I didn't mean for this post to cause a bunch of arguing in the comments =(
I thought this was just some gallows humor (e.g. "Everything's lovely except that I have to fear for my safety all the time") type of shitpost that sounded similar to comments I've heard from women irl a lot.
That shadowm'n on her 1am walk is gonna go away quickly if I'm with her and she ices me right there in the Applebee's parking-lot 🫠 she's allowed to do it. It happens all the time...
This also depends on what kind of roads you have to walk on - highways suck for nighttime walks, because not only are you constantly on edge to try not to get run over, you also need to walk for miles to get anywhere.
Suburbs are nicer, but the best is to walk in a park, but that raises your chances of getting murdered by a lot so idk
I don't know where I was going with this. I lost my train of thought.
My suburb neighborhood is filled with walkers and it is super unsafe at night. They decided when they built it that they didn't want to to create and maintain sidewalks and street lamps, so people always walk in the road and the only lights are the lamp posts at the end of people's driveways. And almost nobody wears reflectives, or carries lights or anything on their person. Particularly when you're blinded by an oncoming car's lights, it's nearly impossible to see people until you're right up on them.
It's so stupid and shortsighted. Living environments are not just the inside of our homes - it includes the outside, the neighbourhood, and the options you have to travel in and out of there. All of this together decide your quality of life inside your home.
I should have expected to see a bunch of whining when I opened the thread.
I'm also cis male and I am worried about strange men coming near me at night when no one is around. Because, you know, muggers and shit. They murder sometimes too. Does that make you whiny little bitches' hurt feelings go away?
My brother is a cis male too, he was assaulted and robbed, by two males (at least seemingly so, can't exactly say what they identify as 6 years later).
Just a bunch of males who only complain about the statistics of men being harmed when women talk about systemtic sexism. They'd probably also loudly claim that white people are victims of racism too when a black people talks about being harassed by cops.
Violent crimes happen to men more than women on average.
I am a HUGE advocate for women staying safe. I think more women need to purchase and properly learn how to use a personal high speed lead slinging device.
HOWEVER I do not care for this claim that women are always the victims. Statistically they aren't more frequently attacked or murdered. In fact they are slightly less likely to be victims. Bad people are gonna do bad things and everyone should learn to protect themselves against those bad people.
DOUBLE HOWEVER Men are overwhelming the perpetrator of violent crimes against everyone. More than 75% of violent crimes is committed by men.
Unfortunately it's very difficult to pull apart big data sets accurately. It's difficult to pin down what murders are for sure gang related and which ones aren't. Obviously there are some situations where it's very clear, but some where it is not. Where you draw that line changes things significantly.
Ohh is this the part where you break it down further and try to say because statistically PoC are more likely to commit crimes that PoC are the problem?
Because that’s certainly sounds like the sort of shittake you’re already doing there.
I routinely would go on long walks at all hours of the night (like 3am), with headphones on. Ive done this in the US, Brazil, and Europe in all kinds of neighborhoods. I was a 180lb male and I somewhat consciously and subconsciously would put on the lunatic vibe of "I am the one who knocks".
Now I started my transition, down to 150 lbs, dressing more feminine. Still have a decent amount of muscle but Truuust me, the vibe is not the same. This meme is valid.
I'm a cis man and closer to 140 lbs (with average height). And though I don't regularly go out for night walks, when I do I don't feel particularly unsafe. A little more cautious perhaps, especially around groups of drunk people but that's about it.
If I were forced to fight the average person I meet at night I would literally have to resort to using my damn teeth or expect to be beaten up to a pulp at the very least.
Still, the risk of me ending up in such a situation is tiny. I'm far more likely to be run over by a car - which actually almost happened a couple weeks back had I not paid attention.
Honestly, I think large parts of women's fear at night in the US is culture dependent. You don't have walkable streets over there so children don't have the opportunity to walk to kindergarten or school. Over here in winter children are literally walking to school at night, before sunrise.
You do have a shitton of neverending fear mongering. Like, the concept of "Amber Alerts" is absurd over here in Europe, I can't imagine what this would've done to me as a child if I had been told on a daily basis that strangers are out to get me.
There are shittons of rape & murder fantasy communities with secretly taken & stolen pictures on porn & snuff websites, on the snuff websites there’s unfortunately also real stuff.
