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christian Christian

I think I speak for most people when I say that I’m a good representative of the general population.

Posts 26
Comments 197
My experience with microsoft's ads for linux.
  • I know I'm getting wildly off-topic just three comments deep in this thread, but comedy that warps into existential horror is a genre that I've recently discovered I love but probably never would have expected to be my kind of thing. This video is one of my favorites.

  • In case anyone hasn't seen the hilarious scare screen on one of the seized ZLibrary domains. lol
  • If the DoJ replaced with a similar scare screen, a message about the AI feature appearing before search results, and photos of CEO yachts, that might actually give me hope for the future.

    Maybe include a screenshot of the AI Overview so there's no ambiguity about what feature was problematic. Something like this: google ai overview

  • Pre-Season Game 5: Caps @ Blue Jackets - 9/30/24
  • Dowd was brought in during the 2018 offseason to replace Jay Beagle, who I am very thankful was on the cup-winning team before he left. There were quite a few recent names I was sad to see miss out - Ward, Laich, Green... Even Karl Alzner, guy was dead weight his final season with us, but before his injury in the 2016 second round totally crippled him he was our best defenseman for many seasons.

    But yeah, Dowd has been absolutely spectacular in his role, his contract has been insane value. As much as I'd like to see him re-sign after this season, the guy could be a perfect fourth-line center for a championship team, and the caps almost certainly will not be that team before he ages out of his usefulness. I'd root for him to get that.

  • In case anyone hasn't seen the hilarious scare screen on one of the seized ZLibrary domains. lol
  • It's at least reassuring to know that the DoJ values the privacy of these horrible criminals enough to warrant blurring their faces. Hard to believe those assholes were spending the money on beautiful rainbows. A rainbow isn't a physical possession someone can just keep to themselves! The idea that some guy can just own this abstract thing is deeply offensive to me and I will not be giving any more of my hard-earned money to library genesis.

  • Migrating from Transmission to qBittorrent. I had 900TB uploaded over nearly four years!
  • It shouldn't be too many, my hardware wouldn't have been considered high-end ten years ago but transmission is handling thousands just fine for me. It takes a lot longer to start up with this many, probably 20-30 seconds, but runs without issue after that.

  • [GDT] Columbus Blue Jackets at Washington Capitals - 08:15PM EDT
  • The big man getting on the board here should be a good omen for the season.

    Would be interesting if Vrana gets a contract, I thought it was very unlikely when he signed the PTO and I do still think it probably won't happen but he's got a shot. I get the logic behind the decision but I wish management had signed one fewer forward during the offseason to open up another spot for the youth to fight for.

  • The US regime just executed another innocent black man.
  • This kind of thing makes me go into denial. I hate my country, but this absolutely cannot be real. It's horrible clickbait, or propaganda supporting my existing beliefs about how inhumane it is here.

    I struggle to imagine someone administering a needle for an innocent man to die, rather than quitting on the spot. I struggle to imagine someone certifying paperwork to appove this to happen. But I am entirely incapable of imagining the number of human cogs that would need to be similarly compliant for this to be followed through to completion. I am not interested in trying to imagine. This story is fiction because admitting otherwise will break what's left of my sanity.

    You can show me horrors and get me to admit and speak of them as reality, but you can't get me to believe them.

  • TJ Oshie to start season on LTIR after training camp physical shows injury
  • When Oshie re-upped for eight years I thought we would probably regret it and I can't think of another hockey prediction I've been more wrong about and I am so happy about that. He's a Capitals legend.

  • Error with recent deepin-icon-theme update, how should I address this?

    ``` :: Starting full system upgrade... resolving dependencies... looking for conflicting packages...

    Packages (1) deepin-icon-theme-2024.06.21-1

    Total Installed Size: 138.93 MiB Net Upgrade Size: 5.96 MiB

    :: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] Y (1/1) checking keys in keyring [########################] 100% (1/1) checking package integrity [########################] 100% (1/1) loading package files [########################] 100% (1/1) checking for file conflicts [########################] 100% error: failed to commit transaction (conflicting files) deepin-icon-theme: /usr/share/icons/bloom/icon-theme.cache exists in filesystem Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded.

    ``` Running a search for the error I didn't find one for deepin-icon-theme, but the same error for other packages in arch updates show up and the other ones I saw laid the blame on improper packaging. Given that this is the one from the arch repositories and not some AUR package, I'm nowhere near confident enough in myself to jump to the conclusion that this is someone else's fault, so I'm asking here.

