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What was your worst work mishap, accident, or oopsie?
  • We were told from the beginning that any mistakes we made would have to be paid for, and that the work was "informal" (unregistered), so my ex-employers, in their words, "could do whatever they wanted with us". That and the fact that in general the whole business was poorly run from the beginning were among the reasons for my resignation.

    "But why did you take such a job in the first place?" Simple, I "needed" the money.

  • What was your worst work mishap, accident, or oopsie?
  • I worked for an online money exchange company. On one occasion I made a wrong operation: I chose the wrong bank and although the account did belong to the client, it was blocked and there was no possibility (supposedly) of reactivating it. I ended up making the company lose the equivalent of 3 times my salary (the equivalent in, say, Dollars is not much, but here in Venezuela it was more money than I ever had in my whole life). After paying half of the debt (since the other half was charged to my supervisor, even though I proposed that I would assume the entire debt) I resigned immediately, I did not want to deal with the stress of making such a mistake again and that it would get worse.

  • What is the benefit of closing Studios? Why not sell them?

    Yes, this is in relation to the closing of Tango Gameworks and Arcane Austin. Is there some immediate monetary benefit behind it that I have no idea about? Is it so they can keep the IPs and not have to deal with the developers? Are the Studios too expensive for anyone to buy? I honestly don't understand how these executives play Capitalism.

    Can a damaged hard drive slow down a computer?
  • What you say sounds a lot like what is happening with the hard drive. Thanks for clarifying it for me!

  • Can a damaged hard drive slow down a computer?
  • Where I live (Venezuela) computer components are not very cheap or easy to obtain, and I don't have the money to afford an SSD (at least not now nor a near future)...

  • What would your last words be?
  • "Freedom, at last...!"

  • Can a damaged hard drive slow down a computer?

    My mother's laptop has been running as fast as a turtle on a snail going uphill for a long time now. Everything has been done to it, including formatting it and installing another, less cumbersome OS, but nothing improves. I have an HHD available, I have done some tests and it does work.

    Would changing the hard drive do any good?




    It's movie night. You don't know who's coming but you have to pick a movie everyone vibes with. What do you choose?
  • No, we just jump to the Return of the King without seeing the other 2. It would be a total experience.

  • It's movie night. You don't know who's coming but you have to pick a movie everyone vibes with. What do you choose?
  • The Lord of the Rings: The Return of The King Extended Edition.

  • Is it a bad idea to introduce a new kitten to a house where there is already an older cat?
  • They have their own places to sleep, to eat and Litter bo. At the moment I do my best so that they don't meet directly and don't have any problems: if the older cat enters one room, I put the kitten in another. I plan to do this for a couple of weeks and then introduce them more directly, with the kitten in a cage so she doesn't get attacked.

  • Is it a bad idea to introduce a new kitten to a house where there is already an older cat?

    In recent days we have been giving home to a black kitten less than a month old yet to be named, the thing is that we already have a cat at home. My cat "Rubia" has been with us for 13 years now, beyond having lost her eyesight due to age, she is very healthy. But since the new kitty arrived I have seen her very stressed. She can't smell or hear the new kitten without snorting, she eats very little and hasn't gone to the bathroom for a couple of days. I've seen videos on YouTube and read several articles where they say this is normal, but I can't help but worry. I'm worried that forcing her to accept a new cat will affect her health at the age she is, but I also don't want to just abandon the new kitten, although if it turns out that things aren't going to improve, I would be forced to look for someone who can adopt her....

    Update: Thank you all so much for your advice, I will do my best to follow them 💜. Recently Rubia has returned to use her litter box normally, and although she still doesn't like Morena (tentative name of the new kitten), I feel more optimistic, we just have to take things slowly.

    Fe and Mn
  • There are only two genders: ferrous or non-ferrous.

  • Do you think/feel that you are living well? Happily? Embodying your values and dreams? If so, how did this happen?
  • I am, but not in its entirety. There are still a lot of things I would like to achieve and a couple of other things in my environment that I dislike quite a bit, but overall I feel satisfied with myself and who I am today; something that a few years ago I couldn't claim even if it cost me my life.

  • What's something small you achieved recently that you're proud of?
  • A post apocalyptic adventure with political drama.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • None, I don't know many people that use Matrix and I can't understand Discord.

  • What's something small you achieved recently that you're proud of?
  • I published the first chapter of a fanfiction and someone already liked it.