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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Apparently controversial, in this day and age
  • continuation of last comment :)

    For the record, I love reading. It’s just that you’re not producing text. You’re producing gibberish you think is convincing rhetoric. It’s sort of like watching a five-year old play kitchen. You have absolutely no idea of the words you use and your rhetoric is elementary.

    i enjoy reading also, it's often just technical material or something sociological in nature. I should say the same thing about you, you've done nothing but reiterate the same points for the first five or however many comments you made, i simply responded in kind, you'll notice i responded to actually engaging questions in this one!

    my brother in christ you do nothing more than post links to shit other people have said and reiterate what they say while being mad, you are literally the equivalent of a piece of silicon processing USB signals.

    You ignore the evidence

    brother, the evidence you are posting is people going "yeah we think this might be genocide, and we would like for it not happen please" Like i'm sorry but if this were documentation about a nuclear reactor i'd be reading a hand manual for a fucking blender right now.

    You ignore the fact that ICJ and ICC courts take a significant amount of time.

    yeah, it's a court, of course they do, why do you think i'm waiting until the finalize their statement on this situation? Lmao.

    If you were right now being held for trial for allegedly having raped 800 children and there were hundreds of hours of filmed evidence of you doing it, do you think it’d mean you’re innocent because you’ve not yet got a guilty verdict?

    hmm let's see, and if i were david mcbride, rotting in australia prison right now, for "committing warcrimes" when i merely exposed actual war crimes, and how they were covered up, by charging people who DIDN'T COMMIT THOSE WARCRIMES. How would i feel about the situation? Idk probably devasted, but like, i think this is probably the least of our concerns. Julian assange was only recently freed, and he didn't even do shit.

    Also, legally speaking, it's undecided until the verdict, unless pleas deal technically, but the same standard applies so whatever.

    The phrase "innocent until proven guilty" is more about how we should treat people going through the court, you know, salem witch trial type shit.

    You’re despicable. And it shows from you getting so utterly pissed when I sussed out so easily that you’re probably part of this group and of Jewish American descent, went to your birthright (because you couldn’t afford a holiday anytime else) and got brainwashed so bad that now you’re getting literally cross-brained trying to not to admit what the scum of Israel are doing.

    damn, you really hung yourself out to dry on this one huh. Unfortunately i just so happened to respond with actual responses this time. RIP.

    Why do you ignore all the evidence?

    the shit you're posting is bad homie. It's not good evidence. It's the metaphorical equivalent of me scrawling on a napkin that there is 12 million dollars in cash in a forest somewhere in ohio, at these coordinates, and then handing it to you.

    I read all your childish garbage utterings. None of them have a lick of an argument behind them. It’s like piss-poor rhetoric from a malnourished Soviet official who started vodka on an empty stomach; zero literacy and stumbling all over in a panic because they know they’re in trouble.

    this ones clever, i like this one.

  • Apparently controversial, in this day and age
  • And how exactly did you get “I hate reading” from “I hate genocidal fucks like you”?

    i'm mocking you for saying the same thing repeatedly, it's fucking cringe bro. We get it, you cannot stomach the thought that sometimes people disagree with you.

    Weirdly you keep avoiding actually mentioning any, just going on with vague “both sides” bullshit and “not enough evidence” patheticism.

    ironically, i do answer it, you just keep ignoring it, for some reason, i've given a very clear answer.

    Do you think Israelis are at an equal risk of being the victims of genocide as Palestinians are?

    oh good, a good question, i actually really like this question.

    To answer your question, if we're talking from a military power standpoint, israelis have a significantly less risk of "being genocided" as opposed to "palestinians" though this is within the context of this war specifically. The reason why is because israel is a massive military state, (they own f35s btw, they're basically a US proxy with how much military power they have) Palestine on the other hand, gets weapon shipments from iran, as per usual. I believe there are also a few other imports they have, but they're the usual primary suspects, from my understanding though it's primarily iran using it as an excuse to proxy war.

    Looking at a state size and population metric, it's hard to argue against the claim as well, there are simply more people in israel.

    If we're arguing outside the context of the war, from the perspective of the middle east? I don't know, depends on how well relations between israel, and the rest of the middle east are i suppose. Palestine would be basically the rest of the middle east, aside from the fact that it borders israel (again, we're ignoring everything else, this is a purely geographic/demographic based analysis)

    Wow! Look at that, when you ask good questions, it's almost like it's possible to receive good answers!

    ANSWER CLEARLY; since I’m clearly incapable of perceiving anything other. (Or you just equivocate because you know what is the right side of history but you don’t actually want to go against your brainwashing of DO NOT CRITICISE ISRAEL DO NOT CRITICISE ISRAEL.)

    since you seem to think i cannot criticize israel at all, it is clearly impossible for me to do so. Even though i have said NOTHING about israel, i will now go on to criticize israel and their wartime efforts.

    Let's see, notably in the public eye, the civilian causalities have been rather high. But then again, russia has also lost 300,000 troops in combat, granted not civilian, they're mostly conscripts and draft picks. (a significant portion of which have been ethnic minorities living in russia, so if we're talking about genocide, arguably russia has been technically been doing a genocide, just very quietly) Perhaps that should make you sick to your stomach as well. Ukraine has also suffered losses, but they have also evacuated millions of people, to my knowledge. So most of which would've been people who didn't evacuate (likely by choice) or soldiers.

    The public eye is rather boring though, so let's go a little bit deeper, israels control over gaza over the last period of however long it's been going on for is rather concerning. There's very little freedom living in gaza, but then again, hamas did decide to war against israel, so how much of that is really "israel bad" and how much of that is "hamas bad" is a question left up to interpretation i suppose. These kinds of thing when in war are so inconsequential it's not even worth considering though.

