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obinice Obinice

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Holsum Superman rule
  • omg superman went woke!!!1111

  • Ok, now sleep tight
  • Had to check that you username wasn't Den of Geek <3 Fascinating, thank you!

  • Super-rich being advised how to avoid Labour tax clampdown, undercover investigation suggests
  • Is this any surprise? The rich won't allow any politician, let alone major political party of them, grow to any real level of power unless they are aligned with their interests.

    Politician refuses to side with the rich? Well then, they'll find their funding dry up, their message not getting out in the news, or any online media algorithms, with their more rich-friendly competitors receiving all that support, until their path to any real political office is dead.

    By the time any political candidates or party get to run the actual country, we can assume they're in the pocket of the rich ruling class (and often are members of that class).

    So, why then is it surprising that the government and their various lackeys are doing what they can do protect the interests of the rich, to the detriment of the rest of us?

    The system is completely broken from its very core.

    I don't have a solution to suggest, I wish I did, but while I do still vote, it's clear that voting makes very little difference in the end - it just lets us pick which colour scheme we prefer, where we want small amounts of the budget shuffled around to (to make it look like they're actually doing something), and which version of rhetoric we want shoved down our throats for a few years while what they actually do is work to protect and empower the rich.

  • How do I pronounce "Kamala"?
  • Why would you think it can only be pronounced with an "uh" at the end? Where did that come from?

    I could be wrong about how she uses her name of course, but I would pronounce it Cam-ahl-a, nothing the hard a at the end, as in apple.

    We don't say uhpple, we say apple.

  • How the American war on porn could change the way you use the internet
  • Religious extremists that work tirelessly to impose their god's laws on everybody else.

    They've actually embedded themselves in US government now, over many years and much effort, and the burning embers of their religious war against the rest of us are finally starting to catch fire in a big way.

    They recently took away a person's right to an abortion. Madness, I know. What will they take away next?

  • Young people today are stressed, depressed—and changing the fundamental pattern of happiness, new research shows
  • Young people today in Western nations are going to die in the trenches of tomorrow, I'd be unhappy if I were them too.

    And until then, there's the economic depression we've been living through for decades now, with continuous unending cuts to everything, from healthcare to education, wage spending power to prospects of advancement.

    And let's not forget that is tied directly to the hugely widening gap between the rich ruling class and the rest of us, which many are finally starting to notice, even though the media - owned by the rich - do their best to hide their actions through propaganda, and hiding/twisting news that doesn't follow their narrative, every day.

    The only thing that isn't in decline is the pricetag. Those are flying up and up on everything. We can barely afford water any more.

    Anyway, yeah. Young people are aware of their incredibly bleak future, and they're not as repressed as previous generations either.

    They're emotionally intelligent enough to understand and share their feelings with their peers, something previous generations were too deeply repressed to do (instead those generations were taught unhealthy mental coping strategies - to have a stiff upper lip, keep your problems to yourself, just tell everyone you're doing fine when asked, etc).

    So, they're quite openly vocal about how little hope there is. A fool's hope, I suppose.

  • Performance Review [Mr. Lovenstein]
  • That's not the case in the UK, your annual leave is a legal entitlement, and unrelated to any sick time you may have to take.

    The workers of your nation need to organise a few general strikes to get their basic rights sorted out, I don't like seeing workers abused.

  • Let's blame the dev who pressed "Deploy"
  • Damn, I knew the original term was offensive now and had wondered what they replaced it with, intellectually disabled sounds kinda offensive too xD

    Like, it's not just saying this person has a cognitive disability, but that they're lower on a class level as well.

    I know that's not the intent and it's miles better than the old offensive term, but something like "cognitively disabled" sounds much less offensive than "intellectually disabled". Wish they went with something like that.

    I think it's probably because the term intellectual is used in society to describe a class of people (e.g. "Why yes, I'm an intellectual, I read Yeats while you people read the daily rag") who tend to think of themselves as better or smarter than others...

