What is one video game cheat code that will you will always remember?
What is that one video game cheat code you'll never forget about?
I'll start us off with the classic "Explode All Cars" cheat from the classic 2004 game Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, as that is one that I remember using a lot for no rhyme or reason:
I vaguely remember if I wanted to play it in single player, I would press select first before entering the code for it to trigger in the correct mode. LOL
aegis for Age of Empires II. Instant building, gathering, research, etc. And of course marco for revealing map and polo to remove fog of war. cheese steak jimmy's for extra food and lumberjack for extra wood. I always struggled to manage those two resources. But even more importantly, how do you turn this on, for that cool siege sports car.
Man, I played a lot of AoE as a child and teenager.
My username. If you enter urata as your name when you play Castlevania III for NES you start with the mage character (Sypha Belnades) available from the start.
Also iddqd for god mode and idkfa for all weapons in DOOM because that game was way too hard when I was a kid.
Put an N64 controller in my hands, and I've still got the muscle memory for all the fatalities in Mortal Kombat 3 Ultimate Edition. As well as Shang Tsung's entire move set.
Oh and HALIFAX? !YNGWIE! to unlock the Naboo starfighter in N64's Rogue Squadron.
Down up left left A right down to get the cheat menu on Mortal Kombat on the Sega Megadrive.
On Revenge of Shinobi set the number of shurikens on the Options screen to 0 and wait 20 seconds. The zero turned into an infinity symbol, giving you unlimited shurikens.
Porkcharsui in the original pc version of Grand Theft Auto. If you named your character this, you had an overlay with coordinates so you could find your way easier, you'd get all the guns and the possibility to toggle a kind of sped up mode.
Oh and howdoiturnthison in Age of Empires 2 to get an AC Cobra with machine guns
Flying car cheat in San Andreas. I don’t know what the buttons are, by my muscle memory is so ingrained that if I start it I can usually get it after 1/2 attempts. Even if I haven’t touched the games in years.
Ha! I'm So glad you're that guy. Remind me what was the warcraft 2 phrase was for invincibility. I just remember as a kid I got so good as typing those cheats phrases (that I obv DONT remember very well now) that my fingers would fly over the keys and hit enter and I realized I could type fast
It's a shame her popularity was so short lived, if she had remained one of gaming's stars we could have gotten a third game (I love you WayForward, especially for the Shantae series and Clock Tower Rewind, but Betrayal was sadly the best subtitle you could have given your entry, and that's not a compliment)
And maybe a movie that wasn't directed by Uwe Boll
As much as I do love the Postal movie, it's probably the only good thing Boll ever made and it's still schlock.
I had San Andreas on PS2 as a kid, only played it on PC a little bit as an adult; but, the fact that you type the cheat codes on a keyboard means they kinda make words, so i forgot the PS2 ones and i remember some PC ones.
As others have already mentioned, IDKFA for Doom and didn't it work in Doom 2 as well?
I only ask because when ID Software released Heretic, a swords and sorcery style Doom game, I remember typing in IDKFA, expecting the same results. It was the Doom engine after all. Except typing in the classic code kills you instantly!
Another isn't strictly a cheat code. On the old 8bit computers the UK, you could enter some programming code to change the memory before loading in a game. (This is over simplified.)
Because of the altered memory, it would effect the game in some way. E.g. infinity health or lives.
I found a listing in a magazine which you could type in to help with the ZX Spectrum version of Batman: The Movie.
In this platform game, with the cheat, when a bad guy tried to climb a ladder, they would freeze.
This was very helpful and worked wonderfully all the way through the game. That was until you reached the very end whereupon the Joker was on a rope ladder attached to a helicopter.
The code interfered with the end of game boss in a way it wasn't expecting and the game would crash.
Doom had IDKFA that just basically gave you all the weapons and keys. I was a pretty young kid when that game was popular and all I wanted was all the guns.
It’s not a code, per se, but the method to get unlimited money on SimCity for SNES is forever in my brain. (I didn’t always use it but sometimes, I just wanted to make a cool city and not do the tax and budget stuff.)
Vectorman had a ton of those. ABRACADABRA would restore your HP. BALL and BALD would both display coordinates in the screen corner, one of them had more precision than the other I think. That was more annoying that useful for someone just playing but I remember the codes anyway.
tuck tuck tuck and arrrrwalktheplank are two of my favourites. The first summons a monster truck in AoE3, and the second has a large pirate ship jump into the battle in Free Space 2.
Actually there is a set of missions in FS2 that can only be reached by cheating to become invincible during an event you were supposed to die I think.
I find it neat when companies put in assets and extra content most players wont find without trying to break things a bit.
At the warning screen, B A Down A Start Start
(Spells BADASS)
Activates cheat mode, and then you can use the password screen to input cheats. But the only one I used is MONEY which starts you with 10,000 dollars or something.
On secret of mana 2 (snes), hold L R Start Select then reset to go into sound test menu. Most Square games of the time had L R Start Select as a soft reset shortcut.
Star wars battlefront 2 2005 unlimited ammo and health on pc
Have to hover your mouse over a little box that blends into the background image on the instant action page and type the codes in. I still believe that game is better than all battlefronts afterwards too
EREIAMJH to fly in Jedi Knight. I always thought it's just the name of some obscure Star Wars creature. But it's actually a reference to the movie Brazil.
I wasn't particularly wowed by the gameplay of the sims 4, but I really enjoyed the building mode, especially with the freedom to put stuff exactly where I wanted, collision and autosnapping be damned.
Alternatively, Rosebud;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;! - Sims 1 for those times you wanna have a rich family from the start and move_objects on for when God needs to be their butler.
To get the hidden multiplayer mini-game screen (if you have a second controller you can play with a friend): at the map screen, hold Select and press X X Y B A.
Works for Sonic 3D Blast on Genesis and probably the other games as well, but BARRACUDA (b a right right a c up d a) for certain things. I'd like to think it's debug mode, but I don't fully remember since it's been more than a few months since I last played and tried on either 3D Blast, 1, or 2.
Also from San Andreas (or maybe Vice City) R1 R2 L1 R2 left down right up left down right up. It was used for different weapon sets and I think you could change the dpad combo at the end for different sets (eg left down right up left down down down)
DIPSTICK to enable chests in rise of the trial. SEEYA for god mode where the protagonist just walks around with his hand of God yawning at how boring it is when there's no challenge.
CUJO for dog mode.