This is something I really didn’t want to know. I wouldn’t want to walk in the shoes of my gf honestly just judging from the amount of harassment she faces in liberal, progressive western cities by men of all age & skin color (need to say this nowadays unfortunately). Add to that being physically inferior that creates a sense of being constantly threatened. Also, they are targeted specifically because they are women and femicide is a real, bad issue.
Not disagreeing that anyone could be affected, just saying I can easily walk at night because no one would target me specifically for being a man.
What those statistics do not take into account is the different incidence rates of men/women being out alone at night.
Because women feel more afraid going out into the dark alone, they're less likely to do so, creating less opportunities for them to be robbed/raped/killed.
To make an analogy:
What are my chances to drown in the sea if I never go swimming in the sea? 0% chance.
What if I go swimming once a week, with a risk of drowning of 0.5% each time I do so: then there's ~23% chance that I'll drown by the end of the year.
What if go swimming twice a year, but because I'm such an amateur the chance that I drown is 5%: there is ~10% chance that I drown by the end of the year.
Conclusion: even though it is 10x more dangerous for the inexperienced swimmer to go swimming in the sea, in a given year the experienced swimmer is still 2.3 times more likely to drown in the sea than the inexperienced one.
You write like you are disagreeing with something in this post, in your own small pathetic way. But I fail to see what part of the post you are disagreeing with
That's a lot of not making a point. The girl in the OP is still worried about walking at night and the most common threat to a woman in that situation is still men. You didn't counterpoint any of that, so it is just you shouting into the wind about stuff no one is talking about. Cool.
The girl in the OP is still worried about walking at night and the most common threat to a woman in that situation is still men. You didn't counterpoint any of that,
Here's one. In my area, statistically I'm more likely to be physically assaulted by an african american male than anyone else, does that make it ok for me to post things like "I can't go walking at night because some black men like to murder?" Clearly NO, because I've simply added one demographic factor, that is still statistically more likely to attack me, and that makes it racist. Just because I am more likely to be attacked by a black guy because of the actions of a small subset of that demographic doesn't mean it's ok to treat every one of them as an attacker, and I'd argue the same goes for race agnostic "men" generalizations based on a small subset of that demographic either, even though statistically an attacker is more likely to be a man as well.
Gross to me that multiple comments here are ignoring this reality. Crimes committed by men against women in situations like that are so common that women aren't protecting themselves unless they consider every unfamiliar man a potential threat.
Obviously women can also commit crimes against men, but its so much less common that I don't have to take precautions to protect myself against them.
As a man it kind of sucks when you are assumed to be dangerous even when you aren't, but you need to get over it. Its not worth it for women to compromise their safety, and assume you to not be a threat just to make you feel better.
Obviously women can also commit crimes against men, but its so much less common that I don't have to take precautions to protect myself against them.
Yeah, I've never had second-thoughts about walking past some dangerous-looking women or checking over my shoulder to make sure some woman isn't following me home. This is a regular thing that women deal with, and pretending that the experiences are anywhere close to equivalent is odd.
I keep an eye on everyone, even a woman with a kid in a pram (assuming the pram isn't just an empty decoy) could try to mug you, people get desperate and chavs get violent. Always keep your head on a swivel, don't trust anyone at face value just because of their gender or what they look like.
People are afraid of anything in these situations, but they justify it by using men as an excuse, even though, you wouldn’t tell it’s man or women, until it’s too late anyways….
Is it really common though? Looking at the generalized US stats its seems that 95%+ of women murdered are by a person they know. Where as for men that stat is 78%. Its pretty rare to get murdered let alone murdered outside on the street. Most* people fear strangers because of news events not because of likelihood.
Crimes committed by random strangers against women are practically non-existent. Women absolutely need to fear their creepy neighbors or angry ex, as people they know are the actual risks.
Haha.. You may be right about how often it happens, but no woman is going to feel safe because it rarely happens. Women can get kidnapped or beaten up or raped too... It's not a safe world.
It's not a safe world for guys either but at least we are built to take a few punches without breaking an arm.
Random woman: I like late night walks, but I'm scared for my safety.
This thread for some reason: YOU DON'T THINK MEN GET SCARED? MURDERED!?
Like, chill. Yes, men can absolutely be murdered/hurt walking alone. But are we really going to sit here and act like women are making up their concerns/grievances out of spite? For some reason, if anyone mentions a general concern/issue related to women's experiences with men, some people trip over themselves to say how it's actually not an issue and how it's actually so much worse for men. If I'm listening to a male DV victim and I go, "well, actually, women are more likely to be victims of DV. You know, it's actually not even an issue for you. Here, look at these numbers that prove that women are the victims. Do you not mention it because you hate women? Why are you trying to ruin our spotless reputation as delicate flowers that can do no wrong with your lies", you would think I was nuts, and for good reason.
