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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Posts 27
Comments 1.1K
Quitters winners
  • Pretty good message, well delivered. 3rd panel thought bubble for something that should be yelled bugs me. Distinct art style that helps encourage my inner artist. Nicely done.

  • Political mindset evolution
  • Not far in the past.

    In China, 47.4GW of coal power capacity came online in 2023, GEM says. This increase accounted for two-thirds of the global rise in operating coal power capacity, which climbed 2% to 2,130GW.

    China’s 70.2GW of new construction getting underway in 2023 represents 19-times more than the rest of the world’s 3.7GW. As the figure below highlights, the country’s trajectory (red line) is diverging significantly from the rest of the world (orange line).

  • Political mindset evolution
  • Huh, some commenters raise a good question. What are the non-capitalist countries doing to fight climate change?

    China is building out massive renewables and massive coal.

    My list is short, please add to it.

  • What would a 3 hour work day be like?
  • You raised a number of great points. I won't address all of them.

    Setup and organizing parts/resources would need attention. Deliveries, messages, and decisions would all need adjustments. I expect that while one may work 3 hours a day, they may not be the same 3 hours every day, or even continuous.

  • What would a 3 hour work day be like?

    It often feels like there are only 3 productive hours in typical American white collar work day.

    What if we just cut out the rest?

    Edit: Some great responses. So responses must have also been said about the 5 day and 40 hour work weeks.

    Probably can't be any worse.
  • Does it have to be connected to the dirt I live near? Maybe we can all vote for people and those with more votes can represent us more?

    I get there are regional issues, but not everything is regional.

  • Transferring campaign money is going to be an issue. Harris has little name recognition.

    Both Biden and Trump have been president. We know what to expect.

    The fuck will Harris do? Fuck if I know.

  • Religious Landscape Study

    Explore the geographic distribution and demographics of America's major religious groups.

    Religious Landscape Study

    In the USA, 3.1% claim Atheist, 4% Agnostic, and a total of 22.8% "Unaffiliated".

    In Minnesota, 3% claim to be Atheist, 4% Agnostic, with a total of 20% Unaffiliated.

    Posted as I often feel there are few Atheists in the USA. Turns out Atheists are under noticed.


    What is "Toastify is awesome”?

    I keep getting a red banner saying “Toastify is awesome” when updating. What does it mean, and what should I do differently?


    Question: How to Calculate Just Pay for Work

    How would one actually calculate the full "fruit of labor" in work that includes several people doing different tasks?

    How to calculate between people doing the same task producing physical items seems easy. Add in customer service, sales, and development, and it seems easier to focus on what other groups pay for those skills, which is not what I want.

    It also seems looking at the difference between having the role, and not. However some skills are mandatory, just less involved.

    Feel free to simplify, but different tasks is a must.


    Anything I buy must be physical

    I don't like subscribing to nonphysical things. I can read a physical paper a month after it arrived. Digital is faster, but I tend to lose it before I have read it.

    I need a recipient in my pocket. Too often my virtual thing is lost, my device fails, or things reboot and I don't have my secure 24 digit password with me.

    I won't subscribe to a digital only anything. Physical and digital is nice.

    Edit: They don't even have to be identical. A digital daily with a monthly print would be nice.


    Req.Incoming Email NOT my Focus? Client/Server

    Hello friends. Work email is crushing me. The ticketing systems, plural, email me on everyone's tucket. (Because some people only work tickets via email and others through the web interface.)

    Are there any email clients or servers that allow new email to land somewhere other than the inbox? Or allow my view to start elsewhere?

    I declare email bankruptcy daily....

    Send whiskey.

    Edit: I was unclear.

    I have filtering, but those all happen after the mail is in the Inbox. I get a quarter second of crazy emails and previews and things moving, then they are gone. (Outlook sucks.)

    I don't even want to see that shit. Not at all.

    6 Lost Railways of the Twin Cities

    Take a rails-and-trails tour of abandoned railways around the Twin Cities metro, as our author explains their history and current uses.

    Lost Railways of the Twin Cities
    Universal Basic Income (UBI) MNByChoice

    Annuities as UBI conceptual model

    Today, I was playing with an immediate annuity calculator. For about $106K (USA Dollar), one can get a 10 year Immediate annuity that pays about $1K per month.

    For $1 million, 9 people could be covered for 10 years. For $1 billion, 9,400.

    Every American could be covered for the next 10 years for ~$35 trillion. Rolled out over 10 years, it could be $3.5 trillion per year.

    I am better able to reason about annuities, than government spending, so this started to put the costs in perspective for me. The costs also stop being as "squishy".

    UBI would be life changing for many. Those with lots of income already would be paying about 30% back to the IRS.

