Was it "The Damned Trilogy" by Alan Dean Foster by any chance?
Matt Gaetz. Ok at least on the same level.
I want to got to this donut shop just to get this receipt.
I mean this makes sense. It’s not unlike trying to grow your hair long. If one falls out it’s not like the new growth is going to be that long immediately.
So if someone my age dies, it’s not like a new 53 yo dude just pops into existence.
But yes still kinda depressing
Don’t you still see this when using an OTA ATSC tuner on a newer LCD display? I thought this was a function of the signal generation and not the display technologies.
Because any negative number x 0 is still 0?
Yeah mesh to me means you talk to one AP wirelessly and that AP talks to another AP also wirelessly to eventually get to a wired connection to the internet. Of course that can also be wireless (SpaceLink, Verizon, etc) but out to the internet. I much prefer each AP has its own ethernet backhaul because both latency and throughput are significantly better. Of course it’s not as convenient since you have to have wired connections at each AP location.
Wait I’ve seen this movie.
Nope we’re in those times right now.
Dude that’s rough. I’ve never heard of a THC allergy. I don’t know which is worse. That or the tick bite that makes you allergic to red meat. I’d buy you a beer if I could.
I hate when they take Apple Pay. It’s too easy to impulse buy and my ADHD takes over.
I got two kinds of gummies. Thanks for the info!!! Now I just wish it was Amazon with overnight shipping.
Does the CBD stuff “work”?
… plus it’s seltzer. I make fun of my wife because I tell her it tastes like a soda machine that ran out of flavoring :)
Man I wish that shit was legal in NC. I could use some gummies.
I like that plan. Now I have to go get scotch.
Yes. Yes it is. I’m gonna go have a beer and not think about it. Or maybe a Xanax.
Ammo sexuals is a new one for me. I like it.
This is the kinda shit that scares me. These nuckers are futs…
What’s the difference between the 1990s supergroup that sang “High Enough” and some moldy sweet potatoes?
One is Damn Yankees and the other is danky yams.