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  • bruh

  • My favourite rule.
  • Specific Gut Bacteria That Triggers Compulsive Eating Identified by Scientists Who Also Found Bacteria to Prevent it
  • equivalent to asking about blood letting

    Nothing to do with your case but just as a fun fact: bloodletting is the top tier therapy for hemochromatosis

    Also yeah, we pretty much don't know anything about our own microbiome

  • Nutrition conference highlights more bad news about ultraprocessed foods
  • I don't get how raisins or egg whites are supposed to be ultra processed food

  • What advice would you give to people in their 20s?
  • taking collagen supplements

    Yeah, no. You don't really absorb collagen/gelatine in your intestinal tract

  • Bundle of iron 'Kissi pennies' (currency) from modern-day Sierra Leone, 19th century AD
  • Looks kinda impractical (but I guess you can't lose them as easily as coins?)

  • "Inside Out 2" is the fastest animated film to reach $1 billion at the global box office
  • I know plenty of people who adore Disney / Pixar movies, but merch isn't really a thing for them

  • Marker on photo paper
  • Now I've got goosebumps from imagining the sound / feeling of a dry marker on photo paper

  • What bedtime routine helps you sleep?
  • 2 hours before: Dim the lights and huff some melatonin

    2 - 1 hour: Get in bed and read a book. Maybe some more melatonin

    Then fall asleep

    I don't use my phone or any electronics and try not to talk too much with my roommates during that time. I also found that if I take ritalin or drink coffee less than like 8 hours before sleep, that I have more trouble falling asleep.

    Obviously your mileage may (and will) vary

  • Today I Learned That Not Everyone Has An Internal Monologue And It Has Ruined My Day.
  • I also sometimes get really loud music playing in my head as I fall asleep

    You're the first person who I heard that from, but same.
    Do you happen to know if there's a name for that?

  • Anon is stuck in a rut
  • I mean you still have to get home first, then probably cook and eat something, shower, etc.
    All of that takes time as well

  • Menschen in Kassel sind am glĂŒcklichsten: Zufrieden im Mittelmaß
  • Der Bahnhof ist auch einfach jedes Mal eine Zumutung

  • ich🔈iel
  • Kann man einen Link zu dem Hartbass-Gejodel haben?

  • 706 people named Kyle got together in Texas. It wasn’t enough for a world record
  • Also what about different spellings?
    Muhammad, Mohammed, etc.

  • 2022 - Non-Euclidean Doom: what happens to a game when pi is not 3.14159

  • The π = e one is how I imagined the 4D space in Cixin Liu's novels to look like

  • Calorie restriction is the most reasonable anti-ageing intervention: a meta-analysis of survival curves - Scientific Reports
  • Yeah and as far a I know there were never any benefits regarding calorie restriction and anti-aging shown in humans
    (at least in studies with no huge methodologically errors)

  • Hohe Kosten durch Deutschlandticket: Nahverkehr wird in den nĂ€chsten Jahren vermutlich deutlich teurer

    Die weitere Finanzierung des 49-Euro-Fahrscheins wackelt. Einer Studie des Verkehrsministeriums sind ZuschĂŒsse in zweistelliger Milliardenhöhe nötig. Das dĂŒrfte Folgen haben.

    Hohe Kosten durch Deutschlandticket: Nahverkehr wird in den nÀchsten Jahren vermutlich deutlich teurer