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m3t00 m3t00🌎

hi. banner-deep space gravity lens, webb

Posts 377
Comments 646 NASA’s Fermi Finds New Feature in Brightest Gamma-Ray Burst Yet Seen - NASA Science

In October 2022, astronomers were stunned by what was quickly dubbed the BOAT β€” the brightest-of-all-time gamma-ray burst (GRB). Now an international science team reports that data from NASA’s Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope reveals a feature never seen before. β€œA few minutes after the BOAT erupted,...

NASA’s Fermi Finds New Feature in Brightest Gamma-Ray Burst Yet Seen - NASA Science

right place right time Art in a Blanket Fort (@[email protected])

Attached: 1 image Winston is in the right place at the right time. #cat #cats #caturday #catsofmastodon #time

Art in a Blanket Fort (


railroad hazzard
  • guess it's a thing somewhere, Japan?

  • railroad hazzard
  • [email protected], [email protected] linkbot says use this. pushy script

  • cat train m3t00🌎 (@[email protected])

    Attached: 1 video still watching this gem thanks @[email protected]

    m3t00🌎 (
    railroad hazzard
  • I have a trains and freights(grafiti} groups. not much traffic;

  • always angry

    alt="angry looking cat"


    friend's cat. she says, "My cat always looks angry."

    railroad hazzard
  • glad someone found this there. thanks for the link

  • railroad hazzard m3t00🌎 (@[email protected])

    Attached: 1 video still watching this gem thanks @[email protected]

    m3t00🌎 (
    cat doing cat stuff
  • never wasted much time there. google promises to delete all my stuff once I'm gone so, i won't care anyway. not sure how long lemmy keeps posts. most of my mastodons are set to delete after 2 weeks but I don't worry about it. If an AI started repeating stuff I posted in 20 years, I think it would be cool. certainly wouldn't care.

  • stay hydrated stux⚑ (@[email protected])

    Attached: 1 video Stay hydrated!

    stux⚑ (


    2 Can the James Webb Space Telescope see galaxies over the universe's horizon?

    How can any telescope see a galaxy 33.8 billion light-years away in a universe that is only 13.8 billion years old?

    Can the James Webb Space Telescope see galaxies over the universe's horizon?

    hmm, light on answers but interesting questions


    cat doing cat stuff


    How to message other mods?
  • I think if you just mention them all in a private mention, clunky for sure. irc used private channels only accessible to mods. not sure if that's any help but most of my groups don't need much modding. public mod log notes all mod actions. I like that it is public so there is not much behind the scenes drama to gum up communications. profile histories are the quickest way to see where someone is coming from.

  • Lucky Lemon Sky (@[email protected])

    Attached: 1 image Happy Caturday from Lucky! We got off to a late start this morning because power was off to most of our small town. Everything is back on now, thank goodness. #CatsOfMastodon #Mastocats #CatsOfFediverse #Cats #Catcontent #Caturday #Saturday

    Lemon Sky (

    Happy Caturday from Lucky! We got off to a late start this morning because power was off to most of our small town. Everything is back on now, thank goodness. A little black and white cat with white whiskers and yellow-green eyes lies on a blue rug. !

    The Healing Power of Hugs
  • πŸ«‚ πŸ«‚ πŸ«‚

  • The Healing Power of Hugs
  • yes. spent a few years in Germany 30 years ago. their approach to prostitution seemed much kinder for all involved. regulate/tax everybody wins. US treats it like a religious sin and it destroys lives and drives everything underground. Like the 'drug wars'. I spent a month in hospital and remember so many hugs from friends/family/coworkers that helped me feel loved and helped me deal with long recovery. Psychological benefits are huge. sex work should be legal and would reduce crime rates.

  • The Healing Power of Hugs

    Should therapists hug their patients? We may want to rethink the taboo.

    The Healing Power of Hugs

    hugs/touch psychologist discusses. I know I like hugs.

    Anon remembers Halloween 1995
  • never really liked the combo, apples/caramel. always eat them both separately

  • Scientists May Have Figured Out How to Make Fat Cells Burn Calories

    White could be the new beige when it comes to fat cells, following the discovery of a switch that maintains the functions of adipose tissue in mice, transforming it from a lipid-locker into a calorie-burner.

    Scientists May Have Figured Out How to Make Fat Cells Burn Calories

    'may' is my most despised headline word. This article sounds like they may be onto something in mice trials anyway.

    Rescues Tucker and Mike
  • always thought it was rescue from euthanasia at most pounds

  • Today's Cat

    I don't know what I want to eat
  • don't believe this is AI. maybe a dumb filter. see source

  • article

    cross-post from [email protected]


    Rescues Tucker and Mike


    cigar - The Graffiti Express (@[email protected]) The Graffiti Express (@[email protected])

    Attached: 1 image cigar #kamloops #train #graffiti #art #cigar

    The Graffiti Express (

    transition to her evening nap next to the fireplace Molly Cantrell-Kraig βœ… (@[email protected])

    Attached: 1 image My middle’s alpha cat Nox is getting ready to make the transition from her afternoon nap in the sun to her evening nap next to the fireplace. #cats #caturday #CatsOfMastodon

    Molly Cantrell-Kraig βœ… (

    A gorgeous grey cat yawning on a windowsill. Her tongue is bright pink and curled up at the end like a slide at the playground.

    transition from her afternoon nap in the sun to her evening nap next to the fireplace




    I don't know what I want to eat

    A meme with a tuxedo cat with a black nose looking at the camera. Captions: "She was born with it, resting 'I don't know what I want to eat' face"


    Forbidden black holes and ancient stars hide in these 'tiny red dots' (image)
  • seem to need some revision. that's what I like about science. observations revise theories. no unchangable beliefs.

  • Forbidden black holes and ancient stars hide in these 'tiny red dots' (image)
  • usual clickbait. half expected them to talk about hungry black holes. not too bad of an article

  • Forbidden black holes and ancient stars hide in these 'tiny red dots' (image)

    "This is, without a doubt, the most peculiar and interesting set of objects I've seen in my career."

    Forbidden black holes and ancient stars hide in these 'tiny red dots' (image)

    time for big bang revision


    Kadser, geschmolzen. Kath (@[email protected])

    Attached: 1 image Kadser, geschmolzen. #CatsOfMastodon #MastoCats #FediCats

    Kath (

    alt translation - Black and white fluffy tomcat lies under plants in front of a front door.



    She wants me to sit with her. #caturday C. Buck (@[email protected])

    Attached: 2 images She wants me to sit with her. #caturday

    C. Buck (
    Just a normal night
  • used an addon downloader to get the imgr gif. just seeing if this works. yep seems to

  • trending on facebook
  • bizarre. looks like an ai

  • Eat shit Spotify.
  • goddamned y-tube told me I ran out of skips. subscribe for more skips. skips=fucks and I'm all out

  • Check this shit out
  • hey, watch where you point that thing