I mean these comments are pretty insane but cmon you know what you said is not equivalent, this meme uses othering language and people got mad at it because it groups them with people they likely despise. Why can't we just be on the same team? If I say "being outgoing is a vibe too bad women love emotionally abusing people" I sincerely hope you wouldn't defend that.
I wouldn't defend it because I wouldn't even think it was talking about me in the first place. Some women are emotionally abusive, but I wouldn't assume they literally meant every single woman on earth is an asshole and feel the urge to swoop in with, "Hey, not all women. Some of us are nice! Here, look at these studies that show that women are more likely to be in the other end of the abuse!"
Honestly, I'm more concerned if you think the threat of murder at night is a comparable threat to emotional abuse from any gender.
I get that Lemmy skews young and male and not on 2010s social media (like old Twitter) but it's almost like they weren't around for the discussions that the "NotAllMen" hashtag generated, or the coining of the term sea lioning.
This from a user on an instance that's known for their open villification of any opinion that goes against the moscow and beijing dictated groupthi--
Wait, wait hold on. Could it possibly be that we both have deeply subjective views of the other large instances, because humans fall to tribalism faster than a kitten on a sock full of catnip? Maybe there's a vested interest on every side to keep the early adopters of a decentralized social media platform infighting over meaningless stereotypes based on the letters that come after their username, making value judgements based entirely on dictated preconceptions instead of experiential conclusions and honest interaction?
... nah, probably not. And besides, it's way more fun to just sling mud. Screw u, u commie scuzbucket.
Could it possibly be that we both have deeply subjective views of the other large instances, because humans fall to tribalism faster than a kitten on a sock full of catnip?
nope, it's because your instance is operated by people who refuse to moderate disinformation under some naive belief that enough debate bro-ing is all it takes to defeat it, failing to understand that the effort it takes to proliferate hate and disinformation is much smaller than the effort it takes to refute it. as such, lemmy.world is becoming overrun with some of the most toxic motherfuckers on the entire platform because all the sane people are being driven away.
This from a user on an instance that’s known for having a large amounts of transphobic, homophobic, misogynist and racists users and a mod team that doesnt do the bare minimun to deal with them
Well when you scrape the top layer of reddit mold, which is comprised of the most politically and socially charged individuals, and put them in one place, this is to be expected.
It's literally engagement bait gender wars bullshit. This conversation is fucking useless until you start asking WHY and none of them do, they just start throwing bullshit around about their own personal anecdotes or start screaming "NO THATS NOT TRUE" "YES IT IS"
It's a useless never ending "debate". Man vs. Bear should've taught us that. Mods should've locked the post or deleted it already IMO.
Enacting change is not the point of the post, it's just a woman making a joke about the way she experiences life to others who may experience life in the same way. Men just got their feelings hurt and now, instead of trying to prove they're not sexist, they're in full denial about the rampant oppression women live every day.
You don't get it? I'm not upset by it, but it makes sense that others might.
What if instead of men it said Jewish people? Black men? Short Asian females? Brown folks? Makes it a little more obvious why it would be problematic no?
It's casting blame/shame on an incredibly large group for no particular reason (humor?). It's just a dumb joke, but again, I get why some might be offended a bit.
If a white dude would say this, the prople getting triggered right now wouldn't even care. The post wouldn't even get that many upvotes. Most people are getting triggered because it's a woman saying it.
It's pretty crazy, like when people go ''men who rape children should be in prison for life or capital punishment'' I've never once in my life read that and thought ''Oh no! How mean! You're hurting my feelings, what if instead of 'men' you said 'jews' then you'd see how hateful and mean your statement is!''
Are you a murderer, bro? No? Well maybe this ISN'T about you special boy feelings? Crazy I know.
It's the same when people dicuss any form of racism, or the history of slavery in the US. What do you get? Self identifying white people loading up the comments with ''I DIDN'T DO SLAVERY STOP HURTING MY FEELINGS!!!'' or ''You know what's a totally unnecessary justification for chattel slavery in US history? Also African people did slavery. So. STOP HURTING MY SPECIAL WHITE FEELINGS!'' or ''You know what's a lie that I use to justify my racist feelings towards anyone with darker skin than me? I can blame all the darks for the actions of individuals who are also darks, but don't you dare talk to me about white men statistically being more likely to molest kids or commit arson or murder white women they are married to or dating or being more likely to abandon their children that's FUCKING REVERSE RACISM! I'M THE VICTIM OF THE REAL RACISM NOT THOSE DARK SKIN PEOPLE WHO ARE ALL THE SAME AND EVIL!!''
