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ICastFist I Cast Fist

Just your typical internet guy with questionable humor

Posts 80
Comments 2.7K
Where have you suffered some performance penalties using GDScript, and what was the fix? Was it to rewrite it in C#?
  • In my case, performance has mostly been hindered by how I have set up nodes, rather than the actual code. I end up keeping a LOT of graphics loaded but hidden in VRAM and the drop in framerates on lower end devices is noticeable. This does eliminate most of the sudden resource load hiccups on web play, but it's something I still have to figure out.

  • It's Tuesday, what made you happy last week?
  • My best guess is that simply nothing noteworthy, or too different from what you're used to experience, has happened, so the brain just discards that.

  • [from [email protected]] Spain - Adults who want to enter porn websites must have a 'digital card' with 30 accesses valid for 30 days
  • Podrán usar tres veces la misma credencial dentro de la misma plataforma. | They may use the same credentials 3 times within the same platform

    Uh, is that supposed to be 3 times per month? Like, you can only visit sadpanda 3 times a month or something?

    También se contempla una modificación de la Ley General de Telecomunicaciones para que la Comisión Nacional del Mercado de la Competencia (CNMC) pueda bloquear de aquellas plataformas o páginas con contenidos pornográficos si no incorporan mecanismos de verificación de la edad efectivos. Para tal fin, el Gobierno está en conversaciones con proveedores de internet como Movistar o Vodafone con el fin de que permitan bloquear estas páginas. | It's also being contemplated a modification to the General Telecommunications Law so that the National Market Competency Comission may block those platforms or pages with pornographic contents if they don't incorporate effective age verification mechanisms. For this, the Government is in talks with internet providers such as Movistar and Vodafone, so they may block these pages

    Good luck blocking whatever "kids" with intent end up finding on a DDG with Safesearch: Off.

    For now, it only applies for sites hosted in Spain, but they want to have it apply to anything based off Ireland (IT tax haven)

    La herramienta se ha incorporado dentro de "la cartera digital española" (...) incluye una credencial que "es anónima" y "respeta el principio de protección de datos de minimización de la información intercambiada". | The tool has been incorporated inside the "digital spanish identity card" (...) it includes a credential that "is anonymous" and "respects the principles of data protection of minimization of interchanged information"

    Oh nice, just what people need/want, the fucking government spying on your porn searches.

    Regarding the 30 accesses/tokens pack, it's supposed to be something you can just input on a porn site and access it without being asked for an age verification. And yeah, you only get to use/access one site 3 times per pack, no reason was given.

    It's good that the article also has a talk with a cybersecurity guy, who plainly points out that the govt isn't trustworthy for keeping the data secret/anonymous, and that the whole idea "is horrible [and what you expect] from the worst dictatorships"

    Para entender el enorme riesgo tan solo basta con imaginar por un momento una filtración de datos de los solicitantes del carnet, o una futura instrumentalización política del sistema con el fin de restringir el acceso a la información del color que no guste al gobierno de turno | To understand the huge risk, just imagine for a moment a filtering of the data of the people who ask for the card, or a future political handling of the system with the intent of restricting access to the information that the government at the time dislikes

  • Apple Rumored to Be Working on AirPods With Built-in Cameras
  • Only because everyone’s on edge,

    Wrong, everyone's on chrome

    I'll see myself out, no need to shoot

  • Why don't low birth-rate countries make immigration to their country easier?
  • Immigration reduces wages, increases prices, strains public services and causes overall decrease in Quality of Life.

    So, you're telling me that immigration is super profitable? Because that's a recipe for profits

  • When any online discussion accidentally mentions Brazil
  • A gente não deixa nem nossos hermanos passarem impunes 😆

  • Are there any good casual/low-stress mobile games that aren't filled with microtransactions?
  • You can check out whatever is available on F-Droid. I personally enjoy playing Freebloks once in a while, it's a mobile version of the Blokus boardgame

    An alternative is checking out, searching with the proper tags, like puzzle, might yield decent results for your tastes.

