All school-girls are attracted to gross old men, therefore it's consensual and perfectly ok. And even if it isn't, they're only kids; what do they know? They'll learn to love their husbands in time. And if they don't, who cares? They're only women
I’m at a loss for words. How did this man not get shouted down for saying that out loud and in public?! Those are the thoughts of a predator, which is a position of power.
In the name of honest, good degenerates, I protest these ghouls being lumped in with us. It's perfectly sane to want to have sexual relations with eg. military aircraft, and it is much more natural and socially beneficial than what these despicables imply.
When they screamed about the degeneration of Western society it wasn’t a warning it was an announcement. Everything is just projection with these evil cunts
If we continually restrict the freedom of marriage as a legitimate social option, when we do this to people who are a ripe, fertile age and may have a pregnancy and a baby involved, are we not, in fact, making abortion a much more desirable alternative
I think this can be interpreted as "young people will inevitably get pregnant", not "young people should get pregnant".
Still wrongheaded and cringeworthy, but maybe not as monstrous as it initially looked.
If we continually restrict the freedom of marriage as a legitimate social option, when we do this to people who are a ripe, fertile age and may have a pregnancy and a baby involved, are we not, in fact, making abortion a much more desirable alternative
Read as:
If we ban child marriage, then desperate single mothers will want to have abortions instead of getting married like God intended.
Dude's literally complaining that children getting abortions is easier than getting children married. No, that sounds exactly as ghoulish and monstrous as it appeared.
In my mind there is no generous interpretation of his words as there is a paragraph which makes his statement worse in my opinion.
In a state where 18 is not old enough to drink, Edwards believes girls at 16 are old enough to get married.
He wants marriage to 16 year olds to be legal; I don’t believe this is a good thing, especially if he also then argued for parental consent for marriages to adult men. It’s a huge red flag to me, personally.
Yeah but he skipped adoption and the idea that parents can continue to support their daughter even if she's not a virgin. Teens getting married because one of them got pregnant is not the first thing I want people to think of. A teen marrying her statutory rapist should be even farther down the list.
I’m deeply familiar with them it’s never been in their nature to say the quiet part out loud in front of everyone! Rather it’s projecting their desires on others to vilify them, hopefully their looser tongues sink their ship. 🤢
Any conservative board or sub, will immediately be overtaken by fascist snowflakes. I mean who the hell would want to freely mod a conservative sub in their free time? The job description alone requires someone deeply disturbed
It's worth the remembering that these are the "LGBT = groomers" people. However, I posit that this horrid statement belies the truth, which is that they're not trying to protect children, at least not individual children from specific ills. The anti-queer vitriol is, and has always been, grounded in eugenics. this is also why conservatives' eyes glaze over whenever the topic of queer youth suicide rates in restrictive states is broached. Taken with the ever-present conservative fixation on 'ripe' and 'fertile' underage girls, alongside the Great Replacement conspiracy that has become central to their rhetoric, I feel justified in saying OH MY GOD THIS IS FASCISM WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK HOW IS THIS ALLOWED TO CONTINUE.
It’s grounded in disgust over violations of what they perceive to be natural. They see a 16 year old girl having a husband to be natural, they see a 16 year old AFAB boy as being a violation of the natural order. And since they see queerness as a sexual perversion and marriage as the sacred outlet of sexuality they see queer people as pushing sex on teenagers when they’re just encouraging them to settle down and have a family
Because the GOP have taken Mitch McConnell's mantra of "if the Democrats are for it, we must speak out against it, no matter what" to ridiculous extremes.
I would make a hyperbolic example about the GOP arguing in favor of murdering puppies and kittens if the Democrats wanted to save them, but they've already argued in favor of forcing 10 year old rape victims to give birth, telling those children they should be happy for the "blessing" they received, murdered schoolchildren being nothing more than the price we pay for a 'free society', and guns being necessary and more important than the safety of our children because they need to shoot prairie dogs. I don't think any hyperbole is necessary.