My problem with this post is exactly the same I have with any broad assumptions over a poorly defined group: taken as fact, they're false.
Of course it's meant to make a point, and a very valid one. But I'll point out that there are many places in the world where a young woman can go out for a walk at night without fear of never being seen again, and it's not because there's fewer men, so perhaps we should focus on the conditions to achieve this?
If the meme was clearly an assertion of fact that men in general love murdering women, yes
Personally I read it as "[some] men love murdering"
Statistically most people don't get murdered, but air-travel is also very safe, and people are still afraid of flying. If a meme about wanting to travel said "shame that planes crash" people probably wouldn't be all angry about it. Or perhaps they would, people* are weird
I've been told my whole life tbat i can't go out at night alone because it 's unsafe. Why is it unsafe? Because there are men out there. Apparently it's ok for the men in my life to say other men are dangerous but it's not ok for me to say that men are dangerous. A plague on both your houses. You are all unsafe.
Where is the mention of the victim's gender in this meme? If there was a man in a picture, not a woman, do you think the text would be less true? Do you feel comfortable walking somewhere at night when some strange man starts walking up to you? I sure as hell don't despite my possession of a penis.
I mean, if I were to throw out lines such as "if only women didn't demand so much", I'd be guilty of misogyny regardless of who I implied the demand was levied against.
The misandry here is "men love to commit murder", not the implication of who is murdered.
finland has a homocide rate of about 1 per 100k.
Countries are generally lower than cities, but some cities for context :
Hong Kong : 0.29
Glendale CA : 0.52
Tampere, Finland : 2.2
Arlington TX: 4.8
Los Angeles CA : 10.3
Albequerqe NM : 21.3
Washington DC : 31.85
Flint MI : 70.7
Tijuana MX : 95.9
Maybe I'm too tired or dumb to understand this... But 1 per 100k what? Is this successes per 100k attempts? Is it murderers per 100k people? 1 homicide per 100k human interactions? Maybe a citation would help me to understand the statistic you are referring to. It's not that I don't believe the sentiment of this comment but I really don't know what the figures mean here so I can't meaningfully gauge what each number means for the safety of a city.
Agreed. Like I get "hurr durr statistics". But you're not very likely to be in a car crash on any given day, but you still put your seat belt on. That people can't take the backseat for just a second and have some empathy for the struggles of other people without butting in with whataboutism. You're even allowed to share in their struggle. I don't fear I'll be SAd, but of course I fear physical violence, so use your commonality to support each other rather than trying to one up.
As a girl, I love taking walks in the evening/night or early in the morning, they really are a vibe! However if there's a man who appears to be following behind me, I always grab my keys in my pocket to be ready to fight in case he tries anything. I will also text friends/family when I'm going out and text them when I arrive back home.
There’s not enough education about psychopaths and the dangerous subtypes like dark-triad psychopathy.
I only learned about it in my mid twenties.
If we taught about it there could be prevented a lot of harm.
If you don’t know about it chances are that you always ask yourself „how could someone do This?!“
Simply because they have characteristics that are so far away from your world of feelings and perception of social stuff that you are incapable of understanding it unless you get informed, at least this was my situation.
I disagree. Everyone is free to make their decisions. Whether it is a feeling of good and evil, a philosophical or religious belief or a simple "I don't like jail time" does not matter. Also, there is a very slippery slope of "this guy has an evil mind, better lock him up before he does something".
How is anyone free? You don't pick your genes or parents or where you're born and grow up, which friends you happen to make, or what opportunities come your way in life both for gain and for loss, trauma, abuse. How any of us grow into adulthood as fully functional compassionate human beings seems like a miracle, unless as OC said, you recognize that some people simply are just wired for evil, and need to be treated differently.
You are 10x more likely to die by falling, car crash or unintentionally poisoned than get murdered.
You are 20x more likely to die by falling, car crash, or unintentionally poisoned than get murdered, as a woman.
Women are actually much less likely to get murdered in general.
Stop villainizing men. This is equally as idiotic as villainizing POC because they have higher crime rates Dont sink to the level of the GOP by generalizing. The unfair alienation of young men is real, and ultimately cost us the election, just so we can feel better than them.
