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I_Miss_Daniel I_Miss_Daniel

An Australian Reddit Refugee.

Posts 8
Comments 482
How do you recover from seeing something awful on the Internet?
  • I guess, remember that whatever it is didn't happen to several billion other people. It can be hard to switch off empathy.

    Also understand that the human brain is a complex thing, and if parts of it are physically broken or missing, the person might not be able to control of what they're doing.

  • DuckDuckGo is down. Is there any info about it?? [EDIT: IS BACK]
  • It's taken out Ecosia as well.

    Using instead for now.

  • Reddit’s Goon Cave Community Has Been Banned
  • Thought it might have been related to Goon Bags - cask wine in Austraila.

  • What's the most fucked up movie you ever watched?
  • Boxing Helena.

    It was at a friend's place. It was gruesome.

    Imagine falling in love with the Black Knight and cutting all the limbs off so you can keep it in a box.

  • Yes, you cannot, so to do it do like this
  • I work at a community radio station and also am admin for our small town's local Facebook group. It might suck a bit but it still has a large audience.

  • Asus F555D - 12G RAM, AMD R8 M350DX GPU and a sticker that says Radeon Dual Graphics. That's probably what was tripping up the system booting to a black screen.

  • Yes, you cannot, so to do it do like this
  • Difficult with Facebook as the interface keeps getting changed - the instructions go out of date so damn fast.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • So I'm guessing they grabbed the %appdata% for Chrome and were able to get the passwords out of that?

  • Cheap, but reliable SSDs?
  • Not Sandisk. Had several just die with no recovery possible.
    Kingston had a few failures but probably OK as a cheap one.
    Only had one Samsung crash, so mostly sell those despite the premium these days.

  • Baah. KBIN just ate my reply.

    Point form since I forgot to save to clipboard first.

    Tried mint - booted to black screen
    Tried ubuntu - got silly crashes like in the post trying to install stuff. It also wanted me to sign up for some sort of support package with 5 free devices to get updates or something. Also, trackpad scrolling was uncontrollable. Would scroll up half a screen or more as I lifted my fingers off.
    Tried fedora - only 100% and 200% zoom option, and no right click.

    Managed to fix the fedora issues with some command line found on Google and a gnome customising addon.

    n00b here, just playing. Can't migrate fully as I need VBA and Playit Live etc.

  • Composition examples
  • I only saw ASL twice. Memories of mIRC on a monochrome laptop.

  • I'm tired, as an older Gen Z. I'm over it.
  • Weren't yo-yos kinda odd too though?

  • YouTube is finally cracking down on third-party apps that enable ad-blocking
  • Did you De-qualcomm it too, or not affected?

  • When a windows app works flawlessly
  • No luck with PlayIt Live.

  • Motorola releases new 5G mid-range smartphone with 125 W charging and 144 Hz OLED display
  • Recently bought a g84 - it has SD card or Dual Sim capability, along with a headphone jack and stereo speakers. For a $AU350 device it's pretty good - only thing I miss is a telephoto lens.

  • Lemmings who have tasted dog food, what brands do you recommend for after the apocalypse?
  • Aussie slang for a hot Barbecue Chicken from a supermarket - typically sold in a plastic carrier bag. Classed as the Bachelor's handbag as it is not uncommon for a single guy to buy one as a meal.

  • Fluid in eye cells can 'boil' if you watch the eclipse without protection: expert
  • Magnifying Glass + Ant = unhappy ant.
    Eyeball + Sun = Magnifying Glass + Ant
    = unhappy ant.

    Sun to the power of ant = magnifying glass.
    Ant to the power of sun = unhappy ant.
    Error: Used ant twice.

  • What brought you over to Lemmy?
  • RiF reaching senility.

    Came to /kbin first, and still here sometimes but Voyager wins on my phone after Neurospicy Artemis disappeared.

  • Privacy I_Miss_Daniel

    What risks are there running WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger on Windows?

    G'day :)

    Just a query. I use both WhatsApp and Messenger via the PWAs for Firefox extension. Both offer to install their own native apps on Windows, but I don't trust that this is safe since I assume they could then monitor anything else going on on my computer.

    Would that be a fair assumption?


    Anydesk 8 removes TCP Tunneling from the free service.

    Have been using this for occasional outside broadcasts. It stopped working today. Downgrading to version 7.0.4 fixed it for now. Unfortunately Rustdesk doesn't support reverse tunnels so I'll have to hunt for an alternative method.


    Finally migrated back to Firefox today after a multi year user of Chrome.

    Finally migrated back to Firefox today after a multi year user of Chrome.

    What pushed me over the edge? Most of my app icons (keep, pulse, calender, whatsapp) stopped opening in their own windows again.

    I had to install the PWA extension in Firefox to get that working again, and it's going to be a slight hassle having to copy and paste URLs from all those windows, but I'm tired of fixing the task bar icons.

    Could've gone to Edge since it would work out of the box, but I like Firefox. (except for no native PWA support.)

    Edit: found I can right click links in the PWA instances and use the send to other device option to open them in my main Firefox window.


    If you're on kbin and getting an invalid csrf error, can't log in; use your email address instead of your username and you might be able to get in.

    If you're on kbin and getting an invalid csrf error, can't log in; use your email address instead of your username and you might be able to get in.

    If not, try another browser.



    Imgur 'auto load media' no longer working on kbin?

    G'day :)

    I notice that recently, imgur images no longer appear even if 'auto load media' is turned on. I'm guessing this is because Imgur replaces just the image with something like an iframe that tries to get you to go to their site as well as showing the image?


    Suggestion for kbin mobile PWA users who have trouble going 'back'.

    If you're like me and have auto load media turned on, you may find that when you go 'back' you end up at the end of the page since the images aren't cached.

    An easy workaround is to get in the habit of long pressing and choosing 'open in Chrome'

    When you click back, the Chrome session ends and you're back in the PWA where you were before.
