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absGeekNZ absGeekNZ
Posts 76
Comments 1.1K
  • This is also how tire balancing works for cars. Except they have a machine that does the calculations for position and weight.

  • Children in Texas state representative’s latest campaign ad aren’t hers
  • But how do you know how many you lost in that drop saw accident?

  • Giuliani ordered to turn over apartment and Benz to Georgia election workers
  • The best one

    The right to sue Trump on Giuliani’s behalf for some money Trump still owes him

  • I'm all for acceptance, but this is going too far
  • Ok; so how much for a sandwich and a coffee; all I have on me is a pair of lesbians and a large gay guy.

  • I hate liquids. Is there a simple understanding?
  • Got to remember to look at the c/ before having a WTF moment.

    I was like, my dude water you know one of the essential things keeping you alive is a liquid.

  • McDonald’s tells U.S. restaurants it’s not a ‘political brand’ after Trump visit
  • It is a difficult position to be in.

    So the crazy makes a plan with a local franchise owner. Tells corporate he has already said yes. Even though they likely don't want anything to do with it, as it is a no win situation for them, they are fucked either way.

    They have the shit job of saying no one of the most petty people in the world; who may be the next president. He could tell his cult to avoid McD's because they snubbed him now it is either piss off the MAGA crowd, quite possibly their biggest market, or piss off the dems...

    McD's is not great food, but it isn't terrible either. I don't envy the higher ups having to make this situation palatable.

    Their statement is pretty good though.

    we open our doors to everyone

    This is basically saying even though he is a criminal, we would still give him a chance. That is a dem dog-whistle if ever I saw one.

  • Elon Musk delusionally believes Trump support is not affecting Tesla, claims sales are at 'all-time highs'
  • It sucks, where is the 2016 Musk. That dude seemed to really want to help the world.

    Tesla was in a difficult position, but was really doing good things, SpaceX was just getting off the ground (pun intended), The Boring Company wasn't a thing yet.

    But post 2016, he just seems to get worse and worse, meme coins, weird birther shit....

    I used to really want a Tesla, they seemed like a car for me, but now that I am getting close to being able to afford one....well no, I think I'll probably get a polestar. Musk you went from what I would have called a visionary to a joke then kept sliding into actively dangerous. Shame really.

  • Green Party votes to waka-jump Darleen Tana
  • She was removed today.

    So kicking and screaming then.

  • me_irl
  • Think to self, it has probably been 5 minutes already, I should get up. Look at watch, hmmmmmm that can't be right, how did 45 minutes just disappear?

  • Look at this Kinder toy I got. What? How? Who?!
  • I read that as scro-TU-mass, took me a second to figure out what you were saying

  • What is your favourite/ most used FOSS android apps?
  • Termux + syncthing cli + tasker

    But this is not a solution for those that you do family tech support for.

  • Syncthing for Android discontinued
  • Agreed, it is fine for me. But I'm not going to setup something like that for family or friends.

  • Syncthing Android app discontinued
  • I was reminded of the same thing.

  • Syncthing for Android discontinued
  • Except for all the family and friends phones I have installed it on, these are not power users.

    Not being on the play store is a major deal.

  • What is your favourite/ most used FOSS android apps?
  • It sucks that Syncthing is discontinuing its android app

    It would be up near the top of my list.

  • Syncthing Android app discontinued
  • This is one of the many things I use Syncthing for.

  • Syncthing Android app discontinued
  • The problem is not "Syncthing users" it is the others that we bring along with us.

    I already have F-Droid on my phone, but the dozen others that I have promoted Syncthing to over the years do not. This is going to cause a bunch of problems.

    This is much more important than what you portray here.

  • Linux and your family
  • I needed to update my parents old NUC from Win7, it was either new hardware to run Win10 or give Linux a try, I told them I had been running Linux since 09 full time and it isn't any harder than running Windows.

    I said how about you give it a go for a month or so and see how you go.

    I installed Mint, it has been a few years now and no real issues beyond taking a while to get the printer working. I installed rust desk for remote assistance which I have only used 3 times since install.