    So, calling someone "intellectually disabled" sounds like it's an insult someone from that class would use on someone they wanted to look down on, you know?

    I'm glad they moved away from other misused medical terms, but yeah, pity they settled on a term that sounds like it's throwing shade ><

  • Political mindset evolution
  • That's not a bad thing, we all come to new things not understanding them at first, especially topics that we don't get a good grasp on until we're into adulthood and no longer have a structured education system to guide us. Subjects like politics, economics, sociology etc.

    We all come to these daunting subjects with various levels of knowledge and ability, all we can do is try to dip our toes in to a subject that feels important to understand, get reading, watching videos, whatever works best for you, and go from there :-)

  • LAPD warns residents after spike in burglaries using Wi-Fi jammers that disable security cameras, smart doorbells
  • Even beyond renting, installing a wifi camera is SO much cheaper than running Ethernet all over your house. And if you need it run through an external wall? Even more money.

    A bit of plastic trunking, an ethernet cable, and a long masonry bit for your hammer drill to get through the brick wall, oh and a little sealant, not that expensive, I believe in you!

  • 'One screen, two movies': Conflicting conspiracy theories emerge from the Trump rally shooting
  • Pretty decent article thanks!

    I had no idea there were quite so many conspiracy theories around that country's recent assassination attempt, wild how facts/theories can get so twisted/confused.

  • Lammy says Christianity and class give him common ground with JD Vance
  • I could find common ground with an invading space alien.

    Doesn't mean I'm going to act like that means it's appropriate for me to work with them or claim they're not evil.

    I keep hearing about this Lammy guy being a right knob.

    ...Certainly be seems stupid - just because you follow the same organised religion as someone else and come from a similar socioeconomic background, doesn't mean you're even remotely anything alike.

    It's a good thing this guy who doesn't understand how people work (or is lying about it) isn't in charge of anything important. Right?

  • The answer to your Google search may depend on where you live
  • ....yes? Has been for years. Everybody knows.

    Google maps it extremely obvious, if not always outright explicit in each result.

  • JD Vance opposes military aid, NATO membership for Ukraine. He's now Trump's VP pick
  • Vance is a cuck.

    Politics aside, are we shaming people for their sexual kinks now, if they're not harming anybody?

  • After initially rejecting it, Apple has approved the first PC emulator for iOS
  • oh, I can't emulate iOS on my PC? Well dang :-(

  • Have fun with this one
  • Cereal on a gherkin, hmm

  • Volt Recharge - Official Announcement Trailer
  • Oh fuck a new Re-Volt? Yessssssss

  • If everyone is fired by AI, who's going to buy the products and services made by the companies if no one has money anymore?
  • Software has already been doing a lot of stock market buying and selling for many years, even before AI came along, I imagine that sort of concept but on a more expansive scale, for a start!

  • Just kind of makes sense no?
  • I think the problem might be that our car parks just aren't all that big, and there's other infrastructure that needs to be built to accompany DC grid sources like this, they don't just plug straight in.

    There's lots of normal sized car parks dotted all over, very few of them are really of any particular size, and the ones that are are usually multi storey car parks to save on footprint anyway.

  • Bill Gates-backed startup makes ‘butter’ out of water and carbon dioxide
  • Have you tried good proper butter? Not that weird white stuff Americans make. Actual flavourful yellow Irish butter.

    Margarine tastes okay and I use it all the time, but it's a pale imitation of the real thing.

  • How to browse my saved comments?

    Hello fellow Boosters! :-D

    Apologies if I'm missing something obvious here, 😅 I saved a comment I'd like to go back to the other day but don't recall exactly what it was (darn my poor ADHD memory), and so I wanted to scroll through my saved/favourited comments to find it.

    When I go to the "Saved" tab it lets me scroll through saved posts, but I can't find any way to switch to scrolling through saved comments, so I'm not sure how I'd go about finding them?