    Israel absolutely has all kinds of propaganda, i'm not versed on what is confirmed propaganda, but i've heard a lot of stuff is, and a lot of stuff isn't though i'm almost certain that some of it is.

    Public PR wise, netanyahu is terrible. Unless you're jewish probably. He seems like a goofy guy, seems to be stuck in an awkward spot where most of his government isn't supporting him, except for the far right, so he seems to be leaning on them in order to stay in power. The public in israel doesn't seem to be happy with what he's doing.

    Long term, israel doesn't seem to have a plan, they seem to either war constantly, or not. They don't seem to have any sort of long term solution at all. Which is obviously, not helpful at all. They really seem content to just, keep warring. When they do stop warring, they seem to cause problems. Often times shit happens that really shouldn't (arguably hamas is one)

    You didn’t read it, got it. You skimmed and concluded “there’s no sentence” and thought that’s it. That’s exactly my point about the way you “argue.”

    nah i just don't remember what i typed because it's been like three fucking days and i'm not scrolling up to make a coherent point about some shit i'm clearly philosophically babbling about.

    No, it isn’t, unless you’re pushing Israeli propaganda.

    yes it is? It's literally war? Go find ANY open source intelligence community working on military stuff, anywhere, and please tell me how confident they are in what they find, and what they predict. You'll find that they aren't confident at all, and in fact just propose ideas. It's really quite boring, but i find it rather interesting.

    Again. Literally the vast fucking majority of the world agree it’s a genocide.

    again, i think this is a slight mischaracterization. This is a list of countries around the world who support south africas legal inquiry to whether or not this is considered to be genocide. Meaning that they would like for a just answer to the question at hand.

    "The president expressed his support for South Africa's initiative to call on the International Court of Justice to order Israel to immediately cease all acts and measures that may constitute genocide"

    Hey look at that! it's a quote directly from the segment you quote from on wikipedia! It says EXACTLY what i said it would probably say, isn't that weird? It's almost like i know some things.

    it’s much simpler to show that the legal definition of a genocide (which you tried looking up on fucking wikipedia :DDD

    woah, look at that, an actual legal definition, you could've just linked that in the first post, or comment, i don't remember how this thread started anymore and we wouldn't be here!

    Regardless i still have some issue with the definition as stated, because it has no (at least none that i can find) stipulations for anything regarding an actual war, because it turns out, most wars would arguably be defined as genocide under that definition. The USSR against Afhgan war? Genocide. WW1? Genocide. Numerous genocides infact! Japanese sino war? Also probably genocide! Japanese russo war? Also probably genocide! The mexican american war? Also, still probably genocide.

    anyway, enough contextual meandering, that's not the point, i'm just making a point here.


    little fun fact for you, human rights orgs are primarily opposed to this, because it's a fucking war. Nobody likes war. Also just because someone is an expert doesn't mean you should listen to them, and or fully believe them. here's a little tidbit of information for you. Most of these experts particularly the law experts, are probably rather infamiliar with local cultural customs and differences between the east and the west, which is almost certainly an influencing factor for this war. A lot of them are likely getting lots of air time. (which also means money) and the media loves money! We know this.

    Also, they're loudly crying genocide. Nobody wants to fucking listen to anybody doing that. It's literally the boy who cried wolf. If it's actually a genocide, the currently ongoing court case slated to determine this question, will fucking tell us. As for now, how do we talk about this? Simple, don't call it a genocide, because we don't fucking know. You wanna talk about war crimes? That's great, i'll listen, there's something actually tangible there. You wanna talk about human rights? That's another big thing, that's a tangible thing.

    Stating that this is genocide is like me stating that the world is going to end october 22 2042. It doesn't matter to you whether i'm factually right about it, maybe i'm fucking god for all you know. There's nothing of tangible substance there. You can't do anything with that. Therefore, you don't care.

    Here’s the Israeli Defence Minister directly announcing that they are fighting “HUMAN ANIMALS”. (Perhaps google the word “dehumanisation”.) (edit forgot to add this link)

    hey look, a good argument against israel, sure is weird how when you bring up tangible things, stuff starts to become a lot more reasonable doesn't it?

    You’re like a Flat Earther insisting he’s using objective science. You’re like a scientologists, denouncing psychiatry. You’re like a transphobe screaming “there are only two genders.” ALL the fucking experts disagree with you, but you’re not man enough to admit when you’re wrong, or even man enough to understand you should stop shaming yourself online.

    i could say the exact same thing to you, and it would be equally as valid. This is a bad argument. I won't entertain it.

    “NO WAY OF KNOWING :///////”"

    you link things that do not claim there is an active genocide (in the headline at least) and the one that does, is lying.

    Ah, there’s nothing I can do to fix a sick puppy like you

    i appreciate that you picked up the furry lore. :)

    You will never admit Israel is raping and pillaging Palestinians

    they might be, idk, russia might have been doing the same thing in ukraine, wars fucked bro. You see that video from wagner of the POW being sledehammered?

    oops, character limit, comment in reply to this one coming up soon!

  • Apparently controversial, in this day and age
  • Like I said, people like you make me sick to my fucking stomach.

    reading the english language makes me nauseous, oh woe is me my head hurts now.

    Your childish word-salad is making me laugh out-loud. You don’t even get a “good try”. Sorry boy-o.

    damn, the words, what do they mean. A question for the future times i suppose.

    So you deny the Genocide in Gaza?

    I'm not saying anything in specific with regards to the israel palestine situation other than the fact that "shit's fucked" right now. Could there be a genocide? I suppose so. I would need more definite proof before coming to that determination. You keep pretending like not having a binary answer going one way or the other is literally impossible. It might be if you have the collective reasoning and critical thinking skills of a toddler, unfortunately, i have been blessed with the mental faculties, of a grown adult human. and therefore i have to contend with the realities of the world, because they are simply a thing that exist.

