IMHO, A Serbian Film and Human Centipede 2 have some of the most disturbing scenes I've ever seen. Realizing that they are made for shock value kind of make them laughable though.
SALO is often mentioned in lists of fucked up movies, but it's really not much. There's some poop eating, light rape and someone's tongue is pulled/cut out. It might have been shocking back in the day.
Irreversible made me feel nauseous and had an unsettling feeling from start to end. (Made me vary about Climax, which kind of have a similar feel, but is only fucked up to a much smaller degree). That one for too long scene that just foes on forever makes it the most disturbing film I have ever watched.
Heriditary has some fucked up scenes too and truly scared me. (But Midsommar bearly made an impression on me. Bearly).
Requiem for a Dream made me feel bad about drugs.
Bone Tomahawk kind of seems like an average action/adventurish movie in a western setting until... stuff happens.
Also worth a mention are Martyrs, Ôdishon, The Woman, Inside, The Girl Next Door (not the comedy) and either versions of Funny Games.
May have forgotten some.
(I have no plans to watch any of the Terrifier movies).
Edit: Totally forgot The Heart is Deceitful Above All Things somehow. Man, that is one fucked up movie. "Play with me Daddy".
Martyrs (assuming you mean the original) I found fascinating. While it may not be particularly deep, at least there was a point to it, even if that point is all encompassing nihilism.
For me, that is the point in horror as a genre, to confront you with philosophy. Zombie movies aren't really about zombies, etc...
IMHO, A Serbian Film and Human Centipede 2 have some of the most disturbing scenes I've ever seen. Realizing that they are made for shock value kind of make them laughable though.
...which is why I agree with you completely here, they are just gore for the sake of gore. The best bit about HC2 is how HC exists as a film within it, which opens the possibility that it's also a part of St Elsewhere.
Fun story, Salo was required reading (I guess watching?) for a few friends of mine at uni on different courses. I guess the lecturers were having fun messing with freshers. I already had a copy (ahoy) and was known as "the guy that watches weird films" so I ended up being a watch buddy for various people who really, really, didn't like gore. I ended up dating one of them for a bit, which was always a fun "how did you meet?" story.
Bone Tomahawk, heh, very few of us knew what we were getting into when we started watching. My partner went to bed and I just put something on. “Oh, look, a western. This should be nice and light”
I'd love to compare lists of (potentially) disturbing movies. Feel free to message me if you'd like.
Also the first Terrifier (although called something else I think?) was shitty (in my opinion) and I didn't finish it. Haven't tried the others.
Edit: Sorry everyone, as someone below pointed out, the above opinion is based on "all hallows eve" not Terrifier 1. My mistake. I'm gonna give both another try though.
It's great, IF you really love that old, low-budget, late-80s horror. It's a love-letter to classic slasher films, just like Kill Bill was a tribute to Hong Kong martial arts films and Japanese chanbara. If you don't like the source material, you're probably not going to like them.
I found Terrifier and its sequel to be pretty good for what it is. A violent modern take on the classic slasher movies. It's schlocky, but that's because slasher movies are a bit schlocky.
The actor does a great job hamming it up and making it all a bit more than a classic slasher, too, entertainment wise. If he tried to play it more serious scary clown style, it'd probably have faceplanted for me.
I've watched most of them as well, and Irreversible was the worst for me, somehow, even though its subject matter isn't really as bad as some of the others.
The way too long and hyper realistic R scene is definitely a big part of it, but the movie also assaults you subconsciously throughout the whole thing. The soundtrack is full of low frequencies that are known to give people nausea and anxiety, and the constant strobe lights also just make it hard to even sit through the quiet scenes.
It is a punishing watch. Wouldn't want to watch it again.
Old Boy is a movie that constantly has you on edge because you can tell something is going horribly wrong, but you’re not sure what it is. Once you find out, the whole thing is fucked six ways to Sunday.
