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Deconceptualist Deconceptualist
Posts 1
Comments 694
Can I install linux on this?
  • I mean if you're down to NetBSD as your pick you've probably already made some big concessions so plugging into Ethernet isn't a huge leap at that point.

  • Can I install linux on this?
  • Most likely yes, as many others have said. Of course you'll likely have to pick a very lightweight DE.

    As a fallback there is always NetBSD.

  • Peak graphic design
  • I'm honestly not sure what you expected by clicking on this kind of post or what point you're making. Of course it's facile.

    You doing okay today?

  • Peak graphic design
  • It's too derivative of the N64 logo if you ask me. Jk, they're both pretty good.

  • Peak graphic design
  • I mean, it's not disqualified from being art just because the artist got paid by a corporation. Historically most great artists were paid by monarchs, religious leaders, nobility, or wealthy merchants, who were all the power brokers of their time.

    But yeah the fact that this is a product branding logo has weird "hail corporate" vibes.

  • What "unique" or single-game-genre games have you enjoyed?
  • I almost forgot about SimEarth. For some reason I was allowed to play it in grade school computer lab. I wish they would remake it so I can recreate my sentient cephalopod uprising, except with graphics that aren't complete ass.

    I never played SimLife. But no, Spore is really not like SimEarth at all. As the other person said, Spore is disappointingly shallow on all levels.

  • In case you need this, here are the right and wrong ways to kiss, according to Life Magazine in 1942.
  • I'm guessing this is intended for actors, not the general public.

  • a cool guide for tattoo pain from least to most
  • Someone should get this chart as a full body tattoo. Please report back; I'll be waiting.

  • CDPR says its new Boston studio means Cyberpunk 2 will be more authentically American
  • Does it have to be set in America? I'd think the genre could work almost anywhere with technological cities.

  • What’s the worst piece of technology you’ve ever owned?
  • Ha, I had one and it's what first came to mind too. Pretty useless.

  • No red circle. Not sure this one checks out.
  • While I don't appreciate the undocumented stealth moderation (particularly where I named the place in the photo), my other deleted comment was super rude and definitely broke rule #1. I was out of line, so better that it's gone.

    Sorry WarmSoda, you didn't deserve the hostility. Carry on, and may you avoid future asteroids.

  • No red circle. Not sure this one checks out.
  • Yeah you're right. I was in a foul mood and shouldn't have commented. Sorry 😞

  • No red circle. Not sure this one checks out.
  • I'll just put it straight: Your meme is old and sucks and you're being an unnecessarily defensive little bitch about it.

  • No red circle. Not sure this one checks out.
  • Maybe not on this instance but I tend to browse "everything" (not just "subscribed") since the Lemmyverse isn't that big.

    EDIT: Here's a previous one.

    Also you should totally go there, it's pretty cool IRL :)

  • No red circle. Not sure this one checks out.
  • How many times is this gonna be posted? This is the 4th or 5th time I've seen it this week.

    P.S. It's literally called Meteor Crater. Or Barringer Crater if you wanna pay homage to the guy who spent a fortune fruitlessly mining for iron that got vaporized on impact.

  • Misplaced Faith in Racist Ignorance
  • This one is really making the c/whitepeopletwitter community title seems extra ridiculous.

  • It just somehow makes sense
  • Especially if you light the 151 on fire first.

  • This is nothing short of a miracle.
  • It's literally called Meteor Crater.

    Worth a visit too BTW. Really makes you feel like an ant.

  • What Android apps are worth paying for?

    What non-game paid apps do you use that are worthwhile and still relevant in 2023?

    For context, I have a decent amount of Google Play credit thanks to Opinion Rewards and a gift card. I'm not looking to start a book or movie collection there, nor sign up for subscription services. But I'm happy to buy the paid/pro version of useful apps.

    I'm excluding games just because that's a whole topic on its own.

    Here are some one-time paid apps I've been happy with:
