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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Do you think the world would have been a better place if there were no religions?
  • As an atheist, I think it was necessary for human development.

    Fear is an extremely motivating force, and without the threat of a "hell" for disobeying/ hurting society, it wouldn't motivate people to cooperate. Additionally without the allure of heaven, it wouldn't motivate people to work harder, together.

    Without instruments of science, the world is would be a complete mystery. Religion existed to give it history and meaning, to give people a place and meaning in life. It feels much more comforting to believe you are the beloved child of a greater being, crafting you by hand, instead of an insignificant creature on a wet rock floating endlessly in the void.

    Today I think it is obsolete to an extent, as science has taken the latter role (understanding), and one should not need to be threatened with eternal damnation to stop being malicious. Today religion is now more frequently used for means of brainwash and control rather than betterment of society, which is why I decide not to partake in it.

  • Venting about shit. Angry about the willfully ignorant motherfuckers around me.
  • I'm in a very similar spot. My mom is starting to slip mentally and the further she slides, the more hateful she becomes. Before she knew and were friends with many diverse people. Now she hates their kind. Gays, trans, immigrants, blacks, etc.

    I theorize the more you decline mentally, and lose your ability to critically think, the most convincing arguments are most repeated ones. I've noticed that the strength of her opinions are usually based on the frequency that she hears it. I can predict how often she's gonna start ranting about black people, trans pedophiles, electric vehicles by the amount of content she's watching. The more she watches, the more she argues.

    I can't seem to break her out of this cycle. The right has thoroughly brainwashed her that Democrats and leftists are scum and should only exist to be shamed and exiled. If an opinion or fact is even slightly related to democratic values, she just shuts off and rejects it.

    She had a PhD and was extremely successful but now she has difficulty just using the oven. There are days when she is lucid and relatively straight thinking but other days she is entirely unintelligible and relies heavily on hand gestures.

    Sometimes I wish she would pass. She causes so much pain for everyone around her (my sisters went no contact) and she is in pain herself. She is so extremely stressed and fears that antifa is going to burn down all of the great American cities, the homeless and blacks are going to ravage and loot everything and the left will be complicit since it's their "ultimate goal" to destroy america.

    It makes me extremely sad.

  • Jeff's magic money machine
  • Seems pretty easy, buy 100mil of gold bullion. It's around 3100 lb (1400kg) and is relatively small. I think you could hit it under a bed or couch or two. Probably fit it into a couple awkward corners in your closet. Use one as a paper weight.

  • Posts should (almost) never be locked.

    I think that if an outright war is raging in the comments, let it run it's course. All parties are willing participants, free to disengage at any moment.

    The exceptions should be when illegal content is being shared or illegal activity is occurring (CP, doxxing, etc).

    It's always frustrating when a juicy argument gets locked because it's "unproductive". I was having a great time watching it unfold, both sides hurling both creative and uncreative insults, oblivious to how low they are sinking to. It's great!

    Do you folks use Amazon a lot, and if yes, then why? If no, then what alternatives do you prefer?
  • The seller that scammed me was huku huku japan. Apparently this is a very big problem with Japanese sellers, many of them are simply bots that copy and translate listings from Japanese second hand sites, then direct the shipping address to the eBay customer.

    They are terrible because they offer zero transparency and missing items are common. Since it is automated, if there was a mistake in Japan (ie original seller lost the item and refunded the buyer) you don't get your item, or a refund. Basically dropshipping. It's sickening that they are given a full refund, but keep the eBay buyers money and shipping fee. In total they stole 70$ from me.

    Similar to you, I expected long shipping times. I'm in the US and was buying from Japan. Since the shipping times are so long, I gave the seller a lot of leniency. Especially because tracking only occurs after the item has already left japan. This unknowingly disqualified me from a refund, or any help at all from eBay.

    If you are looking for cheap refurbished laptops, I recommend PC Sever and Parts. Ive bought from them before and they have good customer service and generous free warranty (90 days). I work IT and I was satisfied with the refurbishment. There were some covered scratches, but it was clean and thermal paste was changed.

    I had a lightly damaged cable internal cable. They offered to pay for return shipping and refund me, but I just asked for replacement cables. They quickly shipped me 2 new ones free of charge and shipping.