    No need to equivocate like that, your stance is clear.

    what the fuck do you mean? I have explicitly stated what my stance on this is, multiple times, it's the same everytime, if you think it's any different that's a problem with your comprehension. You have probably gaslit yourself into thinking that i have an opinion on something, that i genuinely do not have an opinion on other than "idk war bad" I would go into it with more depth but clearly that would confuse you, since you seem to lack the capability of interpreting a non binary answer.

    You need to read it more clearly. Your grasp of language is horrible. You don’t understand the differences between terms like state, ethnicity, nation, nation-state

    perhaps, one could argue that i was making a point about the intricacies in small things making determination of larger concepts a much harder process. Seems like you have that part ironed out, though it seems you're more set on yelling at me and calling me a "genocide defending fuckhead"

    You don’t understand what it takes for the ICJ and the ICC to admit that there is a case here. They do not admit to genocide lightly, and the trial is still open.

    yeah i don't, and you probably don't either, what i do understand is how the court works. Once there is a set ruled verdict on this case, it will be a settled matter, and i will not have to expend energy on it, as it will be decided in the global court of law as it should be not on the internet, by angry people who may or may not even be real.

    WHO is arguing that there ISN’T a genocide?

    oh i don't know, let's see here, a significant portion of the media, a good chunk of israel, a good chunk of the israeli population, probably a pretty big segment of the jewish population as well. Idk man, seems like quite a few people here to me.

    A majority of countries have decided that yes, it is indeed a genocide and yes, Israel is criminal scum and only a tiny minority of countries (like the US) deny the genocide.

    There is no decision here, unless we are talking about the court case, and if we're talking about the court case, then no, there is no decision because it has not run its due course yet. This is the entire point of the case. You don't build a global legal system intending to prevent things like genocide, and then ONLY use it when there is 100% provable, for certain genocide going on. Because then it would, ironically, miss genocide. The whole point of it is to be a check and balance on the various members of the international community hopefully ensuring that something like ww2 never has to happen again.

    These countries might publicly report that they believe this, but this is also just that they believe it, and i would presume it's probably "we believe that israel might be perpetrating genocide" rather than the aforementioned 100% affirmative, you seem to continually and regularly use.

    There are THOUSANDS of experts on international law who don’t hesitate a second to call it what it is; GENOCIDE

    oh cool, so you probably have a document included the signed, consented opinion of thousands of international law experts saying verbatim "i believe that israel has 100% committed genocide" that isn't just going to be a 300 hundred page document about the potentiality that israel has committed genocide? I find it curious that you don't link anything the first time around, seems like you're here to yell at people first and provide sources later, seems rather irresponsible to me.

    But you stand on the side of the Nazis. Fucking disgusting.

    i literally don't, and you can't prove otherwise, and you haven't proven otherwise. Try harder kiddo.

    Alright, come have an actual voice chat and webcam with me which I will record it and post it here. With your own name, of course, as this is real life we’re talking about.

    you are literally asking me to doxx myself, very cool. Super cool, perchance can i have your full legal name? Also why would i? Doxx me and come say hi :)

    But you won’t do that, because you’re a scared little kid who has been brainwashed and is unable to question said propaganda, which is why you push it despite not really believing in it, which is why you have to argue in bad faith, which is why you pretend Lemmy is "real life"* and which is why you pretend you don’t know how to Google and which is why you equivocate two pages of utter gibberish.

    just for the record here, i'm not going to do it because i have nothing i want to say to you. Nor do i care enough about this ordeal to deal with someone on a level like this. But yeah no i guess the "nuance" propaganda has really gotten into my brain and it has really affected me now. It's affected me so deeply that i've completely broken down my entire life view, and rebuilt it from the ground up, just so i could have a view on life that wasn't defined by any existing structure or ideology in particular. I guess that propaganda has really worked it's way in huh? The years of isolation in pursuit of meaning have culminated in the end result of nothing after this long period of time. (i also do not have a webcam, so)

    You're sitting here pretending that discord is real life, why are you accosting me for saying that lemmy is real life (ignoring the fact that this is a blatant mischaracterization) lemmy would be considered to be an extension of life, arguably, an extension of the socialization of life specifically. Since most people don't use lemmy much outside of socializing. But that's clearly too much of an abstract concept for you.

    also i don't think you understand what the definition of equivocation is, you're the one equivocating my statements lol. Equivocal just means that something is "not clearly defined/stated" an equivocation is using that specific mechanism to work around a certain thing, most commonly a question. If you were to ask me a question, to which i was to respond with something that isn't an answer, that would be an equivocation. I however, am responding with an answer. It's very clear.

    Also i like the little extra asterisk after the quoted italics section, very cute, i can see you were rather angry when typing that section out.

    So, you would outright deny that there is a genocide in Gaza, is that right?

    to rephrase this a little bit, since you're very clearly loading the statements here. Just because i feel a little bit generous.

    "so, would you consider what israel is doing in gaza, to be equivalent to a genocide?"

    my short answer would be "no, because i do not have a clear understanding of the situation to a point where i can make a reasonably informed decision on the matter."

    My long answer, would be: Given the historical contexts of what is currently going on in israel/palestine at the given moment, it is extremely difficult to give a concise answer to the question, adding all of the propaganda, misinformation, and disinformation out there on the internet, from both sides (we know this part from the ukraine, russia war, it's very apparent) that there is almost no reputable source of information regarding any one topic on the matter, as it differs from person to person. Combined with the given definition of genocide being a particular action, and this being a very definite war. It's hard to delineate between where war stops, and genocide ends. When we include middle eastern culture into this it only gets less defined.

    In short, i have no reasonable way, manner, or method, to make a well informed opinion of the events taking place, including my understood lack of knowledge on the topic, such that i wouldn't be disseminating some form of misinformation, or disinformation, which is not something i wish to do. Combine that with the general stance i have on providing other people free will, and not trying to influence people in any particular manner, it would not benefit me in any manner either. The best i can do is to coalesce my known information into one place, and collect my thoughts in a manner that allows me to best express my understanding of the situation, in hopes that it gives other people insight into what's going on, on some rudimentary level, while on top of that, instilling in them a healthy dose of nuance.

    although i'm sure nothing i could say would satiate your desires for conflict.

    avoiding showing your face

    oh please, show me your face! I'm sure it's pretty. Or will you not, because you don't stand for your own morals? I will continue to not, because my morals are simply different from yours, and that's ok. That makes me no less of a person than you, just anonymous. As i prefer to be on the internet, presumably, like you currently are, and will continue to be, because you have no interest in revealing your identity to me as it could bring unforeseen consequences. Which, is fine. Though hypocritical given your previous statements. Perhaps you could even do some equivocation of your own there?

  • things you can only do with boys
  • park is an incredibly broad definition. Are we talking a national park? Fucking yellowstone? A childrens playground? A public park? A parking lot? All of these are very different from each other, and some of these would make more sense than others.

    in fact, going by the most broad definition "An area of land set aside for public use, as." this includes places like the DMV, or local government buildings, and my personal favorite. Memorial sites.

    you have got to give me something to work with here if you're going to sit there and call me stupid.

  • things you can only do with boys
  • you sure seem assmad about this one.

    Are we going to deal with a 5 year old shitting their pants in the middle of a public park also? And if so at what point should i be dealing with my shit pants in public, because that is technically, a thing that can happen.

  • People doing the 30 days linux Challenge are having several problems because of Mint's old packages and technology. Why people still recommend it when there is Fedora and Opensuse with KDE and Gnome?
  • you can debloat windows, yeah. But it might also install malware on your system, or irreversibly break windows as microsoft is well known for not breaking things

    you could try and debug issues, i guess. Good luck. You could use a software repository, there are three to choose from!

    Windows is theoretically built in a modular manner that prevents things from being weirdly placed and hard to track down, but it isn't adhered too!

    Most problems with windows, are ironically, not really a problem with windows. But a problem with microsoft specifically, or the way that software is developed for windows.

  • Obscure screw added so appliance cannot be disassembled
  • i've got no problems with torx (it's one of the best driver designs) and nothing wrong with left hand thread, as you said, it's needed for bicycles, but using proprietary "security" bits is just, less than acceptable in the modern day and age.

    Though i am inclined to agree with you on the design theory, it's more than likely they have billions of those little proprietary things kicking around in a warehouse, and there's just no reason for them to get rid of them.

  • Apparently controversial, in this day and age
  • You genocide defending fucks make me sick to my stomach.

    if this is what does you in, you won't have a very good time on this little thing here called the internet, again, you keep saying shit i don't say. Stop putting words in my mouth.

    While we're here, let's play a game. one of my personal favorites

    “More legally and specifically” as if “ethnicity” isn’t well defined in international law. gtfo noob.

    alright then big man, link me to the resources that define these things.

    Does the state share cultural and historical background with the rest of the NATION-STATE they belong to? Yes. They do. They share a cultural and historical background.

    most of palestine is partially arab, therefore, palestine is arab in ethnicity. There are a few religious minorities, but that's typical, though i'm not familiar with most middle eastern states so i wouldn't know if any of those are illegal elsewhere.

    Also if this is such a hard concept for you to grasp, i will simply point you to asian, european, slavic, african, all of these are arguably ethnicities, though broadly defined, as there are usually more specific subsets for these. Palestinian is arguably a subset of these more broadly defined groups (though i left out the middle east)

    The reason that the holocaust was considered genocide was because it was literally targeting jews, for no reason other than cleansing them. (also it had a kill count in the millions) If genocide is considered to be killing people of an ethnic group, than would you classify the US bombing of japan during ww2 to be an ethnic cleansing? because as far as i can tell, that would not be what that is considered, even remotely. Even though we literally bombed hundreds of thousands of japanese people over the course of the war. Presumably genocide has to be defined by a percentage of the total population, given a motivation to "cleanse" said population, the boulder shooting for example would that count as a genocide? What about the florida church shooting?

    in fact, according to the genocide convention it's an extremely broad definition, including almost nothing specifically, other than the fact that it must be "... any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, as such:" it doesn't specify military operations, and i am almost sure there are exceptions to this clause in the definition of military operations, because this is law we're talking about. In fact, this is also so incredibly broad, that the only way it could reasonably be defined, is in a court of law, specifically an international one, only then would we be able to determine what the answer is here.

    So if you lived a hundred years ago, you would say that the Nazis aren’t on “your land” and thus “literally not your problem to answer”?

    you forget that this is basically what the US did up until germany threatened attack on the US. The nazis were also operating differently, unlike israel, who is actively engaged in war, germany sort of just, walked up to people, waved, said hello, and then invaded them and overthrew their governments within about a week or two. (highly verbatim, don't take this literally, since you probably know fuck all about ww2 lol)

    Nazi germany was also literally a fascist dictatorship, israel is quite literally a democratic country. These are quite literally two incomparable situations.

    We live in an global interconnected world and you bet your goddamn stinky arse that it’s also your problem, no matter how indirectly. The war in Ukraine isn’t your land, thus “literally not your problem”, right?

    the war in ukraine literally isn't my problem, i have no control over it, i have no authority over anything related to it, the best i can do is vote. That's it. Does it affect me? Yes, so do tornados, and hurricanes, and floods, and fires, are those my problem? No, i literally can't do anything about them. I just have to live with them.