But this is how we get here. When the default is to be against literally anything the Democrats support, and the answer to the "what if...." questions that follow are to either double down on the extremism and/or just say "ban that too!", this is the only logical outcome.
I think you're underestimating the extent to which they really want these things, or their donors do. These issues aren't new, and many of them either trace back to before the founding of the country, or are proxies for other issues which do. They're just feeling bold these days.
… If we continually restrict the freedom of marriage as a legitimate social option, when we do this to people who are a ripe, fertile age and may have a pregnancy and a baby involved, are we not, in fact, making abortion a much more desirable alternative, when marriage might be the right solution for some freedom-loving couples?” he said.
He believes child marriage should be an option, so abortion isn't an option. I would expect this from 4chan, not a government official.
Well that’s a gross new dog whistle to listen for.
“Freedom-loving couples” is shorthand for “oh shit I knocked up this ripe fertile child I was fucking, and I love freedom, so now I need to marty/own her instead of going to jail.”
I mean, I don’t know what he’s whining about. In most states all he has to do is get the parents’ permission, and he can marry her even if she’s underage. Maybe he’s mad that 12 states ban it completely?
On a side note, why is that a fucking exception in the law!?
“… If we continually restrict the freedom of marriage as a legitimate social option, when we do this to people who are a ripe, fertile age and may have a pregnancy and a baby involved, are we not, in fact, making abortion a much more desirable alternative, when marriage might be the right solution for some freedom-loving couples?”
It’s either abortion or marriage, it seems. No other alternative. Also, Freedom loving couples? Never knew hippies to be into traditional marriage. Someone please shut this degenerate up for good.
That’s not even a conspiracy theory; It’s literally why reps like MTG, Boeburt, and Ted Cruz exist. Their entire goal is to drag the Overton window farther to the right. They’re in safe seats where they don’t need to worry about reelection. So they’re able to spew batshit crazy far-right propaganda, and it makes the republicans in threatened seats look less crazy. Because if you’re in a threatened seat, you need to appear moderate to catch the swing votes. It allows those threatened republicans to continue to quietly vote along party lines without looking like a hardline republican.
Yep, to move the Overton Window to the right. The left should do this as well. If a group of real leftist put out a political platform it would make Biden look like a Republican.
Completly ban lobbying
Free healthcare for all
Free college for all
Housing guarantee - homelessness not acceptable
Billionaires fortunes taken and redistributed
Ban fossil fuel subsidies
Military exit from all countries except as part of multi-lateral peace keeping forces
Just one thing. You can't ban lobbying. You can and should highly regulate it. But you'd have to put your representatives in an isolation chamber if lobbying was banned. What we need to do is define anything more than a handshake passing between lobbyist and politician as a bribe. But Congress pulled the FBIs fangs decades ago now.
I wish it was some strategic play to manipulate public opinion. But this is sincerely what white nationalists who have ingested too much Great Replacement Theory honestly think.
Teenage girls are just baby-making factors for the "correct" ethnicity. Everything about our civilization hinges on the level of pigmentation in our skin and the shape of our foreheads/lips. We need to be prepared for a War To End All Wars, and that means churning out an army of Ubermensch to combat the savage hordes.
It isn't an act. This is what they sincerely believe. 20 years of post-9/11 hysteria and migrant-bashing has produced a party dead set on doing Nazi shit all over again, but from the inside of the country that won the last big war.
20 years ago that was their plan, but now they used the BS to control the masses so long, and so thoroughly, that the rubes that the were playing have taken control of the party.
Let’s set aside morality, because that’s also wrong. It’s factually incorrect. You want someone to die in childbirth? Knock them up at 16. Early 20s are the actual reproductive prime.
