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starman2112 starman2112

He/Him Jack of all trades, master of none

Posts 5
Comments 2.8K
  • Team periwinkle represent

    The admins fucking rigged that game

  • Part of this complete breakfast!
  • Takes a distant third to magic spoon

  • What did your parents refrigerate? Mine refrigerated bread.
  • Pro tip: always toast that shit. Everything that bread is used for is better when it's toasted

  • What did your parents refrigerate? Mine refrigerated bread.
  • Yeah because you should refrigerate bread

  • it's a big deal jack
  • To anyone thinking "we survived one term of Trump, how bad can another one be?"

    Read this:

    And then read this:

    A lot of us straight up didn't survive one term of Trump

  • Checkmate Valve
  • Your children can inherit your GOG library. Buy DRM free!

    Or just pirate lmao

  • War Thunder community manager issues apology for using explosion from the Challenger disaster in artwork.
  • someone put it their initially

    Yeah... Do you think the people using these packs are the same people putting the packs together? Do you think they sifted through reference pack after reference pack looking for the one that had the challenger explosion? Or do you reckon maybe it's more likely it was an unlabeled picture that the devs didn't recognize at first?

  • War Thunder community manager issues apology for using explosion from the Challenger disaster in artwork.
  • Did you think they deliberately went and took a screenshot of the Challenger disaster specifically to use in the game? It was part of an asset pack

  • Stonehenge not visibly damaged by protest paint. It's clean and ready to rock the solstice
  • Any protest that doesn't physically damage buildings owned by the fossil fuel industry aren't going far enough

    This comment is advocating for property damage

  • Stonehenge not visibly damaged by protest paint. It's clean and ready to rock the solstice
  • If it's as non-destructive as the rest of their protests, then I'd have nothing against it

  • Lemons(?) of Lemmy, what is something that feels so obvious to you that you just get lowkey pissed at the world for not knowing?
  • Do you really not get the difference between "the chemicals are the same chemicals" and "nuh uh?"

  • Lemons(?) of Lemmy, what is something that feels so obvious to you that you just get lowkey pissed at the world for not knowing?
  • I'm ignoring it because you don't really have anything to say besides "we don't know what the health effects of lab grown meat will be" when it's quite literally exactly the same as normal meat. It's like complaints about GMOs. The process of producing it may be different, but the physical material that you consume is literally identical on a chemical level. It's nothing like cigarettes.

  • Lemons(?) of Lemmy, what is something that feels so obvious to you that you just get lowkey pissed at the world for not knowing?
  • Wrong. Doctors lied about it for years when it first came out and long after

    Some doctors may have been wrong, but that doesn't mean nobody knew cigarettes were dangerous. I'll save my time and assume that if you're this unabashedly wrong about this, you're probably as unabashedly wrong about everything else too

  • Lemons(?) of Lemmy, what is something that feels so obvious to you that you just get lowkey pissed at the world for not knowing?
  • What's the actual difference between a cancer cell and a normal cell, aside from the fact that cancer cells don't kill themselves? Is cancer from a cow transmissible to humans?

    People knew the effects of tobacco for centuries, actually. But also, it became widely known as soon as it started being widely investigated. I have the same argument about vapes all the time. Within like 2 years cigarettes went from being something prescribed by doctors to something that everyone knows gives you cancer. When something is as heavily scrutinized as vapes or lab-grown meat, you can be damned sure the effects will be widely understood within a couple of decades

  • I was blind, but now I see
  • Lmao like we're selling snake oil

  • I was blind, but now I see
  • Is the leaves thing common for people who get glasses for the first time? That was the most intense sight for me at 25 years old, was seeing the individual leaves on a tree like 50 feet away

  • Keep your diet simple
  • I hope they enjoyed the quarter of a cup of seeds they got out of those shells

  • [USA] Appeals court rules that cops can physically make you unlock your phone
  • Not always an option. Sometimes reaching for your phone to turn it off will get you killed. Just don't use biometrics.

  • The debate gets interesting sometimes
  • Millions voted for him? So like, 3% of the country? I'm not surprised you don't see those geezers on here. Personally I see a lot of Biden/Harris bumper stickers in my city. Usually on cars driven by sentient piles of dust

  • Every single person in this post is a fucking lunatic


    which one of u was going to tell me that tea tastes different if u put it in hot water?



    y- you were putting it in cold water?????



    Radish. Answer the question radish.



    yeah??? i thought for like. 5 years that ppl just put it in hot water 2 speed up the tea-ification process didn't realize there was an actual reason



    #u think i have the patience to boil water wtf ?????

    You dont have the patience to microwave water for 3 minutes???



    [ID: Tags reading "u think i have the patience to boil water wtf?????" /End ID]

    why are you. putting it in the microwave to boil it



    Do you think I have the patience to boil water on the stove



    Its takes less than a minute



    Bestie is ur stovetop powered by the fucking sun



    How long does it take you to boil a cup of water on the stove



    Like seven minutes



    Just stick the mug on top of the stove on medium heat n it boils in like two minutes... less than that is u use a saucepan...



    Crying you're putting the whole mug on the stove ???? On medium heat???? Ur stove is enchanted



    Every single person in this post is a fucking lunatic



    Yet another post that reads like four shakespeare characters who come out in the middle of the play to talk about something completely unrelated for comic relief




    RADISHN'T: Prithee, which one of you had planned to tell

    Of diff'rent flavours gained by simple act

    Of brewing tea with water hot, not cold?

    MOTHMAN: Egad! you poured the water cold? Wherefore?!

    FROG: An answer from you, Radish, I must beg.

    RADISHN'T: Indeed I did, dear friends - why does this shock?

    Without the guide of others I assumed

    That heat was merely added for the sake

    Of expediting this solution's brewing!

    Half a decade I have spent, or more,

    Not questioning this worldview I had made.

    In fact, I am myself a bit surprised

    That you might think that I, your dearest friend,

    Might have a patience of sufficient stock

    To wait until a pot of water boils.

    FROG: Three minutes overtaxes patience so?

    The microwave will beep when it is done!

    CATS'N: My friend, this answer vexes me the more!

    Can it be true that thou dost boil by nuke?!

    FROG: Are you in turn, my friend, so shocked to know

    That I have not the patience, like our Root,

    To boil upon the stove our favour'd drink?

    CATS'N: It takes less than a minute!

    FROG: On what plate?

    Perhaps your dinner cooks atop the sun?

    CATS'N: How long can take your stove to fill the task

    Of boiling but a single cup alone?

    FROG: In minutes?

    CATS'N: Yes!

    FROG: I counted seven, once.

    CATS'N: Perhaps you ought to have your timepiece checked!

    If on a middle heat you place the cup

    You soon will have the scalding drink you crave.

    Two minutes, in a mug upon the plate

    Or even less, if you should have a pot.

    FROG: You cause me tears - is this how thou dost live?

    You place upon the iron stove a mug?

    A mug, ceramic, filled with water cold?

    How do these flames, though medium in height,

    Not shatter like a glass this fragile thing?

    Surely, then, your kitchen is bewitched

    With magicks far beyond the mortal ken!

    (The FOUR realise they have wandered into the THRONE ROOM. The ROYAL COURT watches with fascination.)

    KING: Ev'ry single person in this group

    must be a fucking lunatic, it seems.