    And that’s a very simple example (for what I assume is a very simple person), but people could list literally thousands of ways how this is your problem as well.

    yeah and the OPEC founding caused the energy crisis of the 70's. I'm almost certain i could list more ways that the ukraine russia war effects the global economy, i've been around the topic extensively and i am rather familiar with the effects of trade on a globalized economy. My point here is that i did not create OPEC, i literally have no control over what russia decides to do, it doesn't fucking matter what i think.

    Do you live under a fucking rock?

    did you just link the ongoing court case? I'm not up to speed on it as i don't turbo nerd follow every global political event unfortunately, i have to spend time playing factorio and shit, i'm a person after all. So i'm not sure if this has had a legal conclusion (though i would have almost certainly heard about it) This is literally the equivalent of me suing you for "raping me" that doesn't mean that you raped me, or that i lied, it just means that it has to go through court, it has to be tried, and it has to be ruled on, to some degree. To my knowledge, none of that has happened yet considering what most of those links appear to be are "motions filing for the convention of genocide"

    The motherfucking INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT has said there are “reasonable grounds” for a genocide, and their standard of proof is a bit higher than some random asshole online who admits they don’t know anything about anything that’s outside of America.

    and i don't disagree? My problem here is that there is no "proven genocide" it's "reasonable grounds for genocide" those are two very different things. And yes, the standard of proof IS higher than my dumbass self saying shit on the internet, you'll notice i have literally NEVER said that this is or isn't a genocide, i've just said that i'm not sure what this would be classified as, because this is a rather unusual proceeding in modern politics.

    also here's a little fun fact if you're linking israeli officials that go against netanyahu. Have you ever considered that they may be doing it as an act of political posturing to gain support from opponents of netanyahu? If i were a political figure in israel that was opposed to him, i would absolutely be doing the same thing.

    "plausible violations of the Genocide Convention in Gaza"

    plausible does not mean confirmed, it just means likely possible. Not that it even happened, but that there's a likely chance that it could've happened Plausible is barely any more sound than 'maybe" or "possible" or "technically a possibility"

    saying that what is very clearly an intentional genocide isn’t one and that no-one should do anyone about it.

    wow... you are, uh, very bad at reading comprehension, like really bad. Are you chatGPT by chance? Llama model? What flavor of generative AI are we speaking here?

    To cover this one statement by statement here:

    it is not "very clearly an intentional genocide" it's a war, between an organziation that has literally (according to your standards) committed an act of terrorism against israel "At least forty-four nations have publicly expressed their unequivocal condemnation of Hamas and explicitly decried its tactics as terrorism."

    "isn't one" Show me one message where i have explicitly said "israel is not committing genocide against palestine" Across my ENTIRE account history, please, show me one.

    "no-one should do anyone about it" this one isn't quite true, it's more a mischaracterization than anything. What i'm saying is that we you and me, have almost nothing that we can do, other than say "hey i don't like this, don't do that shit." but that's about the extent of it, our elected officials can do more, and doing this "genocide denial" shit, doesn't fucking help. Because at the end of the day nobody fucking cares whether it's genocide or not they want the war to stop

    Do you have no fucking morals?

    i do have morals, they're just rather minimal, and weirdly enough, don't include the very specific designation of "ISRAEL BAD PALESTINE GOOD" anywhere in there, it does have shit like "war crimes bad" "war not good" "crime bad" "don't murder" though.

    Were you just brainwashed so horribly on your Birthright?

    homie you are the one putting words into my mouth here. Please, if you're going to accuse a degenerate furry of being "brainwashed" at least be clever about it.

    If this were real life, you wouldn’t even dare to say aloud that “why would it even be considered a genocide”, because you’d be so ashamed because everyone would look at you like the drooling moron you are.

    this literally is real life, and i'm right here, and you're right there, unless you're chatgpt. Why would i be ashamed? This is a very standard practice in the field of philosophy, especially sociology. Clinical analysis of these types of situations is the only thing that provides meaningful results. Also cool adhom, should i call you retarded now? Is that how this works? I would rather not though, because that's extremely rude.

    Educate yourself

    again, i think you need to actually read what it says, because it's pretty explicit about what it says, and what it says is that "it is possible that genocide has been committed in gaza by israel." If it said anything else, there would be an arrest warrant out for netanyahu, most of the upper political government, as well as most military leaders, and perpetrators of the "genocide" weirdly, there seems to be a distinct lack of any of this happening, and i'm not sure why, it's almost as if nobody really knows what the status of what is currently happening is.

  • things you can only do with boys
  • idk i've grown up around a family with various siblings, and my experience has generally been that doing much of anything with a baby, especially one that shits itself is often more work than it's worth.

    maybe this shits uniquely american, but i can't recall anybody just changing their babies diaper in public. In public bathrooms sure (a car even? Though i don't consider that public), there's changing stations there, and it's to be expected, but certainly not just, in the middle of a park.

  • things you can only do with boys
  • hence why i said rude at best, because yknow, human fecal matter has never been known to cause disease and sickness in other humans. Let alone what kind of sanitary problems that would cause in most places.

    Im sure people carry kit with them, but shit happens (literally) and i would certainly want to be in a bathroom rather than not be in one, because that way it's atleast contextually contained and expected. Also do you not have a car? That would certainly explain some of this.

  • Thoughts on understanding your body in order to improve your life

    hi hello, rather ironic title, considering i spent the last day and a half on my feet continuously (i'm a chronic chair sitter, as of the last year or so) and so my physical body is kinda fucking through the wringer right now. Plus i'm feeling kinda shitty right now for one reason or another. And also i've got an operation tomorrow, which will rock my world for a bit, i'll be fine though. No worries about me.

    also some context here, anytime i say "body" i'm referring to the whole physiological construction of yourself, body and mind included, though not explicitly mutual. There are instances where it wouldn't be.

