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ICastFist I Cast Fist

Just your typical internet guy with questionable humor

Posts 114
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It's Tuesday, what made you happy last week?
  • I bought Herdeiros do Khan, Brazil Imperial, Azul Summer Pavillion (mini) and Anachrony, the latter is the one I'm still waiting to arrive and is likely the one I'll take the longest to understand the rules :)

  • Xenon
  • Xenon are an advanced robotic faction in the X universe, so Xenon for space travel checks out

  • Anon works at gamestop
  • Did a quick search, that game is available to pretty much every platform. PS2, PS3, PS4, Wii, WiiU, NDS, 360. The buy 2 get 1 free makes more sense now

  • The Saw movie franchise, but for mild annoyances
  • You can only escape this room once these four, 70+ old people understand how to play Super Bomberman 2 on the SNES

  • Ancient Aliens ass theory
  • Never understood the whole conspiracy angle on the pyramids.

    Racism. Every stupid conspiracy involving ancient civilizations is always rooted in some sort of racism. "Egyptians aren't white, so they clearly couldn't have done something so big by themselves!!!" - "The Mayan nobility is depicted as having weird shaped heads, thus it was aliens that taught them how to make those great pyramids!"

  • It's Tuesday, what made you happy last week?
  • Some boardgames I've bought arrived, only one still in transit. I've read and understood the rules of 2, I'm ready to put them in action.

    Now, the hard part: getting people to play with.

  • TIL: About Dyson Sphere. A hypothetical megastructure we would put around a star to absorb the energy being sent in space
  • Or DYson Bubbles, which would also "cover" enough "surface" to be viable without needing god knows how many planets' worth of material

  • rule
  • They also think I am a furry and they are spot on

    From furry to femboy is like getting out of bed and going to the bathroom

  • I wish I had the super strength of Superman, with my entire body being able to safely deal with the increased forces

    Please give me ideas rule
  • Do you draw with a mouse? Or do you work with a proper stylus and tablet?

    Here's something to keep you busy for a while: A minecraft blocky character stacking a Lego character stacking a human kid

  • Rust is Eating JavaScript
  • Can we please go back to making programs for the target OS and skip the browser dependency?

  • Luanti (formerly Minetest) v5.11 out now with an in-game settings menu and better server browser
  • Is there any minecraft clone that uses non-blocky character models? Or how would one go to mod Luanti to use different meshes for some of the characters?

  • Stop the historical revisionism
  • Their rule was so administratively superior that they did not need to have any physical records of anything they did, thus baffling archaeologists, accountants and managers worldwide

  • Anon shares his taste in music
  • Personally, I've become a huge fan of Blokus and have been showing it to people every chance I get. Responses have been very positive.

    I might get a trigon version so it plays nicely with 3 people.

  • When They Become the Person You Wanted—for Someone Else
  • The lesson: stop trying to "be better" or "make everything better" all the time in a relationship, as that's a surefire way to get your significant other to expect more out of you.

  • Anon shares his taste in music
  • I'm already there 😅

    Even worse, the Brazilian version, Banco Imobiliário, which is what "everyone played" here, was an even worse game than Monopoly.

  • Planet Coaster 2's latest update adds synchronised rides, customisable video billboards, and stops guests suffering from perpetual panic
  • stops guests suffering from perpetual panic

    I thought that was a feature to deal with Let's Game it Out videos

  • "Your hearing loss is not service related" - Veterans' Affairs Administration, ~50 AD
  • "Neither is the burn on your shoulder, or your lung problem from sniffing muzzles"

  • Why nobody else bought twitter before?
  • Because it most definitely did. trump was banned from twitter, musk bought twitter and reinstated trump's account. This little favor definitely allowed the two to get closer.

  • Why do we put our hands on our heads when something makes us also want to yell "NO!"

    For instance, when your team misses a super close shot at scoring, or when you lose a super tense game match by a hair.


    What could be making good ol' Reggie so happy?


    Got any interesting random region seeds?

    I'm trying out a few seeds myself to see what I end up getting. My current favorite, dees1, spawns fucktons of relaxaurus in the starting area, ragnahawks, bushis and celesdirs in the areas of the Petalia and Elizabee bosses, faleris aqua and orserks in the wetlands of Grintale boss, among other interesting spawns.

    What are some seeds you folks tried?


