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sgibson5150 sgibson5150

He/Him. Formerly [email protected].

Posts 20
Comments 294
[Bazzite] Important announcement regarding system updates [Action needed] - FYI
  • Finally got updated 😄👍

    Logout still hangs on both X and Wayland sessions (KDE) 😫👎

  • What lessons should have been learned and implemented from the rise of Hitler and the Nazis in their ascension to power to prevent a recurrence of similar actors and ideological campaigns in future?
  • I'm sure you're correct. Just as a poor education along with lack of socio-economic opportunity and inavailability of mental healthcare might contribute to radicalization in the working poor, it stands to reason that a basic lack of empathy, whether taught or innate, likely coupled with greed must play a role for radicalization of the wealthy.

  • What lessons should have been learned and implemented from the rise of Hitler and the Nazis in their ascension to power to prevent a recurrence of similar actors and ideological campaigns in future?
  • Not an expert but it seems to me the most important thing is education. In the U.S. they've been chipping away at that since at least the eighties. I'm not "handing it to them" but the right has put in the long term work to get us where we are today, with only feeble liberal centrist pushback.

  • I love the absurdity of Farscape, but I do not accept the absurdity of Doctor Who. I will die on this hill. I do not understand the absurdity of Doctor Who. Why am I wrong?
  • Make mine Pertwee. The Barry Letts era is the most consistently good the show ever was, or likely ever will be. There were some individual Tom Baker stories that were better under Hinchcliffe and Williams, and some that were much worse *coughs* JNT *coughs* . Perhaps one of the hazards of Tom Baker's long tenure. 😆

  • Basically the extent of my IPv6 knowledge
  • I made an effort to learn it. In 2000. Again in 2012 or whenever the last big push was. If past is prologue, I may need to learn it again soon. 😆

  • Sorry I can't do it.
  • When I replaced Windows, I had two other disks with NTFS volumes, one of which was full of Steam games, the other with assorted crap. I built this box in 2017. The SSD where Windows was installed is only 256 GB.

  • Sorry I can't do it.
  • FWIW, I've got an i7-8700k with an RTX 3080. I initially had two major issues when I replaced Windows with Bazzite:

    1. Steam doesn't do great with libraries on NTFS partitions. Supposedly there are workarounds, but I couldn't get them to work for me. I had to reformat a couple drives as ext4 (and do a bunch of file management in the process) before things would play nice.

    2. I had my CPU overclocked to 4.8 GHz in Windows. BG3 kept crashing on me on Bazzite. Finally occurred to me to drop the overclock and I've played 40+ hours since, solid as a rock. Performance is comparable to Windows with OC. GPU temps are consistently better than Windows. Only thing I'm missing is HDR.

    Bonus: GreenWithEnvy (for GPU fan curve) won't run in a Wayland session yet, apparently, so I've been running under X11 instead.

    Hope this helps. YMMV. Happy gaming, whatever OS you use!

  • Fixes for some issues I faced while I switched to Bazzite / Aurora-dx
  • I'm brand new to Fedora, having installed Bazzite myself just a few days ago. Did you happen to encounter an issue logging out of KDE?

  • It's all in the past now
  • This is my poor wife. I've never gotten to the bottom of it but it's clear she suffered some math-related trauma. I've learned to tread carefully.

  • Please submit within three business days
  • Glad you had a good experience. I guess people are never as simple as the boxes we try to cram them into, and fandoms can be both a blessing and a curse.

  • Stay Informed
  • Replaced Windows with Bazzite on my last personal box on Saturday morning. Played BG3 on that box the rest of the weekend. ❤️

    It's pretty telling IMO that thousands of people spent millions of hours making it such that a user can play a Windows game without Windows. Thanks to everyone who made this possible.

  • Season 1 (Series 14) Episode 7: "The Legend of Ruby Sunday" (spoilers)
  • Maybe it just caught me on a good day but I enjoyed this one despite the lame Tom Marvalo Riddle/I am Lord Voldemort Rowling retread reveal.

    Edit: Mrs. Flood is definitely The Master, though, right? 😆

  • Please submit within three business days
  • Tangent, but I had a generally positive opinion of John de Lancie based on his work in Trek and Days of Our Lives (I am so old) and various interviews I'd seen over the years until I saw Jenny Nicholson's video about the last Bronycon. De Lancie had some involvement in a film about the Brony phenomenon and she was in a green room with him a few times. Apparently he was pretty rude and showed contempt for his fans. 🙁

    Disclaimer: Not a Brony myself but Jenny Nicholson can make anything interesting.