    Anyway, i wanted to talk about something i don't really see anybody talking about, or at least i feel like people should consider more frequently. This would be utilizing a better understanding of your body and how it works, as a method to improve your life (hence coping in the title)

    As someone who probably has ADHD and/or autism, as well as some other unimportant distinctions here, i would like to complain about the incessant pushing of "habits" and "big pharma" solutions, not to knock on anybody, i just don't know if it's the correct solution. (rest assured, no pharma talk yet, it's too much to get into for this post)

    Particularly with habits in this case, i find that people often tend to use them as a stop gap measure to prevent certain problems from arising (forgetfulness for example) and while it's often useful to do such things, i think it's also important to consider what causes these problems in the first place. I feel, at least for me, and i imagine some others as well that often times you don't need a habit to exist, you just need a cooperative environment. (let's call them environmental habits for now)

    Let's take a simple example here a cluttered desk. A lot of people would probably start at "well you should regularly clean it" which isn't bad, as well as "you should be careful to not clutter it" however this is where i differ. I think to the best of your ability, you should configure it in such a manner that it minimizes the potential for clutter. This doesn't just force you to build habits, but will also subconsciously reinforce them.

    in my case, i have a rather large desk, it's very messy. It always is. Were i to rebuild it i would build it smaller, and designate certain spots for certain things that need to be on it. Which will help to fundamentally minimize the clutter on it. Another example would be an organization system for something like KNEX (if anybody remembers those) The simplest most fundamental solution here is what i want, bins with pieces sorted by type. Trivially accessible, ideally through some sort of shelf that enables them to be individually slid out. Anything more and i won't build, and less and i won't be building productively.

    Any who, enough of this boring chitchat, let's apply it more broadly, that's more exciting! I'll call it auto-physiological research for now. I think there is considerable benefit to be had from applying this train of thought in a more broad fashion. One thing i like to do every couple of years or so is to change a significant aspect of my life, just to see how my body handles it, how i handle it, and how it impacts my life. If i drink coffee, i might stop drinking coffee, if i have a regularly scheduled sleep cycle, i might try a natural schedule to let my body deal with it instead. If i socialize a lot one year, i might spend another isolating more.

    Research is often times about trying to forcefully separate the conjoined variables and constants of any given concept. You can apply this to your body in a similar manner, in order to "reverse engineer" how you work as a functional person.

    Here's a rather trivial one to mess with, most people have pretty regular and strict food consumption schedules. We generally consume the same foods everyday at the same general times. Literally just change it. See what happens. The body is a remarkably adaptable organism. (just don't hurt yourself, that's no good)

    Tidbit of the day:

    Find something in your life that bothers you, or that you don't understand, and try different things, see how you handle them, see how your body responds, and most importantly learn something and try to use it to your advantage.

    It's important to constantly learn new things and keep your brain busy, it helps your mental health and prevents cognitive decline. Thusly it should apply doubly so when it's your body that you're learning about.

    ok, goodbye now, i will return later once my lucidity returns :)


    Thoughts on interpersonal relationships, and being compassionate.

    Couple quick notes, this one is expanding off of my first two posts, though primarily my first one here. As well as some thoughts i've been ruminating on for a while. And as per usual, tends to be a little winding, but that's how we roll here :)

    One thing i've noticed throughout my life is that we have a very rigidly structured system of your level of intimate knowledge on another person. It ranges from mutual friends, to people that have been married for 30 years. It's interesting to me to see that this structure has sort of "naturally" developed around the human experience. But what's more interesting to me is the fact that people seem to uphold it by default. There is a value in it as a system. For example it's a great system for introducing two people who know each other as a mutual friend.

    Personally i hate classifications, I think any system where you intentionally create an explicit point across a spectrum, is like schrodingers binary answer. You can try and classify something that doesn't have an explicit boundary well. It's probably not going to be great, and even if it is, you'll find something that defies it. This only gets worse with scale, you need more and more classifications, and suddenly they no longer serve a purpose.

    The reason i mention this is because i find it often negatively influences my interpersonal relationships with other people. The system that we currently have often lays out very explicit expectations in romantic relationships particularly, though this can also be present in mutual ones as well. People often say that communication is the sole defining factor of what makes a relationship. You ever wonder why? It's because people have a certain expectation of how that relationship will work, and it's those expectations that cause problems. Now to be clear, even without these expectations, communication is still very important. It's a must for all relationships.

    The primary thing here is that if you go into a relationship without expectations, communication is much easier, arguably it's the default as nobody has any idea of what to expect. It's a much more personable way of looking at relationships. It allows you to focus on yourself, and the other person, rather than both of you collectively as a unit. Which is important, because you're removing a layer of abstraction within that relationship, which more than likely means that it's going to work better.

    Likewise, along with this, you also focus a lot more on the actual interactions themselves, which are what I personally value in an inter personal relationship, to make my point here, let's say i'm a hypothetical friend of yours. I don't care about you. You as an individual are simply a person, what i care about is the interactions that we have. I don't care about you, i care about what you have to say. There is simply little to no value in simply, being around people. (this is why driving, or being in crowded areas often feels inhuman) The reason why we find friendships to be valuable is because we talk to other people. If you still don't understand it, what i'm saying is that you can care about other people by simply caring about what they say.

    to throw in a little tangent here, keep all of this in mind with gossip, and relevant social communities. There are things worth talking about, there are things worth being mad about, and there are things that aren't. Gossip is not one of them.

