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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

I prioritize ethics over optics even if it means facing criticism.

Sharing my honest beliefs, welcoming constructive debates, and embracing the potential for evolving viewpoints. Independent thinker navigating through conversations without allegiance to any particular side.

Posts 53
Comments 2.1K
Seriously, where do I go?
  • Most Finns speak english pretty well, especially ones that are under 40 years old. However finding a job as someone not speaking Finnish can be a struggle. Fluent english skills alone aren't something most companies would see as a big advantage as most people fresh out of school can pretty much do that as well. Finnish is a difficult language to learn but you don't need to be perfect at it either. A foreigner willing to even try and learn the language is hugely appreciated. My russian neighbour knows like 30 words but that's enough to get thru most conversations one needs to have with a neighbour.

  • South Carolina implements one of US’s most restrictive public school book bans
  • These articles never seem to include excerpts from said books. This is not sex-ed books they're banning. There's quite graphic depictions of acts of sex in these. I don't think it's unreasonable to not want literal children to read that kind of stuff.

  • Sleepers of lemmy, do you have your cell phone in your dreams?
  • I do remember hearing that one of the signs you’re in a dream is that your phone doesn’t work properly

    It's one of the "reality tests" of lucid dreamers. You make a mental note of how you know your phone to behave and if you discover that not to be the case then that acts as an "alarm" that you're sleeping.

    There are other tests as well. Light switches never turn on the lights. Text changes when you look away and then read it again. You can try pushing your hand thru the wall. If you jump you'll jump really high or may even start flying.

    The point of these tests is to do them daily even when you "know" you're awake so that the habit carries over to the dream world. However when this eventually happens either of two things is the most likely to happen: you freak out and wake up or you rationalize it to youself somehow. For example: "Holy shit I'm flying, this is a dream! Oh never mind it was just a crane that's lifting me" Speaking from experience.

    Also a word of caution. It's not recommended to look into mirrors when you're lucid dreaming. You'll see something other than yourself and this can be really uncomfortable. Also if you realize you're dreaming and start to freak out but don't wake up there's a good chance it turns into a nightmare. The way out of it is to not be afraid, for example go hug the monster instead of running away but this is easier said than done.

  • Would you consume your own content?
  • There’s no karma here so idgaf.

    What does karma have to do with it? Worthless internet points shouldn't affect the way you communicate if you're an honest person. You make it sound like you used to either self-censor when you know your views to be unpopular or alternatively say things you don't actually believe in just for the upvotes.

  • Would you consume your own content?
  • What made me think about this is my girlfriend, who is quite vocal about the harms social media can have on the mental health of young girls, especially when influencers post heavily edited photos of themselves and their lives, which for the most part are fake.

    However, she's active on social media as well, and being quite an attractive woman, she seems oblivious to what I consider a factual statement: her own content is also causing the same kind of concerns for other women who are not as genetically blessed as she is. What she's posting is not fake, but it is heavily curated nonetheless. She obviously knows this herself, but do her followers?

    I don't personally follow her social media, but I'd be willing to bet she hasn't posted about being sick for a week and not taking a shower for four days. I don't mean that as a criticism per se, but I think it highlights how little we think about the effect our own content has on others while still being quick to judge others for what they post.

  • Would you consume your own content?

    ..and do you think that you posting it has a positive, neutral or negative effect on the world?

    By content I mean what ever you're posting online. The pictures you post on Instagram/Pixelfed or messages you're writing on Lemmy, YouTube comment section, Facebook and so on.

    If you look back at what you have posted in the past year for example, do you consider it to be the kind of content that you would gladly consume if it was coming from someone else? If not, then why are you posting it in the first place?

    Does different parts of the world use different standards for water pressure similar to voltages?
  • And the location of the house/apartment. Houses higher up have lower water pressure and in apartment buildings the upper floors have lower pressure than bottom floors. 1bar of pressure lifts water 10 meters high. When constructing heating lines on a new building we might have the heating on on the first 3 floors despite the ends of the pipes leading to upper floors still being open and half of the building missing. The water wont spray out as long as we keep the pressure low enought that it doesn't rise to where the pipes end.

  • My disdain for mega banks knowns no end
  • That message is written by some 24 year old who gets paid to do 3 social media posts each day on behalf of said bank but is in no way involved in running the bank itself. Don't follow Chase on twitter and block people who retweet their posts on Lemmy. That should help a little.

  • My disdain for mega banks knowns no end
  • Sure. And while they wait for that miracle they can also take steps towards personally easing their situation. Broken banking sector is not the sole reason for people's financial struggles.