  • Do you folks use Amazon a lot, and if yes, then why? If no, then what alternatives do you prefer?
  • I used to use eBay instead but due to a recent incident I feel uncomfortable using it. I bought an item and after there was still no tracking number for a week or two, I contacted the seller. More time passed and they told me to wait again. The next time I just ask for a refund.

    They ghost me and I decide to escalate to eBay, they have great protections right? Money back guarantee right? Turns out, if you do not report the item within 30 days of purchasing, you can't do shit. Ok, I'll just make a fuss to customer service. EBAY HAS NONE. There is a contact page but it is all automated and won't apply to my item. Other than that there is no way to contact them. Abosolutely zero. There are no emails, they sometimes have a phone number but it changes and doesn't even work most of the time. People are even saying yo DM their twitter!

    I had a case where an item never arrived from Amazon. I simply contacted their customer service, answered their questions and got a refund within 10 mins.

    It feels so shitty that just by trusting the seller for 2 months, I got robbed and there's nothing I can do. Amazon, you are at least guaranteed to speak to a human and get some help.

    And also eBay reviews suck, the seller that scammed me had over 90% positive feedback, tens of thousands sold items, so I assumed they were legit. All of their negative reviews were the same issue I had and they are still on the platform.

  • What are your thoughts on EV vehicles & charging?
  • Personally, I think that they are here to save the car industry, not the climate. There is no where near enough lithium to replace most ICE cars with EVs.

    The amount of concrete production (for infrastructure) combined with a wave of EV production will be terrible for the climate. I do not believe it is sustainable for all adults to own any type of vehicle, and to build and maintain the roads to drive on. Public transport is necessary for a green transition.

    Change my mind because honestly my own opinion makes me sick.

  • What opinions do you have that you consider (shallow && pedantic)?
  • A double negative should never remain negative.

    I hate hearing "didn't do nothing", as in, they did not do anything. I hate it because it's inconsistent.

    "Didn't do nothing" would typically be interpreted as "did not do something". However "I did not, in fact, do nothing" might be interpreted as doing something.

    Now you have grey zones and misunderstandings where you have no idea what they are talking about because they keep stacking negatives, with different meanings in different contexts.

  • I'm angry about salad
  • I like salad but I HATE salads that I've bought. I once went to a restaurant and ordered a 9$ Caesar salad. For that kind of money you'd expect home made dressing and croutons.

    All I got was a packet of dressing, croutons from a bag and roughly chopped ice burg lettuce.

    This was a RESTAURANT. I've had salads from fast food places that are better!. The only salad that doesn't disappoint me is the Cobb salad from chick fil a, but also from now on I'll just make my own. Magnitudes cheaper too.

  • Tell me something interesting about yourself
  • What are your tips for a library opening a tiny maker space? Some libraries near me have been given grants to have a "tool library" section, with some work benches and basic hand tools, that can be borrowed.

  • Why use apple music over spotify?
  • Unrelated, but I don't get the hype over lossless audio. I have excellently tuned Sennheiser hd600s and I cannot tell the difference. Sometimes I'll barely be able to tell at high frequencies, like hi hats, but that's it. No difference in bass or treble. I've done a lot of testing on different devices, speakers, other headphones and IEMS, with different EQ settings, I and everyone else I ask cannot tell.

  • How do people feel about reviews like this?
  • The game might still be enjoyable, but not worth the price.

    If lethal company was like 70$, it's still fun but no where near worth that much

    So if they still have it and beyond getting a refund, why not play it?

  • People younger than 30, what advice would you give to people over 30?
  • Living is an art. I grew up in a very rich neighborhood, and despite their wealth, many were troubled. Tons of high functioning drug addicts, alcoholics, Hoarders, narcissists, etc. it was kind of surreal.

    We also had a family friend who was poor, not verge of homelessness poor, but impoverished relative to the town we lived. Like everyone, he had his fair share of problems, and worked a lot, but he was happy. Very few things deeply troubled him and he always maintained a calm and collected demeanor. Extremely intelligent too. When I was down, upset, angry, or outright furious, he was always there to impart his wisdom, and I am a better man for it.

    Seemingly few people recognize the crucial art of living. Not to live without problems but live in spite of them. So many miserable, privileged people I've met in that town.