You to the woman taking a cab home after a night at the club: "Ma'am, don't you know you're 20x more likely to die by falling, car crash, or unintentional poisoning than being murdered? Why don't you walk home alone instead of taking the cab?"
I dont understand why people are so offended by my comment. Why blame a whole demographic by something committed by 0.02% of them? Why are so people so intent on such blame? It accomplishes less than nothing, it just antagonizes the group you are attempting to reach.
That sucks man. I love night walks too, especially through secluded areas and when it's super dark, overcast and windy. There is something very enjoyable and exhilarating about being outside, invisible and unnoticed in a busy world. I feel bad that you don't get to enjoy that.
I like to do a fun exercise every time I read something like this.
Swap the word for who you are accusing with some other group. If this make the statement distasteful then the statement is distasteful in it's orginal form.
The Left like to blame men, the right like to blame immigrants so for example: "it's a shame immigrants love to commit murder".
Why is it okay to say men love to murder but not immigrants?
How is this not bigotry and discrimination toward a group of population?
I've seen the same post in far right groups just changing the word man by some racial slur. Same energy. And also same bigots trying to justify their intolerance with shitty statistics.
Because men are statistically more likely to commit violent crimes. Targeting both men and women. Women are just easier targets because they are physically weaker.
in some places people of certain skincolors or descents are more likely to commit certain crimes so that's not really an argument.
The better argument IMO is that the racist versions target discriminated minority groups, while this one targets the group that is generally not the victim
Yikes. Someone makes a gender based overgeneralization when overwhelming evidence (look at crime stats) proves it incorrect, and those that dare to defend that group get attacked.
Bigotry is bigotry. If you hate a group purely based on their superficial membership, then you are bigoted.
The strongest argument you have is when you compare violence perpetrated by gender. But even then, that doesn't support your argument that all men are evil in some way. And at such low numbers, it's disingenuous deflection b/c even the two summed up don't account for even 1% of the population. Sad that so many of you have brain rot.
does the post say "all men are murderers"? no, it doesn't. it is however true that a disproportionate amount of men are murderers, especially compared to women, the number of whom that are murderers of men or other women are so statistically low compared to men that it isn't even worthy of consideration.
men, generally, are far more likely to commit acts of violence than women. and the number of men who do, while not the majority, is high enough for women to be afraid of men in general.
under our existing patriarchal social conditions, men are murderers. they're more inclined to violence and present a higher risk than women. saying "men are murderers" doesn't mean "all men including you are murderers" it simply means that the threat is near entirely comprised of men. you should also be aware that we also don't think that this is inherent to being a man but a manifestation of social conditioning under patriarchy that encourages such behavior in men.
lol, i literally point out how your retort is flawed, and you bull head through it anyways.
What's funny but somehow escapes the terminal basement dwellers is that the majority of productive women do not worry about this b/c they understand how stats work. But bigots are never smart enough to even understand basic stats.
You joke but I do that, I don't want to appear like I have any money, so if I'm going to be out at night I wear my shitty Timex most often instead of the fancy (looking) Nixon, ripped thrifted sweatshirts instead of Supreme (or whatever brand is popular now tbh I'm not a brand guy anyway, but ykwim "clearly nice clothes"), etc. Nobody's robbing the guy who looks like he's about to explain how he just needs $23 to get a bus ticket and if you could just help...
That's why you get a gun (Edit: If you are in a jurisdiction where you can). Practice and be prepared to use. Don't ever hesitate, someone tries to attack you, regardless of gender, they forfeit their right to life.
(Also get pepper spray in case you are in a dangerous situation, but its not enough to warrant a deadly response, then just fucking spray them, and run. If they chase after you, fucking shoot them*)
If you are in a jurisdiction where you can't get a gun, then, I guess the pepper is probably your best bet.
This advice goes for both men and women.
I am not a lawyer. Make sure you check the laws of your jurisdiction first before doing anything.
TLDR: Get pepper spray, and get a gun. Use them in that order.
Edit: *If they chase after you and you have no way of escape, and you have a resonable belief of imminent harm
Edit 2: Btw, the American police will not help you, I don't like violence either, but when nobody is helping you, there is really not other option. I'd love to not have to kill someone if the police is actually helpful (and responds in time)
The thing with carrying a gun is that pulling it out can really escalate a situation quickly, and if you're not experienced enough, it can be turned against you.
