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NorthWestWind NorthWestWind

I code stuff. I draw stuff.

I'm a Hongkonger 🇭🇰 If you're a westerner coming here because you're arguing with me about something in HK/China/Asia, I forgive you for your misunderstandings.

Posts 79
Comments 598
Good old times
  • That's right. They didn't think about it.

  • Paper Puppet Show

  • Humans should've evolved photosynthesis and just eat the sun

  • Bananas
  • My dad did that, and one day I walked out of my room and saw only peels on the hanger. I looked down and saw 3 naked bananas on the floor.

    But they did take longer to spoil. That's why we forgot about them.

  • That oscillated quickly.
  • mfs would be like "the product isn't the same as advertised"

    Honestly I want more ads like this too

  • Difficult endeavours demand sacrifices
  • 🎶I am becoming something I don't recognize

  • You think you just fell out of a coconut tree?
  • From the coco palm family!

  • I would go nuts on for cephalopods too

  • Penance (21/100)
  • It says "Foreigners' Chinese work permit system failed/broke. Please wait patiently"

  • Choose your fighter!
  • That's just the Australian guy

  • Speed
  • This sounded like an SCP to me, probably because of the train in Abiotic Factor

  • Tell me something interesting about yourself
  • Nope, but it is in some way related

  • I want your banner ideas!
  • That was actually the Wet-Dry World skybox

  • I want your banner ideas!
  • Not exactly newscaster, but I'm imagining Summatia shouting into the microphone and Integrelle is trying to stop her

  • Tell me something interesting about yourself
  • Of course I do, like half of my friends

  • Tell me something interesting about yourself
  • I'm an Asian (Hongkonger to be exact) and I speak Cantonese. I love sharing about my culture, most of the time including language. People don't quite like it tho.

    Meanwhile I study CS, make vector arts, play piano, and stream.

  • I want your banner ideas!
  • Don't worry I will add wind this time

  • What life hack is so simple yet so effective, you're shocked more people don't know about it?
  • Do a bunch of things at once, not in parallel, but in series.

    It makes sure I'm staying in the mood of being productive and keeps myself motivated, as I can keep focusing on the tasks. Of course, still take breaks if you need it.

  • I want your banner ideas!

    I did the banner for this community 4 months ago, and I think the time has come to make one for @[email protected] !

    This time around, I want everyone to suggest something, instead of me crafting it up from scratch, so please leave your suggestions here for Summatia! She'll take your order!

    I should also mention your suggestions need not be the "main" thing. What I want are some little details, or background elements you'd like to see in the banner.

    (This is kind of what a local HK restaurant waiter looks like)

    (Thanks to Experiencer for poking me about this every now and then)


    Cold Drink


    "Fry" is an ambiguous word in English

    Here are 3 examples: Fried egg, fried rice, fried chicken

    All these "fry" are different. If you were to use the "fry" in fried rice to fry an egg, you'd get scrambled egg. Fried chicken is done by submerging it in oil, which you won't do with fried egg or fried rice.

    This post is made from the perspective of a Cantonese/Chinese speaker. We have different words for these different types of "fry" (煎, 炒, 炸 respectively)

    (Turns out I did post it in the wrong sub and I didn't realize, and now I feel very stupid. Photon UI has once again screwed me over. Got mad for no reason.)


    "cool" and "hot" are both compliments

    We don't like being average


    Dragon Boat Festival!

    They are having Zong


    Are there any open source keyboard with handwriting support?

    I'm a Hongkonger and often need to type in Chinese. While I can use input methods like Cangjie or Quick, I much prefer handwriting to keep in mind how to write the characters in a digital age.

    So far, I have only seen open source keyboards without handwriting support. Does any of them exist?


    Rainy Day


    Pulseaudio sink name for default

    I have 2 physical output devices, say "speakers" and "headphones", and I frequently switch between them.

    I also have a script that creates 2 virtual sinks for voice call and game by loading module-combine-sink twice on "speakers" and "headphones".

    It works, but it's annoying that every time I want to switch device, I also need to mute the other one.

    Ideally, I want to use module-remap-sink instead, remapping the 2 virtual sinks to the default one. This is where I'm stuck. What do I put in for master?


    No more Gmod Splatoon animations

    cross-posted from:

    > Tangentially related to TF2, but Nintendo is forcing Facepunch to take down all Nintendo IP related stuff in Gmod workshop > > There are many overlaps between the tf2 and gmod community (such as tf2 related gmod videos), and I think it is relevant enough for me to post it here, especially considering Team Fabolous 2 has parts that was filmed on a mario kart map and that map might get taken down. > Remember to archive these stuff that might taken down, they aren't winning this. > Fuck Nintendo. I regret buying ToTK from this dumpster fire of a company last year. > > (sorry for the somewhat out of place and angry rant I just wrote this out of rage)

    Laughs in vector graphics


    You can drive for 1 minute in Hong Kong and cross a district. Your mind cannot comprehend this.

    Alt text: A planned driving route on Google Maps, crossing the Wan Chai district in 1 minute.


    Pipewire freezes after initial login or screen blank

    For a few months now, Pipewire has been acting in weird ways. Before I upgraded to Plasma 6, after a screen blank (not suspend) no media can be played. For example, YouTube player is in the loading state for a long time, eventually playing without sound, VLC doesn't start for a few minutes.

    I have to restart the Pipewire Systemd service to fix it. This restart process takes much longer than usual (<1 seconds). Sometimes it takes up to 5 minutes.

    Now with Plasma 6, it also does the same after the initial login. I'm guessing this is because Plasma ignores some KWIN_X11_* env var?

    However, if I restart the Pipewire service prior to playing any media after login or screen blank, it takes <1 seconds and everything plays correctly.

    This seems to be the problem with the HDMI audio only, as switching to the USB headphones (before screen blanks) prevents this from happening.

    How should I start troubleshooting this? What other details should I provide?


    I need a Fediverse slogan

    I'm working on a presentation about the Fediverse, and would like to end the presentation with a slogan. Any ideas?

    Edit: I probably should've specified more stuff. This is an informative presentation, not persuasive, and I don't plan to get into the enshittification. Ideally I don't want to include any corporations.

    Edit 2: My title is "The Future is Everywhere"


    The universe runs on capitalism

    Matters are not evenly distributed.

    Edit: lol this is as controversial as I expected


    Drinking Inkling


    Absolute banger of a Chirpy Chips cover

    numa numa harmony


    Summatia updating everyone about a challenge starting

    I made that Matrix bot thing for the event announcements. Her name is Summatia.


    Does wind power cause visual pollution in your opinion?

    I remember reading somewhere (probably my high school textbook) that one of the reasons people don't like wind power being built is they cause visual pollution.

    In my opinion, I think it would be pretty cool to just look out my window and see a giant windmill there, the opposite of visual pollution.


    Mild Inconvenience


    Basically my first day in 2024


    Merry Christmas!!!