    You can also get Cookie Clicker or play the web version

  • Are there any good casual/low-stress mobile games that aren't filled with microtransactions?
  • Definitely not casual or low stress, especially as you progress through the planet, but a great game nonetheless

  • Probably
  • I'd say it's quite the bumpy ride with a table like that

  • If Batman was real today, he'd go after the CEOs of companies, not gangsters.
  • So, his hit list is problably 1:1 the list of rich and powerful people that exist

  • If Batman was real today, he'd go after the CEOs of companies, not gangsters.
  • the group that is always watching Gotham and influencing it state and its key figures.

    Bruce is just jealous of being left out of the "cool kids" group, so he plays the other team

  • Looking for FOSS Games
  • BAR - Beyond All Reason, for Total Annihilation/Supreme Commander style RTS, learned about this one in another thread here on lemmy

    Zero-K - similar premise, plays different from BAR, also the graphics seem less demanding

    OpenSoldat - 2D arena shooter. For anyone that never played or saw something similar, think of multiplayer maps of halo, quake or unreal, but if it was a 2D platformer

    Not quite open source, but Daggerfall Unity is a FOSS update to the engine for Daggerfall, a game which Bethesda has made free for years now. You can get the game off GOG, too.

  • How a flawed idea is teaching millions of kids in the US to be poor readers
  • I wonder how much easier it'd be for anglophone kids to learn to read if their written language wasn't such a phonetic nightmare.

  • Etsy to ban sale of most sex toys, explicit content, and more
  • Platinum cured silicone is, afaik, the only silicone that is food safe, thus safe to put inside any of your holes. It's significantly more expensive than other silicones, mostly due to the catalyst (platinum).

  • 'Affirmative'
  • Training... Unit ready

    happy murderous laughter

  • J.K. Rowling Blasts “Gender Taliban” David Tennant After ‘Harry Potter’ Actor Said “Whinging” Trans Critics Are On “Wrong Side Of History”
  • I had the first 4 books and read them around ages 11-13, reading the first two before the first movie came out. I think because none of my classmates at the time had read or watched anything relating to HP, I never really talked about it, so I set it aside after finishing Goblet of Fire, which coincided with the Lord of the Rings movies.

    To me, it felt like I was leaving behind a story for kids and getting in on the "real good stuff for adults"

  • Sony will cut around 250 jobs from the recordable media business manufacturing hub and will gradually cease production of optical discs, including Blu-ray discs.
  • Right now, probably typical computer SSD disks. Anything lasting more than that usually steps in office/corporate solutions, like magnetic tape backups

    Googling around, I found out there are some "archival grade gold" DVDs, and a M-DISC (available as DVD or BluRay) that claims to last "centuries". Haven't seem anything on scratch or dust resistance about either

  • Still saying sweet things to each other after all these years...
  • So, if you call an aussie a cunt, and the reply is "I'm not your focking cont, moyte!", that's a very aggressive fighting call, correct?

  • Poor Sega just didn't get the timing right.
  • Unless you lived where the Playstation wasn't officially released, then every console come modded and ready to play pirate games!

  • Just finished watching "Cloak of Deception", a Phantom Menace fan edit

    It's been ages since I last saw ep 1 and, while looking for the despecialized original trilogy, I came across the prequel fan edits. "Eh, why not?"

    Gotta say, I was expecting the pacing or the story to kinda fall flat, but this was a very enjoyable watch. There's a lot that was cut, nearly all the "whimsy" was removed, also the whole underwater trip when the jedis first land on Naboo. This leads to the Gungan alliance being a "jar jar ex machina", but it worked well enough in my opinion. Other than that, I think the movie works really well in every aspect.

    The torrent I got also comes with a .docx that lists the whole movie script with all the stuff that was cut in red, and new additions (very few) in blue. A smaller list of changes can be read here - Besides removing a lot of jar jar's antics and any references to midichlorians (I personally never cared about that), one notable change near the end was making Anakin blow up the command ship before Padme and her group capture the Viceroy, so it makes it seem that the droids being deactivated is what allowed them to complete their objective.

