illness

    Exclusive: Michael Coulthart’s claims emerge after New Brunswick closes its inquiry into disease affecting more than 200 people

    Top Canadian scientist alleges in leaked emails he was barred from studying mystery brain illness
    Madlad posted this on the r/libertarian subreddit and they banned him
  • bikes don't need pavement, just good wheels

  • The developer of Anna’sArchive cannot handle criticism at all [caution]
  • AnnaArchivist is not the asshole here. this is extremely out-of-line and entitled behavior on CurrentRisk's part, whining about something as insignificant as download speeds and hounding AnnaArchivist for a response she is not obligated to give, on a post that's combative and immature and generally not worthy of her consideration, when she has so many better things to be doing

  • Madlad posted this on the r/libertarian subreddit and they banned him

    cross-posted from:


    Bill Makes Gaza Genocide Protests Illegal
  • post title is misleading. it won't make criticizing Israel illegal, but it will be legally considered hate

  • Tesla Lays Off Entire Team Behind Brakes
  • brakes are woke and socialist and full of CRT, real Americans stick their foot out the door and shred their boots on the road to stop their car

  • That's the only reason.
  • i'm not sure either, but either way a hurt dog will holler ¯_(ツ)_/¯

  • That's the only reason.
  • i'm not sure either, but either way, a hurt dog will holler ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • Summer Wars (2009)


    Doss - Softpretty


    presented without comment

    image description

    Twitter post by @DirtyTesLa: Thankful to have Cybertruck to help me with the real work and big loads 🙏 (image of Cybertruck with several bags of soil in the trunk)

    Reply by @KralikLj: Hell boy that would fit in a bicycle. Way more carbon free than that wankpanzer. (image of cargo bicycle with several bags of soil strapped to the front)

    132 Design a Vista Styled Wallpaper

    Today we’ll create a wallpaper in Vista style. A black background will be filled with stylish gradients decorated with blue and green abstra...

    Design a Vista Styled Wallpaper

    confused about the concept of the lumpenproletariat

    Marx and Engels mention a class "below" the proletariat called the lumpenproletariat, which i understand as meaning a class that has no class consciousness, and is therefore susceptible to the influence of the bourgeoisie. but i don't see the difference between that and the proletariat proper. don't the proletariat receive propaganda to suppress their own class consciousness, and don't they have to be woken up? i don't get why the lumpenproletariat supposedly can't be woken up in the same way. besides, some examples of the lumpenproletariat given are people in organized crime, sex workers, and the unemployed. i find it hypocritical to condemn a class of people based on what they do to survive in a capitalist society (or in the case of the unemployed, the fact that the bourgeoisie won't give them a job). but more than anything, i'm just thoroughly confused by this concept. i feel like i'm missing something major.


    "Big Clearance! 12 in place of 1!"

    cross-posted from:

    > "Big Clearance! 12 in place of 1!" > > "Grande offerta! 12 per 1!" > > ENFB cyclists' union, Woerden, 1993; poster by Theo van den Boogaard > > @fuck\_cars