That being said, I fucking hate that I can't carry even pepper spray because here you need a permit for it.
If you're going to get a gun just use the gun. If you use yhe pepper spray and then the gun, cops are going to can you* because you shoot someone that was incapacitated
Maybe ask a lawyer in your area before taking legal advice from lemmy, as both above comments are poor legal advice.
It highly depends on your area, but having OC spray for "normal threats" as they're called is sound advice, it is not legal to shoot people until they become a "deadly threat" (by a jury's decision, not yours) and you're in immanent danger of death or great bodily injury (hospital type stuff).
However, simply "them fighting through the spray" may not be enough without a disparity in force (if he's 6'4" and she's 5'0", if there's multiple attackers, if he's armed with a blunt/sharp instrument or gun, etc) to bump him up to the "deadly" category. If there are other extenuating factors like listed it may be fine. In some areas you have to retreat to the best of your ability and couldn't "just shoot him if he starts chasing you" you'd have to run until it became clear escape was impossible.
Do not take anything I say here as fact for your area either, it is HIGHLY variable is kinda my whole point, look up your local laws before if you're considering buying/carrying a gun, or even for carrying OC spray (illegal in NYC, for instance, and many states have limits on strength, etc).
Bitch wouldn't be so scared if she had mad bo staff skills... Napoleon tried to show ya'll, but everyone just laughed... Tina you fat lard come and get some dinner!
According to pbs and wikipedia, 4% of the US male population voted for Kamala Harris less compared to women
This could have possibly affected the results of the 2024 US election if those 4% voted for Kamala Harris instead of Donald Trump, but that would ignore the effects of propaganda
First of all, I'm glad you found a way to make this political. Good on you.
Second of all, just like secure straight men don't get violent when they're accused of being gay, there should be no reason upstanding men should take it personally when women voice their concerns about other men.
they lost because they alienated the anti-genocide voter, not because of you insignificant dorks who take it personally when women express fear in a patriarchal society that's overwhelmingly violent against them. you were never going to vote anything other than chud anyway.
it's normal, or at least it used to be normal and even encouraged by men for women to be cautious about men because men make it dangerous out there. encouraged to carry mace, to only meet men for the first time in public places. for a lot of men this has been a social norm and it's perfectly understood why. the ones who aren't understanding this are the ones that women should be afraid of.
Edit, it’s dark and night, how can you tell who’s approaching you? Men and women both murder, you’re worried about being murdered, not “men murdering” sexism works both ways yo.
Certain minorities have higher chances of committing crimes as well but treating them differently based on that is textbook discrimination. Weird how one judgment is okay and the other is not.
oh for fuck's sake you know this is full of shit. just because women are technically physically capable of doing it, that doesn't mean they're statistically an equal threat.
So, at what age are you proposing this to be done? Would you be proposing the reversible version of a vasectomy? Who decides if its allowed to be reversed? Are you advocating for a worldwide birth decline, because most men would rather have the sex without the burden/scare of pregnancy anyway, so if they were forced to do it why would they undo it? Are you prepared for the christian-ethno state to form when the only people having kids will be the ultra-religious who believe in a stupid fucking sky daddy who tells them to have 60 billion children? Did you consider ANY of that before writing this stupid fucking comment that compares getting your cat neutered so he doesnt piss on the Furniture to getting human males neutered so they dont... kill someone in an allyway??
Oh my god you're right. What a fool I've been advocating that we geld humans like farm animals and I never considered the dystopian implications of that. Thank you for showing me the light, brother 🙏
At night on walks!? We are talking about the dangers of walking alone at night. Are 13 year old boys afriad to walk in the park because they will get jumped by pedophiles of the opposite gender?
You're part of the problem. You hear that violence from men is too high, and rather than think what you might help do about it or how to avoid adding to that statistic yourself, you feel threatened by it and try to defend yourself with whataboutism.
Ironically, it's probably this kind of emotion immaturity that leads men to violence more. Please, critically engage with these ideas and learn some emotional maturity.
When a female teacher sleeps with a male student it is international news because those are very popular stories that get a lot of clicks (you know why).
When a male teacher does it, it's local news for maybe a week.
This can lead stupid people into thinking there is a endemic problem with female teachers abusing male students, but that's like thinking it's easy to won the lottery because there's always lottery winners in the news.
except the implication kikutwo's trying to get across here isn't true at all. stop entertaining this garbage. one instance of something happen is not equivalent to an immense amount of something else happening.