Yep, this is the one I came to see was posted. I watched it only knowing "something really wrong" was around the core of the movie, but nothing more. When you learn what's up... god damn. It's not the goriest or scariest or anything like that, but it is the one that will just make you go "what in the actual fuck" more than any movie I've ever seen.
There's a movie called A Serbian Film that will make the everyday person lose their marbles. Not my friend apparently, he's like "come on in and watch this movie with me that I'll proceed to use to test my manliness". So me and my other friend walk in to him sitting in a dull pebble chair about to consume a bowl of carolina reapers as his "movie snack". She could not sit through the first segment, and I think I had trouble halfway through, but there he is, just absorbing what everyone says is the most graphic movie of all time.
I must admit, I laughed at the final scene - the whole film came off as trying too hard to be edgy and it tipped over into stupidity. Also the ending is very like that of
Cannibal Holocaust (1980), Eraserhead (1977), Underground (1995), The Holy Mountain (1973), Salò or the 120 Days of Sodom (1975), Ichi the Killer (2001), Inside (2007)
Recently, I watched and really liked the japanese movie Ritual (2000).
I watched all of the above with awesome German dub.
It's not an easy watch but it's worth it, unlike some of the other movies mentioned here the shock factor is necessary to tell the story and it's a story worth experiencing.
Phil Tippett's Mad God. It took the man like ~30 years to make the most fucked up, fever dream of a stop motion movie. I don't know what would be worse, watching it sober or high on anything.
I like to imagine, that like Stephen King, he did some wild drugs. But instead of writing a book and moving on, he just kept getting absolutely zooted for 30 years until this movie was done. Because that is the only reason that would justify that movie's creation.
It depends on your definition but Visitor Q by Takashi Miike would probably offend most people. His other films can be rather out-there too.
Also the splatterpunk films of Yoshihiro Nishimura rank high. If you want a distilled taste, see "Z is for Zetsumetsu" in ABCs of Death. Otherwise, try Tokyo Gore Police.
Tetsuo: The Iron Man actually caused me to have palpitations, and it's rare I have such a physical reaction to a film.
And that's just Japan, you could always try something like Adam Chaplin.
However, they tend to be so over-the-top that they are entertaining. If you want to watch something that's an ordeal to get through then you could start with the August Underground films. There are others in the same vein like Tumbling Doll of Flesh or Guinea Pig: Flowers of Flesh and Blood. You can then grub around looking for similar films as there's always someone out there trying to be more appalling. However, it's not really my cup of tea - the worst I've seen in the cinema is probably Necromantic last Valentine's Day, which got quite a few walk-outs, although my main issue was it seemed far too loud.
I Spit On Your Grave was dark as fuck, Them, and something about an Australian road train that drove itself. I think it might have been called Road Train. It was very weird.
Pretty sure the only reason they made that movie was so Adrian Brody could have a sex scene with a creature that for all intents and purposes, was his daughter.
Hostel probably isn't the most fucked-up movie I've watched, but it's the one that affected me most strongly. I felt physically sick during the scene where
Saw that in the cinema and went into real (medical) physical shock at the kerb-stomping scene. I'd never thought of or seen that before. Holy crap, it shook me for hours after as I warmed up again, etc.
Ah, takes me back to the days of the early Internet, where you couldn't really be sure if you were going to get that video of a cute kitten playing with a butterfly or... that.
Aren't there several subreddits for exactly that? I haven't been in ages so I forgot the name(s), but either wholesome or disturbing, few inbetween. lol point is to gamble with the clicks.
You guys know something about ponies? Imagine those, but shaped as humans. That idea basically horrified me so much that I decided the entire franchise it was a part of was not worth my time.
Honestly, I didn't see it coming and I was really impressed by the end. I didn't know if I enjoyed the movie until two weeks later. I think it threw me in for a loop for a while where I just kept thinking about it (I think that's what good art does).
