You plant shit seeds, you get shit weeds. I hate the fact that Reddit has grown since I bailed over for API changes. It hurts my soul knowing I did the right thing and bailed but the vast majority of people who were pissed off at Reddit ended up back on the platform.
Reddit has come forth saying they will not tolerate mods that try to destroy communities like it happened before. If a mod deleted their account, someone else will take their place. If a mod deleted a popular subreddit, Reddit will restore it and ban the mod. Deleting their account does literally nothing.
Communities become ghosttown shitholes when the moderators work against good faith discourse.
Not the same day new shill mods are installed, but within a few months. It poisons everything.
Banning the creators/mods of a sub is banning the people that care most about that sub, and tends to lead to installing mods that are just looking to flex power, which makes the posts and discourse toothless, repetitive, and uninsightful, which makes regulars look for a new home, if they themselves are not banned for failing to regurgitate the only correct opinions as endorsed by the new mods tasked with bringing order.
Ah yes, corpo platform suckling at the toes of insurance giants. Big surprise.
"But they are right! Murder is bad."
Fucking duh, but the transgressions of the US insurance industry transcends all that, because they are laughing at dying people all the time - laughing all the way to the bank!
Like there are so many documentaries about the evils of these bastards. One dead exec later and suddenly morals and ethics apply? Gtfo here.
The french revolution was bloody. Today the whole world celebrates July 14th, the day a cheering crowd walked the head of the governor of Bastille on a pike.
Something I've been thinking about recently is how it seems that MOST national anthems celebrate a bloody war in some way, shape, or form, because that's pretty much what it always takes to escape from oppressors, is violent fighting back
When somebody dies from an insurance company, it's sad, but it's the system working at usual. US society at large has decided that's acceptable. Even if you're opposed to it, it isn't a transgression of norms. Assassination is.
There is no reason for removing content like this unless an individual is specifically inciting violence, calling for murder, etc. just like always has been the case. Ridiculous policy and frankly worthy of locking down Reddit again.
Being able to discuss (& cuss, bizarrely Lemmy isn't filled with "fuck" & "penis" posts) as adults is quite nice and seems to actually lead somewhere, sometimes.
Maybe the anger and frustration is part of some business model for reddit?
Honestly I kinda wonder if he's afraid for his own life. He had a lot of people calling for his head last year, and this kind of overreaction seems pretty in line with somebody who is just beside themselves with terror.
Uhh during the Exodus from reddit Spez was telling his employees to not wear reddit identifying clothing outside and to be careful when out in public as they were likely to be attacked....
As if people complaining and stopping using your platform was already grounds to think your life was over. He's absolutely paranoid and this likely is just straight up eating him inside since this was more real.
This is absolutely his response and thinking that it does anything to protect himself to protect his caste.
If we just send all the offensive words into the memory hole then people will stop thinking bad thoughts about groups of people. We can erase it right out of history and everything will be better. Control the language, control the thoughts. Thanks Ministry of Truth! 🥸
I was perma banned for highlighting Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher should be denied the chance to move to Europe to escape Trump. Given they have deep links to PDiddy. A nothing comment, jumped on by emotionally unstable mods. It's the same on most of the subreddits. If you don't agree with their perspective, you lose.
Can't believe the corporately owned, corruptly managed, and heavily advertisement-based website would have so many rules against talking about bad things happening to rich people. That shit's crazy. Who would have guessed?
Can't help but suspect everyone was hiding under their desks until the culprit was apprehended.
This has been the largest scale anti elite shill operation and all grass roots.
Its certainly hit a nerve. But if you're talking about large scale shill operations, we just got through a multi-billion dollar election cycle where the candidates argued over their favorite flavors of boot just above the sounds of the genocidal meat grinder whirring.
Single payer or bust
Can't stop, won't stop, until the entire for-profit hospital system is publicly owned and operated.
Snowden was more politically acceptable to pardon than Luigi, so if Snowden didn't even get a pardon for a non-violent crime, Luigi aint ever getting a pardon.
But fear not, we have something better: JURY NULLIFICATION 🇺🇸🦅
Snowden was more politically acceptable to pardon than Luigi
Ohh, I don't know about that... Stealing top secret data, fleeing the country, bleeding it off to Russia directly in a time when we weren't buddies. Throwing tons of it to the press as in case I get killed...