  • Anon questions physics
  • That is one bold assumption right there.

  • Oscar the grouch, is an ambush predator

    I was having a conversation about characters from various childhood shows.

    I always thought that Oscar the grouch didn't make any sense. Why would you live in a bin?

    But it occurred to me that maybe the Grouch evolved to hunt like a trapdoor spider, they hunt mainly racoons but also cats and anything else that happens into their bin.

    Initially forest dwelling, with the rise of human civilisation; they have become adapted to living in cities which afford many pre-made "burrows" (bins). The lure of easy food, brings their prey to them.


    What is the most unique thing a person has done or is?

    I was reading a post about unique things you wouldn't want, such as a nasty medical condition named after you.

    That got me thinking.

    What is the most unique thing.

    Being the tallest person doesn't count, because there is always a tallest person...

    I thought maybe units of measure, there are not really that many units named after people. Newton, Pascal, ampere etc... Turns out there are quite a few.

    Next thought was atomic elements, there are 19 named after 20 people. That is fairly unique 20 people out of the ~110 billion to have ever lived, have an element named after them.


    Darleen Tana fails High Court bid against Green Party investigation | RNZ News Darleen Tana fails High Court bid against Green Party investigation

    Green co-leader Chlöe Swarbrick says the party welcomes the ruling and will now consider its next steps.

    Darleen Tana fails High Court bid against Green Party investigation

    I wonder what option the greens will have from here.



    I was reading a comment thread recently.

    One commenter stated that they are aware of the people who are "dumber" than them, and if they are not aware the person they are talking to is either similar in intelligence or smarter than they are.

    So my question is, do you have this awareness?

    Are you conscious of your relative standing in the intelligence hierarchy around you?

    And a side point, can you tell a smart person is acting dumb to fit in with those around them?


    Kids went hungry at school because teachers ate free lunches, mum alleges | The Post

    What arsehole teachers.

    I empathize with the mum, worrying about the government cutting the program.... They will be looking for any excuse


    Inland Revenue giving thousands of taxpayers' details to social media platforms for ad campaigns | RNZ News Inland Revenue giving thousands of taxpayers' details to social media platforms for ad campaigns

    Inland Revenue is giving hundreds of thousands of taxpayers' details to social media platforms for marketing.

    Inland Revenue giving thousands of taxpayers' details to social media platforms for ad campaigns

    What the actual fuck!

    13 The fight for iron sands: the bitter battle to protect New Zealand’s sea-floor riches

    Government’s push to fast-track projects in NZ stirs fears deep-sea mining off Taranaki, long opposed by the community, could go ahead

    The fight for iron sands: the bitter battle to protect New Zealand’s sea-floor riches

    cross-posted from:

    > > Government’s push to fast-track projects in NZ stirs fears deep-sea mining off Taranaki, long opposed by the community, could go ahead > > Archived version: > > SpinScore:

    1 The surveilled society: Who is watching you and how

    Analysis - Artificial intelligence-enabled cameras on billboards, in bus windshields, on petrol station forecourts and in the checkout at the supermarket - all these are here, or about to be.

    The surveilled society: Who is watching you and how

    cross-posted from:


    Best build to create Esmeralda Weatherwax

    As the title says.

    If you don't know the discworld books by Pratchett, Granny Weatherwax it the most formidable character. She is a witch, but doesn't generally use magic to solve problems; preferring to use persuasion and manipulation. In saying that her magic is extremely powerful.

    Maybe a bard with huge wisdom, persuasion and intimidation.


    A woman brought her own snacks to Despicable Me 4. Then the police arrived A woman brought her own snacks to Despicable Me 4. Then the police arrived | Stuart Heritage

    Many struggling cinemas depend on sales of pricey food and drink as ticket revenue mainly goes to film studios. But does banning outside supplies really add up, asks Stuart Heritage

    A woman brought her own snacks to Despicable Me 4. Then the police arrived | Stuart Heritage

    Just wow!

    What a psycho.