    What is your favorite movie of all time?
  • The scene where he read the poem was really memorable for me. I found out afterwards it's a well-known poem irl, but I'll probably always associate it with that movie. Rage, rage, against the dying of the light.

  • What is your favorite movie of all time?
  • It's still Office Space.

  • [GDT] Philadelphia Flyers at Washington Capitals - 03:00PM EDT
  • Cristall might force their hand if he can keep this up, halfway through the game he's got the goal and a bunch of good chances. I read recently that he's AHL-ineligible right now and has to go back to juniors if he doesn't make the team. That puts him in a different spot where if he's playing well enough we might see sending him down right away as harmful to his development. They might elect to give him a shot at a few games to see how well he can hang, similar to Lapierre a couple years back.

    Obviously I'm getting ahead of myself but he's flying out there so far, that's reason for optimism whatever happens next.

  • [GDT] Philadelphia Flyers at Washington Capitals - 03:00PM EDT
  • I like how "Muggli" is pronounced, always had assumed it rhymed with "ugly". Hope he eventually makes it to the team in some future season so we can say great googly Muggli.

  • I'm working on a screenplay for a remake of Castaway, but I'm considering not using a volleyball this time. Give me your best casting ideas for which inanimate object should play Wilson.
  • After a month of deliberation, I have settled on a beanbag chair. Thanks for the suggestions everyone, they were quite inspiring.

  • Linus Torvalds muses about maintainer gray hairs and the next 'King of Linux'
  • I have tracked down the missing word and returned it to its rightful place. Better late than never.

  • Linus Torvalds muses about maintainer gray hairs and the next 'King of Linux'
  • Man I've never really thought about how much having the wrong successor could fuck up the whole ecosystem.

  • What's the most polarizing thing you've ever done or said?
  • It makes no sense to pronounce "jpeg" as "jay-peg" because the 'P' in Joint Photographic Experts Group clearly makes a sound like the 'F' does in 'fell'. Saying it like "j-feg" is more correct.

  • What's the most polarizing thing you've ever done or said?
  • This is the exact reason why I always correctly pronounce the Joint Photographic Experts Group format as "jfeg".

  • What is your favorite sketch by "The Onion", aka "Onion News Network"?
  • It's unrealistic to expect people to judge your message on the merits of your argument if you're not taking the time to translate it into a language they speak.

    Not really interested in making an argument to whether it's fair to apply this caricature here, but that's definitely the message here.

  • What is your favorite sketch by "The Onion", aka "Onion News Network"?
  • Always been partial to Victim In Fatal Car Accident Tragically Not Glenn Beck

    "I heard screaming and I thought it was just someone doing an accurate impression of Glenn Beck talking normally, but then I saw the smoke."

  • Searching to find a barber after recently moving. I love this.


    I'm working on a screenplay for a remake of Castaway, but I'm considering not using a volleyball this time. Give me your best casting ideas for which inanimate object should play Wilson.


    Bears win game 6!

    Matt Strome (Dylan's brother) scores the cup-winner in overtime, Bears repeat.

    Lapierre wins playoff MVP. Seems almost certain he's played his last game for the Hershey Bears. I actually thought Frank was going to get it after that ridiculous goal streak.


    Kuemper for Pierre-Luc Dubois

    One-for-one. I was really pessimistic about Kuemper's contract when we signed it and I might be even more pessimistic now. It feels like there's a very high chance we're just bringing back the past couple years of Kuznetzsov without the good memories attached.

    Hopefully the guy makes me look like an idiot for saying this.


    Thanks for the chats guys, hope to resume them soon

    Getting crushed in that series was predictable but I'm still somewhat upset about it anyway and don't really want to talk about that.

    Posting because I'm happy a caps community has finished out a season on lemmy with good discussions. I had wanted a lemmy caps community for years, but it seemed like their was no hope for that with how small the lemmy userbase was. One of you guys set up this community shortly after the reddit fiasco with third-party apps, I think I was actually a couple months late to realizing that, but we've had enough posts for me to consider this a successful start.

    Like a month or two ago I checked out the other team comms and ours was by far the most active at the time, the only other one even close was the leafs. Has probably changed with playoffs starting, but I'm too lazy to look again.