From the Government's standpoint, a healthcare CEO's job is a high-risk profession and the fact that the worst one's don't get offed is the amazing part.
Don't get me wrong, neither one are getting pardoned. But I'm pretty sure they wanted Snowden dead.
It should've been obvious by now whose side Reddit is on, but not allowing neutral reporting on Luigi's own words is a bit too establishment even for them
It also refers to a more subversive methodology of the powers at be to suppress information that they don't agree with and deem harmful to the status quo, i.e. Luigi's manifesto. It's a multi layered statement that really is applicable to situations.
The thing it's referring to in this instance is the fact that Reddit is not allowing freedom of speech under the guise of whatever reason it says it has and having that decision protected because it is a private company worried about its own interests.
Inciting violence is actually illegal, but it's a huge gray area since they have in the past allowed the Unabomber Manifesto and books like Mein Kampf (although sales of that book does support the victim's surviving families and education about the holocaust).
Inciting violence is perfectly legal. You can go on Reddit or Shitter right now and scream as loudly as you like that Luigi needs to be locked up for the rest of his life. Inciting violence is only illegal when you do it against the rich and powerful. Unlike Hitler and the Unabomber, Muad'dib exclusively targeted the rich and powerful. That's why his manifesto is illegal and theirs aren't.
Yeah I wasn't aware of the ol platform enshitification pattern. Hardly anyone was - probably the creators and administors of reddit weren't entirely aware either.
We were just a bunch of folks on the net trying things.
The fact that so many social media sites have to restrict this sort of thing just goes to show what most people think about this situation. So satisfying to watch.
This absolutely the right lesson to learn here. Who cares if you can't discuss it (not literally)? We already know the American people agree. We now need to take the next step to unify the working class and organize so we can coordinate our efforts and exercise actual political power
It's the network effect. It's always the network effect.
Your current platform enshittified. Where do you go? Well, the majority of people are going to Bluesky, and it's familiar in terms of UI, so you go there. Sure, you could convince someone like that to try something like Mastodon, but Mastodon is comparably much smaller than Bluesky, so its intrinsic value to people is substantially lower, not to mention the fact that without an algorithm, most of these users have no clue how to curate a feed, since every platform has an algorithm now. A lot of these people will have never used an algorithm-less platform in their entire life.
The same goes for Reddit vs. Lemmy. Reddit has much more users than Lemmy, more niche communities, higher engagement, etc. Why move somewhere that's identical in function if it's smaller? Your current platform works well enough.
I think it's easy to underestimate how much censorship and enshittification people are willing to put up with. People will put up with a lot before they switch platforms. Reddit not letting people publish a person's manifesto isn't gonna convince many people to abandon their entire accounts and communities and to switch to Lemmy.
It literally took Twitter being rebranded into oblivion, and turned into an explicit safe haven for fascists and far-right freaks, with an algorithm deboosting non paid-for content multiple times over before people really started flocking out in large numbers.
I think it’s easy to underestimate how much censorship and enshittification people are willing to put up with. People will put up with a lot before they switch platforms.
Coming to Lemmy means losing some of the really well supported niche communities from Reddit of old and that was the biggest hit of leaving, but the site being such cancer now I wonder how well they are doing anyway.
Lemmy, once you've blocked 90% of the weird tankies, really does feel like Reddit from 10+ years ago in the comments. It's just a shame due to its current small size how single minded the general feed often feels. Hopefully that improves
One issue with alternative smaller platforms can also be them becoming cesspools of users banned from the big platform. The first couple of Reddit alternatives quickly collected the racists and jailbait porn.
A viable alternative platform needs more than extremist niches.
Suppression of the suspect's voice really is misinformation on the part of states and corporations, albeit for different reasons.
Relevant laws and policies are employed in order to deliberately withhold public information about motive. They don't want people placing these incidents this within a broader context. There couldn't possibly be a belief set behind the behaviour; the perp didn't have any ideas about how the world works, or who and what caused their circumstances. Oh no.
Why did the shooter go out and shoot people is a completely legitimate question. More than that, it will never be an illegitimate question, no matter how much autistic screeching authorities do. Learning is never wrong, and that includes the publishing and reading of a criminal suspect's thoughts.
