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hungryphrog hungryphrog

no thoughts, only froggo

Posts 103
Comments 1.3K
Look at the sort of thing the BCE third millennials are giving to their kids these days. How are they ever going to learn to make log rollers or sledge runners?
  • Back in my day, you'd have to carry your toy hedgehog by yourself. I've never allowed my children to be anywhere near these 'wheels'.

  • MFW I've used the latrine only to find out that HagustaldaR has used the last of the wiping moss
  • Try bark. It might not be as comfortable, but it does the job well.

  • Why are executions so lame nowadays?

    I promised the kids that if they work extra hard during harvest, we'd take a horse carriage into town and watch an execution.

    Well, we did that, and especially my youngest son (5 winters old) was excited to see his first execution. And guess what?

    All they did was just drop the guillotine blade on the thief, and that's it. No screams, no splatter, just one quick chop and everyone heads home.

    Why does the media print rags to riches stories?
  • the hell are you doing on lemmy then

  • Why does the media print rags to riches stories?
  • First of all, the vast majority of media cares only about crafting and publishing stories that people want to read, instead of stories that people should read. Think about clickbait articles. Their purpose is to get people to read the story and therefore give them money (either by seeing ads, buying a physical magazine/newspaper, or signing up for a paid subscription), as oppised to actually informing the public about things they should know

    Second, capitalism needs the working class to think that they can get rich too if they just work hard, and thus people spend their lives working because they've been told that they can get rich. Allow me to illustrate:

  • Saudi crown prince said he personally 'doesn't care' about Palestinian issue
  • If you don't care about a genocide, then what the fuck is wrong with you?

  • "Weak men create hard times"
  • We should just revive everyone who contributed to this dumpster fire and make them fix it before they can go back to being dead.

  • What are the pros and cons to buying a smart watch from temu?
  • Yep. Go to flea markets and trift stores people.

  • What are the pros and cons to buying a smart watch from temu?
  • where I cannot verify the used materials

  • What are the pros and cons to buying a smart watch from temu?
  • Exactly. Don't buy anything on Temu if you about quality or human rights at all.

  • Russians who promote 'child-free movement' could soon face hefty fine
  • Putler absolutely would send preteens to Ukraine if he started running out of adults.

  • Russia: Under a proposed new legislation, comments defending the decision not to have children could be fined by up to €50,000
  • "umm akcshually this is a good thing because the US is bad and I'm way too dense to understand that two countries can be bad at the same time and you're fascist if you disagree with me" How about that?

  • Someday, when society goes fully paperless, paper cuts will be a thing of the past
  • "I got a razorthinsmartphonecut at the office today" sounds a bit funny

  • I just want to make cookies :(


    Rule lives matter


    What are yall's thoughts on this new "papyrus"?

    Today when I was visiting the marketplace for some new pots, I came across a merchant selling these odd, a bit fabric-like white sheets. He told me that the Egyptians make these from reeds to write on them.

    Personally, I don't see a need for such a material. Just use a clay tablet like a normal person!


    I need eyebleach after seeing that horrible trailer


    Another MASH quot(rul)e


    Hot singles in your area!


    What kind of laptop should I get?

    So, I'm planning on buying myself a (second-hand) laptop once I get the money. I'm nowhere near tech-savvy so it has to be easy to use, but also I want something that is built to last, as opposed to certain (looking at you, Apple) devices that are desinged to become unusable within a next couple of years.

    Any recommendations?


    What's up with JD Vance and couches??


    Why my nose gets runny when I cry

    Pretty much every time I cry, my nose gets super runny and my throat gets slimy. Why is that?


    Good to see that people are adressing this. I'm so sick of everyone wanting to 'write' a 'book'.


    Anyone here near the thermae in Pompeii rn?

    So, embarassing story: I went to the baths, took off my clothes, and left my tunic there. I had nobody to watch them because my slave ran away the other day, and when I came back, it was gone. So, if there's anyone nearby willing to lend me an extra tunic, please DM me ASAP. It's getting cold here.

    P.S. Does anyone know any good curses to write on my curse tablet?


    Can anyone help me find an online calculator that can calculate total the price of items I buy. (euro)

    So I'm looking for a tool that can tell me the total cost of things I buy. Like if I buy item A for 1,20€, item B for 5,60€ and item C for 10€, it tells me how much the things I'm buying cost, which would be 16,80€ in this case.

    I tried looking it up, but apparently ddg is once again incapable of showing any relevant results.


    I'm so sick of this 'sea people' bullshit.

    So, I happen to be a king near the Mediterranean (not telling where bc I don't wannna doxx myself), and the other day a messanger ran into my palace shouting "the sea people are coming!".

    I told him that there can't be 'sea people' because people live on land and not in the sea, but he kept insisting that there are 'sea people' and they're coming, so I had him drowned to prove that people living in the sea is impossible.

    Now all kids in the city are talking about 'sea people' and it's driving me nuts. I hope this trend goes away soon.


    FR I hate it when I can't read my sundial


    STOP IT.

    Image ID: a black and orange image of Sisyphus pushing up a boulder. The boulder is labeled "the fucking menstrual cycle".

    A few days after my period ends I just blissfully forget about it until one day I wake up and notice my crotch looks like someone was murdered there. Super duper fun.


    AITA for steal fire?

    Rain start. Put out tribe fire. Tribe cold. Grunk go to other tribe. Grunk steal fire. Other tribe cold. We warm. AITA?


    Marcus fucking Crassus set my (M, XXXVI) house on fire

    So, the other day I thought I smelled smoke somewhere, and my house was on fire. There happened to be some of Crassus' slaves around and they refused to put out the fire until I sold my house to him for a ridiculously low price. My atrium is ruined and now he's charging us an unbelievable amount of rent.


    Some sick bastard sent me a 𓂸 hieroglyph


    I can't see any pixels :(

    The whole thing is just light gray. I'm on mobile Firefox and did not have this problem last year.
