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Quazatron Quazatron

A peace loving silly coffee-fueled humanoid carbon-based lifeform that likes #cinema #photography #linux #zxspectrum #retrogaming

Posts 16
Comments 418
Man-in-the-Middle PCB Unlocks HP Ink Cartridges
  • Remember when HP made great printers? I still have an old HP Laserjet 1100 in use. When that one dies, I don't think I'll be buying any other printer.

  • ManCave decoration
  • A man does not decorate his cave.

  • Winamp Releases Source Code, But Is It Really Open?
  • That may be so, but it is the only software that does whip the llama's ass.

  • An AI-powered copyright tool is taking down AI-generated Mario pictures
  • Two can play that game. I bet it is possible to create an AI tool that generates and posts Mario pictures faster than they can take them down. Why you'd want to do that I don't know.

  • What is the hardest video game(s) in your opinion, why, and what other games are you comparing against to make this conclusion?
  • Army Moves, Navy Moves, or any other old Dynamic Software game. You'd have to be very skilled to get out of the first stage.

  • Whats an unethical or dangerous experiment that you would like to see performed or perform (if it werent for the ethics/danger)
  • I'm fairly certain that there's a What If video on this by the XKCD guy, Randall Munroe.

  • The Universe as We Know It May End Sooner Than Expected
  • Good, this timeline is getting too weird for me.

  • What movies can you rewatch often and not get tired of?
  • Rat Race, The Big Lebowski, The Blues Brothers, Mars Attacks, Constantine, any Riddick, any Resident Evil, any Alien, any Matrix, any Predator, Equilibrium, Gattaca, District 9, and a lot of others I can't remember at the moment because I'm quite drunk.

  • Distro and/or config for elderly person
  • My mom (85) has been using Xubuntu for some 10 years now. She uses Facebook and Gmail and plays card and puzzle games. She had no prior contact with computers, and learned it mostly by herself.

    Just give thema stable solid distro. It will make their and your life easier.

  • Goldilocks distro?
  • I can confirm it works as advertised, has very low maintenance and good performance.

    I use it for gaming with Steam, Heroic, Lutris and a bunch of emulators, web browsing, some light development and home lab.

  • Day 51 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots
  • I have too many Half-life games and mods installed and refuse to remove them to make room for other, larger, games.

    Now I will have to try the bucket%.

  • It genuinely upsets me that Valve spent their time and resources on another Dota variation
  • Some games give you a story that sticks with you and you love them for that (Half-Life, To The Moon, Bioshock Infinite). Some give you an experience that sticks with you but no story to speak of (like Doom and Doom II, which I still play).

    What I dislike is having to deal with people in my games. I already do that in reality, thank you very much.

    To me games are about escaping reality.

  • Microsoft formally deprecates the 39-year-old Windows Control Panel
  • I've been doing that for years. I genuinely do not know how to fix Windows anymore. Took a while for my family and friends to accept since I "work with computers" but now they don't automatically come to me when Windows breaks.

  • Linus Torvalds Begins Expressing Regrets Merging Bcachefs
  • No. You can layer ext4 with LVM and LUKS to get a lot of features (but not all) that you get with BTRFS or ZFS. FAT is not suitable for anything other than legacy stuff.

  • [Discussion] Acrobat PDF forms support
  • That has been a pain point for a long time, along with signing and verifying digital signatures in PDF documents in Linux.

    Adobe is up there along with Nvidia on my top of shitty companies that actually hinder Linux adoption by ignoring it.

  • Have you ever disabled adblock for a well made site? If so, on what site?
  • Yes, and also Phoronix,, GamingOnLinux, Hack-a-day, and a few others that give me good, content. It's the least I can do.

  • Will enterprise endpoint protection software on my laptop have control over what is happening inside a VM?
  • Also your DNS traffic will leak what you are doing.

    Just follow the most upvoted answer and keep personal stuff on your personal PC or mobile if you want to avoid trouble.

  • What software you consider so bad it made you happy when you left your job?

    I've worked with some pretty rotten software, but management software is easily the most user unfriendly, so my vote goes to HPSM.


    Giveaway: Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor GOTY

    Hello gentlemen. It seems I've already have this in my collection, so maybe one of you want it?


    % = G

    Steam code. Comment below after you've redeemed it.


    Portuguese PM resigns following investigation by Supreme Court Expresso

    No Expresso leia o jornal, opinião, economia, política, cultura, lifestyle, cinema, desporto, última hora. Veja fotografias e vídeos.


    Attorney general statement confirms searches, arrest of António Costa's chief of staff and reveals that the Supreme Court of Justice will analyze suspicions that Costa intervened to “unblock” the lithium, hydrogen and data center businesses that are being investigated


    What is the name of your cleaning robot?

    What name have you chosen for your robot and why?

    My Roomba is called Ramiro, after my slightly alcoholic uncle.


    FYI LibreOffice Draw allows you to open, edit and digitally sign PDF files

    I see the question asked a lot in Linux groups, so I hope this bit of knowledge may help someone here.


    How's the soup?


    ZX Speccy Next running Lords of Midnight

    The Next version of this game is simply stunning, even on my crappy little Blaupunkt TV. Recreated by Matt Davies and Simon Butler from the original Mike Singleton release, it shows just what a brilliant games machine the Next can be.


    He has a point, you know?


    Yep, good old NVG is still up.

    If you remember the Speccy scene in the 90's, you must have no doubt downloaded some games from the old FTP server.

    After World of Spectrum came along, I had mostly forgotten about it. This week I remembered and took a peek... and what a nice surprise, the old geezer is still there, complete with a README file from 1995/03/11 signed by Arnt Gulbrandsen.

    Have a look, there are even some messages from the comp.sys.sinclair USENET newsgroup.

    Good times.


    And we never got tired.


    São João, Porto, 2023

    Quem nunca participou faça um favor a si próprio e venha pelo menos uma vez.

    Aos outros: obrigado e até para o ano!


    ZX81 Mechanical Keyboard

    Good looking mechanical keyboard project for the ZX81 (or the modern equivalent, the ZX81+38), including all the designs and schematics.


    Beautiful pixel art

    It always amazes me when people manage to bend Speccy display's limitations and come up with wonderful digital art. I came across Adam's @[email protected] work on Mastodon and it became one of my favourites. Do yourself a favour and have a look.


    By your command


    Advanced Lawnmower Simulator - World Of Spectrum Classic

    While Real LifeTM strives to keep me away from all things Speccy related, I was pleasantly surprised to see the legacy of the old World of Spectrum site preserved in WoS Classic.

    So why not have a go at the awesome Advanced Lawnmower Simulator to celebrate? Go go, you know you want to...


    Guitar solo!

    Oh dear, it seems a gathering of silly persons was brought forth and silliness ensued, as foretold by the ancient scrolls.