  • For free for 11.99$
  • Just had my yearly car maintenance at the local VW shop. They've started passing on the credit card processing fees to the customer. It's only like 3 or 4%, but it made me use a debit card instead of a CC. Guess that's where we're at now.

  • Discord: Have you lost access to your email? no worries, just regain access to it!
  • I get the sense that a lot of commenters here never had an openmailbox dot org experience.

  • Atari Announces Intellivision Brand Acquisition
  • How do you write an article like this without mentioning Tommy Tallarico? 😆

    Edit: Another article does mention Tallarico.

    Interestingly, though, this deal doesn’t include the Intellivision Amico. Atari stated that Intellivision would rebrand itself and continue to work on developing the console project that was originally scheduled to launch in 2020 and was once headed up by “prolific” video game composer Tommy Tallarico. Atari said that the company formerly known as Intellivision would rebrand itself and that it would grant licensing rights to the new company permitting it to feature Intellivision games on the console.

  • Republicans plan new criminal investigation into Hunter Biden
  • Eric's wife became co-chair of the RNC in March. It's MAGA all the way down.

  • Microsoft extolling the benefits of cloud storage in their Office save dialog

    "If you don't save your data to someone else's computer then we can't monetize it."

    I know they're not explicitly selling SkyDrive or OneDrive or whatever it's called now, but they kinda are.

    What's funny is, this file is stored in an encrypted container that does live in the cloud. 😄

    Edit: Thanks to user @[email protected] I now know about F12 in Office applications to bring up the "classic" Save As... dialog. Today I learned!

    28 Does the American Diabetes Association work for patients or companies? A lawsuit dared to ask | Neil Barsky

    The ADA just settled an explosive legal case accusing the organization of betraying people with diabetes

    Does the American Diabetes Association work for patients or companies? A lawsuit dared to ask | Neil Barsky

    > The ADA just settled an explosive legal case accusing the organization of betraying people with diabetes

    Today I learned sgibson5150

    TIL that Gwyneth Paltrow is not just a harmless grifter Three women contract HIV from dirty “vampire facials” at unlicensed spa

    Five patients with links to the spa had viral genetic sequences that closely matched.

    Three women contract HIV from dirty “vampire facials” at unlicensed spa

    I never went as far as to defend Gwyneth Paltrow, but after her Hot Ones appearance I created a post (which I will link in the comments) where I suggested that she's done no more harm than male grifters and that the dislike of her as a person was primarily due to misogyny. That's before I learned about her promotion of these unproven "vampire facials". Now an unlicensed clinic performing this procedure has given at least three women HIV. You guys were right and I was wrong.


    Android app dependency?

    I have found the translation from camera source feature useful in Google Translate and I use it from time to time. Last night was one such occasion, yet when I attempted to enable camera mode, I received the message shown in the screenshot, "Please install the latest Google app in order to use camera translation". I currently have a Pixel phone and I have had the Google app disabled since shortly after I got it.

    I left negative feedback on the Play Store after I discovered this new wrinkle as I feel Google thinks they have struck upon a way to prevent users from disabling or uninstalling the Google app. The developer responded that Translate camera is "now powered by Google Lens which is part of the Google app".

    I have been struggling to remember another occasion where an app has been dependent on the presence of another app to function in either Android or iOS. Besides the obvious Google shittiness, I feel like introducing these sorts of application interdependencies opens the door to... idk, something bad.


    Edit: As I have noted in the comments, this is not a problem unique to the Google Pixel phone. If the Google app is disabled on the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip4, the same behavior occurs.


    Me and the girls are doing a little shopping

    Discover the magic of the internet at Imgur, a community powered entertainment destination. Lift your spirits with funny jokes, trending memes, entertaining gifs, inspiring stories, viral videos, and so much more from users like sgibson5150.


    Edit: I can't say I'm not curious about all the downvotes. FWIW this is OC from my third and current playthrough of the game. My sorcerer had to live though the first two acts wearing her awful "Playtex" underwear set, so it was good when we finally made it to the Lower City and were able to purchase some proper sexy unmentionables at the shop near the gate to the Upper City.


    YouTube needs more potato


    Edit: Thanks all for the troubleshooting advice but this occurred on a channel that is known to me that regularly posts 4k HDR content. At the time I tried to play it, the video had 14k views and had been up for two days. It's probably just a transient thing. I mainly thought this was funny because I'd never seen such an anemic selection of resolutions. Perhaps you guys can try to enjoy the post in that spirit.

    Edit #2: I know I said we weren't troubleshooting but if anyone wants to try it out, the video is here. I tried on my phone this morning and there are only the two crappy resolutions.