I settled on it being a great movie and that I wanted to talk to someone about, but I couldn't recommend (due to the subject matter and my lack of being able to provide a good description) :P
Can't remember the movie but it had someone get kidnapped by a group of cannibals or something and they kept them alive while chopping body parts of and cauterizing the wound, eating them slowly over time to keep them fresh. Don't think I was able to finish it.
It's pretty funny at times 😄 but the cringe... It's not worth it. It wasn't worth it. At least not during. It's pretty fun to have the reference with my buddies and wife, lol.
Our parents dropped us off at the theater to see something else, like "The Love Bug", but it had moved on and we randomly ended up seeing this horrifying film.
We were not ready for dismemberment and dissolving bodies in vats of acid...
Hard to say. Depends on what your definition is. "Possum" is up there, as is "Skinamarink". But those are both a pretty specific type of disturbing. Not necessarily scary, but disturbing depending on life experiences.
I just watched "Men" last weekend, knowing nothing going in. That was a bit of a strange one.
Sure, there's Martyrs, antichrist, requiem for a dream, Mother!, hereditary, the killing of a sacred deer, etc. but the first 2 I mentioned hit a bit harder than those others.
Side note: seeing some I haven't seen here. Got me some watching to do.
This post contains some spoilers, but I consider it outside the statute of limitations for such things.
There's this old movie where aliens are concerned about humanity developing a weapon that if used would Destroy the universe.
So the aliens use a really stupid plan to try and convince us to stop. And I guess this was after 8 other ideas either failed or were considered even worse.
Anyway at the end (of course) humanity wins and drives off the aliens. Wait, what was the aliens' original goal? Something about the universe? Oh well, must not be important... The End.
Plenty of "this is gross or terrifying or..." type answers. How about Sorry to Bother You because it's one of the most "what the fuck" turns in the later act. Seriously, I never, ever saw that coming.
Ohh, I can give you a list to the most disturbing movies I ever watched, its 100 movies. But to answer your question I can say it's "A Serbian Film" from 2010, "Martyrs" from 2008. Worth to mention "Irreversible" from 2002
I describe that movie to people as "The entire movie is filmed in one continuous shot from the first person perspective of the main character. Which is interesting because he dies 10 minutes in."
I was thinking about this film, but I have seen one more film that was much more fucked up. I really enjoyed this movie, but it was extremely disturbing.
Of the three films I’ve seen by this Director (Gaspar Noé), it’s the only one I can actually sit through. I think it’s other films are kind of crappy.
I recommend you to watch one of the director's earlier movies, Dogtooth, that was the best movie he has made and I'm pretty sure anyone enjoying Lobster will like that one too.
Thank you for the recommendation! I may check it out cause just as weird as I found Lobster, I still thought it was unique and the story was interesting. I can go for film makers putting themselves out there to show compelling stories that differ from most! Dogtooth, hmm. I'll have to see if I can track it down.
I arrived during the trailers, into a packed arthouse cinema, to see Happiness. Way before the credits 90% of the audience had walked.
It's an entertaining movie. BUT one of the characters, that they build up quite sympathetically as a bored psychologist and caring father turns out to be a pedophile praying on the school friends of his son.
Slither (2006) fucked me up the first time I watched it. Now I can watch it and laugh. Also, Pam from "The Office" is in it as the police dispatch/receptionist... so, I guess she just got type cast.
Schindler’s List. Nah huh not gonna see that movie again. It was more than 10 years ago I saw that one. That moment where the little girl comes up in color I cracked like a baby for half an hour. I still remember and think about that scene to this day.
Honestly The Creator really got me. I think the thing was I went in expecting a Star Wars esque action movie and what I watched was Apocalypse Now with robots.
really depends on your definition of "fucked up". try watching a Star Trek movie after you take some hallucinogens - it's a whole new level of bizarre.
The french movie Titane, the plot sounded so weird I had to watch it, and it was far crazier than I thought... Somehow not the worst I've seen but damn it made me feel uncomfortable as hell.