Yup. Whenever someone tries to justify underage marriage with “most fertile period” or “it’s always been the norm”, you know they’re a pedo. Teenage pregnancies are risky because the pelvis hasn’t fully developed, and the girl is more likely to suffer severe depression as well. Most fertile age is more like 19-32 not 12-18. Also, I live in the UK and marriage records kept by the church from the 1400s show the vast majority of girls married for the first time in their early twenties, not teen years :)
Yeah I looked up my family on the Mormon genealogy site and was surprised how many of the women married around 28-30 years old. Certainly not as teens and I really was surprised. Like, I as a modern woman had kids younger than a good chunk of my ancestresses.
Truth. Marriages at a super young age were not normal outside of nobility doing it for political alliance reasons and even then the general advice were not to try for a pregnancy because your risks of killing a young spouse were astronomically high. However the concept was popularized by fiction that basically wanted to trade on the idea of a gritty nasty medieval age where the darkness of the human soul cam be laid bare and how mankind has evolved into a kinder more civilized place... basically the same thematic itch as Warhammer grimdark logic.
In regards to the whole "darkness of the human soul" thing it really doesn't stack. People just want to believe their personal id (as in the Freudian concept, not "identity" ) is more universal than it is.
Because whatever disgusting, vile thoughts run through their heads is what they assume others must be doing.
Some call it projection... but it's projection because these are things they are OBSESSED with. They are so sick and lacking empathy and experience that can't imagine that others genuinely think differently than they do. Every accusation is an admission.
Oh most of those states don't even require a pregnancy. Just for the adults in the situation to approve of it. Technically the kid too but that's probably the easiest part.
What's amazing to me is the absolute caterwauling from grown men in the Republican party when you suggest you should have to be 18 to get married. Like that 75 year old guy is worried he won't be able to marry a high school girl.
The issue attracting republican women, it's controlled republican girls. By marrying their female children at a young age, they've reduced their ability to escape the indoctrination cycle.
That and they want to be able rape post prepubescent children legally when their men hit midlife crisis age.
It's an angler fish thing. Sometimes you see the nightmare lurking in the darkness, but usually you get the "some of the nicest people you'll ever meet!" facade.
And that’s just ONE official that is saying that aloud for the press to hear. Imagine how many of his colleagues, just as sick and twisted as him, are of the same opinion and just not saying anything.
child rape party. party of people who want to rape children, want to ensure that child rapists do not face consequences, and want to ensure that raped children cannot escape the consequences of being raped.
My sis is 2 decades younger than me. She now the age our mom gave birth me to me.
The idea of teen pregnancy kind of make me want to cry to think about it. Just so sad.
Dude's not nearly rich or connected enough to hang with the Wall Street freaks or the Silicon Valley geeks. He's probably raping his way through his local church group, though.
In China, the phrase 豆蔻年华 refers to a girl of 13-14. Why? Because a famous poet likened the appearance of a child prostitute's developing vagina to a cardamom flower. Apparently that was totally fine, romantic even. I feel bad for the girl.
The parts of the world where violent crime is lowest have the highest mean age of motherhood. Women in Australia and the UK, for example, wait until after 30 before having their first child.
The parts of the world where violent crime is the highest have the lowest mean age of motherhood.
Nobody should be encouraging pregnancy before age 30.
Get pregnant or don't, how is that a concern to me?
Because every society where the average person starts a family before age 22 is described as "developing" or "impoverished" and every society where the average person starts a family after the age of 28 is described as "industrialized".
I don't think your conclusion is correct and a correlation between the two numbers is by far not enough to assume a causality between the two of them.
I would rather assume there are a lot of other factors being involved. Like e.g. the education system, especially the amount of years spent on education before starting to work, the general wealth of the society, the social securities provided the government, like e.g. health care, unemployment support etc.
Like e.g. the education system, especially the amount of years spent on education before starting to work
Exactly. It's kinda hard to spend years on education, years building a nest egg, when you haven't spent all that many years alive.
The correlation is through socioeconomic conditions, correct. Older parents have worked longer, saved more, and can provide greater opportunities to their children, which in turn creates a more prosperous society that values education, social security, etc.