    Edit #3: Credit to [email protected] here. I think they came the closest to explaining the problem. After I tried this on my phone, I tried it on the laptop and all resolutions with and without HDR were available. This may indicate that something like H.264 High Profile was used for encoding which (depending on the level) may not be supported on mobile device and it would seem, set top boxes like my Roku Ultra.

    Edit #4: Some others had commented about the same problem in the video comments on YT so I told the content creator what I knew and (politely) asked how the video was compressed. Will report back if I get a response.

    Edit #5: Clarified a point in Edit #3. Some mobile devices may support some levels of High Profile, or at least that's my understanding.

    Final Edit: Creator did not respond to me directly but they indicated that they requested help from YouTube in the matter. Haven't checked the Roku yet but all resolutions are now available from my phone as of 2024-04-13T11:12:00.000 UTC.


    Jurassic Park is 6/10 at best

    I do not like Jurassic Park. I have never liked Jurassic Park. It has great special effects and Laura Dern and Jeff Goldblum, but that does not make it a good movie. I don't care if it made a billion dollars at the box office. I don't care how many awards it won.

    The worst part, though, is the memes. They're second only to Prequel Trilogy memes in terms of how much they annoy me. I long ago added "clever girl" and "life uh finds a way" to the list of phrases that braying jackasses won't stop posting on social media that fill me with a near-homocidal rage. I'd block these phrases and move on with my life but these people put them in freaking images, too. I can't get away from it. \continues to froth incoherently\

    Edit: As of this writing, I have three downdoots. I'm going to assume that all downdooters agree with this post. Edit #2: Now like 8 of 29 people agree with me! I guess this unpopular opinion isn't quite as unpopular as I believed. ❤️

    Edit #3: 15 of 45 people reject that this is an unpopular opinion! Thank you all for your love and support. ✌️


    Advocacy emails

    This is the second such email I have received recently. Seems legit but I don't recognize the domain in the link to sign, and it seems like the people who make Firefox would know that the people who use Firefox would be hesitant to click. IDGI. Anyone else getting these?

    Edit 2024-04-10: Got a new email today and it appears all the links now go to links dot mozilla dot org. I won't flatter myself that this post had anything to do with that, but maybe the same thought occurred to someone at Mozilla. Nice. ✌️


    America Debates Gays in the Military

    A classic. 🫡


    Bus Stop Gaiety Corner

    Discover the magic of the internet at Imgur, a community powered entertainment destination. Lift your spirits with funny jokes, trending memes, entertaining gifs, inspiring stories, viral videos, and so much more from users like sgibson5150.

    I found this in a Tourister video:


    Gwyneth Paltrow Is Full of Regret While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones

    I went into this highly skeptical. I've probably at some point made a derogatory comment about Gwyneth Paltrow. Now I'm wondering if we should all be steaming our vaginas.

    Edit: You guys are a hoot. Thanks to those who saw my point. If you didn't, then that's cool too. I'll check back later.

    Very Late Edit: Please see my mea culpa, here:


    Little statue makes me happy

    Discover the magic of the internet at Imgur, a community powered entertainment destination. Lift your spirits with funny jokes, trending memes, entertaining gifs, inspiring stories, viral videos, and so much more from users like sgibson5150.

    I found this little guy in a VIRTUAL JAPAN video:


    Would it be useful to have a community where users could ask the best place to post something?

    I was thinking instead of a /r/lostredditors that makes fun of bad posting choices there could be a community that could allow more experienced users to offer advice on the best community to post in. Maybe something slightly silly like...idk, /c/fedditorsearchparty?

    I've had need of something like this more than once. For instance, I saw a cool little statue in an HDR walker video on YouTube recently. It was cute and made me happy and I wanted to share it, but I had no idea where to post it. There are so many communities across so many instances now.

    Does this sound interesting or helpful? Or maybe something like this already exists!

    Thanks in advance for your input. Have a nice weekend!

    Edit: Many thanks to [email protected] who pointed out existing community [email protected].

    Edit #2: Thanks to [email protected] who pointed out existing community [email protected].

    Edit #3: Thanks to [email protected] who pointed out existing community [email protected]. Asking for posting advice is allowed per the sidebar. 👍


    Asian barred owlet is sick of your shit

    Photo credit: Anuwar Hazarika/NurPhoto/REX/Shutterstock



    Lemmy loses scroll position on Android FF

    Not new to the Fediverse but new to Lemmy. I've noticed that after viewing a post, navigating back does not restore the vertical scroll position on the previous page. This is happening on latest stable Firefox for Android, but not on FF desktop 123.0. I tried searching but I only found this (not sure if this is even the right project):

    Anyone else having this issue on Android and is there anything I can do to mitigate it? Clearing the cache did not change the behavior.