Really dude? Really? I bet far more autists with their strong sense of justice would be on the side of the shooter than the authorities. Especially since autism usually has other health issues that often present with it so they have more first hand experience dealing with the industry.
They’re playing dumb and engaging in censorship because they don’t want copycats.
The beauty of the civil rights movement was that on the one side you had the peaceful protests, the disobedience pointing at the other side where activists wanting the same thing and more weren’t so peaceful.
The peaceful protesters were the compromise.
The alternative was a black revolution, the black panthers, Malcom X etc.
Even those who don’t want a full French Revolution right now should at least push for peaceful protest. We need this “or else” approach. We shouldn’t let it go to waste.
You know that one ended with the reign of terror followed by the crowining of a monarch that then embroiled the entire European continent in war, right?
Anywhere we can see a scan of the original? I'm very curious about the "indecipherable" bits, and it would also be very interesting to see what the handwriting looks like.
I'm definitely not the biggest fan of the current overcentralization of users and communities on LW, but it's still important to show what their stance is.
“To Nintendo, I'll keep this short, because I do respect the legacy of what you’ve built. To save you a lengthy investigation, I state plainly that I wasn't working with anyone. This was fairly trivial: some elementary research, basic plumbing know-how, and a lot of patience. The notebook, if recovered, has some scattered notes and plans that outline the gist of it. My toolkit is pretty locked down because I’ve spent years perfecting my craft in fixing leaks and navigating pipes, so there's likely not much info there. I do apologize for any disruption or shock caused by my actions, but it had to be done. Frankly, these corporate overlords simply had it coming.
A reminder: Nintendo has long been a giant in the gaming industry, but for decades, the reality is that they’ve leveraged their power against not only creators but their own loyal fans. The restrictive policies, the aggressive legal tactics, the artificial scarcity—all these tactics are designed to extract immense profits while stifling innovation and community-driven creativity. It has grown and grown, but as the freedom for creators? No, the reality is, this company has simply gotten too powerful, and they continue to exploit their position because fans and consumers have allowed them to get away with it.
Obviously, the problem is more complex, but I do not have space, and frankly, I do not pretend to be the most qualified person to lay out the full argument. But many have highlighted Nintendo’s tactics—shutting down fan projects, ceasing the production of beloved games without explanation—decades ago, and yet the problems persist. This is no longer an issue of awareness; it is a question of unchecked power. Evidently, I am the first to challenge it with such brutal honesty.”
… Frankly, these parasites simply had it coming. A reminder: the US has the most expensive air travel system in the world, yet we rank poorly in customer satisfaction and on-time performance. United is one of the largest airlines in the US, behind only American and Delta in fleet size. It has grown and grown, …
Well shucks, guys, we sure do hope y'all will understand, but any discussion of current events will be looked upon as a direct affront on our corporate overlords and their kin, and golly gee, we'd feel just plum awful if our beloved faceless and soulless owners found a reason to be cross with us! So, we know you'll be just as soft and unquestioningly compliant as we have made up our minds to be, and that y'all will keep your dang ol' gazes pointed at the floor and your yaps shut, and just do as you're told, a-hyuck! Otherwise, our precious r/popculturechat might catch a whoopin' from them powers that be, and well-shut-my-mouth, we just absolutely, positively, could not ever fucking have THAT. EVER. Could we?
Hot take: everyone saying to avoid praising Muad'dib on is wrong. Telling the truth about the first folk hero in centuries is more important than the existence of Letting that community be shut down by the Dutch authorities is an acceptable sacrifice.
I was just about to ask why the fuck anyone would give a shit about what happens over on reddit, then I noticed the sub. Let that shit hole die and crumble into obscurity already. We moved to our own place for a reason. Fuck ‘em feed ‘em fish heads.
My friend, if we are turning this into another lemmy/fediverse circlejerk there's no point. If any fediverse community contains similar content, the mods will eventually rectify it for legal reasons
i'm not turning it into a circlejerk. I am stating that the censorship on reddit has gone too far and also the community is not aligned with my interests. That's all there is too it.
While I agree this is inappropriate censorship in favor of the corpos, I thought the manifesto that people were sharing was debunked as not his? I heard (from an unverified source so I don't have evidence) that Luigi himself stated it was not his?