    This may sound really counter intuitive, depending on how you view other people. But what i can say from experience, as a person with somewhat high charisma is that it has done nothing to my interactions with people, aside from potentially being beneficial. It removes you a little bit from the interaction, while also allowing you to be much more focused on the person themselves. There are a lot of people out there, not all of them think and experience the world in the way that i do. i would venture most people here probably think i'm insane, and that's fair honestly. But my point here is that, you will meet a lot of people like me, in various stages of their life. You'll probably meet a lot of normal people throughout your life as well. At the end of the day we're all people, and we all enjoy human interaction.

    Personally i've found throughout my life that i like interacting with weird people a lot more, it gives me a more complete worldview, makes me more compassionate for others, as well as puts some magic into human consciousness and interaction itself. Human relationships should be cherished, they are not a normal everyday occurrence, even though we're social creatures, built to experience them daily, we can still conceptualize them, and utilize them in a way not known to be possible in any other form of life, as far as we know. It's important to remember this, And it also allows us to appreciate the much simpler forms of life, animals, plants, insects, etc.

    and for the usual outro segment regarding some of this stuff: Here's my usual parting statements.

    If you'd like to interact with weirder people, or just learn more about people in general. Here are a couple of tips:

    • most importantly, getting someone talking, if you can get someone to talk about the things that interest or bother them, or the things that they like. You will learn the most about them this way, as well as strike the most interesting and engaging conversations.
    • finding people to talk to is a big one, obviously. I find that online communities will often have a lot of weirder people, the trick here is interacting with them 1 on 1. It's a lot harder to gauge it when people are conversing in a group setting, because there's a lot more going on, and it's just generally a simpler interaction. I've found on discord (i leave my DMs open, yes i know i'm insane.) That people will just show up in my DMs sometimes. It's great.
    • In an IRL setting, people tend to group together, so you'll wanna find the weird group, not the small friend groups, the groups of people who just are. People who are alone can be iffy, sometimes they don't want to interact with others, it's best to respect that, other times they don't mind, personally i really don't mind.
    • depending on your friends, mutual friends can be pretty interesting, it's worthwhile when it feels like it is.
    • most important thing here, don't do it to be polite, do it because you think people are interesting and you're genuinely curious about learning about them, the faster you can get into a casual conversational tone the better. (people can tell, and often times, it's just not that interesting.)
    • most relevant, there are a lot of weird people, be prepared for them, it's up to you how you deal with it, i just like to roll with it. It's interesting enough as is. Although keep in mind, ghosting people is often a dick move.

    myself being a weird individual i've developed a pretty good "spidey sense" for people like this, i can generally pick them out of the group pretty quickly, and i will generally get along with them pretty well. Most people are already capable of this to a degree, being involved in normal society, the outliers are pretty obvious sometimes. It's the people between obvious and "just barely normal" that are interesting.

    Years ago one of the nicest people i've ever met was just kind to be kind, literally no other reason. I will always remember them. They've taught me some of the most valuable information i will ever learn. Just be nice. It's incredible what it can do for other people. Genuinely one of the very few people i deeply respect, and consider to be a better person than i am.

    This time i bothered to proof read it, standards are increasing here at KillingTimeItself Inc. :)


    Thoughts on opinions, beliefs, and how you should hold and treat them.

    > preambly bit, idk, i like these

    I alluded to this in my last post, i didn't want to include it there mostly because i knew i would be typing a lot here, so here we are. If you don't have the time to read this, skip to the outro bit, i mashed my thoughts into a handful of sentences for you :)

    > intro

    I've spent a lot of time recently, trying to narrow down my principled belief system, in order to really set a good foundation for me to build on. And i've learned some some interesting things that i think could be useful to other people.

    I'm not a huge fan of opinions, i've never really liked them, anybody can hold whatever opinion they want, through things like satire they can used as a tool, so from the understanding of a belief structure, I.E. the thing that determines your ideological framework, and it's related friends. They're no good. I like to liken an opinion to a stubbed toe, a transient annoying event that ultimately in the grand scheme of things, is of little importance. The ability to change your own opinion, and even hold incorrect ones at times, is a valuable method of learning about the world around you, as it gives you a different perspective on things, as well as learning about yourself and your belief structures. As it allows you to think through them more completely, which is often what leads to strong principled beliefs.

    When it comes to both beliefs and opinions, i think you should hold weaker more surface level opinions, for more casual conversational interaction. I think your beliefs should be much stronger, and personally experienced by you. What i mean by this, is that your opinions are what you present to other people. They are a mechanism of conversation/interaction. Your beliefs should be unique to you in a sense, they should be constructed based on your life experience and principles (i'll get into that later) they should provide the substance that your opinions are created out of.

    principles are a broader belief, they are the underlying structure that creates beliefs. You can think of them like the most fundamental layer of an ideological framework, without them, there is no framework, there is no belief, your opinions are simply detached from you. A principle is something that you can almost universally believe, there should be almost no circumstances under which that principle is undermined by something. It's a foundational construction to a set of beliefs. It's what makes them integrate with each other properly.

    > nap time

    now that we're familiar with what im talking about, i'd like to run through some more involved concepts here. (notably what i came to talk about in the first place)

    > iterating on the previous to provide an example and some actual philosophy of mine.

    just to help illustrate this here's an example. My current primary principle in life, and what underlies my framework with which i operate under, is that the more options that people have, the better off they're going to be. Or in essence, "more options, is more beneficial" when you come to a conclusion where you are removing an option of something, from someone, i think it's important to carefully consider the potential impacts of these. In some cases, there is an extreme net positive to getting rid of an option, like murder. In other cases it's less so. This is just one of the ways i conceptualize current issues within the landscape.

    Now to get at the core of my point here, i think it's important to hold strong principles, and likewise, i think it's important to hold strong beliefs as well. When you focus on principles and beliefs, it's harder to negatively influence other people, since you spend most of your time trying to understand it via your systemic framework. This often leads to the ability to quarantine certain opinions and statements, which is not only healthy for you, as you spend less time frothing over them. But healthier for others, as it allows you to present a different utility to that same opinion/statement. Which can be highly valuable to other people as well as yourself.

