In case anyone wants the answer, it's late December 1938, when two physicists went for a walk in the snow near Stockholm to discuss findings a colleague sent via letter.
Eh, I don't even want to give credence to Carlson's garbage by repeating it. But even if we imagine Otto Frisch was somehow there alone making drawings in the snow, we still know when it happened.
Of course we shouldn't do that. Meitner was by far the more experienced scientist and expert on the topic.
I have never met a person who can isolate the moment when Tucker Carlson became Alex Jones. So, where did it come from exactly?'s very clear to me both are demons.
Everybody knows Marie Curie was a woman and woman's contributions to science just don't exist or even register. Women scientists are literally the devil. /s
Marie Curie didn't discover fission; that was Lise Meitner and her nephew Otto Frisch and colleague Otto Hahn. But yeah, same problem. Meitner was left out of the publications and overlooked for a Nobel Prize.
Well you have the guy who found uranium, the guy who ran electricity through a vacuum, the guy who found pitchblende, and then Marie Curie who did the experiments with refined pitchblende to create X-ray machines.
If you want to talk specifically about nuclear energy and weapons then you're probably looking for Rutherford. But he wouldn't even be conducting those experiments without Curie, Röntgen, and Becquerel.
The real question is: and????
So we're harvesting demonic forces to power our shit?
That's fuckin' metal duuuuude. If you're trying to make nuclear sound bad you failed.
He's talking to evangelicals who react when you use the word "demonic" about anything. They hold great political sway, and they have proven that they will go against their own moral interests to nurture their political interests.
Case in point, watch them get in line to vote for Trump today, despite him being the antithesis of evangelical behavior and values.
I've got the impression that Tucker Carlson is going after Alex Jones his audience. Tucker Carlson peddling crazy conspiracy theories right when the chickens are coming home to roost for Alex Jones, imo that's no coincidence. Tucker never was stupid, he just has no morals, so he never had a problem with publicly stating stuff that he personally didn't believe in. Grifters gonna grift.
That's my initial thought as well. The weird thing though is he's already rich, he could bugger off into obscurity and live a life of luxury, but it seems like he just craves attention.
The splitting of the atom was only referenced in a single line in that movie and it wasn’t Oppenheimer who did it. Then Fermi’s first nuclear reactor was only briefly mentioned in one scene. Oppenheimer developed the nuclear bomb specifically.
Looking at the content of the message and the name of the source, I thought this had to be satire. But the site seems to be an actual news site, and other news sites corroborate the story. Which brings me to the question I wanted to ask:
Okay, but this is either just fundamentally really stupid or some demented Cultural Bolshevism nonsense after he watched Oppenheimer and realized America wouldn't have nukes without Jewish and socialist brains.
I didn't think this was real. Then realized it's Tucker Carlson, and he had talked about the bed demons clawing him. Realized it was, indeed, a real quote. The tech tree is getting fuckin' WILD this patch.
Oppenheimer, Einstein, Bohr. What is this guy smoking? Wait, wasn't this guy a news anchor not too long ago? Can people this stupid and uneducated really make it as a news anchor!?
Leave it to religions to get insanely mad about characters and beliefs they made up. It's such a dumb fucking thing. Then blame everything on "demons". Big talk for someone coming from the one country that literally committed warcrimes with nuclear technology.
Bombing the snot out of civilians was sorta de rigueur in WWII. If you want to get on your high horse, the Tokyo fire bombings were far, far worse. That sort of thing doesn't go well for people in bamboo and paper houses.
And then you had the Imperial Army, who was so over the top even Nazis were like, "Maybe tone it down a bit?" So maybe chill on American "war crimes", unless you have the stomach to read about Japan's actions.
Funny thing about bombing civilians in the European Theatre, it was all a bit of a mistake. A German mission was a tad lost and bombed London. So Churchill said, "Oh yeah? Well fuck you too!"
I'm of the opinion everybody was shit in that war and it's important for countries to recognize the shit they're responsible for. Germany should be an example of what to do when your country literally commits genocide.
Richard Rhodes' The Making of the Atomic Bomb is a great book that kind of explains all that in detail...
but i would say it is either the Curie's experiments, discovering the neutron, splitting the atom, Fermi's reactor, or the tests during the Manhattan project; all really well documented.
I feel like I've been waiting to come down from my high since the first time I tried pot...
Like fuck this is a long high, I know when it wears off it'll have only been like three seconds and I"ll be back in 2008 ready to go see Dragonforce at the House of Blues...... but fuck
I genuinely feel the same. I keep telling myself that's just growing up and seeing the world more clearly with time, but it really feels like one big stupid drug-induced dream and I'm going to finally wake up from it eventually, cause the real world can't be that dumb and insane.
Tucker is the consummate media insider and comes right out of the rich elite. He has not gone crazy - he is just cornering a niche of crazies, to whom he will sell vitamins and demon repellent.
He expected to be his own brand, like Musk or Trump or Limbaugh. When he realized he was still just another faceless interchangeable mouthpiece, that definitely fucked his ego.
It's the reason why we should stick to using fossil fuel. God left us dragon poop for a reason, we're supposed to burn the hell out of it, and the earth with it.
This isn't ancient history, it was less than 100 years ago. Links in my top level comment, but the answer is that nuclear fission as a concept emerged right around Christmas 1938.
Ice cream is far older, with early evidence of chilled dairy desserts from the Tang Dynasty ca. 618-907 CE.
And if you look back before fission, modern physics has a pretty well documented history. You can generally start at Maxwell, move forward to the guys who were trying to rectify the predicted speed of light vs observed speed of light, quantum physics, etc. I spent half a year getting real deep into it but you could probably teach the gist of pre-1945 nuclear physics in an afternoon
It does again show that these people are like irrational, unscientific, religious cultists.
We, as in humanity, should aim to progress away from such a dark past, not regress back into one. That way lies madness.
Yeah, would love to see him, Eric Weinstein, Terrence Howard, Eric dubay, James tour, and Billy Carlson stuck in a room that they can't leave until they can prove one of their worldviews to be plausible. Would be the most entertaining thing ever watching them argue while pretending they agree with each other bc they have to pretend they are all thinking the same thing or their whole "mainstream academia" thing falls apart.