    It's been great chatting with you guys and hanging around. I plan to be back for preseason end of September, and I'll check periodically through the offseason too.

    So yeah, this is a generic thank you post with no content. You guys rock.

    Go caps.


    Original concept for a regional ditto

    Hear me out: a "Wild West" ditto, which looks like a regular ditto but with a moustache and cowboy hat, and when it transforms it looks just like the target pokemon, except with a moustache and a cowboy hat added on.

    Unfortunately I have no artistic talent so cannot provide sketches at this moment, but I intend to start a gofundme to commission the concept art sooner or later.


    Relationship advice?

    I need some relationship advice. I suggested 125% but my wife won't budge from 10%. Is this normal? How did it go when you had this conversation with your romantic partner?


    Stackexchange sites tend to be pretty reliable for any questions you can't find answers to with a simple search


    Grainy photo of my cat sleeping sitting up

    Roto-Borola usually likes to hang out with me when I'm working at my desk. Earlier today my wife snapped this photo of him chilling by me. Every so often he sits like this, but I think this is the first time we've seen him nap in this position. I laughed a little and it woke him up, he looked at me and did a loud meow and then got up.


    My favorite hockey-ism is when a guy known for being a fast skater drops the phrase "use my speed".

    What hockey-isms are you guys partial to?


    Screenplay for ninety-second trailer of a Christmas-themed horror movie

    Hey all, this is my original work which I am very proud of. I worked very hard on this and would appreciate receiving praise and constructive criticism.

    screenplay: _____________

    Open with a scene of a man alone chopping wood on a snowy day. He is large-bodied and looks visually menacing, it should be clear that he is the villian. He sings an eerie and discomforting tune: "Da Da Da Da Da Da Da"

    The next sixty or whatever seconds build up a horror movie featuring the aforementioned villain and a hero named John, a boy around 17 years old, as well as a couple friends around the same age who support him. A couple times cut back to the opening woodchopping "Da Da Da Da Da Da Da" scene.

    Nearing the end of the trailer, scene with John and his couple friends walking through the city on a snowy day. The townsfolk jeer and yell obscenities at them. John narrates: "Before the incident, we were treated just like anyone else. But now, whenever we go out, the people always shout."

    (words flash on the screen, large font)


    Very brief scene of a terrified scream


    chop "Da Da Da Da Da Da Da"


    Frantic sprinting through a snow-covered forest


    Scene of John in an attic, which is illuminated only by the candle he holds in one hand. With the other hand, John lifts up and examines a dusty old photo of the villain. "Oh my God. His name is my name too." Candle blows out.

    (smaller font)



    What do you guys recommend for language learning from scratch?

    Hi all,

    I want to try to learn Spanish on my own, right now I barely know anything. Asking in the libre culture community because I know a common answer is duolingo but I don't want to install an app store other than f-droid.


    Tomorrow the only two remaining teams to not have scored first in a game go head-to-head

    Announcer for tonight's caps game said at the start of the game that New Jersey and Washington were the last two teams. Looks like both gave up the first goal tonight (with help from a coach's challenge on the Backstrom goal). Devils play in DC tomorrow at 7:30.


    I hate having to root against Lars Eller.

    I know it made sense to let him go, but it hurts my heart.

    /c/showerthoughts Christian

    Star-ratings for online reviews would probably be actually helpful if you just excluded all the five-star reviews from the calculations

    Companies don't pay for four-star reviews, but a person giving a four-star review liked the product overall.

    Friend Ship Christian

    Looking for an instant messaging friend! (XMPP or other)

    Hi all,

    I haven't instant messaged with strangers in a good bit and I kind of want to relive those days, so giving this another shot.

    I made a post here a couple years back and made connections with a couple cool people, but eventually those faded. Trying again now that lemmy is more popular, not sure if this time it will just get swallowed up in the massive sea of posts that are here now.

    I'd like to use a messenger that is supported by a FOSS linux client. I still have an XMPP (decentralized messenger) account, so that would be my first choice, but I'd be fine to sign up for matrix, or anything else that I can run easily from a desktop client on linux. To be clear, you don't have to be a linux user yourself, I'm pretty sure pidgin works great for XMPP on windows.

    To help you decide whether you should talk to me, I made these lists:

    Reasons you should talk to me:

    • You had a good day and want to share that with someone.

    • You had a bad day and want to share that with someone.