    44 Air New Zealand becomes first major carrier to drop climate goal

    The airline blamed difficulties securing more efficient aircraft and sustainable jet fuel.

    Air New Zealand becomes first major carrier to drop climate goal

    cross-posted from:

    > Air New Zealand has abandoned a 2030 goal to cut its carbon emissions, blaming difficulties securing more efficient planes and sustainable jet fuel. > > The move makes it the first major carrier to back away from such a climate target. > > The airline added it is working on a new short-term target and it remains committed to an industry-wide goal of achieving net zero emissions by 2050. > > The aviation industry is estimated to produce around 2% of global carbon dioxide emissions, which airlines have been trying to reduce with measures including replacing older aircraft and using fuel from renewable sources.


    Theme change

    Just changed my theme to Vaporware dark, it is really funky.

    I really like the monospaced font and retro-futuristic look.

    1 Legal risk and more paperwork: do health and safety laws threaten the great Kiwi school trip?

    New research shows high levels of teacher anxiety and frustration over legal liability and paperwork for school trips. But there are ways to maintain this crucial part of the curriculum.

    Legal risk and more paperwork: do health and safety laws threaten the great Kiwi school trip?

    I'd hate to see the school trips decline.

    8 A Comparison of Electric and Chemical Propulsion in the Era of Low Launch Costs — Dawn Aerospace

    Delft, The Netherlands - 18 July 2024 Electric propulsion systems (EP) have gained popularity in the low Earth orbit (LEO) propulsion market over the last decade, largely due to their lower launch costs. This is driven by their relatively high fuel efficiency (specific impulse - Isp) which reduces

    A Comparison of Electric and Chemical Propulsion in the Era of Low Launch Costs — Dawn Aerospace

    cross-posted from:

    1 A Comparison of Electric and Chemical Propulsion in the Era of Low Launch Costs — Dawn Aerospace

    Delft, The Netherlands - 18 July 2024 Electric propulsion systems (EP) have gained popularity in the low Earth orbit (LEO) propulsion market over the last decade, largely due to their lower launch costs. This is driven by their relatively high fuel efficiency (specific impulse - Isp) which reduces

    A Comparison of Electric and Chemical Propulsion in the Era of Low Launch Costs — Dawn Aerospace
    1 NZ First Minister Casey Costello orders 50% cut to excise tax on heated tobacco products

    Casey Costello's order to halve the tax is "something that tobacco companies would have been keen to see," an expert says.

    NZ First Minister Casey Costello orders 50% cut to excise tax on heated tobacco products

    Not sure if this is a good thing or not.

    HTP's may help stop smoking, or just as likely (in my opinion) increase the rate of people starting.

    Seems like a win for the tobacco industry either way.


    Dawn's Mk-II cleared for supersonic flight tests - SpaceNews Dawn's Mk-II cleared for supersonic flight tests

    Dawn Aerospace is poised to begin supersonic testing of its Mk-II Aurora spaceplane.

    Dawn's Mk-II cleared for supersonic flight tests

    Dawn aerospace looking good


    Watch: Greens respond to MP Darleen Tana investigation findings | RNZ News Watch: Greens respond to MP Darleen Tana investigation findings

    Tana has resigned from the Green Party and may remain in Parliament, despite the party having demanded she quit as an MP.

    Watch: Greens respond to MP Darleen Tana investigation findings

    She should be removed from parliament, now that the investigation has concluded and she was found to be corrupt....get rid of her.


    Sir Peter Beck unplugged: “Transporter can do it for free for all we care” | Ars Technica Sir Peter Beck unplugged: “Transporter can do it for free for all we care”

    "Look, there's no accidental monopoly. They are a ruthless competitor."

    Sir Peter Beck unplugged: “Transporter can do it for free for all we care”

    Pretty cool interview with Sir Peter


    Invercargill Mayor Nobby Clark refuses to step down over multiple behaviour complaints | Newshub Invercargill Mayor refuses to quit

    Nobby Clark is in the spotlight again after he allegedly mocked and disrespected attendees at an awards dinner.

    Invercargill Mayor refuses to quit