    Let's play "Spot the problems"


    [your game name here!] -


    Funny, I'm pretty sure they lose their shit whenever any of these words show up in a conversation: queer, cis, pronouns, they/them

    >> funny part about "Kamala campaign can't target men" is that they can't target men because they refuse to employ the crass humor needed to effectively target the kind of men they currently fail to target. They know what they have to do, they simply aren't strong enough to do it.

    >> They lost because they won't say slurs. People are not ready for this conversation.

    > Hadn't thought of this before, but it makes sense. Men just won't take you seriously if you're offended by or scared of words.

    Straight from one of the shittier parts of the fediverse.


    Why can ballpoint pens fail permanently when they still have so much ink left?


    Anon gets rid of crackheads


    Does anyone have custom rules for Pocket Imperium?

    The game is a very simple and all about territory control. A common complaint is exactly that it's too simple. Does anyone know about custom rules or things that can give more variety to the game, without necessarily making it too complex?


    You can't fight bullshit with information because each side has a very different "win condition"

    The best way to understand is looking at it like a game

    People that want to inform others need to explain stuff, sometimes more thoroughly than reasonably needed, which takes, say, 50 energy per answer. They also need people to understand what's being informed, this is their "win condition"

    Bullshitters just need to spam shit, never need to check sources, never need to be truthful and will use all sorts of logical fallacies when confronted. It takes 1 energy to start, 1 energy to spread AND they can convince others to spread it further for them. They don't want to inform, they want to get an immediate reaction, which is often of anger towards a "culprit". Their win condition is reach + emotional reaction.

    Even worse, bullshitters will hypocritically pile up on anyone that they judge to not be playing "by the rules", since they have complete disregard for rules that don't benefit them.


    YSK: There's a site that lists delisted games

    The site also has pages for keeping track of what has been delisted from specific vendors, such as Steam, Epic or GOG for PC


    Rule you a cyberpunk?


    Alice in Wonderland began the furry fandom confirmed


    Can you share some ideas for recycling yogurt cups into terrain?

    I've got a number of these cups in a variety of sizes, but I can't figure what kind of scenery to do with them. I'd like some ideas, both fantasy and futuristic, whether as blogs, pictures or videos.


    Introducing Renault on Rails (eyes on the left)


    Why did it take so damn long for humanity to "learn" how to draw/paint realistic images?

    I mean, you take one look at Greek statues and Roman busts and you realize that people figured how to aim for realism, at least when it came to the human body and faces, over 2000 years ago.

    Yet, unlike sculpture, paintings and drawings remained, uh, "immature" for centuries afterwards (to my limited knowledge, it was the Italian Renaissance that started making realistic paintings). Why?


    Maybe all this AI bullshit might finally push people to touch grass and interact face to face some more

    Given how harder it's becoming to tell apart AI slop from something made by a human (videos, photos, text), and how much scammers and other criminals are piling up on the tech, I'm thinking this will be the silver lining, making some people pay more attention to real life and finally accept the maxim "Don't believe everything you see on the internet"


    The internet, every October


    TIL: Being intellectually gifted is a spectrum of neurodivergence and does not automatically mean the person is/will be a genius in anything

    Other points:

    • it's not mutually exclusive with any other neurodivergence, in which case they're "twice exceptional";
    • In an environment with unprepared people and professionals, they may be wrongly diagnosed as having some other neurodivergence.
    • It's not just a high IQ score;
    • Gifted kids can be problem students and have low grades;
    • Homework feels like torture (this is true to any child, tho);
    • They're very likely to question authorities and point out perceived hypocrisy (emphasis here on perceived, because pointing something and being right are different things);
    • As kids, they may have weird quirks for executing tasks, such as wanting to hold pencils the "wrong" way, or wanting to press against a wall to do homework;

    If you're Brazilian or can understand Brazilian Portuguese, this is the podcast I listened to -

    Aos brasileiros que acabarem encontrando esse post, o podcast que assisti é o que linkei acima


    "Open Source" or similarly licensed boardgames?

    I've been interested in checking out some "DIY" boardgames, ones that you could just print the pieces/sheets/cards/tokens/etc and play.

    I'm mostly interested in boardgames that can be played with 4+ people and require little setup or rules introduction, as I'm pretty much being the "gateway drug" for the group (everyone I've shown Blokus so far has loved the game).

    I'm ok with knowing about heavy games (stuff that takes an afternoon to finish) to keep an eye on for future reference