    • You want to talk about depression and emotional health with another human being.

    • You want to shoot the shit about listening to music and don't mind when those discussions stray far from the mainstream. (My favorite stuff is neoclassical, metal, and industrial.)

    • You have some tiny amount of comfort with your arch linux setup and want a chance to show off to an arch user who knows even less than you do.

    • You have pokemon violet version, but need a pokemon from scarlet version to complete your pokedex. (I've also played a ton of Yo-Kai 3. Monster taming games in general are my niche.)

    • You're confused as to why every right adjoint preserves all monic arrows, but don't want to sign up for the mathematics stackexchange.

    • You have an interest in computer programming, and are happy to discuss that stuff with a novice. (I need to pick haskell back up, I think I was approaching being good enough to write Hello World.)

    • You follow the NHL and want to emphasize that I should feel bad for rooting for a team currently employing Tom Wilson.

    • You somehow obtained an XMPP messenger account but no one else seems to use it.

    • You think maybe messaging me would help you justify all the time you just wasted on reading this stupid list.

    Reasons you should not talk to me:

    • You do not feel you would be satisfied with a platonic-only friendship. (I am happily married.)

    • You are not an adult. (I don't doubt that there are tons of cool teenagers out there, but I would feel like a creep.)

    • You have high standards.

    • You would be upset with the fact that I can be flaky and with me sleeping totally ridiculous hours. (Case in point: It's almost 2AM where I live. Going to bed soon.)

    • Mi Espanol no es bueno, no hablo Espanol. (Want to learn but haven't made progress.)

    • You went through my post history and found that I said something horribly offensive three years ago.

    • Honestly, I'm awkward as shit.

    Send me a pm and let's talk!


    Looking for feedback on my sixty-second trailer for a horror movie titled "John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt"

    I'm looking for feedback on my original screenplay. It is a sixty-second-ish long trailer for a Christmas-themed horror movie. This is an update on my screenplay idea I posted on lemmy a couple years back. ( link because I still haven't learned how to link to posts cross-instance, doesn't seem to be in the docs.)


    Open with a scene of a man alone chopping wood on a snowy day. He is large-bodied and looks visually menacing, it should be clear that he is the villian. He sings an eerie and discomforting tune: "Da Da Da Da Da Da Da"

    The next thirty or whatever seconds build up a horror movie featuring the aforementioned villain and a hero named John, a boy around 17 years old, as well as a couple friends around the same age who support him. A couple times cut back to the opening woodchopping "Da Da Da Da Da Da Da" scene.

    Nearing the end of the trailer, scene with John and his couple friends walking through the city on a snowy day. The townsfolk jeer and yell obscenities at them. John narrates: "Before the incident, we were treated just like anyone else. But now, whenever we go out, the people always shout."

    (words flash on the screen, large font)


    Very brief scene of a terrified scream


    chop "Da Da Da Da Da Da Da"


    Frantic sprinting through a snow-covered forest


    Scene of John in an attic, which is illuminated only by the candle he holds in one hand. With the other hand, John lifts up and examines a dusty old photo of the villain. "Oh my God. His name is my name too." Candle blows out.

    (smaller font)



    I came up with a sci-fi thought experiment/writing prompt - thoughts?

    I came up with a science fiction writing prompt/thought experiment that I'd like to share. I'm aware this is a little silly.


    There exists an aether throughout the universe which I am going to suggestively name "soul". Soul can congeal, and congealed soul can take on a multitude of different states. Consciousness is congealed soul, and the states it takes on are emotions. Organisms have evolved to interact with soul, and over time the emotions they are able to evoke have become less rudimentary and increasingly varied.

    The prompt/thought experiment:

    A utilitarian mad scientist designs blueprints for a soul virus, which causes the aether permeating everything to congeal and then permanently crystallize in a joyful state. It will spread and eventually unify all consciousness into one. This leads to the question of whether universal bliss is worth the price of a total loss of individuality.

    casual Christian

    I just woke up from a silly dream and feel the need to share

    Anyone remember how Trump started Space Force? I was on Space Force, and I got sent to the moon. We were called Moon Force, and there was only one other soldier there on the moon with me.

    Back home on Earth, I wanted to mail her a card, so I looked in the card aisle for cards related to Moon Force. They only had one relevant card, it said "Don't Moon Force me to go". I thought it was funny so I got it for her and mailed it.
