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Harris Campaign Trolls ‘78-Year-Old Criminal’ Donald Trump After Fox News Appearance
  • “Kim Jong Un, he looks at us like we are a bunch of babies.”

    Americans shouldn’t care what a foreign dictator thinks of them.

  • Harris Taunts Trump After He Backs Out of Debates
  • Good for her. He deserves to be taunted, endlessly, about a LOT of things. Other things he’s done deserve much worse than a mere taunt.

  • Right to jail
  • “Barely” is a LOT more than I would touch that abomination.

  • 40cm bottle gourd surgically removed from farmer's rectum in India
  • I understand your doubts. I meant that a select few would be both willing and able to pay astronomical amounts of money for a “famous” gourd that had been stuck in someone’s ass.

    Many would want a similar gourd, fewer would want a used one, fewer still could pay “auction” price for this particular gourd.

  • What things would you standardize globally if you were the Supreme Leader? All violations punishable by death.
  • Good choices. Fixed-rate fines are unfair. To someone living on minimum wage, a $500 fine can be devastating. To someone pulling down a huge salary, not so much. They’re essentially unequal punishments for the same violation.

  • 40cm bottle gourd surgically removed from farmer's rectum in India
  • A select few would pay astronomical prices for that specific gourd.

  • We are peers
  • Once I got a remarkably helpful tech support guy on the phone. I was having problems with my home internet (it had gotten very spotty, literally overnight). I was able to provide him with answers, and info I’d gotten from running Ookla Speedtest. I’m no professional, but he could tell I was comfortable with technology. After running up and down the stairs checking things with Speedtest, he had me adjust some rather obscure WiFi settings. It actually solved the problem, avoiding a service call!

    It was great that he was actually competent (instead of just reading from a script), and also that he recognized that while I was a dumbass, I was a more-capable-than-average dumbass.

    Edit: changed Oklahoma Speedtest to Ookla Speedtest. Damn autocorrect. Funny, though!

  • 'It is time for this war to end,' Harris tells Netanyahu; 'I will not be silent' on Palestinian suffering
  • I’m not even sure the debate was a performance. I thought they really were completely blowing it, but just recovered incredibly well. I never even considered your idea of an unusually organized Democratic Party! Organization is not something they’re typically known for.

  • How do I pronounce "Kamala"?
  • As I’ve heard. Now we know better than to perpetuate it!

  • 'It is time for this war to end,' Harris tells Netanyahu; 'I will not be silent' on Palestinian suffering
  • I think this is as strong as could reasonably be expected from Harris. It’s also brilliant politically. People who wouldn’t have voted for Biden because of Palestine may be willing to go with Harris.

    In addition to age, this makes two of Biden’s biggest drawbacks crushed in one week. I like it.

  • What show comes to mind when you think of Canadian TV?
  • Trailer Park Boys, and I totally forgot Kids in the Hall was Canadian until I saw it in other posts.

  • “City Experiments with Reusable Cups at Starbucks, Taco Bell and 30 Other Restaurants–with Return Bins all over town”
  • …Petaluma’s residents will not be charged a penny more for their drinks…


    There is no way this program can so much as break even without someone paying the bills.

    Even if all the employees are volunteers, trucks that empty the bins and deliver the cups, plus washing equipment for said cups, rent for the space to house the trucks and washing equipment, maintenance, utilities, etc., aren’t free.

    Don’t get me wrong. I’d like to see this program succeed and expand. Without knowing more about how they’re funded, though, I’m skeptical.

  • Govt declared him dead. So, this Indian man committed crime to prove himself alive
  • Dude. Dial it way back. Stabbing people is exactly the WRONG way to handle this. May I suggest some vandalism while in full view of a cop? Prison is not the goal here. Damn.

  • The Vehicles of Mad Max poster
  • I watched Mad Max for the first time the other day. I was surprised that the world wasn’t a post-apocalyptic hellscape yet.

  • Where Harris’s Potential Running Mates Stand on Climate: Possible contenders to join the Harris ticket include three governors who welcome clean energy and a senator concerned by extreme heat
  • I understand your point, and I know that you’re not just limiting yourself to governors, but a lot of politicians with name recognition are assholes (I’m looking at you, Texas and Florida).

  • Venting about shit. Angry about the willfully ignorant motherfuckers around me.
  • My sympathies. Ignorance, especially willful ignorance, can be absolutely exhausting to deal with.

    Don’t focus on that. Just remember that Friday is probably the last time you’ll see him alive. Try to steer the conversation towards pleasant memories. Make the conversation about his life, not current events. Ask him about his childhood, his first car, how he met your grandmother; stuff like that. People like to talk about themselves. Plus, it’ll keep the conversation away from politics.You might even learn some interesting family history!

  • Biden speech live: president says best way to save US democracy is ‘to pass torch to new generation’
  • Over the last few days, I’ve had more respect for Biden than ever.

    Honorable people willingly give up power if they believe it will serve the greater good. Selfish narcissists cannot even comprehend such an act.

  • How do I pronounce "Kamala"?
  • Thank you for this. I’ve heard her name mispronounced so often that I genuinely thought kah-MALL-uh was correct. Whoops! Comma-la it is!