    > problems, potentially

    There is one fairly significant issue you need to keep in mind however. Just having strong beliefs/principles doesn't make you a good person, nor does it make your life better. You need to be able to utilize these concepts much like anything else, in order to better yourself, and abilities. This is the reason i spent so much time covering the definitions of these terms, and it's why i covered the utility of it, as well as some of my personal framework. You need to understand why you believe the things you do, and you need to be able to comprehend them fully, in order to utilize them fully.

    Now for a bit of shock here, it doesn't matter what you believe, or what someone else believes, because ultimately, belief is arbitrary, you can believe one thing is good/bad and another person can just not believe you it's rather ironic isn't it? This is why principles are a thing, they allow people to collectively agree about a certain underlying level of belief. The reason i mention this is that i think it's important for an individual to be capable of deconstructing their beliefs, reconstructing them, however it comes about. And then forming a solid framework for you to base your worldview on. While also being fully capable, and aware of the fact, that at any time, you can do this with any belief, principle, or opinion by nature.

    > why it matters

    The reason why this is important is simple. Over time things bloat, change, and shift. You don't want to be left stuck with an inflexible framework, nor do you want to be captive to the whims of an existing structured system. Things will change, some of them you might not like, that's fine, that's what opinions are for. You can still take certain beliefs and principles from a certain group, or multiple even, to use to your advantage.

    It's scary out there, and that's why we like predetermined systems. Building your own framework is difficult, tedious, and grueling, but often very liberating experience. I went through a period of disillusionment with politics a few years ago, this lead to me ignoring it broadly, while following the specifics, which then further turned into following what underlies the specifics, and eventually i got to where i am today. An individual with the independent ability to conceptualize the world, with no strings attached to anything. I did go through a period of what is essentially political nihilism, which bled into my surrounding world, which was admittedly, pretty spooky. It's very weird not having thoughts about anything. But that led to me developing the system i have now, which i will probably follow along with for the rest of my life.

    > outro ramblings, probably, as well as some personal wisdom.

    man this is a long post, good thing i didn't get into it in the last one i guess. I just wanted to provide some context to the political systems we all to often find ourselves interacting with, without really having a full understanding of them, as well as philosophies of life, hopefully i provided something interesting to think about.

    naturally this probably isn't for everyone, and to those people, i just recommend you keep in mind that most things you interact with, that are posed as ideologies, and frameworks, and methods of conceptualizing parts of the world, are often a lot more complicated, and involved than it seems. As humans we like to abstract and simplify things, it provides a certain utility to those things, but it can also cause the message to be lost in the sands of time. It's not always just about the part you're experiencing, or the part that someone else is experiencing, it's about the collective experience of the world between you and others. People with different ideologies and frameworks will often clash with each other, much like two people speaking different languages. Nothing here is universal.

    also i didn't proof read this, it's late, i'm tired, and sweaty (summer months yay) yell at me if you find something thats weird or doesn't make sense.


    Thoughts on engaging with the world in a productive manner

    I'm back again, after a few weeks, have had some time to mull over my thoughts and i've been bothered by something recently so figured, i'd dump it here since this place is pretty slick.

    I see a lot of people engaging with certain things e.g. politics (this isn't about politics dw) on a very surface level manner, and i have a few problems with it, i'm not getting into the meta problems here since it's not about politics. But i will get into the more social problems i have with it.

    The biggest problem that i have with it is that it promotes an unhealthy level of interaction with topics and concepts, it promotes focusing on the optics more so than the underlying mechanics which can lead to you having incredibly shallow beliefs (another topic i'll probably come back to in a later post) which can undermine your belief structure. As well as leading to you feeling or believing that you are accomplishing something, when in reality all you're doing is yelling at someone on the internet. Anger is an incredibly powerful emotion, that's why it's been commoditized so often.

    Most of the time, when you end up engaging in this kind of rhetoric, it is intentional, not on your side ironically but on the side of social function of it's purpose. Let's take an example from history, the salem witch trials are a perfect example of this problem. From a social aspect, the purpose is to exert control over society. It's understood differently from a personal view, and that's intentional.

    Try to be conscious of how you interact with people, especially those in group settings. Try to speak for a purposeful manner. It's important that the collective meaning of the words you convey primarily go towards improving things. Now i'm not saying that you shouldn't have fun with your friends, goof around, be silly and just generally have a good time, that's different we're humans and we're social creatures, it's important to do that as well. I'm just saying that it's important to be conscious of what you're consuming, how you're contemplating it, how you respond to it, and most importantly how you engage with other people.

    Don't think too hard about the things you see online that irk you, ultimately in the grand scheme of things, they mean nothing and they will never amount to nothing. It's more important that you try and genuinely interact with other people, the most powerful force of change is human interaction. Oh and if you find yourself engaging in this, don't be hard on yourself, just be consciously aware of it and it's impacts.


    hi hello some thoughts and personal beliefs.

    i regret to inform you that you have probably created one of the more interesting communities to me, and i will almost certainly be back. I have a lot of thoughts in regards to living life to a productively healthy state. anyway, for the first post, since it's late and i have things to be doing, I'll be keeping this short.

    I believe that in order to mutually benefit other people in a positive manner, I.E. positively impact others lives. That you must be happy and fulfilled yourself, much like maslows hierarchy of needs. You must first be content and happy with your life, before you can extend it to other people.

    Tonight's message is that indulging in selfish behaviors can be productive, you just need to know when to apply them.

    Too much of society is focused on how you can benefit others, or be collectively productive for society, rather than allowing you to grow as an individual. Which often times benefits society greatly.