    One thing that I noticed during the final battle was that the Trade Federation pretty much dropped the blockade, as they only left one command ship in orbit, compared to the dozens at the beginning of the movie. I guess that was because the land invasion worked, so there was no further need to keep the orbital blockade.

    PS: I couldn't stop laughing when Obi Wan fell because of that fucking meme

    PPS: I always liked how Naboo looks, but this time I really paused to look a bit better at the architecture, and it has such a nice mix of mediterranean marble of yellowish tones and cyan roofs. With the current image quality and all, it was much easier to pick out "ancient CG" and in many places it looked like a "old last gen game", but it had that late 90s charm that warms my hearth with nostalgia.

    PPPS: The worst part about watching SW as an older person is seeing all those damn walkways without a single guardrail anywhere. Coruscant is even worse, that transport vehicle full of VIP heading to the senate is fully open without so much as seatbelts.


    Some fans really should go back home and rethink their lives. From Elfquest #9, 1981

    TLDR; some fan complains that the comics depicted a troll war as a "touch football game between overweight accountants" instead of something truly gruesome and that a sex scene was "just rocks". It's a long rant that boils down to "your stuff is too cutesy".

    The author rebukes that nonsense because she knows she has younger readers and she doesn't need to do that explicit sex and violence anyway.


    Why do certain companies keep paid content "accessible" through third party sites or addons?

    Most major news sites, as well as some other sites of reading content like Medium, have a paywall for certain articles, but those are easily defeated by people who bother to search the internet.

    As I suspect said companies are aware of that, and they don't react to properly protect their paid stuff, what do they expect to gain?


    What can I use to harden acrylic paints or resin?

    Asking because while I see that paint hardeners exist in the USA, there doesn't seem to be anything similar in my country (Brazil)

    What could I use as a substitute to harden paints? Are there any catalysts or powders that would work?

    Google and DDG always show sites/articles about epoxy resins whenever I search for "acrylic hardener", is it safe to assume that catalysts for epoxy, like polyamide, will work with acrylics?


    If you could make a non-linux OS go mainstream, which one would you pick?

    I make the specification of non-linux because otherwise this would just become a thread full of obscure distros that do the same thing as a million other distros.

    Some lesser known OSs:

    • AROS - based on Amiga OS, has some derivatives like IcarOS and MorphOS
    • Haiku - based on BeOS
    • Redox - Unix-like, made in Rust (might technically count as linux?)
    • Serenity - Unix-like, very late 90s look and feel
    • Kolibri - Tiny OS, the image is ~44MB. It also has a smaller version that fits in a single floppy.
    • PhantomOS - When 3 Russians decide to turn everything about a typical OS upside down.

    Justine Tunney - Redbean and the Actually Portable Executable (Speakeasy JS, May 2021) - Despite the channel, this is about a C executable that "runs anywhere", including from boot

    Video is nearly 3 years old now, but I think it's worth watching. Her presentation starts at around 2:30.

    Basically, she explains how Redbean, a tiny (~450kb) and very fast C http server, works and how the same executable can be used to deploy it on most operating systems (she starts explaining that around 14:30)

    Justine is also the mind behind Sector LISP, Lambda Calculus in 383 bytes, considerable optimizations to LLamaAI, plus several other things.


    Anon manages the impossible

    For those that can't read the image:

    >playing some mtg with my college group that meets up at my best friend's every friday >one of the players asks if his friend can join next time we play >nobody has a problem with it >next friday rolls around >everybody gets set up >knock on the door >best friend opens the door >immediate regret >actual fucking fecal smell emanates from this mass of unkempt hairy adipose >try my god damndest to be polite and try to ignore the smell and just play. >he picks up the game pretty quickly, and thankfully he doesn't speak too often because each time he opens his mouth the halitose burns my nostrils. >we tolerate this for exactly 10 minutes before the poli-sci dude in our group slams his can of altoids on the plaguelord's side of the table and blurts "do not fucking speak in my direction again until you've fucking emptied this your breath smells like death." >dead fucking silence for 10 seconds. >plaguelord gets up, apologizes, and leaves >we try to pretend this never happened. >next week rolls around, its still on everyone's mind. >knock on the door >takes a few moments to recognize the stranger in front of us >holy shit its the plaguelord, and he's fucking clean >completely shaved his patchy neckbeard >is wearing what looks like a brand new clothes, his jeans even still have a sticker on them >smells vaguely like strawberries instead of rotten onions >teeth still stained but the halitose is completely gone and replaced with mint. >apologized for last week, asked if he could play again >fast forward a few months and now he's a regular at our table, he even brings homemade snacks. Has this ever happened in your groups or is this some sort of anomaly/divine intervention?


    Does anyone have "Neopets revival" on their 2024 bingo card? How Neopets’ nostalgic revival tripled users in six months

    An icon of millennials’ childhoods languished for nearly two decades. Now it’s attempting a comeback – banking on the fact that it hasn’t changed at all

    How Neopets’ nostalgic revival tripled users in six months

    cross-posted from:

    > > With efforts to resuscitate Neopets ramping up, monthly users have nearly tripled to 300,000 in the past six months, and the company is on track to be profitable by the end of 2024, [current Neopets Team CEO] Law said. > > Also notable: > > > Law said that rather than cracking down on fan-created components, the company is embracing them. It launched a “Neopass” login system that allows users to access games across the Neopets system, including third-party and fan-made games.


    Remember that PlaytronOS from some weeks ago? Turns out it's for a "crypto powered" portable console No one needs this cryptocurrency-powered Steam Deck competitor

    Playtron's SuiPlay0X1 is a "web3 gaming" fever dream I thought we'd all woken up from.

    No one needs this cryptocurrency-powered Steam Deck competitor

    For anyone that missed the initial news back in March ->

    So, to everyone that was already kinda skeptical back then, congratulations, you were right.


    Lion King did not rule Kimba

    For anyone that, like me, was aware of the "LK plagiarized Kimba" but only ever considered it "neat trivia", time to get some facts straight.

    TLDW; Lion King didn't plagiarize Kimba, not by a long stretch. Also, around the 2h mark, our host compares Kimba (1950) to an even older comic of "Simba King of Beasts" (1946)

    One of the best comments:

    > Title should be law professor gets owned by gay furry

    If you want to get alcohol poisoning, take a shot every time YMS says "over 3000 minutes of Kimba media"


    What are some decent apps for keeping a personal "wiki"

    I say wiki as a point of reference, as it's the thing I'm most used to for organizing information, but anything that lets me create links on specific words, leading me to a different page/display can work.

    I prefer FOSS, but anything that's a free download on the play store is fair game, TrackerControl should manage to block annoying ads.


    What liquids have the lowest refraction?

    Asking this because I've been thinking about resin printing and how a small layer of said liquid could, in theory, be used to make the prints faster and negate any problems regarding the FEP film (which can wrinkle, tear and be a hassle to clean when small pieces are stuck to it). The ideal liquid would have to be:

    • Inert to UV light
    • Not miscible with the resin
    • Denser than 1.25g/cm³

    Maybe the liquid doesn't even need to have a small refraction, so long as the light doesn't diffuse too much after going through ~1mm of it. That or doing some compensation on the print.


    Why there are no "secondary" sports league that allow performance enhancement drugs?

    I mean, you'll find people using PEDs in any sport, despite the risk of bans and everything. Steroid use is also rampant among bodybuilders.

    There is an "obvious market", but why do such sport leagues or federations that openly allow those drugs exist?

    I can imagine that such a thing existing would create an immediate and widespread health problem with lots of people, athletes or not, using those performance enhancers and accidentally fucking themselves. But what else could be a problem?


    Something to ruffle some penguin feathers: The Unix Hater's Handbook

    This is a 1994 book about the many woes that Unix derived systems brought to sysadmins that were used to other solutions. Considering the number of commands that Linux still uses, it's definitely worth a read.