    There are lots of optimizations. For 60% more, the term could be doubled to 20 years, cutting the annual rollout cost by 20%. I bet costs could be improved when purchasing $1 trillion of anything. Annuity rates are also not great right now, so there a likely better structures.


    1 UnitedHealth Exploits an ‘Emergency’ It Created

    The Change ransomware attack left an Oregon medical practice with an empty bank account, and only one quick way to fix it: sell to UnitedHealth.

    UnitedHealth Exploits an ‘Emergency’ It Created

    > Last Thursday, the medical colossus UnitedHealthcare applied for an emergency exemption that would fast-track its takeover of a medical practice in Corvallis, Oregon, in a letter warning regulators that the practice might close its doors if the merger were not approved right away.

    1 UnitedHealth Exploits an ‘Emergency’ It Created

    The Change ransomware attack left an Oregon medical practice with an empty bank account, and only one quick way to fix it: sell to UnitedHealth.

    UnitedHealth Exploits an ‘Emergency’ It Created

    How to protect Intellectual Property from new employer

    Pretty sure I will be asking a lawyer, but I want to learn more words and concepts first.

    A possible new job wants to own any intellectual property I create and wants me to declare anything I want to keep as my own. This seems normal in my industry as they will be paying me to do some thinking.

    Issue is that I have a number of ideas I have been developing. I am going to float some of them as products in my own time, though this may be years from now. Most of these are outside the current market for the company as far as I know.

    How is this typically handled? I presume I don't need to have copyrights or trademarks prior and can just list tentative titles.

    I am also a little unclear on the spread between "intellectual property" and "an idea I am playing with".

    Thoughts? Concepts to investigate?

    Edit: I did Internet search this, but I have not found working keywords.

    43 Bryson's America: Why would you walk?

    I'LL TELL you this, but you'll have to promise that it will go no further. Not long after we moved here we had the people next door round for dinner and - I swear this is true - they drove.

    Article from 1999, referenced study likely from earlier.

    > The average American walks less than 75 miles a year - about 1.4 miles a week, barely 350 yards a day.

    Thank you to @[email protected] for pointing this out.

    Archive link:

    Minnesota MNByChoice Child care centers oppose bill that would allow parents to hire their teachers - Minnesota Reformer

    Child care business owners urged lawmakers to reject a bill that would expand the state’s recent ban on noncompete agreements. The bill would ban provisions in contracts between businesses and customers that restrict workers’ employment choices. For child care centers, that would mean dropping contr...

    Child care centers oppose bill that would allow parents to hire their teachers - Minnesota Reformer

    Mayor Jacob Frey quips that choosing remote work over office makes you a 'loser' (Minneapolis, MN, USA)

    > "I don't know if you saw this study the other day, but what this study clearly shows, is when people have the ability to come downtown to an office and don't, when they stay home, sitting on their couch with their nasty cat blanket diddling on their laptop ... if they do that for a few months, you become a loser! It's a study. We're not losers, are we?"


    The great Jeff Vogel discusses the Unity event.

    5 Xcel Energy proposes time-of-use rates as the default option for Minnesota customers - Minnesota Reformer

    Xcel Energy customers in Minnesota will likely soon have good reason to hold off on running dishwashers or charging vehicles until bedtime. The state’s largest utility is asking regulators to approve a major change to how residential customers have paid for their electricity for decades. In December...

    Xcel Energy proposes time-of-use rates as the default option for Minnesota customers - Minnesota Reformer
    Minnesota MNByChoice Xcel Energy proposes time-of-use rates as the default option for Minnesota customers - Minnesota Reformer

    Xcel Energy customers in Minnesota will likely soon have good reason to hold off on running dishwashers or charging vehicles until bedtime. The state’s largest utility is asking regulators to approve a major change to how residential customers have paid for their electricity for decades. In December...

    Xcel Energy proposes time-of-use rates as the default option for Minnesota customers - Minnesota Reformer
    Minnesota MNByChoice You might be a lobbyist now - Minnesota Reformer

    Recent changes to the Minnesota laws regulating political advocacy have expanded the definition of a “lobbyist” and the universe of people who now have to register as one. The changes will have little effect on existing professional lobbyists but are expected to mandate a bevy of new people register...

    You might be a lobbyist now - Minnesota Reformer

    Non-computer standing furniture

    There is evidence that standing is better for the human body than sitting. For work we have standing desks for computer work and such. Some aim to stand 8+ hours a day.

    What about for other activities? How do the unemployed, retired, and homemarkers get in enough standing? Are there good ways to stand while reading a book, or sipping a coffee and enjoying the dawn?


    What happened to the Batteriser?

    While looking for uses for old disposable AA batteries, I ran across the Batteriser from 2015. Clearly, it was a flop of some sort, as I am posting in 2024. What happened? Are there any iterations that do work?

    Also, are there any uses for old batteries?
