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Gradually_Adjusting The Snark Urge

On my redemption playthrough (send help)

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California's largest wildfire doubles in size to 164,000 acres, shows explosive growth
  • I can see that. I'm not going to discard the idea just because some actuary didn't do a great job though. Prices will have to increase as risk assessments rise to meet reality. Same way good fish gets more expensive the riskier things get out at sea. At some point, in theory, the markets correct to reflect these changes.

    In theory, that is.

  • FPV drone pilot from the "Grifon" UAV unit enters a building through a gap and chases Russian soldiers inside.
  • I don't do much if any online multiplayer, so it's a bit removed from my personal experience.

  • California's largest wildfire doubles in size to 164,000 acres, shows explosive growth
  • They're a kind of insurance firm founded as a not for profit endeavor that supply mitigates the risk among a community. The insurance costs what it should to mitigate the risk - no more, no less. The policyholders are the stakeholders in the business.

  • Video: Donald Trump Declares “We will not have a female President"
  • If socialist is the best he can come up with, he must be getting old.

  • California's largest wildfire doubles in size to 164,000 acres, shows explosive growth
  • Oh no they'll have to resort to mutual insurance run as a nonprofit? Oh the horror

  • Worse than pain
  • I had to change my handle, because buddy I am gradually losing my shit

  • Worse than pain
  • You kidding? That's my wank hand, my strokes are built diff'rent

  • Kremlin says Russia is open to talks with Ukraine while Zelenskiy is in power but needs more details
  • No real peace is on the table with Putin still in power. They've invaded Ukraine twice this decade and will only do it harder next time.

  • Every company should be owned by its employees
  • Might work, depends on how loyal your clients are.

  • Worse than pain
  • One time at a kitchen job I was cleaning out the floor drain and my glove broke.

  • Every company should be owned by its employees
  • Balance your workload with care. Once you have "enough" work, hopefully you have other firms you can refer unwanted work to. My small business is run by a guy who A) isn't growing the business and B) says yes to every assignment. He's burning out, I'm burning out, and one of our best people burned out and quit last month. It's a nightmare.

  • [NSFL] Russian soldier attempts to evade a skilled FPV drone pilot.
  • It depends on how common guys like this are. Literally mind bending maneuverability is possible with quadcopters... For a price; It comes down to how much you want to spend killing one soldier though. I've been reading some things about the Ukrainian ones, and I get it now.

    Their mindset is more focused on price performers, detonating more than 100 commercial off-the-shelf drones daily, without even bothering to harden them against EW. This has hampered their range significantly, but they don't mind. Under normal circumstances a quadcopter can range a few km, but in this warzone it's closer to 500m.

    Pilots like the one above are rare enough that you need a great reason to put them in a warzone. Quadcopters like the ones he uses aren't cheap, either. I think Ukraine is doing incredible work and approaching their task correctly, on review. I come at this from a hobbyist perspective, which sees higher skill levels but is currently a lot less practical in warfare terms.

  • [NSFL] Russian soldier attempts to evade a skilled FPV drone pilot.
  • Maybe someday more advanced batteries (or lighter munitions) will allow for what I'm imagining. Also, a hex drone might have the grunt to carry a payload and maintain agility. The cost goes up with six motors though, of course. I'm just intrigued to see how this technology reshapes 21st century combat. The hellish Benny Hill chase videos are fun though I must admit

  • [NSFL] Russian soldier attempts to evade a skilled FPV drone pilot.
  • Thanks! This channel goes hard. What strikes me first was the mordant sense of humor. I'm used to following ReportingFromUkraine, and the difference is intense.

  • [NSFL] Russian soldier attempts to evade a skilled FPV drone pilot.
  • This is what it takes to be a drone warfare ace? Damn, it's early days. Maybe with the payload it's different.

    If you're interested in seeing where the hobby community puts the skill ceiling, go check out some acro FPV videos. It's wild what people are doing. Shooting through windows, pirouetting in 3D space, quick reversals. A high level hobbyist acro FPV racer would be wild to see in combat.

    I'm never gonna be a foot soldier. Not on your life.

  • Handy translation
  • nearly random collection of words

    This scratched an itch, thank you.

  • Anon has a question
  • My wife has responded to lines nearly that bad, but I'll report back with any success. 🫡

  • Fever the Ghost - Source Piped

    An alternative privacy-friendly YouTube frontend which is efficient by design.


    Viagra Boys - Punk Rock Loser


    ten second portrait of my kid

    Literally about ten seconds. Was happy with the construction at least


    A night of pictionary


    Brimladum, the city at Speed's Folly

    Having great fun trying to depict my setting (link) in Flowscape.

    In order to create the dramatic geography of this city, the cliff faces are actually 3D mountain assets rotated and transformed. As I get more familiar with the software I'm excited to see what else I can do.

    Hopefully I get faster, as this setting has over 50 towns and cities...


    Flowscape - Caer Rheg at night

    This is a work in progress. I'm currently doing some post processing in GIMP 2.0 to make it look more painted. This was made in Flowscape (a first foray).

    Here's more about the town:

    A top-down view



    Upped my plating on the quesabirria de res (and added pixels)


    Quesabirria de res, with compound butter

    I made quesabirria de res and proveletta cheese with consomme. My little innovation is that I gave it a pat of cilantro garlic compound butter with flake salt on top. I'm gonna die happy. These are the best tacos I've ever made. They taste better than being thin, god help me.


    Broken Septagram

    A normal septagram continues in an unbroken loop, and is used by some to ward off evil as "god's favorite number". This broken septagram represents a failed attempt to resist evil. We can see pentagrams within from multiple angles, askew, but always frustrating the eye. We cannot ever fully defeat evil, nor attain divinity.


    Wholewheat, layered with butter and braided for no reason


    This is what walkability means for me

    Living in a walkable city means my weekly shop is a few hours of walking or biking instead of being stuck in traffic, and I'm only mildly tired afterwards since I use a bike with pretty large pannier bags. Since I have no car related costs I can afford more fresh food, a healthier diet, and I can afford to be more choosy about the ethics of what I buy. There's a twice weekly farmers market about a ten minute walk away, and quiet walks through parks to get to the shops. Living somewhere with car centric infrastructure, as I used to, this lifestyle was far less feasible.

    Have your experiences been different with moving to walkable/bikeable cities? Any questions or points to be made? I'm not very up on the theory side of city planning, but my experiences line up with the whole "fuck cars" thing.


    Reasons never to worry about your setting being too strange

    Orcas wore dead fish as hats, and this was a fad among adolescents

    music, but no YouTube no Spotify no Facebook no fru fru The Snark Urge

    I love this album, it's a quirky, twee little bop. Not my vibe at all under normal circumstances, but it speaks to the malnourished side of my soul that just wants to play Earthbound, laugh like a kid, and throw popcorn at the TV.


    The Doug wiki has been DEFACED

    Absurdity is cruel, and cruelty is absurd.


    I enjoy


    the fuck is this price action?


    Recently learned to make English muffins

    But those tomatoes really stole the show


    Impromptu English muffins (first try!)

    200g flour

    5g baking powder

    Pinch of salt

    30g oil

    125g milk

    Truly idiot proof. You just mix and roll out, cut with a glass cup, and cook in a pan. One came out undercooked, just split in half and toast right in the pan, it was actually the best one of the lot


    The wall kisser has struck again

    I'm shaking rn


    Highland Samoas

    These are basically samoas (the Girl Scout cookie) built on top of full sized Scottish shortbreads, laden with caramel, toasted coconut, and dipped in chocolate. Normal samoas are designed so you can eat the whole box before you hate yourself. These accomplish that aim with just one.