  • Help with removing freehub

    Long story short: completely stripper the hex slot on the back of the freehub body while trying to remove it. It’s incredibly tight. Can I just take a pipe wrench to it from the front or do the teeth seen here on the new part lock with the wheel hub making it impossible to turn?


    Help with removing freehub

    Long story short: completely stripper the hex slot on the back of the freehub body while trying to remove it. It's incredibly tight. Can I just take a pipe wrench to it from the front or do the teeth seen here on the new part lock with the wheel hub making it impossible to turn?


    Some days it'll be like that

    Blew my freehub muscling up a steep incline. This is why I ride with half of my workshop in my backpack. Had zip ties packed up specifically incase of this happening.

    I once snapped a chain and had to walk my bike back home. I never wanted to do that again so I've been pretty much prepaired for anything ever since. Usually it's just flat tire I've had to deal with. Had to fix the chain another time too but had a chain tool and a masterlink that time. So far the greatest breakdown has been when I snapped my derailleur hanger and had to shorten the chain and convert it into single speed to ride home. The freehub had been experiencing skipping for some time now so I can't say I was too surprised when this happened.

    Zombie Survival Thorny_Insight

    What type of fence would you think is the most feasible and secure for your base?

    Ofcourse a 5 meter tall concrete wall would be ideal but good luck building that in the middle of the apocalypse. What do you feel like would be the next best option?

    My personal choice currently would be to find rolls of 2 meters tall steel wire fence, locate a secluded hilltop somewhere in the woods near water and pull the fence tight between living trees and finish it with barbed wire on the top, mostly in case of other survivors trying to sneak in.

    I'd start by securing a small, maybe 5m x 5m perimeter as the starting point. This can be accomplished in a day and I now have a safe place to sleep in. When I obtain more fencing I would start building a second layer around the first one with about 3 meters of space in between and as my camp grows and I get more supplies I would just keep building additional layers. If there are longer stretches of fence between trees I would add additional posts as well as 45 degree supports to prevent a horde from pushing it over.

    Wire fence like this comes with atleast 2 additional benefits of being able to see thru it as well as enabling you to kill zombies thru it with a spear.


    Don't you all get tired of the constant negativity?

    Despite not subscribing to political communities and having a large number of content filters based on keywords, my feed here is still for a large part all negative articles and ragebait. Elon Musk this and Israel that. Microsoft ruining windows, AI ruining internet, right wingers and capitalism ruining the world, police being racist and shooting innocent people, companies demanding workers into offices, privacy being under constant attack from all sides.. And all this despite the effort I go thru to block that from my view. I can only imagine what the unfiltered feed is like.

    I get that this is all important stuff but holy shit it's depressing when that's all I read here every day. Sure, some of it is legitimately news worthy but lets be real here; much of it isn't. It's just to get you riled up and engaging with the post. It's the exact same thing all major social media recommendation algorithms are doing; feeding you content that causes outrage to keep you on the platform for as long as possible. Do we really need to know about every stupid thing Elon says or every police shooting where the victim is black?

    It's no wonder so many people, especially younger ones feel absolutely miserable from day to day. It can't be healthy to live like this. I feel like this kind of media diet is pretty much equivalent to eating fast food every single day.


    If you can't make a single sincere counter-argument to your own belief, your stance is driven by emotion rather than logic

    Rational beliefs should be able to withstand scrutiny and opposing arguments. The inability to do so indicates that the belief is more about personal bias and emotional investment rather than objective analysis.


    Early Finnish summer [OC]

    Canon EOS 550D / T2i

    Tamron 17 - 50mm f/2.8

    Photography Thorny_Insight

    Early Finnish summer [OC]

    Canon EOS 550D / T2i

    Tamron 17 - 50mm f/2.8


    Trail in the woods [OC]

    Canon EOS 550D / T2i

    Tamron 17 - 50mm f/2.8

    Photography Thorny_Insight

    Trail in the woods [OC]

    Canon EOS 550D / T2i

    Tamron 17 - 50mm f/2.8

    micromobility - Ebikes, scooters, longboards: Whatever floats your goat, this is micromobility Thorny_Insight

    My rig - GZR Black Raw

    Photography Thorny_Insight

    Yet another shot from the woods [OC]

    Canon EOS 550D Tamron 17 - 50mm, f/2.8


    Finnish spring serenity [OC]

    Canon ESO 550D Tamron 17 - 50mm, f/2.8

    Photography Thorny_Insight

    Finnish spring serenity [OC]

    Canon EOS 550D Tamron 17 - 50mm, f/2.8


    How do I use uBlock to hide threads with certain urls?

    The filter I use to hide threads based on keywords doesn't seem to work for urls but I'm sure this is possible aswell.
